Tall 8 year old in stroller


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi, I could easily be posting this on the disability boards as well. Our dd has complex congenital heart defects that can not be repaired. If fact her first WDW trip was her MAKE A WISH trip, so you get the picture. We went again last year, she was 7 and we rented her a stroller everyday. Glad we did, she was pooped! This year we are going in April, she'll be 8.5 years old ~ right now she's 60 lbs and 53 inches tall. I recall last year, the stroller was a tight sneeze. My other option is a wheel chair, but I can't get my mind around that one yet and would rather use a stroller. What do you think? Stroller for a tall 8 year old?
I've been told there are more than 1 size of strollers. Safari Steve (a MK CM) has posted that the parks have strollers that will fit up to a small 12 year old. I wonder if your DD had one of the smaller ones last time?
An adult size wheelchair wouldn't really be very comfortable for an 8 year old (IMHO). It's too wide and the seat is too long to support her legs. I have seen some people reported renting large size strollers (including special needs strollers, which are sort of like oversized umbrella strollers) from All About Kids . You might also want to look into whether some of the places that rent adult wheelchairs (like Care Medical ) also rent large or special needs strollers. At least you should be able to rent a child size wheelchair from Care, if you decide to go that way.
If you are worried about the stroller not being big enough, and not crazy about the wheel chair idea (I don't blame you - she'd probably be very uncomfortable), maybe you can look into the electric vehicles (like an electric scooter). I THINK all the resorts have them on a first-come-first-serve basis...it probably wouldn't hurt to post on the Disabilities board, as you mentioned...you'll probably get lots of good tips...enjoy!
Sorry to say, the resorts only have wheelchairs available (first come, first serve). Ecvs (scooters) are available at the parks (first come, first served), but they can only be rented for use by someone who is over 18 years old. The age limit is the same whether you get one at the WDW parks or at one of the outside rental companies.

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