Stroller revolt!


Earning My Ears
Mar 10, 2008

I'm just so irritated at the increase in stroller prices! We planned to rent a double stroller for our 4 and 7 year old, and now that would cost $162 for our 6 day trip! I thought about buying a double jogging stroller (there is one online for $150 that holds 2 kids at 75 lbs each), having it shipped to the resort and then either selling it or passing it along. It would cost about the same, but at least I wouldn't be giving the money to Disney! Should I bother, or just pay what Disney is asking? Also, do you think two kids the ages of mine could actually fit in a double jogger? It says 75 lbs each, but I'm not familiar with jogging strollers and I'm a little skeptical.


19 days til trip!
You asked, so here it goes.

There is no way I would dish that much money out for a 7 yo to ride in a stroller. Sorry for that much, he or she could walk. That is a huge chunk of change that could pay for alot of other things at WDW.

As far as the 4 yo, you could pick up a cheap stroller anywhere.
We have to same problem, we were going to rent 2 double's for 6 days. Now there is no way we could afford that. Has anyone found a double stroller that would work for older kids. My oldest Dd is 7 and will def. have to have a stroller. Anytime she walks for long periods she has a lot of trouble with her ankles and can hardly walk the next day.
So any help with stroller types would be great

What are the stollers like at WDW?

At DLRP they all had buggy boards attached so my eldest stood on that.

My dd's will be 6 & 5 when we go and it has crossed my mind we might need one for the odd day but i had only planned on one. Do the WDW strollers not have the buggy boards?

Also the strollers at DLRP were large (similar size to wheelchairs) so these were suitable for older children. There is no way I could buy a stroller for my 6 year old as she's very tall but after 2 weeks of walking she may be flagging.

Does anyone have any pictures of the WDW strollers?

Many Thanks
I say buy the stroller, and when you get home from vacation, sell it on craigslist if that is something people in your area use. Is there someone you could borrow a stroller from? Or maybe you could get a couple of cheapie umbrellas?

The one good thing about the stroller rental at WDW is that they seem better for the older kids. They really aren't designed with the little ones in mind. That and you don't have to travel with them and buy more crap!

I'm surprised it costs that much to rent!
HOW CAN THEY EVEN DO THIS. :eek: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I mean how do you nearly double the price of strollers on people............whats next. Parking at the parks is going to go up to $20. I mean that just should not be legal for an increase to be that severe. I mean if they would have gone from $10 and $18 to lets say $13/$14 and $21/$22.....I might be able to swallow it better the case of the Double stroller its increases by about 70%. This is OUTRAGEOUS
What brand of stroller are you looking at that hold 75lbs each side? And where did you find it for $150? That's a great price for one that will hold a total of 150 lbs!

My little ones will be 5 and 6 when we are in Disney. I was planning on renting a stroller, but not anymore. The price increase blew the budget. I was thinking about getting one stroller and then letting them have turns taking a break. They are both in the 45 to 47 lb. range so I need a good solid stroller. If I could find an inexpensive double, I would consider it. Otherwise, I'll be buying a single and we will be taking more breaks and breaking up more fights about who gets to ride - thanks Disney :confused3
we were going to rent a double for our 10 days..i will be bringing now..this is over the top..i hope that by the time i get there they drop it...i cant see ppl paying this.
What brand of stroller are you looking at that hold 75lbs each side? And where did you find it for $150? That's a great price for one that will hold a total of 150 lbs!

My little ones will be 5 and 6 when we are in Disney. I was planning on renting a stroller, but not anymore. The price increase blew the budget. I was thinking about getting one stroller and then letting them have turns taking a break. They are both in the 45 to 47 lb. range so I need a good solid stroller. If I could find an inexpensive double, I would consider it. Otherwise, I'll be buying a single and we will be taking more breaks and breaking up more fights about who gets to ride - thanks Disney :confused3

I am curious too about what stroller and where you found it for 150?
The only stroller I found that was reasonable (at Babies R Us) fits 50 lbs per kid max.
Please let us know about your find!
Denise :)
I am also looking to buy a new double now. We had a jeep double that we used the last 2 years, but my kids' legs are getting too long for it. My twins both have Cerebral Palsy and get extremely tired after they have been walking a little while. I had all of my other kids on foot when they were 6, but I know the twins can't make it. Unfortunately, I think this is a problem we will be dealing with for many years.
I have to admit, I'm one of those Mom's that would rather have my DD, who will be 8, in June in a stroller especially during more crowded times at WDW. At least you don't have to worry about them getting lost in a crowd, BUT, NOW there will be no strollers for us for our upcoming trips in June. At 8 y/o, she's perfectly capable of walking and I can save myself a few $$$.

I love Disney, but it's at time like this when I think to myself that all they want to do is suck every single last dime out of my pocket!
Unless your 7 year old has a medical need, can't they just walk?

I can see strollers for the 5 and under set but school age is a little big for a stroller.
I bought two strollers a couple of months ago. A single and a double Tike Tech 360. They were expensive compared to what I've purchased in the past but our youngest daughter now has medical issues and will be in a stroller/wheelchair for much of her life. All three of my kids weigh about the same even though they are different ages. The double will hold up to 100 lbs. The strollers are not light weight and I'm not sure we would tackle them on the Disney buses but they worked out great this past weekend on our trip to Disney. They are sooooooo easy to push and we didn't have to fight the crowds trying to get a stroller. Also, I just read about the deposit. We live so close and go so often that I'm now happier than ever that I purchased these strollers.

I couldn't imagine my kids walking and even if they did, getting lost in the crowd could be a nightmare. My daughter will be 7 this year and she will still be riding in that stroller. She doesn't weigh 50 lbs. and she's the same height as our 4 year old so I'm happy she still wants the stroller. Plus, it's a great place for a nap.
The stroller I found is on and is the Instep2 double jogging stroller. On Amazon it says that it holds 75 lbs per child. It is $149 with free shipping.

I know that my 7-yr old could walk, but even I will be wiped out after a long day of walking (and I am in good shape) - much less after 6 days of walking. Also, I would feel more comfortable keeping up with her in a stroller since her dad and I will each be pushing strollers (for the younger kids) and wont have a hand free to hold her hand. It makes me nervous to think she could get lost in the throngs of people.
Would there be any way they could share a singe stroller? I think the stroller rental price is ridiculous and if you are driving then I would get the double jogger stroller you are looking at but it would be a pain to take on the bus and you know they won't be riding in it constantly so it may be hard to push if one is in and one is out but I don't know. Before the stroller increase I had told my just turned 6 year old we would rent him a stroller because I knew he would not make it (he is NOT the active/sports kid) Now I'm starting to ask him if he could just walk and DH says we already made a promise to him and vacation is time for fun not time to test is endurance. We will be taking along a umbrella stroller for the 2 year old but I would hate to take a huge double on the busses.

I vote for rent the single and let them share.
The stroller I found is on and is the Instep2 double jogging stroller. On Amazon it says that it holds 75 lbs per child. It is $149 with free shipping.

I know that my 7-yr old could walk, but even I will be wiped out after a long day of walking (and I am in good shape) - much less after 6 days of walking. Also, I would feel more comfortable keeping up with her in a stroller since her dad and I will each be pushing strollers (for the younger kids) and wont have a hand free to hold her hand. It makes me nervous to think she could get lost in the throngs of people.

I'd actually consider sharing it with you, tho I won't be there til June -- but can it collapse to put it on the busses and such?
I am SOOOO glad I planned to take my own! I bought a baby trend sit and stand from ebay for about $118(with shipping). We have a 6mo and a 4yo(she is small like 35#). I am so glad i got this stroller I think it should be good for us to use for at least 2 or 3 more years. I think it's weight is 80#.

We will be there for 10 days and $310(or $270) for a stroller is just beyond my comprehension. WHy on earth would you NOT buy and bring your own?

Just a FYI for those thinking of buying astroller and leaving it. THey are starting a storller swap and if you are planning on leaving it maybe you could donate it to the swap after you leave? Or if you want, you could get in on the swap.

Thread is in the budget board area!



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