Stroller for 6 and 8 year old?

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Personally when I see older kids in strollers it reminds me of 3, 4 and 5 year olds still sucking on pacifiers or bottles. And seeing all those strollers and scooters I always have visions of the people in Wall-E, the movie. Wonder how long before someone creates a scooter/stroller combo so no one in the family has to walk.

:rolleyes: Yep, that one trip a year or every few years is going to turn these kids into a lazy person that stays in scooters/ strollers for their whole lives.

C'mon folks. It is a one week vacation, once a year or less. You are seeing one little flash in a family's life. That doesn't tell you what they are like the other 51 weeks a year.

DD threw her pacifier away at 8 months, her bottle away at 12 months. I posted in another thread that WDW was one of the very few places that I ever used a stroller. She walks and exercises and stays active just fine. Just because we used a stroller doesn't make her any less active now.

Good grief. I never knew that so many people go to wdw to worry about what the other billion people there are doing. I just have more fun spending time with MY family, I don't have time to worry how old the other kids in strollers are.

BTW, breaks are great but sometimes not convienent to do. If staying on disney property, they are great.
I took my 7-1/2 yo to the mall yesterday just to see how much work it would be to be in a crowd of people with him walking. He was engaged and enjoyed the trip, however by the time we got back to the car I had my answer. We are bringing the stroller. Not because he couldn't do without it, but because it will make a more enjoyable trip for me if I'm not constantly worried about losing him in a crowd. He is easily distracted.
I totally agree with you! You have to do what is right for your own family. If that is a stroller, great. No stroller, great. Whatever.

Ignore all the rude comments (and posts) from people who seem to think they are better parents, because of how they fall on this issue. While one 4 year old may be able to hike all day and not be tired, another 4 year old may not be able to. All kids are different! Do what is right for YOUR kid and ignore all the busybodies who seem to have nothing better to do than judge how other people choose to parent. Geeze, while some of you may think your choice on stroller/no stroller makes you a better parent, it apparently doesn't make you a nice person.:sad2:

I completely agree with you maxiesmom and people should do what they think is best for their family EXCEPT the OP started a thread on the topic and solicited responses from others on how they would handle the situation. That doesn't make posters busybodies; they are just doing as the OP requested. I'm sure if the OP didn't want others to weigh in on the topic this thread would not exist. Just my two cents not trying to offend you.:goodvibes
I completely agree with you maxiesmom and people should do what they think is best for their family EXCEPT the OP started a thread on the topic and solicited responses from others on how they would handle the situation. That doesn't make posters busybodies; they are just doing as the OP requested. I'm sure if the OP didn't want others to weigh in on the topic this thread would not exist. Just my two cents not trying to offend you.:goodvibes

I would agree with you, except that some of the opinions have been expressed in a not so nice manner. There is a difference between expressing your opinion and just being out and out insulting and judgemental. It is possible to share an opposing viewpoint without being either of those things. But sometimes people forget that.
Personally, I would never rent a stoller for kids at that age, especially the eight year old but whatever. I went last year with my seven year old and I did consider, however, renting a stroller for our bags! Didn't though, she would have been horrified.
Based on the responses in this thread, some people do care what others think. Many of us people watch while were we're waiting for a parade or having a snack. We notice things that are odd. For some of us an 8 year old in a stroller is odd. For others a 7 year old boy in the ladies room is odd. I wouldn't give the bathroom kid a second thought.
When we went to Disney the first time with our kids, we took our sit and stand stroller. Kiddos were almost 2, 4, 6 and 8. We had the 3 younger kids in/on the stroller a lot of time! It was great when we had to get quickly to a reservation or move a big distance across the husband and I are very tall and tend to walk fast so it was great for us to walk without having to "pull" the kids alog.:goodvibes Of course our then 8 yr old was left to walk...but there were a couple times he tried hitching a ride if nobody was on the back of the sit n stand.
I think the sit n stand strollers are one of the best pieces of equipment I have owned.
We are planning a trip for this spring, and I am dreading the thought of no stroller....I am so accustomed to having that "out" for a tired kid...we'll see. We are still discussing wether we will bring it for our 5 yr old. I notice that when we have strollered our kids at places like Disney they tend to tolerate it pretty well...there is so much to see that they really enjoy being able to take it all in without trying to walk and maneuver through people.
Whatever you decide will work out just fine....we just wanted it to be easy for out entire family to enjoy Disney and that's what worked for us.:)
Do what you think is best for your family. If you are asking for opinions then I will give mine. I would never ever consider renting or taking a stroller for my kids at that age. We did Disneyland at 4 and 5 and walked all day with no stroller. We did Disney World when they were your kids ages. There is absolutely no way the would have ridden in a stroller or would I have considered renting one. They just learned to walk and deal with it. We went in September so it was hot and humid. It wasn't super crowded and we didn't walk fast or anything....just a normal pace. Took a break mid-day and then went back at night.

On the other side my good friend and her family went and her children about 5 and 8 and she rented a stroller. It worked great for them. She is my boys godmother and we have totally different parenting styles. I disagree with things she does and she disagrees with things I do....but we don't let it come between us. She had asked if we got a stroller and I had told her no.

Guess the only thing for all stroller people is to be considerate and not walk all over or stop suddenly (but that goes for walkers to---don't stop in front of a stroller).

Do whatever.....and have fun. Don't worry about what others think. In all honesty in the past I have flamed threads like this saying things like others have are lazy, need to exercise, etc. BUT we are all different and it is not worth arguing with someone we don't know or will not see. Just do what you and your family are comfortable doing......
Stroller for 6 and 8 year old?

My son was 9 when we took him to WDW. My two oldest granddaughters were 6 and 8. I never even considered a stroller as a possibility. When we got tired, we sat down to rest. There was no whining, and had I suggested a stroller they would have informed me that they weren't babies!

The girls are now 11 and 13. NOW they whine. . .I'm tired, it's too far. . .it's hot. . .I'm thirsty. . .frankly, as old as they are, I know at least the 11 y/o would gladly ride in a stroller as the last time we went to the zoo she asked if we could rent one! NOT! But I did tell her if all the walking was too much for her I would be glad to take her home.
My son was 9 when we took him to WDW. My two oldest granddaughters were 6 and 8. I never even considered a stroller as a possibility. When we got tired, we sat down to rest. There was no whining, and had I suggested a stroller they would have informed me that they weren't babies!

The girls are now 11 and 13. NOW they whine. . .I'm tired, it's too far. . .it's hot. . .I'm thirsty. . .frankly, as old as they are, I know at least the 11 y/o would gladly ride in a stroller as the last time we went to the zoo she asked if we could rent one! NOT! But I did tell her if all the walking was too much for her I would be glad to take her home.

Haha I know what you mean. Most people here saying their kids would be too embarrassed to ride in a stroller at that age. Yeah, not mine. We rented one for 2 days for our then 6 year old a few years ago and my 9 year old had absolutely no qualms about riding in it also. I guarantee now at age 12 he would not be too embarrassed to be pushed around some in a stroller!!
My son was 9 when we took him to WDW. My two oldest granddaughters were 6 and 8. I never even considered a stroller as a possibility. When we got tired, we sat down to rest. There was no whining, and had I suggested a stroller they would have informed me that they weren't babies!

The girls are now 11 and 13. NOW they whine. . .I'm tired, it's too far. . .it's hot. . .I'm thirsty. . .frankly, as old as they are, I know at least the 11 y/o would gladly ride in a stroller as the last time we went to the zoo she asked if we could rent one! NOT! But I did tell her if all the walking was too much for her I would be glad to take her home.


I was wishing I had a "stroller" for my mom on our last trip with all the complaining she did, mainly at EP. It IS a big park. We had walked back to America for the Candlelight Processional -- boats were closed on the way there and back, so we had to walk it. The whole way all she did was say they need some sort of way to "ride" from one end of the park to the other (like how you can take the train at MK). I did kind of agree with her -- it seems that is the park that causes a lot of problems for people/kids.

I was wishing I had a "stroller" for my mom on our last trip . . .

I think the fact that I have severe arthritis in my hip as well as spinal stenosis makes it easier for the kids because I have to rest requently. We don't run, we stroll. . .but the 11 y/o would still complain. . .she complains about everything, and the 13 y/o whines just as much as her sister complains! The three y/o is more up-front. She just looks at my husband and says "Papa, I want to go to bed now." Once she makes that announcement the day is done.
I would budget renting a park stroller into your budget and then decide if you need to rent to keep everyone happy, including yourself.

When DS was a smallish low energy 8 year old we tried to get him to let us rent a stroller one night so we could stroll Epcot late, he refused! Sooo...

DGS is a high energy, high endurance 4 year old that NEVER rides in a stroller. We recently did a long week-end at a college with a huge campus and he never once rode. On our up coming trip I am not taking a stroller but certainly will rent at the first sign he needs it.

We do have a no whine on vacation rule. If anyone needs to rest, eat, leave whatever, they are required to tell everyone else that need and we will take care of it but NO one (including DH) can whine. It really works well.

June will be VERY hot and I agree to do what you need to do to keep eveyone happy.
I know this may not be what you want to hear but why not leave the park if she starts whining?? Take her back to the room and make her take a nap. If there are 2 adults and the other child is not whining than leave that child with an adult in the park so that child is not punished. It will hopefully teach the whiner that there are consequences and they are missing out on fun.

Great advice (if OP don't take it, I will) because I have a 5 yr old whiner. I will tell her that before the parks.

tell them the deal is there is NO WHINING at Disney.

Love it!!!

When I took my 11 year old... She whined. "My feet hurt" "I'm tired" "It's Hot" "it's cold" "this line is too long". She is now 17 and she STILL whines "my feet hurt" "I'm hot" "it's cold" "this line is too long".

Back then when the whining started we left the park.... now when the whining starts we leave the park. And the biggest whinner of all... My husband! "It's Hot." "My feet hurt" "You're walking too fast."

At our last trip, my one year old whined because she was IN the stroller.

This will be my ds (11) & dh. I know my dd (2) will be the one trying to get out of her stroller to walk.

OP, I agree with one of the posters that said, asked your kids if they want a stroller. They maybe embrassed about it. I know that mines will be. How about walking prior to going to diseny. I am playing on doing that for my family cause I rather push a single stroller around than a sit n stand one. Do what is best for your kids? Be Blessed!!!
I know this may not be what you want to hear but why not leave the park if she starts whining?? Take her back to the room and make her take a nap. If there are 2 adults and the other child is not whining than leave that child with an adult in the park so that child is not punished. It will hopefully teach the whiner that there are consequences and they are missing out on fun.

Great advice (if OP don't take it, I will) because I have a 5 yr old whiner. I will tell her that before the parks.

The only problem with that advice is that the whole family is then punished along with the whiner. The spouse then gets to spend a family vacation without their husband/wife. The other child looses out on that time too. And the parent that goes back to the room gets to miss out on the park fun too.

Also, if you are on a longer trip I can maybe see where someone might want to follow that advice. But most of our trips have been 4 nights, so there is not a lot of extra time to make up what might be missed by taking a child back to the room. Much easier to put the child in a stroller, and get on with enjoying the vacation as a family.

At least, for us it is.:)
I didn't read the entire thread but wanted to respond.

First I would ask your kids. If they are ok with the idea and you think it will help your family, then like any other decision you make as a family- do it. If they are totally against it, then don't and wait to see if they need one late in the day. I know when we took the older ones DS was around 6/7 the last time we used a stroller.

Heck, I have seen an adult laying in a stroller more than 1x.

(if you do not visit theme parks often the kids might not be used to all the walking and standing. I exercise, run, etc but my lower back is in agony most evening since I am not used to being on my feet all day.)
our child is 7, low muscle tone and only walked well at age 3 and she is disabled but not visually to the judgement makers out there.

so perhaps some of the nasty judgmental people should give that a thought when they see an older child in stroller.

she was in a stroller at just over 6 this past july also. i now know how many of you nasty judgmental people are out there.
our child is 7, low muscle tone and only walked well at age 3 and she is disabled but not visually to the judgement makers out there.

so perhaps some of the nasty judgmental people should give that a thought when they see an older child in stroller.

she was in a stroller at just over 6 this past july also. i now know how many of you nasty judgmental people are out there.

As the parent of a child with CP that appears "typical" and is the size of a 10 year old in height I am giving you a high five!! We get looks all the time..and when I take him to the bathroom..stroller...etc..people need to judge not.
our child is 7, low muscle tone and only walked well at age 3 and she is disabled but not visually to the judgement makers out there.

so perhaps some of the nasty judgmental people should give that a thought when they see an older child in stroller.

she was in a stroller at just over 6 this past july also. i now know how many of you nasty judgmental people are out there.

Erm... this thread is from 2011, so a few years expired. lol. But I totally agree with what you said :goodvibes
Erm... this thread is from 2011, so a few years expired. lol. But I totally agree with what you said :goodvibes

Yes. I know. I was reading about views for our 7th trip with our DD to WDW this October with our child and our MIL with terminal cancer but also in part for our 15 day trip to Japan in 3 weeks. I was hoping I would get some recommendations for tiny light weight umbrella strollers. Sadly, I was introduced to the dark side of some and felt the need to comment on this sad state of society. I've been around a while. This thread....don't know what to say.
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