stage 54 and mummy returns


Mar 21, 2001
i heard on screamscape that the mummy returns would be the next thing for stage 54 is this true?
if it is do you know when it will start or come to stage 54.

cant wait for royal pacific resort !!
:D :D
Movie props, etc, from the Mummy II will be moved into Soundstage 54 and opened to guests in early May. The Grinch will move out just after the Easter holiday.

(and why is it that you can't wait for the Royal Pacific??? Do you already have reservations?)
hey coasterFEV thats what it is. no my parents told me the first week it opens we are going and staying there and going to both theme parks thats why!

cant wait for royal pacific resort !!!
:D :D
Sounds good to me. I can't help it, but your profile indicates you are an engineer, but your parents are taking you to the parks? Sorry, man it's been making me curious. All the enginers I know are as old as me.
oh that thing well that might be what i want to be when i grow up.

cant wait for royal pacific resort !!!
:D :D


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