Something About Nothing............ #14

Loving the Universal pictures!! Wishing I was there with ya'll! Ah well-next year.
Had a whole long post with quotes and something glitched and lost it all. Happening more often it seems, with ads popping up more when on ipad too.
Hope all are doing well. Can't believe it is almost October - after spring took 357 years seems rest of year is going faster (and good riddance to 2020 too!) Rained and stormed Sunday (needed the rain) but otherwise beautiful, crisp and sunny.

Father in Law (hubs step dad) diagnosed with covid over weekend-was in hospital over night but home now. When they went to family doc on Thurs with symptoms the idiot doc refused to do a covid test as it is "overblown". "overblown" or not still do your duty! They were at our house week ago friday, so we are all in quarantine-he started feeling bad a week ago Saturday. Thankfully he is in terrific shape for 77. Mother in law to get tested Tuesday, hubs will get tested Friday. Hub spent most time with them when they were here and he briefly stopped by their house this weekend before FiL went to hospital. So hubs also isolating. And I start with regular testing next week so I can go back to my nursing homes on a limited basis!! So excited to do that ! Well not getting brain tickled but to actually get back in "real" work mode!

Any TM rumors of when the new coaster actually opens? I saw the "official" announcement but...`

And one silver lining of having to fully pay for own health insurance - this year the insurance company didn't meet the mandated guideline on spending a required level of premiums money on actual care-so getting a hefty refund of premium money. Of course company wants to keep it as a "rebate" for future premiums-uh uh-way too much to do that-called and requested check. Alysa's bills from her chest xrays and dr visit part due are rolling in.

Keep the Uni pics coming!!
Loving the Universal pictures!! Wishing I was there with ya'll! Ah well-next year.
Had a whole long post with quotes and something glitched and lost it all. Happening more often it seems, with ads popping up more when on ipad too.
Hope all are doing well. Can't believe it is almost October - after spring took 357 years seems rest of year is going faster (and good riddance to 2020 too!) Rained and stormed Sunday (needed the rain) but otherwise beautiful, crisp and sunny.

Father in Law (hubs step dad) diagnosed with covid over weekend-was in hospital over night but home now. When they went to family doc on Thurs with symptoms the idiot doc refused to do a covid test as it is "overblown". "overblown" or not still do your duty! They were at our house week ago friday, so we are all in quarantine-he started feeling bad a week ago Saturday. Thankfully he is in terrific shape for 77. Mother in law to get tested Tuesday, hubs will get tested Friday. Hub spent most time with them when they were here and he briefly stopped by their house this weekend before FiL went to hospital. So hubs also isolating. And I start with regular testing next week so I can go back to my nursing homes on a limited basis!! So excited to do that ! Well not getting brain tickled but to actually get back in "real" work mode!

Any TM rumors of when the new coaster actually opens? I saw the "official" announcement but...`

And one silver lining of having to fully pay for own health insurance - this year the insurance company didn't meet the mandated guideline on spending a required level of premiums money on actual care-so getting a hefty refund of premium money. Of course company wants to keep it as a "rebate" for future premiums-uh uh-way too much to do that-called and requested check. Alysa's bills from her chest xrays and dr visit part due are rolling in.

Keep the Uni pics coming!!

Hope everyone will be ok.

New coaster summer 2021
Hello everyone. I have spent most of today feeling very thankful for my family. I have a friend in Georgia who I may have mentioned in the past. Her daughter used to run away from home a lot when she was in middle and high school. In the past 2 years the girl has been arrested 4 times for shoplifting. The last time she was arrested she also had heroin in her possession. She was allowed to go to an intensive drug treatment program in lieu of confinement, but left the program after 5 weeks. She had a court date today and was facing possible prison time. What she got is 23 months in the county jail followed by 17 months felony probation. He mother is hoping that this will be the thing that finally makes her examine her life choices and convinces her to change her behavior. The girl is only 20 years old. Just 7 months older than B. It's a little unnerving. I can't even imagine what my friend has been going through these past few years.

Sorry for the downer. I have just been thinking a lot today about what if that was my child. I feel like driving over to campus and giving B a big hug.

I need to go make something for dinner. It's getting late, so probably a quick meal of corned beef and pastrami sandwiches.

Sorry to hear that y'all are getting soaked at Universal.

Such a worry for her mother. Yes, hopefully now she has help, she can turn her life around. Drugs are sucha dreadful thing. To know your kids have taken stuff like that......scary.

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Work has overtaken my life and I try to read when I can, but its not much. Cannot wait until the company moves and we hire help. Hope everyone is doing well.

Hey Vicki......good to see you...wondered where you were. Hope you manage some down time soon.......

As We walked back to HRH, me in bare feet, since the slide sandals, in water that was getting close to shin height in spots...started to think “what if there are snakes in the water? Ew ew ew

a hard no lol


We did today, who doesn’t want to touch that germY thing?

Cute kittie!

haven’t yet wrapped my brain around ‘characters’ in masks
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Tribute store very well done,perhaps some gags from original house sets?

Frankenstein? Or not IDK but interesting
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Not going to pass up a glow in the dark donut even tho finnegans res in 10 minutes
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Hope they resurrect Beetlejuice house next yearView attachment 528622View attachment 528623View attachment 528624
This was better in person, loved how it moved
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lol...when you mentioned to me about the first thought was "ooh snakes" lol......there has been a lot of water fall from the sky!

Love the pictures and a glow in the dark!! Hope Finnegans was a good experience.....enjoy today :thumbsup2

Loving the Universal pictures!! Wishing I was there with ya'll! Ah well-next year.
Had a whole long post with quotes and something glitched and lost it all. Happening more often it seems, with ads popping up more when on ipad too.
Hope all are doing well. Can't believe it is almost October - after spring took 357 years seems rest of year is going faster (and good riddance to 2020 too!) Rained and stormed Sunday (needed the rain) but otherwise beautiful, crisp and sunny.

Father in Law (hubs step dad) diagnosed with covid over weekend-was in hospital over night but home now. When they went to family doc on Thurs with symptoms the idiot doc refused to do a covid test as it is "overblown". "overblown" or not still do your duty! They were at our house week ago friday, so we are all in quarantine-he started feeling bad a week ago Saturday. Thankfully he is in terrific shape for 77. Mother in law to get tested Tuesday, hubs will get tested Friday. Hub spent most time with them when they were here and he briefly stopped by their house this weekend before FiL went to hospital. So hubs also isolating. And I start with regular testing next week so I can go back to my nursing homes on a limited basis!! So excited to do that ! Well not getting brain tickled but to actually get back in "real" work mode!

Any TM rumors of when the new coaster actually opens? I saw the "official" announcement but...`

And one silver lining of having to fully pay for own health insurance - this year the insurance company didn't meet the mandated guideline on spending a required level of premiums money on actual care-so getting a hefty refund of premium money. Of course company wants to keep it as a "rebate" for future premiums-uh uh-way too much to do that-called and requested check. Alysa's bills from her chest xrays and dr visit part due are rolling in.

Keep the Uni pics coming!!

Good wishes for all.....hope all results are good ones. And congrats for being able to get back to work in real life......yes, this year has taken forever to get through......we said the same thing, can`t believe Oct is just around the corner....

Rumours are everywhere about opening dates, but no one really knows for sure....well, publically anyway.......looking forward to it, and the announcement a few days amped that up a bit......been following the progress on Twitter and friends who have been sending updates.......that is one cool coaster!

Good to see you........:wave2:

Strangely we had rain last night, light rain and no breeze at was very still at bedtime. But, this morning we have beautiful sunshine and it`ll be a high of around 60F for most of us today......

Slept so well last night, and enjoyed an early cup of tea while it was still dark this morning......before I came downstairs Tom asked me what was for dinner tonight???? Crikey, haven`t even had breakfast yet.......think I might make up some home made pizza.......will enjoy it while we still have flour.....seems some items are being limited again due to idiot panic buyers.......

Will head out this morning.....fancy some new ovenware and general containers for kitchen. I like the grey Le Creuset so may get some of them if I can. And general containers and dishes will see what is there.

Apart from that, not much going on today........






Good Morning Schumi. Still I be the morning crew.

Seems the rainy day forecast today. So doing what I did yesterday, flip flops, quick dry clothes, and umbrella. While I agree the lockers are a pain, don’t mind doing to have an umbrella with me. Hoping to get some of the outside rides done first, as the rain chances appear to be earlier today. I will just keep a peak at my phone’s weather radar app, and hustle inside when I see that dark green and above colors. Two days before, that evening rain had some red in it. Quite the downpour that one. Though yesterday’s one was yellow, so a steady amount of lots of rain from that kinda big thunderstorm blob that took its time going over us. But rain ended before the day did, and a beautiful cloud stretching sunset was seen.

Ah yes,

Yep, a Taco Tuesday is upon us, though not sure Mac will do her Taco Bell run today, though there is that Bee taco truck in the Studios, so a Taco can be had not only by Mac, but the rest of us in the Studios today.

So a terrific Tuesday to all the homies.

Snow, good to hear from you, and I hope you get some time to just relax.

MonyK, hope all are negative, and yeah it will in some ways be good to be back to work. It has a been a crazy year for you, and yay for getting some insurance money back.

Time to make some coffee. Do not like tea through the coffee machine here, still has a coffee taste. So, coffee it is.
Afternoon all. Still enjoying your photos. Charade that is such awful news for your friend. I would be devastated and feel so sorry for the family. I have a dear friend who has a grandson who has battles with drugs and know how it’s affecting their family.

We have been busy today - still plenty to sort out at Dad’s so we went over for a while. Also collected more apples from his trees - we are going to see friends at the weekend so I will take a crumble with us.

From there we visited a cafe in the countryside for coffee and delicious cake. It was originally a smithy and was converted some years ago. Very quirky and one of our favourites. Bit naughty as we are eating out tonight with DS, DIL and Em but really enjoyed it as such a beautiful day - lots of people sat outside.

Have now done the ironing and given Louie a good brush and trim while Kev has cleaned the car so time for a cup of tea.

Hope it stays dry for you travellers x
@Charade67 Sorry about your friend having to deal with all that. I do hope that it'll be a wake up call. You state they have been arrested, but I do not know if they had serious jail time, but it seems this time (to me at least) seems to be a decent amount of time to really think things over possibly. Unfortunately drugs are an illness it seems to me. However, it's not impossible to conquer them. I hope things turn around for her.

Also, @Monykalyn I hope things turn out alright with the family and they are being responsible with isolating themselves. I can't believe they wouldn't give him a test, but good to see the others got tests.

But yeah, I doubt we'll hear any rumors anytime soon since it was literally just announced of the vague time frame. We won't know even a rumored month probably until it's a couple of months away from summer.

Also @keishashadow those are probably the best photos I've seen of the inside of the HHN tribute store. 😲

It states gonna rain this afternoon I hope it isn't much. My dad said this morning that if we get rain it won't have really anywhere else to go. So... *crosses fingers*

After this post, hitting the books. I need to try to be a good noodle today. I didn't do as much as I planned to yesterday, so I need to focus. I hate having ADHD. Ah!
Taco truck on the studios is just ok
They are small and would need two of them

Can’t decide where to feed my face today

Oh pick somewhere nice won`t you........maybe one of the places I suggested earlier........:rolleyes1 Hope you don`t get too wet later today.......☔

Just the most gorgeous day today........didn`t go looking for ovenware after all.......friend with dogs called and said they were coming to the beach (they lives about 25 minutes inland) and did we fancy meeting them.....absolutely......had a lovely (long) walk along the beach and the dogs were a lot of fun........legs are aching now.

Lunch was coronation chicken open sandwiches......nice and spicy.........and this afternoon I have sat in the garden room with a book. I got an advanced copy of this one, think it`s officially released Thursday, one of my friends daughter does work for the publisher so I was delighted she gave me it......The Haunting of Alma Fielding.....true story.

Sitting in the sunshine has been glorious this afternoon. I love this room......we get the sun most of the day at one side and the back of the house form around 10ish in the morning......right through till it sets behind the trees.

Making pizza`s for dinner tonight after all.........simple and easy to make your own.

Time for a cuppa........
So, I said I was going to study and I am, but I peeked on Facebook (oopsie) and found out apparently it's going to be in the 60's in the morning starting tomorrow for the past next few days...


After checking the weather and confirming it I've decided once I have this done tomorrow I am definitely running off to the Dark Side probably Thursday.
With the Hagrids saying down, by the time I got to the Studios it was showing a 60 minute wait. Did Gringots walked on with express, twice did MIB with express, both a walk on. Then saw Bourne, grabbed some lunch, then took train over to Islands. Saw that the line for Hagrids did not seem like 60 minutes. Jumped in line, that started at the top of the hill. 40 minutes later, rode. Was stopped right before loading for a big family. Well, karma, they took up the rest of the train, so I had to wait a second to be in the first car. Woot! Fun being first, think it is faster then the back.

Chilling in AP lounge to charge my phone some.
Pics from today:

Another dragon shot:

Sorry, sideways Potter:

Penguin rocking to the music:

Sorry, upside from in line for Hagrids:2286D1D9-7255-430A-883A-4277DF4307E2.jpeg

Then ride pics:

Galaxy Defender, as suit won’t be ready until Tuesday.

And of course, Coaster fun with Hagrids:
Lynne your pictures are brilliant thank you!

Just returned from our meal - very good steak followed by double chocolate cheesecake. Too full now. Great fun with DS and DIL.

More restrictions brought in for certain areas today - not us we seem to be doing ok in Cheshire for now - but means once again our weekend away to my friend is postponed - very disappointed but we are going to meet up for (long) lunch on Friday.

Time to watch Great British Bake Off. Love it.

Enjoy the rest of your day homies.
So, I said I was going to study and I am, but I peeked on Facebook (oopsie) and found out apparently it's going to be in the 60's in the morning starting tomorrow for the past next few days...

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After checking the weather and confirming it I've decided once I have this done tomorrow I am definitely running off to the Dark Side probably Thursday.

Think that`s about the same temps we`ve to get next few days......mid 60F......although ours lasts all day.......

Hope you make it on Thursday.........

With the Hagrids saying down, by the time I got to the Studios it was showing a 60 minute wait. Did Gringots walked on with express, twice did MIB with express, both a walk on. Then saw Bourne, grabbed some lunch, then took train over to Islands. Saw that the line for Hagrids did not seem like 60 minutes. Jumped in line, that started at the top of the hill. 40 minutes later, rode. Was stopped right before loading for a big family. Well, karma, they took up the rest of the train, so I had to wait a second to be in the first car. Woot! Fun being first, think it is faster then the back.

Chilling in AP lounge to charge my phone some.
Pics from today:

Another dragon shot:
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Sorry, sideways Potter:
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Penguin rocking to the music:
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Sorry, upside from in line for Hagrids:View attachment 528764

Then ride pics:

Galaxy Defender, as suit won’t be ready until Tuesday.
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And of course, Coaster fun with Hagrids:
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Nice pics Lynne.

Bello Sans family :wave2:

Checked in and then came over to The studios.

At Lombard’s in upstairs AP dining room. It’s raining buckets outside.

There is no one here.
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This is what I call social distancing at its best for sure.

I just heard the rain has been bouncing down.......but glad you arrived safely and isn`t lombards just lovely.......definitely some social distancing going on there.......

Have a lovely day........

Pizza`s were lovely......we did enjoy them, didn`t make them too large so we`re not completely full......had a little room for some strawberry ice cream I made earlier and very buttery shortbread......

Won`t be too long till we`re in bed......not sure why we`re so tired....but, won`t be late.

Think a lot of England is forecast rain tomorrow, so won`t make any plans. We have the man coming out in the morning to change our Broadband Router.......internet keeps`s an easy fix.

Made us some hot chocolates tonight.....marshmallows too......and been enjoying some very nice emails too...... :thumbsup2
Quick hello, doing a good round of all the attractions we want to this morning, lots of fun at Horror Makeup and Animal Actor’s today, now back at Blondies for a sandwich!!!
You were???
I was eating there at 12:48 solo
I did animal actor 11:30 show and went to blondies after it was over.
But don’t know what you look like ...
Did you see me?
@schumigirl sounds like a dream come true to me. I'm sure a lot of people here love the heat and how hot it is, but I prefer the cold. So when it drops anything below 70 I'm so excited. Can't wait for the days where it'll be under 70 for a whole day. Sounds like you had good eats today.

I hear the thunder coming! I'm going to try to do my test right now. Kind of risky, but I want to just get it done and out of the way so I can focus on my assignment tomorrow and that's all I have to worry about.

I'll confirm tomorrow if I definitely going on Thurs, so if anyone is interested in a meet up let me know.


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