Team Mickey - Biggest Loser "No Excuses" 2012 Challenge


DIS Veteran
Jul 6, 2000
Welcome to the Biggest Loser “No Excuses” 2012 Team Challenge---Team Mickey!

If you would like to join the Biggest Loser "No Excuses" 2012 Team Challenge please start here to be assigned to a team:

Teams will only be assigned by posting to the Main Biggest Loser "No Excuses" 2012 Challenge thread or by sending me a PM buzz5985. Teams are assigned on an alternating basis. Please indicate whether you are a Loser or a Maintainer.

Each Team will have their own clippie to add to your signature. Here is the Team Mickey clippie:


To add the clippie to your signature, simply right click on the picture. Select properties. Copy the URL address. Paste it in your signature. Add
after the address.

Welcome to Team Mickey!!!!!
If you would like to be a coach for Team Mickey—Please send me, buzz5985 (Janis) a PM.

Coaching schedule

1/1/2012 — 1/5/2012 — Lisa0711
1/6/2012 — 1/12/2012 — dumbo_buddy
1/13/2012 — 1/19/2012 — RutgersAlum
1/20/2012 — 1/26/2012 — worfiedoodles
1/27/2012 — 2/2/2012 — tigger813
2/3/2012 — 2/9/2012 — debrapagliasotti
2/10/2012 — 2/16/2012 — Goldcupmom
2/17/2012 — 2/23/2012 — PrincessNancy
2/24/2012 — 3/1/2012 — OhMom
3/2/2012 — 3/8/2012 — Bellbookworm9
3/9/2012 — 3/15/2012 — BernardandMissBianca
3/16/2012 — 3/22/2012 — 50'sjayne

PLEASE NOTE: We will be merging the team threads around March 23, 2012.

3/23/2012 — 3/29/2012 — CClovedis
3/30/2012 — 4/5/2012 — Mary•Poppins
4/6/2012 — 4/12/2012 —
4/13/2012 — 4/19/2012 — lisah0711
4/20/2012 — 4/26/2012 —
4/27/2012 — 5/3/2012 —
5/4/2012 — 5/10/2012 —
5/11/2012 — 5/17/2012 —
5/18/2012 — 5/24/2012 —

Many thanks to everyone who has volunteered to coach during this challenge. Coaches act as hostess for our thread, post the Question of the Day (QOTD), reply to posts, and help keep our conversation moving. We couldn't have a challenge without you!

Coaching rotations start on Fridays. I will send you a reminder PM on the Wednesday before.

We would like to fill the first three months of the challenge and hold off on April and May for now. We will re-evaluate in the beginning of March as to whether we should merge.

Team Mickey - Hostess -- CClovesDis

Alex&Evan's Mom
Friend of a Mouse
Katy Beke
Minnie Sue Oz
Mrs. Bob Loblaw
Sue and Co
HH Informational Post

Week 1 - Fantasyland

Week 2 - Spaceship Earth

Week 3 - Kilimanjaro Safari

Week 4 - Voyage of the Little Mermaid

Week 6 - Pamper Week - Adventureland

Week 7 - Tomorrowland® Transit Authority PeopleMover

Week 9 - Pamper Week

Week 10 - Crystal Palace

Week 12 - We're going Deluxe

HH Results

Week 1 - Fantasyland

Week 2 - Spaceship Earth

Week 3 - Kilimanjaro Safari

Week 4 - Voyage of the Little Mermaid

Week 5 - Finding Nemo

Week 6 - Pamper Week/Adventureland

Week 7 - Beauty & the Beast and Week 8 - TTA
QOTD Archive

1/1/12 - How will you make sure you achieve your goals this challenge and this year?

1/2/12 - Do you think tracking food is an important part of weight loss?

1/3/12 -Are you surprised by how much (or little) you can eat for the calories, depending on which foods you choose? Which meal was most shocking to you?

1/4/12 - It's Woo Hoo Wednesday! Give yourself a big "woo hoo" for helping yourself to be healthy and share something that you did today to help you with your goals

1/5/12 - What exercise excuse do you use most often?

1/6/12 - How are YOU doing with the challenge so far? What's the hardest part? What will keep YOU working hard in this challenge beyond the end of January??

1/7/12 - what are you doing this weekend? and how will you incorporate healthy choices into that activity?

1/8/12 - How are YOU planning ahead for this week? Grocery shopping? Listing out your meals/snacks? Planning out your workouts?

1/9/12 - As GRETCHEN heads off to our favorite place today for the college program, why don't we provide her our favorite healthy eating tip at Disney World. That way some of us who have trips scheduled (or dreamed about) can try to incorporate these tips into our vacations too!

1/10/12 - Speaking of snacks, what are some healthy and satisfying snacks that YOU turn to when you need a little something to get you through to the next meal? Are you a big snacker? Does a small thing like one hershey kiss satisfy you are you more of a bulk snacker (like air popped popcorn)?

1/11/12 - WHY is your goal weight your goal weight? do you have a magic number? or do you want to lose enough to fit back into your "skinny" jeans? is the number you've chosen in the healthy BMI range?

1/12/12 - POOF! you're in Disney! Alone! No kids, work, pets, responsibilities! What SPECIAL event, show, tour, spa, little extra Disney thing would you like to do right now. Since you're alone you'll have plennnnty to time to ride whatever rides you want (did I mention there aren't any lines??) so what's that little somethin' somethin' extra you'd like to do?

1/13/12 - In the US, Friday the 13 is considered "unlucky." My mom, however, always told us growing up that it was a *lucky* day for our family--not sure if that was true or if she was using mom psychology on us to help us keep positive at the mere suggestion of bad luck... But does Friday the 13 carry any superstition, good or bad, for you?

1/14/12 - I have a "weak" time of the week--on weekends, I find that I am MUCH more likely to go over on calories or slack on the exercise. Ironic because I usually have more time then than during the week. So do you have a "weak" time of the week? Weekdays? Evenings? Weekends? And what do you do to DEFEAT your weak time??

1/15/12 - On this day in 1905, composer and songwriter Allie Wrubel is born in Middletown, Connecticut. He collaborated with lyricist Ray Gilbert on the song "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" for the film Song of the South which won the Oscar for Best Song in 1947. So what song gets YOU going and pushes you to keep moving???

1/16/12 - Today, many people are off of work and school to honor Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. He left such an impact on the US and the world. Did you help someone today? Make someone's life a little better, if only for a few minutes?
Today in 1994, a new sports tradition at Walt Disney World begins on this cold morning when approximately 12,000 runners from around the world line up for the very first annual Walt Disney World Marathon. What are you doing today to MOVE????

1/17/12 - According to the "This Day in Disney History" website, some very funny people, Betty White (1922) and Jim Carrey (1962), have been born on this date. What can you do (or what did you do) to stay positive in your BL journey?

1/18/12 - On This Day in Disney History in 1977, "the second episode of The New Mickey Mouse Club airs for the first time. Tueday's lesson is about self-control, and Donald Duck learns to control his temper in the cartoon short Self Control." Tell of a victory in this challenge when YOU got to use some self control, too!

1/19/12 - What is your "go to" healthy-ish dinner to whip up when you have little time (or energy)?

1/20/12 - Let’s start with a fun one: Disney’s newest resort, the Art of Animation, is opening later this year. The sections have larger than life characters and scenes that put you in the movies. The Lion King, Cars, Finding Nemo, and The Little Mermaid are brought to life in vivid, exciting areas both inside and outside the rooms. You are going to be dropped into one of the movie sections – where would you fit right in and why?

1/21/12 - Let’s hear from all the fine states and countries we represent! Tell us where you live – are you a native, or a transplant? Is there a meal or food item is a specialty in your region? Is it considered “healthy”? Is there a way you could adapt it to make it more user-friendly?

1/22/12 - The Super Bowl is two weeks from today! Don't let it sneak up on you! Do you have special plans for food or a party? Will you have temptations? Do you have a plan to make sure you end up a Champion.

1/23/12 - Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It’s Off to Lose Weight We Go! Happy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Sleepy, and Sneezy – which Dwarf are you feeling like today and why?

1/24/12 - Must be time for our mandatory exercise question…Do you genuinely enjoy exercise, or do you have any tricks to make it more fun (or both!)?

1/25/12 - Disney is unveiling a brand new tv channel – Disney Junior. This 24/7 channel will be completely devoted to material for preschoolers. If you could have a Disney Channel devoted completely to your interests, what would the programming include?

1/26/12 - Bippidy Boppidy Boo! Your Fairy Godmother is feeling a little competitive with the TinkerBelle Half marathon approaching, and has decided to grant you an unprecedented THREE WISHES! Caveat: None of these wishes can change the past, they can only affect the future. The first wish is for you and you alone, the second is for your family, and the third is for your favorite Disney character to be featured in an attraction of your choice and design, at the Park of your choice! She’s warming up that magic wand , what are your wishes?

1/27/12 - What are your plans for the weekend? How will you incorporate your new healthy ways into the weekend? Make a goal for the weekend involving food and exercise!

1/28/12 - What is your favorite healthy food and what is your favorite non-healthy food? Is there anything that can be done to your non-healthy favorite to make it healthy?

1/29/12 - Going to have a random one and one food one! What is your favorite tv show? What is the best movie you have seen lately? What's on your meal plan for the day?

1/31/12 - As January comes to a close, I am looking forward to warmer weather so I can walk around my great little town again! So, what is you favorite form of exercise? DO you like to exercise with others or on your own?

2/1/12 - Are you going to watch the Super Bowl? If so, or if not (this could relate to any party atmosphere), what can you do to make sure you don't over do it with food and drink?
Also, who are you rooting for, if you care?

2/2/12 - A fun question for my last one of the week: What is your favorite Disney Resort and Park! When is your next trip

2/3/12 - We've been talking a lot about how many calories we each eat. Some people have a range and some people have a max and other count points, etc. Share a general strategy you use to stick to your food plan

2/5/12 - What is your favorite color? Feel free to share why too.

2/6/12 - Share a random fact about yourself

2/7/12 - It's always good to talk about accomplishments. I know it keeps me going. Share with us an accomplishment (health related or not) you've had since January 1, 2012.

2/8/12 - What is the funniest, strangest, most surprising, etc. thing you learned on the Dis? Feel free to share more than one!

2/9/12 - We've talked about excuses already, but which excuse are you still using? How can you change that?

2/10/12 - Since February is Valentine's & Cupid's favorite holiday, who is your favorite Disney 'couple'?

2/11/12 - Staying with romance a bit longer.......What is your favorite romantic movie?

2/12/12 - So, everywhere I look it is a red, heart, sweets, food 'bloodbath'! I know a lot of people have plans & it's a big holiday for many. HOW will you stay on track??

2/13/12 - I think we have all realized that we all need help and support on this journey. Who is the biggest help/hindrance on your journey?

2/14/12 - Most of us spend our days loving and caring for others often at our own 'expense' and leave us for last. What can you do for YOU more often to "love" yourself - besides exercise, healthy eating/losing weight? You ARE worth it!

2/15/12 - You get $500 to spend on anything related to your fitness/health - what would you buy?

2/16/12 - If money & time weren't an issue, would you rather spend a week or two at Biggest Loser Ranch, or on a dream vacation?

2/18/12 - In light of the HHs being a focus on basics and our future, what is one thing you can do today, being a Saturday, to help make the week smoother?

2/20/12 - Today is the day we observe President's Day. Who is someone famous that inspires you? You don't have to tell us why. (This cannot get political.)

2/21/12 - WHAT Keeps you motivated?

2/24/12 - Who is your favorite Biggest Loser personality? (any season)

2/25/12 - Since we're all disney fans, when did your love for all things disney begin? Did you get the disney magic from the first time you entered a disney park, or was it a love that gradually built up?

2/26/12 - Taking the letters of your name (first name, nickname or screen name), list the letters and next to each, state something positive about yourself

2/27/12 - how do you dress up your salad? favorite combinations?

2/28/12 - What is ONE thing you could not live without for this challenge? It could be a food, it could be a workout video, a piece of equipment, whatever....just share what is the most important.

2/29/12 - What is your favorite way to enjoy a nice spring day outside of any outdoor workouts?

3/1/12 - What is your biggest guilty pleasure food item at WDW?

3/2/12 - If you use some sort of video game system to work out (Wii, XBox Kinect, etc), what's your favorite exercise game? If you don't use those, what's your favorite form of "non-traditional" exercise? If you were able to be here for the leap day, would you have been like me, and avoided the Magic Kingdom completely, or been like my roommates, and spent the whole night there?

3/3/12 - We already discussed our favorite food to indulge in while at Disney, but what about our favorite healthy ones?

3/4/12 - Sleep is a very important part of staying healthy. Many of us have said that when we are tired, we overeat and tend to go for junk. How many hours of sleep do you get a night? What could you do to improve your sleep habits? Any techniques that make it easier to fall asleep? There is a blog called Simple Disney Things. I recommend typing it into your search engine and checking it out. What is your favorite simple Disney thing?

3/5/12 - What is your favorite chore? Where is your favorite spot to sit and people watch?

3/6/12 - Please share your favorite chicken recipe. What is your favorite Disney World/Disneyland show?

3/7/12 - Inspired by the meal planning talk, do you plan your meals ahead of time? How far in advance? Do you find it helpful, and do you actually stick with what you've planned? Which would you prefer? A week on a Caribbean Disney cruise, five days at Disneyland, or two weeks at Disney World?

3/8/12 - We are now about halfway through our spring challenge. I know from experience that this is a point where we start to lose people, so what is something that helps keep you on track? What is your favorite Disney extra (Cirque du Soleil, a backstage tour, horseback riding at Ft. Wilderness, etc) that you have done or would like to do?

3/9/12 - So how do you get back on track schedule wise but still put you first in terms of your workout and weight loss goals? What new experience in the park expansions are you looking forward to the most at WDW or DL?

3/10/12 - What have you been able to do that you couldn't do in the past? What is one of your goals for the future? What ride just screams "I'm at Disney"?

3/11/12 - What do you like to do for fun? When was your first trip to Disney?

3/12/12 - Now that daylight savings is here, how are you adjusting your schedule? Is dinner still at the same time or does it seem to come a little later? Do you have any type of routine at Disney? Or is every trip the same?

3/13/12 - If you had a friend who wanted to join the weight loss wagon that we are on, what would be your one piece of advice? Something you learned, a mistake you made, anything like that. What would be your one don't miss attraction or restaurant if you were helping a newbie plan a trip?

3/16/12 - What is the worst “healthy” substitute you’ve encountered? What's your favorite snack food to take into the park?

3/17/12 - what is your favorite song right now to exercise to-- or song that motivates you.

3/18/12 - What is your favorite kitchen utensil for helping cooking healthy?

3/19/12 - What diet myth surprised you the most?

3/21/12 - I know this is an oldie but goodie--What's your favorite color? Favorite live action Disney film?
Guess I'm the first team member to post! I'm excited about the challenge. I need to lose about 40 more lbs and I'm looking forward to the accountability that this will provide!
Hi! I'm on Team Mickey! I participated in the last BL challenge but only PMd Sue my weight weekly. I plan on posting on the boards this challenge though. I have no idea how to multiple quote and tend to get lost a little when the thread gets large. My coworkers and I want to do a 5k in April and I have 3 pounds of baby weight hanging on, but would really like to lose 15 pounds. Let's just say last time around I wasnt very successful! Also, DH, DD1 and I are planning to go to Disney in mid May so that's incentive too for me. Good luck everyone!
. I have no idea how to multiple quote and tend to get lost a little when the thread gets large. My coworkers and I want to do a 5k in April and I have 3 pounds of baby weight hanging on, but would really like to lose 15 pounds. Let's just say last time around I wasnt very successful! Also, DH, DD1 and I are planning to go to Disney in mid May so that's incentive too for me. Good luck everyone!

See the bottom right of this post? There's a little button that says"quote". If you just want to quote on person you hit that an then your new post will include the quote.

Next to " quote" is a smaller button that looks like a plus sign. To quote multiple people, hit the plus sign button for each of the posts you want to quote then hit reply. Your post will include all the quotes from everyone you selected. It's easy! :)

We are going to Disney and may too! May 19-26! How about you??? I'm trying to lose baby weight as well. Need to lose 25 lbs :scared1:
Team Mickey rocks! :smickey:

Guess I'm the first team member to post! I'm excited about the challenge. I need to lose about 40 more lbs and I'm looking forward to the accountability that this will provide!

:welcome: Friend! :goodvibes You can do it, one step at a time! :thumbsup2

Hi! I'm on Team Mickey! I participated in the last BL challenge but only PMd Sue my weight weekly. I plan on posting on the boards this challenge though. I have no idea how to multiple quote and tend to get lost a little when the thread gets large. My coworkers and I want to do a 5k in April and I have 3 pounds of baby weight hanging on, but would really like to lose 15 pounds. Let's just say last time around I wasnt very successful! Also, DH, DD1 and I are planning to go to Disney in mid May so that's incentive too for me. Good luck everyone!

:welcome: fitgirl36! Some times it takes awhile to figure out what will work for you. The important thing is to never give up. Heck, I participated in 10 challenges before I was the Biggest Loser last challenge but every single year since I joined the WISH boards I ended the year weighing less than I started. You can do it!

The thread will be busy as things get started. Don't worry about answering everyone -- just catch up from where we are when you get on. If there is anything exciting we will ususally post it more than once. :goodvibes

See the bottom right of this post? There's a little button that says"quote". If you just want to quote on person you hit that an then your new post will include the quote.

Next to " quote" is a smaller button that looks like a plus sign. To quote multiple people, hit the plus sign button for each of the posts you want to quote then hit reply. Your post will include all the quotes from everyone you selected. It's easy! :)

We are going to Disney and may too! May 19-26! How about you??? I'm trying to lose baby weight as well. Need to lose 25 lbs :scared1:

:welcome: Nancy! Nice to see you! princess: Good instructions on the multi-quote thing too. ::yes::

I will be your coach when the new challenge starts. I will probably post a warm up question on Saturday so be on the look out for it!

Have a great day! ::MickeyMo
Hello Team Mickey mates! I'm Gretchen. :goodvibes I'm 20 years old and have about 70 pounds to lose. I kind of lost the wagon this past October but I'm ready to start fresh very soon! I will also be going to Disney World in 12 days to do the Disney College Program, so that's some motivation to get in a little bit better shape as well.

I'm sure I'll lose weight while I'm there as well. I plan to spend all my free time walking at the parks, resorts, and Downtown Disney, or swimming at the apartment complex pool or a water park. I'm going to eat Disney food in moderation. When I was there in October, I actually lost a few pounds despite enjoying the Food & Wine Festival and eating at 3 buffet/family style meals. How? Well, my mom and I share every thing we order, if possible, including the F&WF items. We also spent a lot of time walking and swimming.

I can't wait to get to know my new teammates!
Good Morning Team Mickey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited to co-host the WISH BL Spring 2012 No Excuses Challenge! :)

My name is Christina, but everyone calls me CC. It's pronounced like see-see. I used to teach special education and am used to being very specific. Please feel free to drop me a hint when I've gone overboard. :rotfl2:

This is going to be a great challenge! I plan to rock it myself! Please join me in congratulating Lisa in being the Biggest Loser from the fall challenge!

I have about 50 pounds to lose. I would love to lose 60-70, but I have decided that reality does exist. :rotfl2: My goal for the challenge is 10 pounds. Depending on when I get rid of this salt retention, I may change that to 15 pounds.

I woke up on the right side of the bed today, and posted another Healthy Habits hint on the main thread. When my brain is feeling technologically-advanced, I will copy it to this and Donald's thread too. :confused:

Have a great day everyone! I plan to be back on later.

Healthy Habits Spring 2012 Hint #1: Buy/Find, etc. yourself a notebook in a size that you find functional and ideally, that fits wherever you will have it at all times.

I bought myself a notebook today that fits in my VB mini hipster. My purse is always at my side so that was a perfect choice for me.

Spring 2012 Healthy Habits Hint #2: Find/Buy/Borrow, etc. measuring cups and spoons.

If you have a scale, a large bowl that has its measurements on it, or anything else that you know its measurements, dig those out too.

Here is some "food for thought." :rotfl2:
- We have a Corelle set from the '70s. It came with coffee cups. I did an experiment and it holds exactly 1 cup at the rim. It is perfect for my morning cup of milk.
- We have large plastic "glasses" that hold just over 16 fl. oz. They are perfect for meals. I use them as an easy way to drink 16 oz during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- Look around your kitchen. Things have measurements on them more than I ever realized. Do you have any Ziploc type storage containers? All of mine have their respective measurements on the bottom of the container.

Good luck! Happy searching! :goodvibes

ETA: I stated that the Corelle set is from the '70s because designs change. I am not trying to imply anything.
Healthy Habits Spring 2012 Hint #1: Buy/Find, etc. yourself a notebook in a size that you find functional and ideally, that fits wherever you will have it at all times.

I bought myself a notebook today that fits in my VB mini hipster. My purse is always at my side so that was a perfect choice for me.

Ok, jumping in while I'm off for Christmas/New Years...

Just dug up a little pocket notebook:thumbsup2 I'm used to putting everything into my iPhone, but I'll give the notebook a go.

Getting a jump on the New Year's Resolution...just did Level 1, Day 1 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I did it this past summer and got to Day 5 of Level 2 (15 days in all) and got bored/sidetracked/filled with dread...etc. I did C25K this summer also, much more my scene, and after my 5k in October, have continued jogging sporadically--even "sporadic" has helped me survive Day 1 of Jillian better than this past summer, so I am cautiously optimistic.

My birthday is Jan 31 and I would like to get 30 days of shredding in by then ((((crossing fingers)))). Am very nervous about this when I go back to school, driving kids around afterward, etc. :guilty: Can I get up a half hour earlier???:scared1: Stay tuned...

Am thinking of blogging this experience. Any of you do that?

I'll check out the measuring containers in the kitchen later!
Good luck!
See the bottom right of this post? There's a little button that says"quote". If you just want to quote on person you hit that an then your new post will include the quote.

Next to " quote" is a smaller button that looks like a plus sign. To quote multiple people, hit the plus sign button for each of the posts you want to quote then hit reply. Your post will include all the quotes from everyone you selected. It's easy! :)

We are going to Disney and may too! May 19-26! How about you??? I'm trying to lose baby weight as well. Need to lose 25 lbs :scared1:

Thanks for the quoting explaination, I'll try it out! We are going to Disney May 12th through the 18th. We will have just missed you guys! Where are you staying? I've posted a question on the resorts board whether to stay at BLT or VWL. BLT's theming doesn't seem to cut it for me, but the walk to MK is drawing me to stay there and of course the monorail...gotta get my fix of the bandaid smell that eminates through it!

Good luck on the weight loss, I think if we all stick together we can meet our goals!
Hello Team Mickey mates! I'm Gretchen. :goodvibes I'm 20 years old and have about 70 pounds to lose. I kind of lost the wagon this past October but I'm ready to start fresh very soon! I will also be going to Disney World in 12 days to do the Disney College Program, so that's some motivation to get in a little bit better shape as well.

I'm sure I'll lose weight while I'm there as well. I plan to spend all my free time walking at the parks, resorts, and Downtown Disney, or swimming at the apartment complex pool or a water park. I'm going to eat Disney food in moderation. When I was there in October, I actually lost a few pounds despite enjoying the Food & Wine Festival and eating at 3 buffet/family style meals. How? Well, my mom and I share every thing we order, if possible, including the F&WF items. We also spent a lot of time walking and swimming.

I can't wait to get to know my new teammates!

Hi! Is this your first CP? What role are you? Do you know where you are living? I did three CPs. One in Fantasyland Attractions and two in entertainment. I lived in Vista and Chatham (Patterson was still being built when I was there.) One of the big temptations is to eat all the Disney food which can be expensive! Make sure to make use of your kitchen. I would also recommend briging your own food to your shift because Aramark just wasn't that great. Let me know if you have any questions.
Just popping on to say "hi" to everyone. :goodvibes

I won't be on for a bit - I'm going away and don't do technology while I'm away. I almost used that as an excuse not to join. :rotfl2: Oh the excuses one can come up with - ;).

Now I have to remember to pack the scale. :rolleyes1

Happy New Year to you all.

I shall return.

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