Actually, in each case I WAS thinking of the welfare of my child. Getting out of the current situation was more important than than not having a car seat. In both cases, our original plans fell through and we were left without access to a car seat. In the first case, our
DCL cruise was diverted and we were left in a different port, without our car. Because a hurricane passed through, there was pandemonium. The friend who could come get us didn't have access to a car seat. All stores were closed.
In the second case, my 80 year old father got lost and left us stranded at a train station in 95 degree heat with no water, food or bathroom. We needed to take a cab to his place, then start the process of trying to hunt him down. (My father's car has a booster seat.) There isn't much cab service in the area we were in, and the ones that were there didn't have car seats.
Things happen. People get stuck. You need to get over the rigidity of your thinking.