South Beach Dieters......... Unite

Originally posted by Miss Kelly
Hello Everyone!

Today begins my 2nd week of the SBD. So far I've lost 7 pounds.

Congratulations - you need a new clippie:D
Originally posted by Lisa F
Jerry, what you did was not "cheat." What you did was live. Cheating, to me, is when you are upset so you decide to eat whatever you want. It's when you're faced with donuts at work and you have them just because it's there. It's when you're bored and you reach for the doritos instead of a string cheese.

Planning to go off program for a special event is something that we ALL must learn to do and learn to deal with. You will probably do it less and less since it makes you feel yucky, but what you did I believe to be a natural part of the program and making this a way of eating for life instead of just a diet. Dr. A even gives you tools to deal with it (go back on phase 1 for a few days to detox again).

I dunno, maybe my view of what is "cheating" and what isn't is really liberal and different from others, but to me cheating is a mental state much more than the action that you take.


Oh, I agree. I don't feel bad about it (emotionally) because it was, as you said, something we planned to do. I could have EASILY gone overboard - you should have seen some of the food there. And, this morning, I had dropped another pound. :D

Advice to those who plan to go off SB for a special occasion like I did - BE CAREFUL. I noticed yesterday afternoon that I was craving cookies and chips and crackers and other bad carbs, even after the way I felt when I got up Sunday morning. I countered the cravings with celery, hummus, a ricotta dessert, diet soda and sheer will power, but it wasn't easy. Today, I feel fine.
I'll remember that about the cravings. I will be in a wedding this weekend, and you know how that is. However, I am really going to try and stay away from the goodies. I feel to good to slip now!!!

Today was hard. I had to go to the mall for some shoes. Walked right passed Cinnabon. I just stood there inhaled. I only inhaled......:wave:
Hi! I'm on Day 1 of the SBD. I've been thinking about doing this for a couple of weeks and decided to go on it after the superbowl!
I weigh about 170 and would like to lose about 30 pounds. I'd gotten up here once before, and took off the pounds through calorie reduction and excercise. Fell back into my old habits after 9/11 and need to do this again. One of the things that appealed to me about SBD is the idea of going back to Phase I when the pounds start to come back.

So far, no complaints (I'd really be in trouble if I couldn't handle a day). I had three pieces of canadian bacon, a V8 and coffee for breakfast, string cheese for a snack, and slices of ham and jello for lunch. We're having chicken, salad and broccoli for dinner.

After dinner I'm going to go work out. I'll weigh myself at the fitness center and try to do that once a week.

I made one of the Phase 3 recipes for dessert for our superbowl get together yesterday--the chocolate sponge cake. Everyone loved it. Something to look forward to.

Wish me luck!
Hi everyone! I have been on SBD since Sept. 1. I have lost 30 pounds. I am down to 10-15 more to go and it is getting harder. I have been stalled for about 3 weeks now!

My New Year's goal was to add exercise because I hadn't been doing that. I have done 2-3 times a week which I would like to get to 4-5 times.

I have really liked the recipes in the book. I also like the balsamic chicken one! I haven't tried the fish and cream sauce. I'll have to do that.

Zera's Pride - I would love the chicken parm recipe and the no bake cookie recipe!
Originally posted by K and K's Mommy
Hi everyone! I have been on SBD since Sept. 1. I have lost 30 pounds. I am down to 10-15 more to go and it is getting harder. I have been stalled for about 3 weeks now!

The following is from today's "The Daily Dish," a daily email from (you can sign up for this for free):

It is not uncommon to reach a plateau in Phase 2 of the South Beach Diet, especially as you get closer to your target weight. If your weight loss has stalled, here are three strategies for getting back on track:

1. Try eating different foods. Sometimes dieters get into a food rut, eating the same things day in and out. Change your diet and you may start losing weight again.
2. Get adequate exercise. Plateauing may result from losing too much muscle mass (as well as fat). Maintaining muscle mass with exercise helps burn calories and boost metabolism.
3. Return to Phase 1. If you have plateaued for several weeks and still have a fair amount of weight to lose, return to Phase 1 for a kick-start.

Hope this helps<

I've been on several times and I still can't figure out how to sign up for the free daily e-mails. I did the free diet profile, and clicked through several other places, but still didn't find it...can you help??

Thanks! Lisa
1. Try eating different foods. Sometimes dieters get into a food rut, eating the same things day in and out. Change your diet and you may start losing weight again.

Thanks Jerry! This may be me. I am good about varying dinners but tend to get in a rut with breakfast and lunch.

I have another question for you! I looked at the recipe for fish in cream sauce and realized I did try to make it once but I could not find white wine worcestire (sp?) sauce. Did you find it near the regular worc. sauce? Of course, I could get out of my rut (I am seeing a pattern here :D ) and try a different grocery store! Thanks!
Checking in again today. Went to curves, go me! I didn't eat nearly enough today, though, since I had to bring the car in to be serviced and it took several hours (and I was unprepared) and then went to work out afterwards.

Jerry, thanks for the post! That makes a lot of sense, actually. That's one thing I love about the SBD, it's just so logical! I don't see any magic behind it at all, I think the beauty of it is that by taking insulin spikes out of the equation, it really shows that people can just eat normal portions and know when they are full. Just for kicks I counted up the points I've been eating and it's pretty much within my WW target, only all of my points are coming from proteins and good fats instead of baked doritos and chocolate soy milk and other things that never left me satisfied. I'm starting to discover that the fact that I tended to eat too much at meals is not really a personality flaw or a lack of willpower, but my body sending me mixed signals. Now that it's recalibrating itself, it's amazing how effortless it is to eat right and to eat the proper portions!

K and K's Mommy,
I've heard that the last 10 is the hardest to lose, so just hang in there! I've never gotten within 10 lbs of my goal so I wouldn't know from personal experience. If you are already exercising 2-3 times a week, I would shoot to up that to 3-4 times a week rather than 4-5 (sometimes adding that much can be overwhelming so you just say "what the heck" and don't add any!), and if I were making the final push, I might be inclined to give Phase I a try to see if it shakes up your system and gives you that little push you need to get to the finish line. Good luck, I'm sure you'll be at goal in no time!
Originally posted by Obsessed w/Disney in OH

I've been on several times and I still can't figure out how to sign up for the free daily e-mails. I did the free diet profile, and clicked through several other places, but still didn't find it...can you help??

Thanks! Lisa


Access your profile on (upper right corner of the page after you log in). From the profile, choose "Manage your newsletter subscriptions."
Hi everyone. My name's Julie and I'm on day 2 of SBD.
I'm so glad to have found a place to share the trials and tribulations of losing weight. I've been lurking here for years and thought since I just started SBD now would be a good time to join in on the fun. I'm 28 years old and I'm already high risk for heart disease, so I really need and hope to do this for my health.
So far so good today. Had an egg and a piece of turkey bacon for breakfast, a chicken caesar salad for lunch, and am planning on having string cheese for a snack and pork tenderloin and green beans for supper. I also did the 1mile WATP this morning.
I'm hoping I can stick with this diet. It seems I been dieting all my life and yet I'm still 100lbs. overweight. SB seems like it is a healthy way of life and I am determined to change my eating habits. I am a huge bread and potato eater so this will take me some getting used to, but I have to say that so far I haven't been hungry.
Anyone else here having trouble trying to access the members section of today (2/4)? I have been trying all morning from various computers and have had not luck.
Hello everyone. I'm Dodie. I started South Beach on Monday, 2/2. Today is day 3 and no cheating yet!:D However, this afternoon, I'd give my right arm for a cookie, a twinkie, or something like that.

I have a friend who lost 15 pounds in 4 weeks. She followed it very carefully. I plan to do the same.

I'd like to lose a total of 15-20 pounds. I'd be happy with 15. 20 would be wonderful.
2 weeks (16 days) on SBD and 10 pounds gone
I'm so happy. I hope I can keep this up for many weeks to come.
DH is so happy with my progress he's on the beach now too.
Welcome to the new Beachgoers!

This is a great plan.

luv2nascar - that is a great loss for two weeks! Keep up the good work.

Dodie - if you can get through a clean two week Phase 1, those cravings will just about disappear. I didn't believe it was true. I am extremely cynical but when it happened to me the "Queen of Sugar", I could hardly believe it. Even now 2 months and 3 days later, I still don't crave all the stuff I used to eat and I could eat a quart of butter pecan ice cream every 2 or 3 days! Once you come off Phase 1, so many options open up to you and I've got a cache of lc goodies that I can share the recipes for if you like. I've made brownies, cheesecake and chocolate peanut butter no bakes just to name a few things. You can make it through Phase 1 and we are here to help.

JCJRSmith - I don't belong to the official site so I can't help you with access. Do you find it's worth it? I like the site which has a SBD section (but you probably know that already). Someone there usually reports on any significant updates but I'd be curious to find out if you think it's worth it. Thanks!

Julie - welcome to the Beach! We are all here to encourage one another. I never thought I'd still be at it but two months later I'm still here which is a record for me, believe me! I have 137 total pounds to lose and I've lost 30.5 pounds in the two months that I have been on SBD. I can relate to having a lot of weight to lose but we can do it together, okay?

Lisa - I love how logical and practical this program is. It is really is easy and not too much will power is required once you get past Phase 1. I can certainly see myself eating this way basically for life. I have been searching for a program like this for ages and glad I found what works for me.

Everyone have a good afternoon!

Have you noticed we have a lot of Lisa's around here? :D

I think the site is worth it. I just got off the phone with their help desk and for some reason my account got deactivated. When I first signed up at the web site, the cost was $29 for the first six weeks, and then $6.95 per month after that. They charged me under a new subscription plan that costs $5 per week. I called and they fixed it immediately.

They have the menus on line, you can print a shopping list for them. The latest updates to the diet are published there. They also have a HUGE message base, with all kinds of support groups - diet support, exercise support, and a monsterous recipe database. If you find a recipe and you are sure if it is okay for whatever phase you are in, you can post it to the nutrition board and they have two full-time nutritionists who will review it and let you know if it is okay or risky for SBD.

I have to agree with you whole heartedly on the way this plan does not force you to be a man or woman of iron will. I'm never hungry, I don't get cravings any more, and the weight keeps coming off. I should get my 25 pound clippie in the next few days.

BTW - big congrats on your new GOLD clippie. Way to go.

All the best,
Hi Jerry!

Thanks for the input about the official site.

Yes, I have noticed there are a lot of Lisa's around here! But the more the merrier!

I want to second and third the fact that this way of eating is getting so easy. I don't even think about it much now. I just do it. DH and I are going on a cruise in September with some dear friends and I asked him tonight if he plans to go off our program while on the ship and he gave me an emphatic "No". I feel the same way but I wanted to know what he thought. This is a way of life for us and it's a great one. Of course, once we get on the ship and see all that great food, it will be a test but with woe there are so many options available, I think we can make do.

Thanks for the congrats on the clippie. Everyday now I feel like pinching myself to see if this is real! Who would have thought that I would be 30 pounds lighter in two months on a plan that I can eat so well on and feel so satisfied. I know you are coming up right behind me and will have your first gold clippie in no time! Keep up the great work!
but never stopped by. I am a South Beach newbie. I turned 30 last September, and realized that if I didn't change something soon, I'd be not only unhappy about how I felt, but shortening my life and enjoyment of it as well. I started Atkins in the beginning of October with my mom and two friends from work, and was going strong, but then one one of my friends who started it with me went for her check up, and her cholesterol was sky high. I haven't gone for my physical yet, but will next week, so I was concerned about it too. I have lost 20 pounds at last count since I started on Atkins (I try to not keep weighing myself, because then I get discouraged), but have dropped between one and two dress sizes, and even my shoes are fitting more loosely. Next week I'll know exactly how much I have lost so far.
I have a long way to go, so I was very happy to see this group, since it seems as though when you have to change your life, friends are what keeps you from falling off the wagon. My mom also started this with me, but since I had more than 100 lbs. to go, and she only had about 40, she has a different outlook on the whole thing. She's been a great help though, and having a buddy to help me out really keeps me going. She helps me to maintain eating right at home, and that helps. And it is true about your portion size naturally changing. It does take a lot less to fill me up now, but I also have noticed that I feel hungry about every 4 hours now. That's when I really have to work on my cheating.
I am also back in school now, so that is really helping me to be more active, since I was just going to work and coming home to lay around. Also seeing results keeps me going, since I know it's working.
I have a long ways to go, and am just happy to be on my way. I know it'll be a ways off, but I'd like to get back to feeling good about the way I look, not self conscious. I, like many others, constantly look at myself in pictures, and wish I could edit myself out. I have a trip planned to Hawaii in July, and am looking forward to feeling much more comfortable wearing a bathing suit in front of others. And after I go on the Disney cruise in November, I want to show everyone my pictures and not feel so self-conscious about how I looked.
So here's to success and many new friends. I look forward to our future success! I have so much I want to do, and won't be using my weight to stop me!
Hi Nichole,

Welcome to the Beach. One key (I feel) to success on this WOE is to make sure you have the snacks everyday. The idea is to regulate you blood sugar level while retraining your body to derive energy from a source other than bad carbs. The snacks help with this by giving your stomach something to work on (so you don't feel hungry) and helping to maintain the bood sugar level (so you don't get cravings). Also, LOTS of water. I have taken to keeping a water bottle around me almost all the time. It has becomeso second nature that I tend to reach for water first rather than some other drink when I am thirsty, and that is a HUGE change for this Mt Dew addict. :hyper:

Welcome again,
Welcome. We are working on this journey together. If you ever need support, come here, and I'm sure someone will be able to help

I won't be ablt to check in here until Sunday. I have a wedding this weekend. Wish me luck. The great thing is, I really don't feel the need or want to cheat. I have no carb cravings at all. For me, not wanting sugar is a miracle, but right now, I don't want it. SO, everyone have a great weekend!!


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