Team Focker Watch, Part 12. Have we jumped the shark yet?

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I'm so lost... When is Christmas break for everyone? :confused3 You guys still have school this week? :confused3
Hope everybody is ready for Christmas! Only two more days! :banana:

The plan for today is to bake up a bunch of Christmas cookies. I think we are going to make holiday snickerdoodles, Spritz, iced sugar cookies and Swedish Angels (a type of sugar cookie).

Tomorrow I work so all the baking needs to get done today.

It is so nice being on "vacation" and actually getting to sleep a full eight hours every night. :cloud9:
I'm home :yay: We left a sunny but chilly florida and returned to snow :eek: I know I normally love snow but not when the roads are icy and I need to get home :rotfl:

The trip had lots of ups and downs the main down was the fact that my aeropostale parcel was returned by the GF so the girls never got their clothes for Christmas :sad1: There were a few tears shed, all from me :rotfl: The best bits were the Pirate League and meeting Michelle and Angela. I won't be doing a TR but will post some photos here and on FB at some point :thumbsup2
Glad you're home safely, Jo. It was so good to see you all and I'm sorry I forgot to tell you about my disguise. :goodvibes
I'm so lost... When is Christmas break for everyone? :confused3 You guys still have school this week? :confused3

Today is the last day for Jim and Jimmy. They go back January 4th.

Hope everybody is ready for Christmas! Only two more days! :banana:

The plan for today is to bake up a bunch of Christmas cookies. I think we are going to make holiday snickerdoodles, Spritz, iced sugar cookies and Swedish Angels (a type of sugar cookie).

Tomorrow I work so all the baking needs to get done today.

It is so nice being on "vacation" and actually getting to sleep a full eight hours every night. :cloud9:

Hi Lessa, you can send cookies when down when you are done;)

I'm home :yay: We left a sunny but chilly florida and returned to snow :eek: I know I normally love snow but not when the roads are icy and I need to get home :rotfl:

The trip had lots of ups and downs the main down was the fact that my aeropostale parcel was returned by the GF so the girls never got their clothes for Christmas :sad1: There were a few tears shed, all from me :rotfl: The best bits were the Pirate League and meeting Michelle and Angela. I won't be doing a TR but will post some photos here and on FB at some point :thumbsup2

Oh no. Why did they send it back:mad: CAn't wait to see the pictures:goodvibes

Glad you're home safely, Jo. It was so good to see you all and I'm sorry I forgot to tell you about my disguise. :goodvibes

Look at me, I'm DISing from my iPhone! It definitely loads faster with E-ticket, but no multi-quoting and I can't seem to cut and paste. Hmmmph.
Hey there, Gang!!

I just made a cookie pan on beef enchiladas. Ode to T. I'm hoping my family likes them, as they are putzier than heck to make.

I have laundry up the wazoo to do and I want to make cookie cutouts with the kids tomorrow, after we wrap daddy's pressies!...

...I miss chatting with you all and am rarely at a desktop.
Enchiladas are a lot of work. I hope they were good! Miss you too!

ACK. NExt year if I volunteer to do something crafty for Jimmy's class please hit me upside the head--thanks

The freaking Bingo cards are FINALLY done. I also printed up some Christmas activity sheets for the kids.

Now I have to sew Jimmy's stuffed dog back together (or at least try) because the real dog decided it would make a good snack

Have a good night all!
....Another busy day. Having something to eat real fast, then heading to the grocery store for the last few things I need. Then I will come home and get some of the stuff I didn't get done yesterday because of the *()^*&) Bingo cards. I have to be at school at 12:30 for the Christmas party. That is supposed to go from 1:00 - 2:30 and school let's out at 3:00. I will probably sign Jimmy out early since they won't do anything for that last 1/2 hour. Then I will come home and do more cleaning, etc.

Hope everyone has a good day:
:rotfl2: Have fun at the school party.

Evening all !! Haven'thad much time lately !!! Work hasben a mad house !! I was sworn at again today, bu that is getting to be sooo old barely pay atention any more !Then my litlte sweetie fell and cut her head! I couldn't believethe RN didn't send her to the ER!!Not that I wanted to go but they normally send them out for a hangnail!!!:lmao:
The EX was over with the Christmas loot for the kids and Judy !!He was actually pretty nice this time , last time we saw him was August and he was pleasat then too !!:confused3

Christmas plans at our house are Breakfast Hotpockets and muffins !! For dinner we are going to my nieces ,not sure what'son the menu but we are bringing, Hashbrown casserole, relish tray and a mincemeat pie with sherry in it !! It's the first time I have gone for a Holiday meal with my SIL and family since the divorce , but Judy and herhave been insisting!! So we wont have to cook at home much this year.
Good for the EX. Makes things much more pleasant, I assume. Hotpockets and muffins sound good to me. At least you won't have a mess to deal with at home.

The concert last night was nice. I lost my tennis match, but played close. Oh, well. Sigh.

Today I have the haircut at 10:00, then my big grocery trip and clean, clean, clean! The kids had their parties yesterday at school - today is "Read All Day" day. ;)

I'm hoping for a good productive day here. :thumbsup2
Good luck!

I'm so lost... When is Christmas break for everyone? You guys still have school this week? :confused3
Yeah, I know what you are saying. I think the kids in Ohio and here were off all week. Town has been absolutely crazy busy.

Hope everybody is ready for Christmas! Only two more days!

The plan for today is to bake up a bunch of Christmas cookies. I think we are going to make holiday snickerdoodles, Spritz, iced sugar cookies and Swedish Angels (a type of sugar cookie).

Tomorrow I work so all the baking needs to get done today.

It is so nice being on "vacation" and actually getting to sleep a full eight hours every night.
It's good to know you are getting a break! You deserve it with those incredible grades.:goodvibes

I'm home. We left a sunny but chilly florida and returned to snow :eek: I know I normally love snow but not when the roads are icy and I need to get home.

The trip had lots of ups and downs the main down was the fact that my aeropostale parcel was returned by the GF so the girls never got their clothes for Christmas :sad1: There were a few tears shed, all from me :rotfl: The best bits were the Pirate League and meeting Michelle and Angela. I won't be doing a TR but will post some photos here and on FB at some point :thumbsup2
Glad you are back!!! That is so sad about the package. Was it there too long?
I'd love to see some pics! Remember I don't do FB!;)

Spike TV is doing a run on all the episodes of Star Wars. So I'm watching that and getting some food prep done during commercial breaks. I didn't like the first 3 episodes that much anyway.

I just got dressed about 30 minutes ago. I'm not going anywhere so why bother to be in a hurry about it. I can still cook in my PJs.

I've got some new towel hooks to hang in my bathroom. I'll try to get those put up today. I also have a curtain rod to hang over the bed down here in the castle/computer room. I'll probably need help from Doug with that though. It's his last day at work until Jan 4th. I hope we don't kill each other before that date since I'm off too. :rotfl2: We aren't used to being together every day like this unless it's vacation somewhere else.

We go see his doctor on the 29th. His hand is still not working well. I fear that the radiation damaged that part of his brain. He may never get the strength back. If it's not the radiation, it could be that the cancer has spread into that area. But since he is not getting worse or experiencing any other deficiencies, I'm thinking that is not the case. We'll have to see what the MRI shows. :sad2: I was looking forward to a year without any further treatment for him. I may not get my wish. I haven't even gotten the final bill yet for the radiation. Good thing I have money put aside for medical. We should be OK.

Speaking of which, I need to get the budget in order and reconciled for this month. That's always a treat. Next month's credit card bill is going to be sickening. The price we pay for fun, friends and loved ones!!!!;)

Last day of work for a few days! :cool1:


I'm outta here at noon and then it'll be time to r e l a x. :cloud9:


Jim does the quiet room (the kids that can't go becasue of too many demerits, etc) and has 48 kids in there today.:scared1:

Oh, my!

I'm so lost... When is Christmas break for everyone? :confused3 You guys still have school this week? :confused3

Yep. Full day for us today. It's the stupid northeast schedule for you. ;)

Though again, I don't mind as I am getting plenty done!

It is so nice being on "vacation" and actually getting to sleep a full eight hours every night. :cloud9:


I'm home :yay: We left a sunny but chilly florida and returned to snow :eek: I know I normally love snow but not when the roads are icy and I need to get home :rotfl:

The trip had lots of ups and downs the main down was the fact that my aeropostale parcel was returned by the GF so the girls never got their clothes for Christmas :sad1: There were a few tears shed, all from me :rotfl: The best bits were the Pirate League and meeting Michelle and Angela. I won't be doing a TR but will post some photos here and on FB at some point :thumbsup2

Missed you! Can't wait to hear how it all was! I'm sorry about the clothes, though. :(
Just read what I missed, scanned lots though so hi to everyone I missed, especially Deb, K and Jen :wave2:

NOpe, it just proves that Jo is chattiest!;):lmao:
Hey :headache::rotfl2:

Hello Fockers!!!
Welcome back Kristel :goodvibes

Oh I am jealous !!! I can't wait to meet Jo!!! Almost did in September !!!
We will one day Rosie :hug:

You two have never met?! You really must; we're counting on you to determine whether or not she really is British. :rotfl:
Hey :rotfl2:

Somebody send all this snow to Jo since she likes it so much;)
Well it worked, we've had loads here :rotfl2: BTW loved the photos, Jimmy looked as though he was having loads of fun!

PS - I now know how Jo felt with her kitty climbing the tree! The new kitten has been getting into the big one in the living room and just sitting there and then has been climbing the small one in the computer room and has knocked that one over. :headache:
Whoops :rotfl2: and happy belated Birthday :cake:

Hi everyone,
Hi David :goodvibes

I think we all miss Jo!!!
Awww I feel so loved :grouphug:

Like I said we have Christmas dinner at his mom's house with the whole family. That is around 30 people. :eek: But everybody brings something.
Wow 30 people :faint: Have fun! Hope Doug's tests all come back good!
So she should have had enough sleep now;):lmao:
I haven't had any :snooty: But I did go to the supermarket, unpack, clean, tidy blah blah blah!

Oh no. Why did they send it back:mad: CAn't wait to see the pictures:goodvibes

Because the stupid person didn't recognise the name :headache: and lets just say Angela is no longer blonde :rotfl2:

Jo, what about seeing me?! ;). So glad you made it home safely; so sad the Aero thing didn't work. :(
Oh darn, how could I forget you, sorry :hug:

Missed you! Can't wait to hear how it all was! I'm sorry about the clothes, though. :(
Thanks :hug:

Kristel, I deleted where you asked me why about the clothes and it was because UPS delivered to a different part of the GF and the person there wasn't used to accepting parcels for guests so as it wasn't addressed to any employees he knew he wouldn't accept it :sad2:

Well I'm still awake, I only slept briefly on the plane and it's almost 7.30pm here so I need to stay up a few more hours for the best chance of getting back to normal. Oh and Boo missed us so much, she hasn't stopped cuddling us since!!!
Well I'm still awake, I only slept briefly on the plane and it's almost 7.30pm here so I need to stay up a few more hours for the best chance of getting back to normal. Oh and Boo missed us so much, she hasn't stopped cuddling us since!!!

Aw... I hope you can get back on schedule quickly. :hug:

Not being as productive as I hoped... D actually met me at the grocery after my haircut and his tennis class, respectively. By the time we got done and home and unpacked and lunch, it was already pretty late. Then he wanted to do a little wrapping (I'm shocked - he ALWAYS wants to wait until Christmas Eve late, but OK) and so we've done that. I've done such a good job on clutter patrol this week that I don't have a ton more to do today for cleaning. There's no sense in doing the kitchen before I cook, or the bathroom before the boys invade it again tonight. :confused3 I could probably work on the formal living room floors and stuff - they might be fine until tomorrow. I could also do the upstairs bathroom wipedown and so forth, though normally guests don't head up there.

I suppose I should also work on the guest room some, as I will be having company later in the week. My parents won't arrive until Sunday, though, and there will be more dog hair before then. :rolleyes:

And now I have just 45 minutes or so before the kids get home, so I'm thinking about just forgetting it until after they go to bed, anyway. :rotfl: Ah, well. The dining room's ready to go except for being vacuumed. D's on the phone about the snowblower now (and the call is going about as well as I figured :rolleyes1) so I can't turn on the vacuum yet. Sounds like lazy time to me! :rotfl2:
Janet, my hair is darker and not highlighted right now so Jo didn't recognize me. She recognized Mitch. :rotfl: My hairdresser did my color so it would last longer than normal, which is what I asked her to do, but I don't really like it. I'll get it back to "normal" eventually. ;)

So my family has been here 2 hours and they will be here 2 more weeks! :scared1: My mother asked when Mitch leaves, like I haven't told her once or seven times already :rolleyes:, and if I could go with him. :faint: Because I always go with him when he does his army thing. :rolleyes: I'm going to need lots of these! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :lmao:

I did forget to mention we got a holiday card from Mitch's sister, which mentioned nothing about his deploying although I'm sure his niece told her. She sold her house & 20 acres in October to move in with some friends whilst she figures out what she wants to do. She is dating two different guys, both casually, one is a Harley rider whilst the other is a CPA. :rotfl: At least she's into variety! No phone number because her cell phone quit and she doesn't want to get a new one until her contract is up because she wants a new carrier. No idea how the guys call to ask for dates. :confused: She also thanked us for the Christmas gifts we sent last year.

Why can't you all live here? :goodvibes Or maybe that says something about me that I like my internet friends better than the ones IRL. :rotfl2:
Janet, my hair is darker and not highlighted right now so Jo didn't recognize me. She recognized Mitch. My hairdresser did my color so it would last longer than normal, which is what I asked her to do, but I don't really like it. I'll get it back to "normal" eventually.


So my family has been here 2 hours and they will be here 2 more weeks! My mother asked when Mitch leaves, like I haven't told her once or seven times already :rolleyes:, and if I could go with him. :faint: Because I always go with him when he does his army thing. I'm going to need lots of these! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Oh my:hug:

I did forget to mention we got a holiday card from Mitch's sister, which mentioned nothing about his deploying although I'm sure his niece told her. She sold her house & 20 acres in October to move in with some friends whilst she figures out what she wants to do. She is dating two different guys, both casually, one is a Harley rider whilst the other is a CPA. :rotfl: At least she's into variety! No phone number because her cell phone quit and she doesn't want to get a new one until her contract is up because she wants a new carrier. No idea how the guys call to ask for dates. :confused: She also thanked us for the Christmas gifts we sent last year.

She sounds, um...interesting.

Why can't you all live here? :goodvibes Or maybe that says something about me that I like my internet friends better than the ones IRL. :rotfl2:

I would move in a heartbeat. Jim, not so much. He wants to retire to Maine:scared1:

D's on the phone about the snowblower now (and the call is going about as well as I figured :rolleyes1) so I can't turn on the vacuum yet.

Are you saying it's a good thing the kids aren't there to hear the conversation:rolleyes1

I haven't had any :snooty: But I did go to the supermarket, unpack, clean, tidy blah blah blah!

:lmao: sucks to be back to real life huh?

Well I'm still awake, I only slept briefly on the plane and it's almost 7.30pm here so I need to stay up a few more hours for the best chance of getting back to normal. Oh and Boo missed us so much, she hasn't stopped cuddling us since!!!

Good luck staying awake!


Well it worked, we've had loads here :rotfl2: BTW loved the photos, Jimmy looked as though he was having loads of fun!

He was, the grown-ups...not so much.

We go see his doctor on the 29th. His hand is still not working well. I fear that the radiation damaged that part of his brain. He may never get the strength back. If it's not the radiation, it could be that the cancer has spread into that area. But since he is not getting worse or experiencing any other deficiencies, I'm thinking that is not the case. We'll have to see what the MRI shows. :sad2: I was looking forward to a year without any further treatment for him. I may not get my wish. I haven't even gotten the final bill yet for the radiation. Good thing I have money put aside for medical. We should be OK.


Look at me, I'm DISing from my iPhone! It definitely loads faster with E-ticket, but no multi-quoting and I can't seem to cut and paste. Hmmmph.



The party was a huge success. The kids loved playing Christmas Bingo! They ate lots of junk food and now we are home and it is the home stretch for getting ready for Santa Claus;) Jimmy just asked to go the Transformers site, so I am logging out for a bit. Cya all later:goodvibes
Because I always go with him when he does his army thing. :rolleyes: I'm going to need lots of these! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :lmao:

OMG, really? :rotfl: I'm sorry. :hug:

No idea how the guys call to ask for dates.

Hmmm... :rotfl2:

Why can't you all live here? :goodvibes Or maybe that says something about me that I like my internet friends better than the ones IRL. :rotfl2:

Nah, I want you guys around, too. :hug:

I would move in a heartbeat. Jim, not so much. He wants to retire to Maine:scared1:

Well, they've had less snow than you so far... :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

Are you saying it's a good thing the kids aren't there to hear the conversation:rolleyes1

I don't think he cursed, :lmao: but apparently the guy sold us the wrong service plan when we bought it :rolleyes:, which created some havoc. But since it wasn't our fault, in the end things are fine and they're coming out to look at it Saturday.

Gah! The boys came home from school and wanted a playdate with a girl around the back of the loop behind us (she was in Woody's kindergarten class, but this year is with Buzz.) I like her, so I said OK, but definitely things aren't getting done at this point. ;)

She'll probably go home in a half hour or so. But then, right after we worked out that she was coming over, the old babysitter called to see if she could bring over a present for the boys. :headache: I thought we probably weren't doing that this year, as we got by Sunday without it. :rotfl2: So, I ran to the nearby grocery and picked up a gift card - they have a ton of stores - but I way outspent her because she used to bring something for each kid, but this time it was only one board game to share. Ah, well. I wouldn't have gotten quite what I did, but there were only two amount choices on the preprinted cards.

All right - we decided on Chinese for dinner, so I need to start thinking about that, and I'm expecting the mom anytime (she said 5-5:30 for a pick up...) See you all later!
She'll probably go home in a half hour or so. But then, right after we worked out that she was coming over, the old babysitter called to see if she could bring over a present for the boys. :headache: I thought we probably weren't doing that this year, as we got by Sunday without it. :rotfl2: So, I ran to the nearby grocery and picked up a gift card - they have a ton of stores - but I way outspent her because she used to bring something for each kid, but this time it was only one board game to share. Ah, well. I wouldn't have gotten quite what I did, but there were only two amount choices on the preprinted cards.

That was nice of her though ::yes::

right - we decided on Chinese for dinner, so I need to start thinking about that, and I'm expecting the mom anytime (she said 5-5:30 for a pick up...) See you all later!



Waiting for Jim to get home to decide what to do for dinner. We have some Boboli pizza stuff, so we could do make your own pizza. Not in the mood. Can't decide what I want.:confused3
Wow, lots of us must be busy with the holiday junk. Not too much chattin' goin' on.

Jo - that is just too bad about the parcel. Go figure it would end up with a newbie. I hope you were able to stay up long enough. Do you have a lot to do for Christmas?

CE - Where's the wine?

Oh Angela:hug::hug: But you know if we all lived that close, we'd prolly get sick of each other!:rotfl2: I know one thing, I'd be a lot fatter than I already am 'cause you are all always eating somewhere fabulous or cooking something fabulous.

JANET- I'm glad you had fun at the party.
On the retiring thing: 2 days ago Doug said he'd like to retire somewhere a little warmer. :confused: OK, first I have heard this one. Honestly, here we are fixing this place up to suit us and he is thinking of moving again. I do believe my husband is under the delusion of me picking money off a tree somewhere in the back yard. I indulged him a bit and said, "Where, the Carolinas?" He replied, "Yeah I really like it there." Yep, so does everybody else which is why it is a gold mine for the realtors in that area.:sad2:

I did get the towel hooks put up in my bathroom. The dishes are washed. Doug is watching something that I have already watched. So here I am.

I'm going to go read some more TRs.
Hey all...remember me? I have been vaguely following along.

I am sick, yet again. Which means I am going to look harder for a better job with benefits so i can get to the darn doctor more often. It's just a head cold but it's kicking my butt, so much so that I have no idea what I'm gonna do for Christmas eve.

Yesterday I was out all day. I thought I was well enough but apparently the cold told em differently. I had lunch with Pants first. Then I brought back my uniform at World of Disney. I didn't know I needed to return my ID, an since i didn't bring it they told me it's either find it and mail it back or $35 fee! YEESH. I luckily did find it today. Then I had lunch with KC (I only actually ate with KC tho lol) and then did some shopping around near his job. He did some last minute shopping after work and then we met up downtown at one of our favorite burger spots. We got home around midnight but it was a good day. That is until i woke up sick today.

So I am just trying to get things done, slowly, in between cups of tea and soup. I have cookies to finish frosting, nails that need to be painted, an overnight bag for Christmas to pack.

We are supposed to go to KC's boss' house tomorrow night but I have no idea how i'll feel and i fear getting his little one's sick if i do go. Time will tell.

The plans for tomorrow during the day are for KC to wake up and make me breakfast (he's very excited about this) and we open gifts. Go to the boss' then meet his Uncle in the city late night and go to his parent's house to sleep. Christmas day we are having dinner at the in-laws and then visiting his grandma' as well. We are hopefully going to fit in some time to go see Sherlock Holmes because KC is obsessed with seeing it.

Anyways I'm rambling and procrastinating.

I'm going to post the NYC pics next.

If I don't make it back on I really hope you all have a wonderful and happy holiday!!!! Much love to you all and your families!
My trip to Rockefeller Center







Here's a video link of the Saks 5th Avenue Dancing Snowflakes. It's no Osbourne but it's cool.

SAKS 5th Avenue

KC's Office Holiday Party


After the party we walked to Grand Central Station to get the train (it's also where KC proposed so if we are nearby we always go).



Some cookie making....




It's some of the best gingerbread i have ever had!


Just some info for anyone who was following my blog....I had to move it due to my new gmail address and never let anyone know, so no one knows it's there.

The address is:

Previously there was no 9 in the name. SO follow me so I can start writing again and not feel like no one's reading!

Also I have a google voice #. It is a virtual phone # (best way to describe it) and it can be fwd-ed to any phone. SO basically I can give it out and no one will know my actual phone #. You can also choose your # (to a point) and I did some finagling and here it is:


Feel free to text that # too! (My reg # still works too for those that have it, FYI).

Thats it from do some stuff.
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