Thanks for all the info found here!


aka Kathy
DIS Lifetime Sponsor
Oct 2, 1999
You all are great here! I've been reading this board for the past two weeks and have already found enough info to:

---get 3 days of US / IOA tickets for the price of 2 days! (The tickets arrived today.)

---book a HRH Club room during Spring break from at far less than rack rate so we can experience the FOTL access to the rides even during the crowded week and get a few perks (I know they aren't all what they're supposed to be but we're still going to enjoy them!)

---highlight our teenagers' vacation with new parks and new rides and new restaurants for us (the parents!).

We haven't been to USF since 1997 or so and usually only do Disney so we're really looking forward to adding these days to the end of our trek this year!

Thanks everyone!
Tell *me* about it!

Through these guys I became aware of the Entertainment discount, booked our hotel for August at $125.00 early enough to confirm the rate, and will buy the 7 day passes before mid Feb.

It did not only help me save, it helped me make the decision of staying onsite, hearing all the advantages that USF give to guests, even better than Disney's at a time like this.

Thanks, Guys!!

You are WELCOME!!

Believe me, even old hats like me still come here to get information and I still find out something new regularly. We are so blessed to have the eyes and ears of Orlando right here on the boards so we can get the best and the latest information!

Unlike you I booked my first vacation BEFORE I found this place and boy, I regret it to this day! It's amazing what you can learn just by dropping by, which I do everyday!

Thanks for being here!
Tell me about it!!!

Because of these boards I received:

99.00 AP (thru AAA, exp. 1/31)
99.00 AP renewal vouchers
99.00 rate for HRH (a most excellent hotel)
139.00 rate for club level in December at RP
a real zest for the USF/IOA
getting to know some really great people (here!)

Thanking you all again

PS my real name is Barbara, but my friends call me Barb :)


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