Something About Nothing............ #14

Part 2 as my quotes somehow disappeared???

AJ - do they have any sort of urban planning in FL, seems as tho any strip of land is fair game these days for development

Made hubby’s favorite cheeseburgers for dinner. He loves his hamburgers.

I watch little J tomorrow. I look forward to my time with him. He is so cute and creative. Thank you Lord for little toddlers that remind us of the wonders of the world around us.
That was on my table yesterday too.

Truer words never spoken, time with the kiddos makes things fresh again.
was online and checking for resort costs for upcoming trip in June and found my resort cost for my stay in September dropped by $28.00 per night. I made my ressies in March and was surprised to see the drop. Last year I made ressie end of February for September and I don’t remember price decrease at all.
Now, that is very nice to hear. Hope that trend continues for you
I did finalize my days for a quick week long trip to Universal at end of June. It will be a nice distraction to visit my happy place before my procedure in July
Whoop it up sista!

In that vein, was stumped as what to get the mr for his BD/Father’s Day presents this year. You get to the point you either have what you need or you don’t wait till a gift giving opportunity to get it.

Thanks to APs, spirit, priceline & hertz’s stars aligning, was able to cobble together a trip on a dime. We will be heading down to a soft opening/preview for reinvisioned Splash mt/Tiana’s something or other now. Just three days, leaving 11 days before our “official” summer trip with the GD. :banana:

He’s either going to be thrilled or think I’ve finally lost what’s left of my mind when he opens his card on Sunday & realizes the stunt i pulled. Surprised I’ve been able to catch the email confirmations and not spill the beans thus far.
You got a great deal on that great looking beef steaks, Keisha. Meat has gone into crazy prices lately. Hope your eye guy gets better, else maybe look for another? Hate that dilation, as takes some time for me to go back, and why I always have sunglasses ready when I get out of my doctor’s office.

Commute was okay, at least I think many left before me, as if take Friday off, four day weekend. Many live in Jersey, so I assume many going down the shore for the holiday weekend. Would be a steadier stream of cars over the bridges by later in the afternoon tomorrow.

Woot woot! Bonus cheap trip gift. Perfect gift in my book, Keisha. And finally, my DH said he wants to go on family vacation this year. Thinking maybe international for the winter holidays. Time for me to start that travel plotting and scheming. All wanted long weekend down the shore. Um, we could fly somewhere for the prices they want for a room at the end of August. Maybe just a day trip then.
Ah, Fabulous Friday is here. Telework day. And even with DH going to bed so early, and awaking too early, getting me up too at that 3 am time, a happy homie here. Long hot shower and tea kettle whistling before not long after I got up. By almost an hour ago, back to week day routine I am.

Had a nice dinner out last night, at one of our favorite jewish restaurants. Less than a hour before they were closing, but always great service and huge portions. I got a big enough doggie box. DH said he would be enjoying it for lunch today. While on vacation, we rarely boxed up uneaten food, we tend to do it at home. Particularly when DH is home. He’s a great clean up patrol guy. As we got home, DH said no, but I walked to the local, one store only, gelato place, and bought a half espresso chocolate chip, half caramel swirl in a smoked vanilla cup. Was a perfect sweet ending. And was so muggy feeling out.

Weather. Carbon copy of yesterday, with an overcast sky and 64 degrees out. And muggy enough, with humidity at 89 percent. Dew point at 60. But unlike yesterday, which we only got a couple of short rain showers, and that extreme thunderstorm warning expired last night. So no rain in that overcast sky. But as that cold front has arrived, it’s a cloud clearing one, and a full sunny day I should have just after lunchtime. 84 the high. And yay, no rain until a predicted 0.1 inches on Sunday. But yeah, cold from showing us 70’s next week as the high temps. No matter, and least with a 77 high predicted on Monday, and some rain chances, pool will feel a lovely 89 degrees, and lots of towels will be around as you get out. So ready to enjoy the first of the closer to summer meals, with a grilled dinner, of bbq chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs. Woot! Holiday weekend coming up.

Hope all have a Most Fabulous Friday, and a Most Wonderful Holiday Weekend.

Good morning, and yep, reminded here:

IMG_3540.jpeg ::yes:: :rockband::dancer:
Good Friday morning everyone :wave2:





Robbie, sounds like you are all set up for your future trips at UO.
Good you can book your stays now and avoid the rush for booking your stay!

The parks get so packed at times.
Seems like the crowds grow each year for hhn.

Tomorrow you will have little J and a fun day with him.
Always glad to get Universal stays planned out a little.

You are right Universal has grown in popularity. I was hoping HHN will be a little quieter this year with no Stranger Things house. Time with tell.

Sounds like a great way to help alleviate some of the anxiety for your upcoming procedure. I'll be sending you lots of healing mummy dust.
Thank you pumpkin.

And Robo, continued good thoughts your medical procedure will go perfect. Nice to enjoy some park fun just before.
Thank you Lynne. Enjoying a little park time at my happy place is always good for sure.

Have been on the road since before 7:30 am. Visited country grocery for one of their big meat sales today. Look at those prices! 2/3rds off the going rate here for decently thick, quality beef woohoo! Yep, loaded up on pop too lol
Looks like you got some really nice buys.

Thanks to APs, spirit, priceline & hertz’s stars aligning, was able to cobble together a trip on a dime. We will be heading down to a soft opening/preview for reinvisioned Splash mt/Tiana’s something or other now. Just three days, leaving 11 days before our “official” summer trip with the GD. :banana:

He’s either going to be thrilled or think I’ve finally lost what’s left of my mind when he opens his card on Sunday & realizes the stunt i pulled. Surprised I’ve been able to catch the email confirmations and not spill the beans thus far.
I think he will feel like he has an awesome wife who has the best planning skills for a wonderful gift trip.

I was looking at car rental prices and was pleasantly surprised that the prices have really come down.

I woke up early this morning and remembered I had not set out the recycle container. So I took that out to the curb.

Had a great time with little J yesterday. It was rainy so took him for play time to the Mall play area. He also rode the Carousel. Those little fellas need to run off some steam.

We went to the store to pick up a few things. He is a happy shopper.

While I was out yesterday I received call from hubby that our house phone and internet went down. Long story short. The internet provider came out and buried the neighbor behind our house cable line that should have been buried two years ago and accidentally cut ours. They came back out and ran new line from our house and cable and internet is back on. Now this line has to be buried.

I have a pedicure appt this morning so I will have happy feet today.

Nice long weekend coming up for some those that work with Memorial Day on Monday.

Going to get rental car settled this morning before the low prices disappear.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
Good morning and happy Friday. It will be a typical Friday for me - cleaning house. It will be a lot easier since everyone, including Caspian, is out of the house today. Caspian is having his annual checkup and vaccines today. He always has to be sedated for this.

Saw more trees cleared for yet another development.
We joke, sort of, about the last tree in FL being cut down.
One of the things I disliked about FL when we lived there was how over developed it is.

Next stop the opthamologist. Was there over two hours for this & that, back in August for more testing. just now dilation subsiding enough to read. I’m still not sold on the new lead guy that took over my long-term dr’s practice there when he retired.
I hate having my eyes dilated. The practice I go to has an Optomap, so I haven't had dilation in years.

Thanks to APs, spirit, priceline & hertz’s stars aligning, was able to cobble together a trip on a dime. We will be heading down to a soft opening/preview for reinvisioned Splash mt/Tiana’s something or other now.
That's a great gift. I will probably still call it Splash Mountain out of force of habit.

And finally, my DH said he wants to go on family vacation this year. Thinking maybe international for the winter holidays. Time for me to start that travel plotting and scheming.
Any ideas where for international travel? My airline recently sent me an email about fares to Australia and New Zealand. I'd love to go, but that won't be happening with us any time soon.

While I was out yesterday I received call from hubby that our house phone and internet went down. Long story short. The internet provider came out and buried the neighbor behind our house cable line that should have been buried two years ago and accidentally cut ours. They came back out and ran new line from our house and cable and internet is back on. Now this line has to be buried.

How annoying. We have had 2 new internet companies come into our area this year, There's digging everywhere. I will be so glad when they are finished.

It's a gloomy, rainy day today and I am so unmotivated. But, the house won't clean itself.
Happy Friday Dance :banana: We survived another week!

Quiet day in the unit. Got caught up on lots of little things that needed attention. Now just picking away at some education I need to have completed.

The weather is finally a tad warmer. Last night was a beautiful evening. I sat outside with a beverage and worked more on the puzzle I have been working on. I will probably do the same tonight.

I think tonight will be burgers on the grill - and maybe some homemade fries done in the air fryer. Easy peasy dinner is required tonight.

I did not want to be up this early but Caspian had other ideas. Today starts a 5 day weekend for me.
Those mornings are not fun. I hope you are able find some fun things to do for your extra long weekend. Once I have more vacation time built up - I will be doing the same. I have 3 personal days I can take - but not sure how I want to use them yet.
Look at those prices! 2/3rds off the going rate here for decently thick, quality beef woohoo! Yep, loaded up on pop too lol
Those are great prices!!! I hope that the men have good luck this fall hunting - our freezer is starting to get pretty empty.

I do have tenderloins to use up - but with those being the best cuts - I'm reluctant to use them. I also have a few roasts yet - but will probably use those more in fall for stews and soups.
Had a nice dinner out last night, at one of our favorite jewish restaurants. Less than a hour before they were closing, but always great service and huge portions. I got a big enough doggie box. DH said he would be enjoying it for lunch today.
I love when you get to have left overs the next day.

I have a pedicure appt this morning so I will have happy feet today.
That reminds me to book one for myself. It's time to get one again and get my feet flip flop ready.

Well I should shuffle more papers around.

Have a great day everyone!
Hey SANs friends,
Need a big favor. The 86 y/o Mother-in-law fell and broke her femur at the knee, had surgery yesterday and there were complications. Clots and such. Ventilator mode for her for "a bit now." Tough sledding ahead. Prayers & Pixie dust welcome. 💜
I feel your pain Robbie…. When our internet goes down, I feel like pulling my hair out.
I'm lucky enough to tether devices to my phone when cable internet goes out. Definitely during hurricane power outages too. We've gone a week or more without power or cable and rely on a backup generator and 4G/5G. It's a pain to swith but I'd be crazier without.
Happy Friday Dance :banana: We survived another week!
Dance like nobody’s looking!
do have tenderloins to use up - but with those being the best cuts - I'm reluctant to use them.
I tend to squirrel packages of whatever away for a rainy day
Hey SANs friends,
Need a big favor. The 86 y/o Mother-in-law fell and broke her femur at the knee, had surgery yesterday and there were complications. Clots and such. Ventilator mode for her for "a bit now." Tough sledding ahead. Prayers & Pixie dust welcome. 💜
Oh, no. That’s rotten luck for her, poor lady! Hope she’s soon on the path to get well! Hang in there.
a backup generator
I bought the mr one for his BD a few years ago. Not a whole house one, enough to keep the major appliances humming sort & runs on gas. It’s still sitting in the garage, unopened in the huge box it was shipped in from Sams. Eventually, I’d like to think it will be opened. Preferably before a storm lol.
Braving the heat and Memorial Day Weekend crowds with 2 other veterans and our DWs
Living the dream, enjoy!

Those real feel temps seem mighty high for so early in the year!

You are making me nervous for our annual 4th of July trip. Think the worst we experienced was real feel 113 @ Epcot on the holiday.

we hunker down poolside until late afternoon before braving the parks on the 3rd & 4th. Talk about people looking like the walking dead who I’d assume had been there since rope drop. No idea how they do it.
Stay safe with those hot temps, Junkie.

Super happy Saturday here. DH and I got some preview time, when we will be empty nesters. So nice, to have him home, most of the time now. And glad the warm 86 degrees high temp day we will have. Then the cold front will drop our temps to a 70 high for Friday next week. 83 tomorrow, then into the 70’s highs starting on Monday. A rain chance Monday high predicted to be 77. Lately, we have been in the 60’s overnight. Next week, into the low 50’s overnight. Actually, might feel refreshing early evening next week.

Lazy Saturday here. And that’s a good thing. A blood drive visit is the only place we have to be today. So, made a full pot of tea, and relaxing, since being up much earlier today. Oops, left the alarm on. But both of us, went back to sleep a little longer after we turned it off. He got up before me though. And so enjoy that long hot shower. Thinking of making some eggs. With cheese and red peppers. Time to wander into the kitchen.

Hope all have some relaxing time this week ending Saturday. Last one in May, too. And sending more prayers and pixie dust to Robert’s MIL.

Good Morning all.
Good Saturday morning everyone :wave2:






I feel your pain Robbie…. When our internet goes down, I feel like pulling my hair out.
We have all become accustomed to having our internet for sure. Remember when we didn’t have internet. We survived somehow….LOL.

Mac I hope your eyes are doing better.

That reminds me to book one for myself. It's time to get one again and get my feet flip flop ready.
There is just something about salon appointments that make you feel better.

Good start to this Monday morning. The sun is shining and no rain predicted today.

We had weird dry thunder and lightening all around us last night. It rolled in about 11:30 and stayed for an hour.

I dropped into Cotsco yesterday for a look around and found the Starbucks egg bites I get sometime. Tried them out this morning and they are better then the ones they sell at the store.

I finalized my trip plans yesterday. I got a nice deal on a SUV and made resort ressie.

How many days till my trip
Thought this would keep me stoked about the trip.

I’am heading out in the garden today to do some weeding and transplanting ferns.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
Woot! Like your countdown, Robo. I always like booking an SUV when I rent. Glad you have hotel and all ready to go.


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