(img src=http://www.ozemail.com.au/~mincad/ultimate/simpsons/laugh.gif)
Replace the "(" with "<" and the ")" with ">" to turn this into an HTML tag
Just an FYI - you should do your testing on the Dis technical support board....
<img width="90" height="68" src=http://homestead.juno.com/rpeot/files/WDW.gif><img width="102" height="68" src=http://homestead.juno.com/rpeot/files/anithemeparks.gif>
<FONT color=darkblue size=2>Feb 1995 - Caribbean Beach</FONT>
<FONT color=cadetblue size=2>Feb 1997 - Port Orleans</FONT>
<FONT color=darkred size=2>Nov 1997 - Offsite</FONT>
<FONT color=darkgoldenrod size=2>Feb 2000 - Dixie Landings</FONT>
<FONT color=orangered size=2>Nov 2001 - All Star Movies </FONT>