Something About Nothing............ #14

Schumi, any evening I don’t have to cook, I’ll eat anything anywhere ……

How is your tan coming along…..:teeth:

lol…….I actually do have a tan line where my watch goes……very slight but it’s there…….I’m quite proud of any tan I can get…….

Yep, much as though I love cooking, real cooking, always enjoy a night or so off……::yes::

Time for bed……..:wave2:
Yay, live reports from Schumi and Son.

Awesome your shots, I bet, of Epcot, Son. We used to carry a camera, but as phone camera got better, we haven’t brought a camera in years. Hope that early wedding was beautiful.

And so, here comes the rain. But at least not today. Cloudy conditions, to last all the day. Then a stormy weekend. And, 70 degrees the high, so almost ready to change to shorts for my lunchtime walk.

We had some zoo fun last night, as was a picnic at the zoo for members. Little one and I were the only ones to go, as DH was over his mum’s and older one was too lazy to want to go. So, with a full belly, we wandered around for a little while, and left at 10 minutes before they closed, as picnic was for two hours after zoo closed an hour before our picnic time was. Was a gorgeous evening, with a little breeze, but still was warm. Little one had a lightweight jacket on, shorts and a sports bra. I had on a short sleeve shirt and lightweight leisure pants. Perfect, as neither of us felt cold. Was warm. Even this rhino named Tony, was enjoying the evening:
Hehe, he’s a spook rhino. One day, we saw a peacock wander into his area. He was having none of it. Ran away from the bird and kept grunting at it. But a beautiful animal. Lucky we have a nice, large, very old, zoo in our city.

But as last day of my week day routine, I was still up before the sun, and tea for me. But a happy homie here, as it’s now a Friday. Woot!

So, Keisha being a good mum, and hope Robo, MonyK and Buckeev don’t be strangers, and post more often.

Come on, even if not a week day routine homie, have that most glorious Friday feeling today. Fabulous Friday all.
I’ll go cutsie, Carole stole my meme lol.

as the cat-ma to two purr-fect little black cats, don’t take Friday the 13th out on them;)

have a good day all!

I’m getting ready to toss that bacon in the pan & then drive the mr to a dental procedure. Jury out on whether I’m going to finally rake up that garden plot i turned over now that it’s dry enough.
Hehe, must be dental visit for DH day. My DH at his now, Keisha. Hope both guys are good to go.

Ooh, yay, maybe more of HHN news? At least Sea World and BGT are offering a two nights ticket for $66.66 today. Sounds like a great deal to me. Less than 40 dollars each night? I hope a score for some of our homies.
UGGHHH not in mood to work today.
Loved them both! recommend doing the boat over to the Arizona asap in the am before it gets crowded, then backtracking to tour the rest of the area
Got the 8am ticket for ARizona so hopefully no issues.
hooting for 3rd week in September, possibly another long weekend in October. How about you this year?
going earlier this year so hubs can use his AP before it expires. 9/7-9/19. Debating HoS at SW vs MNSSHP or just hanging around resort and maybe do a VB day as never been to volcano bay. Budget allows for one choice! HoS is cheapest but...takes away from an HHN night.
We had some zoo fun last night
you have a great zoo!! love the pics
To you too! AC went out in room I use at the NH I am at today-had to be >90 degrees. thankfully the Maintenance person is wonderful and she had it fixed up quick!
Ooh, yay, maybe more of HHN news? At least Sea World and BGT are offering a two nights ticket for $66.66 today. Sounds like a great deal to me. Less than 40 dollars each night? I hope a score for some of our homies.
It's tempting!! Also sent the job ad to paige to see if she wants to apply at SW halloween event-they are paying bonus if you work most of the nights.
Hello everyone. A quick stop in from me. I'm only on day 5 of the semester and I am already stressed. I am completely confused with my editing class. I was hoping dh could help me, but he hasn't taught editing in several years and I am using a program he is not familiar with. I emailed my instructor for help and am waiting to hear back from him.

I had to take Caspian to the vet today for his annual checkup. He was being so feisty, that I finally gave them permission to sedate him. I will pick him up later this afternoon.

Mother’s Day was very nice Here. eldest DS‘s family gifted the two of us zoo memberships. cardiac hills there, mostly shady though, will make for some nice walks as only half an hour from home in regular traffic.
When I lived in North Carolina I often said that if I had lived closer to the zoo I would have bought a membership and used it like a gym. That zoo is also very hilly.
two of my DS who work in medical field said hippa is no joke, they receive mandated training every year to meet their licensing requirements. Has to be awkward meeting patients outside of the professional environment in those situations.
Yes, violating HIPAA is grounds for termination. We tell all clients that if we see them outside the office we will not acknowledge them unless they speak to us first.

Had somebody recently mention the above & pointedly inquire if we were going to cancel our various summer travel. poor dear, she seemed so disappointed when I emphatically said no. Explained we will follow the same common sense protocols we’ve employed since we started to travel again.
Same here. It would have to get really bad again for us to cancel travel plans.

I felt the same way, when I first started. You will do fantastic!!! Once you get into your groove, you will rock it! But I will admit I hated doing an introduction of myself in discussion boards.
Thanks. I don't mind written introductions so much, but for my editing class we had to make introduction videos. I hate being on camera.

Howdy SANs folk! Horrible, absentee Disboarder BuckeeV here!
Hi Buckeev. Good to see you again.

And, oh yeah, I’m going to Disneyland!
Awesome! Hope you have a great time. We will be going there next year.

And this is a beautiful view out of the window from our suite…
Gorgeous. Glad you are having such a wonderful time.

That is a story in itself, lol. They did give us three $15 meal vouchers for the original delayed flight. After we booked another flight, they announced that flight was overbooked. I told my husband just go see what they were offering. They first offered us $500 a person plus hotel. We declined because I heard them offering the guy next to us $800 and $1500 (3 of us) was not worth the inconvenience. As soon as we sat back down, the ticket agent comes over and offers $800 a person. We decided to accept since I paid for the tickets with credit card points so we weren't out of pocket any money other than checking one bag. So after a few minutes of waiting they called us back up and said they didn't need us to give up our seats. So we sat back down. A few minutes later, they made another announcement that they were still overbooked. My husband said he wasn't fooling with them any longer so we got in line to board and the ticket agent approached us again and offered us the $800 deal again. My husband said no, make it $1000 each and we'd consider it so the ticket agent giggles and goes off the the supervisor and the supervisor approves it so we are happy. Although we needed to get home since this was on a Wednesday, DS had taken the whole week off and my boss would have understood and thought me a fool for not taking the deal so it was just DS missing another day of school, but for $3k he could deal. Anyway, the flight boards and they call us back up after the gate has emptied. They tell us we can board the flight...Whaaaat. At that point we just get on the plane but the supervisor did say she was going to make a note to have them provide us with something when we arrive at our destination. BTW...never happened. Never got a call from anyone. Turns out that we got our seats back because a dad of a family of 3 or 4 got real belligerent with the ticket agent because his family could not sit together (I kind of understand because his kids looked to be under 10, but not to the point of getting ugly with a ticket agent) sum it up, security got called and the whole family got booted from the plane. His kids were yelling at him for getting them booted and we were ticked because this jerk cost us $3k. Lol....Oh well. Easy come easy go.
Wow, after all that and no compensation. I would be very annoyed too.

Well DHs oldest Katelyn is moving from Jacksonville to Gainesville. She was head hunted by many firms/universities. Will be full professor in cardiology program and be able to run her own lab.
What a great accomplishment. Congratulations to her.

The weather has actually been amazing here in Orlando since I got here on Tuesday. I actually got chilly last night at Epcot before the sun had even gone down. It’s been in the 80s with a stiff breeze and low humidity for Orlando at this time of year.
That's my kind of theme park weather.

I spent an hour staking out my spot for pics of Spaceship Earth last night.
Hope to see pictures of your trip.

Unusual morning for us. We have been on constant contact with bil since late last night. The town where they live (it is situated on the edge of Great Slave Lake and along a major river the routes water from the south into the Great Slave) have been under evacuation notice. His fiance works in HR for the health authority there, so she is required to be there, so he stayed because of her. So far their home has not been flooded out. But his house with his ex-wife is now flooded as well as the downtown core which includes the RCMP detachment and firehouse and the old hospital are all flooded. There is a new community center that has not flooded (yet) and the new hospital/health unit have not been flooded yet. the new heath unit/hospital are the command center. Sigh. Oh and the airport is under water now as well. Just keep my bil in your thoughts that their home will be ok.
Prayers for your BIL and the other families in that areas.

Was warm. Even this rhino named Tony, was enjoying the evening:
Great picture.

t least Sea World and BGT are offering a two nights ticket for $66.66 today. Sounds like a great deal to me. Less than 40 dollars each night? I hope a score for some of our homies.
That's an incredible deal. I would love to go to BGT someday.

going earlier this year so hubs can use his AP before it expires. 9/7-9/19.
I am going to miss you by one day. I arrive 9/20.

I need to get back to classwork. I am going to try to make an attempt to get a little ahead in my classes this weekend.
HoS is cheapest but...takes away from an HHN night.
other than slight FOMO re HoS, I’d stick with HHN if only 2 nights.

It had a strong first year in many ways but, certainly has a way to go to get up to the production values & ‘seasoning’ of scareactors.

will say their scare zone actors were absolutely on point, back to the old school style where they actually engaged and did their best to ‘scare you’

additionally, there is an adult vibe, especially in the bars With the go-go dancer boys & girls;)
. I emailed my instructor for help and am waiting to hear back from him.
I’m sure it’s a major mind shift to go back to school. Good luck, hopefully it will become second nature soon. Has to be difficult to carry what appears to be a full course load & work at the same time!
TGIF :cheer2: I am glad it's Friday!

I have a feeling today will be going at a glacial pace. Once my time sensitive work is competed, it will be a slow day!

Dh texted me this morning and said if we wanted to do date night...tonight was the night as tomorrow night is game 7 for our beloved Oilers to either win and move on in the play offs or start their summer holidays on the golf courses. He's such a romantic at times ;) :lmao:

Update on bil. The water started coming up their street - and they were putting the last of their toys and things - his fiance has a a vintage camaro (which they had moved higher ground) and they have a side by side and their truck camper all loaded onto trucks/trailers and were leaving town. Then finally the ice jam broke at the mouth of the lake and the water started to recede. They think that this last push of ice/trees and debris along with all the water should be the last of the high push to come through for the year. With record high water levels it gathered lots of trees that previously haven't been picked up in years past. It is mind blowing how much debris came through this year. But flood watch is done for now. They are now in recovery mode now. People are going back home to see how much damage is done. At least everyone is safe. Now the clean up begins.

our air fryer is in heavy use-along with instapot. Instapot mac n cheese last night. Won’t make it any other way now as it’s so fast and easy!
I use our air fryer almost daily as well. I have never tried mac n cheese in the instant pot! Guess what I will be researching this afternoon :laughing:
Oddly enough the tix specialist suggested to set up a ‘friend’ in MDE where we should dump all our transferable tix. Seems odd but, idea is they won’t accidentally be used by the system when the person linked to them enters a park (Wanting to use other tix media, whether an AP or part of a multi day tix).
That's exactly what I have done. I have our dogs names and have the tickets applied to them. But I will say that when I was first trying to actually us the app to book Lightening Lane and Genie +, it would weirdly ask me the odd time about applying it to the those tickets instead of the ones that I actually had park reservations for :confused:
They have the best street tacos !
So, with a full belly, we wandered around for a little while, and left at 10 minutes before they closed, as picnic was for two hours after zoo closed an hour before our picnic time was. Was a gorgeous evening, with a little breeze, but still was warm. Little one had a lightweight jacket on, shorts and a sports bra. I had on a short sleeve shirt and lightweight leisure pants. Perfect, as neither of us felt cold. Was warm. Even this rhino named Tony, was enjoying the evening:
That sounds like an amazing way to spend the evening! That is probably one of the things we miss with dd's move. When they moved closer to us, the city they moved from had an amazing zoo. I can't see us making the 2.5 hr drive just to go to the zoo lol. Great picture of the rhino!
UGGHHH not in mood to work today.
Me either!!!!
but for my editing class we had to make introduction videos. I hate being on camera.
ummmm I would feel the same way too!!! Hopefully you get the help you need from your instructor.

Well, I should probably get to shuffling more papers.

Have a great day everyone!
View attachment 668880
I’ll go cutsie, Carole stole my meme lol.

as the cat-ma to two purr-fect little black cats, don’t take Friday the 13th out on them;)
View attachment 668882

have a good day all!

I’m getting ready to toss that bacon in the pan & then drive the mr to a dental procedure. Jury out on whether I’m going to finally rake up that garden plot i turned over now that it’s dry enough.

Sorry I stole your meme……..:laughing:

Curious minds need to know if you did rake that plot……..

UGGHHH not in mood to work today.

Got the 8am ticket for ARizona so hopefully no issues.

going earlier this year so hubs can use his AP before it expires. 9/7-9/19. Debating HoS at SW vs MNSSHP or just hanging around resort and maybe do a VB day as never been to volcano bay. Budget allows for one choice! HoS is cheapest but...takes away from an HHN night.

you have a great zoo!! love the pics

To you too! AC went out in room I use at the NH I am at today-had to be >90 degrees. thankfully the Maintenance person is wonderful and she had it fixed up quick!

It's tempting!! Also sent the job ad to paige to see if she wants to apply at SW halloween event-they are paying bonus if you work most of the nights.

Glad maintenance sorted you out, no A/C is a nightmare in certain states!

Hello everyone. A quick stop in from me. I'm only on day 5 of the semester and I am already stressed. I am completely confused with my editing class. I was hoping dh could help me, but he hasn't taught editing in several years and I am using a program he is not familiar with. I emailed my instructor for help and am waiting to hear back from him.

I had to take Caspian to the vet today for his annual checkup. He was being so feisty, that I finally gave them permission to sedate him. I will pick him up later this afternoon.

When I lived in North Carolina I often said that if I had lived closer to the zoo I would have bought a membership and used it like a gym. That zoo is also very hilly.

Yes, violating HIPAA is grounds for termination. We tell all clients that if we see them outside the office we will not acknowledge them unless they speak to us first.

Same here. It would have to get really bad again for us to cancel travel plans.

Thanks. I don't mind written introductions so much, but for my editing class we had to make introduction videos. I hate being on camera.

Hi Buckeev. Good to see you again.

Awesome! Hope you have a great time. We will be going there next year.

Gorgeous. Glad you are having such a wonderful time.

Wow, after all that and no compensation. I would be very annoyed too.

What a great accomplishment. Congratulations to her.

That's my kind of theme park weather.

Hope to see pictures of your trip.

Prayers for your BIL and the other families in that areas.

Great picture.

That's an incredible deal. I would love to go to BGT someday.

I am going to miss you by one day. I arrive 9/20.

I need to get back to classwork. I am going to try to make an attempt to get a little ahead in my classes this weekend.

Thank you, we’re having the best time…….

Good luck with the classes, hope you do well.

TGIF :cheer2: I am glad it's Friday!

I have a feeling today will be going at a glacial pace. Once my time sensitive work is competed, it will be a slow day!

Dh texted me this morning and said if we wanted to do date night...tonight was the night as tomorrow night is game 7 for our beloved Oilers to either win and move on in the play offs or start their summer holidays on the golf courses. He's such a romantic at times ;) :lmao:

Update on bil. The water started coming up their street - and they were putting the last of their toys and things - his fiance has a a vintage camaro (which they had moved higher ground) and they have a side by side and their truck camper all loaded onto trucks/trailers and were leaving town. Then finally the ice jam broke at the mouth of the lake and the water started to recede. They think that this last push of ice/trees and debris along with all the water should be the last of the high push to come through for the year. With record high water levels it gathered lots of trees that previously haven't been picked up in years past. It is mind blowing how much debris came through this year. But flood watch is done for now. They are now in recovery mode now. People are going back home to see how much damage is done. At least everyone is safe. Now the clean up begins.

I use our air fryer almost daily as well. I have never tried mac n cheese in the instant pot! Guess what I will be researching this afternoon :laughing:

That's exactly what I have done. I have our dogs names and have the tickets applied to them. But I will say that when I was first trying to actually us the app to book Lightening Lane and Genie +, it would weirdly ask me the odd time about applying it to the those tickets instead of the ones that I actually had park reservations for :confused:


That sounds like an amazing way to spend the evening! That is probably one of the things we miss with dd's move. When they moved closer to us, the city they moved from had an amazing zoo. I can't see us making the 2.5 hr drive just to go to the zoo lol. Great picture of the rhino!

Me either!!!!

ummmm I would feel the same way too!!! Hopefully you get the help you need from your instructor.

Well, I should probably get to shuffling more papers.

Have a great day everyone!

Got to love a romantic husband……..they are to be cherished!

Hope the clear up goes well, glad to hear things are going well for BiL.

Haha at least he’s swinging away at it! Too many dudes just sadly phone it in after a few years.

Yes, reading about that sort of thing really makes you give pause & count your blessings.

Yes, you hear of couples who don’t have that spark or make the effort anymore……wouldn’t like to be like that! We like our romance too and enjoy making things that little bit special as a couple……..:hug:

Back in our suite watching Friday 13th part 2…….gosh these are bad! But so watchable…

Another wonderful day here…….tomorrow meeting a Dis bod……should be a lovely day.

Glass of red wine time………
Hope you enjoyed that bacon…….much better than yoghurt! It was Amatista we went to again, Islands is almost identical though. It was very good!

Yes, grass pollen is the one that kicks my butt in the UK, so I’m guessing the same over here is affecting me for the first time.

Love a donut burger!!

Thanks mac…….I do like my early mornings watching the sunrise, it’s much later than we have sunrise in the UK, so its lovely to see.

Nice job on the gym pumpkin…….and yes we’re having a blast!

I’ve never needed much in the way of meds until last couple of years, fingers crossed it doesn’t get worse.

It’s funny, I never developed hayfever till about 8 years ago, changes in farming around us and higher production of rape seed which is a massive irritant, I blame that for most of mine along with grass/tree pollen. Not fun.

That must have been a scary thing…….

Such a lovely day today, well, every day has been lovely so far. Enjoyed dinner at Coopers Hawk Winery tonight, it was beautiful and somewhere we’d go again.

Popped up to Bar17 in Aventura Hotel, still not a fan…….now chilling in room with new bottle of wine. Another late-ish night for us.

Watching tv and howling at the adverts for medications, they always make us laugh…..side effects include “fatal death” lol…….and that’s only one of the serious ones! Might stick to the illness instead……..

Still not decided what we’ll do tomorrow…….will decide tomorrow…..
Those pesky side affects, eh? 😱😉
Hope you enjoyed that bacon…….much better than yoghurt! It was Amatista we went to again, Islands is almost identical though. It was very good!

Yes, grass pollen is the one that kicks my butt in the UK, so I’m guessing the same over here is affecting me for the first time.

Love a donut burger!!

Thanks mac…….I do like my early mornings watching the sunrise, it’s much later than we have sunrise in the UK, so its lovely to see.

Nice job on the gym pumpkin…….and yes we’re having a blast!

I’ve never needed much in the way of meds until last couple of years, fingers crossed it doesn’t get worse.

It’s funny, I never developed hayfever till about 8 years ago, changes in farming around us and higher production of rape seed which is a massive irritant, I blame that for most of mine along with grass/tree pollen. Not fun.

That must have been a scary thing…….

Such a lovely day today, well, every day has been lovely so far. Enjoyed dinner at Coopers Hawk Winery tonight, it was beautiful and somewhere we’d go again.

Popped up to Bar17 in Aventura Hotel, still not a fan…….now chilling in room with new bottle of wine. Another late-ish night for us.

Watching tv and howling at the adverts for medications, they always make us laugh…..side effects include “fatal death” lol…….and that’s only one of the serious ones! Might stick to the illness instead……..

Still not decided what we’ll do tomorrow…….will decide tomorrow…..
Those pesky side affects, eh? 😱😉
Ah, yay a Buckeev post, as hope you are reading along.

A quiet morning. Ooh, on early morning weather news, while we will have a little warm up next week, Florida to get very hot next week. That Gulf Stream is perfect to pump that tropical hot air along the whole Eastern part of the US. And yeah, with warm air, humidity and rain. Like today. Though with all the rain last night, we have dense fog this morning, Advisory of dense foggy conditions issued until late morning. Told DH to be careful as he’s already off to be that good son. Made some breakfast for him to take. And yeah, with dew point at 98 percent, no wonder so foggy and humid. 71 the high, with all the clouds and rain to come today.

And hmm, I may have issue with what my weather radar app warnings were yesterday. As had to pay some bills and do some shopping late afternoon, as got a couple of warnings of light rain. But when you can hear the rain hitting the roof in the store, I don’t think that is light rain. When the rain is coming down so hard, the roads are flooded, not light rain in my book. First time, weather radar showed dark green, second time, was a yellow blob that passed over us. Golf umbrella in my car most of the time. Was used twice as we used it to come out of one store, and to get into another. But as they were just scattered blobs coming from the South and moving NW, from the shore areas across the city areas. Yep, those pop up dumps of rain, that being a good few miles away, makes a big difference in weather. And so, more rain, with thunderstorms warnings in the late afternoon and throughout the evening. Other weather app shows 40 to 70 percent chances of rain from 1 pm until 11 pm. So take your bets and roll the dice, as I’m betting when those radar rain blobs come, they will stay away from me. Might be a looser, given the percent chances and the thunderstorms warnings.

And ack to the straight winds damage in the Midwest. Scary, as winds are like a tornado, 100 mph blasts across, and damage and power out for many. Hope all are safe. And good to hear BIL of Pumpkin, that he did not get much water, and for those that did, hope clean up goes well.

Thus, a super sized Super Happy Saturday to all.

Tea, large TV remote, and quiet, well except for hearing the TV and wash being done. I enjoy those weekend later morning showers, with fresh washed towels to dry off with.

Good Morning too.
Morning all. Hope you all have a lovely weekend ahead. No fear there for Carole!

Want to groom my hairy pooch Today. still refining my clipper skills upon him. Worse case he gets that GI joe buzz cut and will be good for the summer

Ds coming round for chicken wings & a grass mowing he offered. Not sure the weather is going to cooperate. May just fire up the mower myself this am To beat the rain. It’s been a solid 30 years since that has happened. Heck would surely freeze over

Curious minds need to know if you did rake that plot……..
Yes. other than weeding, it’s truly my least favored outdoor chore. Needs a few more passes tho before it’s ready for the seedlings to be planted
We like our romance too and enjoy making things that little bit special as a couple……..:hug:
Have to make your own fun in this life. Every day is a gift, why not cherish it and those you love?
with fresh washed towels to dry off with.
Shamefully, I have several baskets of clean laundry that needs sorted away. my BR closet is not large enough to handle both my winter & summer duds. Not sure why I feel compelled to physically rotate It out from spare room closet twice a year…creature of habit I suppose...manana :rolleyes1
Ah Saturday night, and after a salad and soup dinner, little one and I are relaxing. Rainy all day. Went to the further away outlets to return a online purchase. Got refund, and spent most of it picking out other stuff we found in the store. Other store had what we were looking for, and a great bbq lunch, and back in time to watch the rain before dinner. Traffic was annoying though. Why all were out today? Don’t know. We did take turnpike out, as highway we use was said to be a parking lot. Was a good call. And thank goodness, the highway we did return on, said stopped traffic 2 miles past where we get off it. Another thankful. Little one is very good at driving in the pouring down rain.
Those pesky side affects, eh? 😱😉

lol……”taking this medication may cause fatal death” is the best one! We howl with laughter at the side effects of some meds………

Morning all. Hope you all have a lovely weekend ahead. No fear there for Carole!

Want to groom my hairy pooch Today. still refining my clipper skills upon him. Worse case he gets that GI joe buzz cut and will be good for the summer

Ds coming round for chicken wings & a grass mowing he offered. Not sure the weather is going to cooperate. May just fire up the mower myself this am To beat the rain. It’s been a solid 30 years since that has happened. Heck would surely freeze over

Yes. other than weeding, it’s truly my least favored outdoor chore. Needs a few more passes tho before it’s ready for the seedlings to be planted

Have to make your own fun in this life. Every day is a gift, why not cherish it and those you love?

Shamefully, I have several baskets of clean laundry that needs sorted away. my BR closet is not large enough to handle both my winter & summer duds. Not sure why I feel compelled to physically rotate It out from spare room closet twice a year…creature of habit I suppose...manana :rolleyes1

Yep, lovely weekend indeed!

We are rubbish at gardening…….that’s why we have help……:rotfl:couldn’t tell you the last time either of us mowed the lawns……

Sounds like a good day with DS, hope the weather co-operated. Yes, some couples end up like lodgers when they don’t put in the effort and keep the romance alive 😍…………I’m all for making the most of every moment too…….

Another lovely day here. Met a Disser, JaxDad who we have met before in St Augustine, lovely day and lovely lunch with him. Another hot one…..

Lazy day tomorrow, some laundry in the morning (yes, very exciting) and then who knows…….

Strong Water is lively tonight!! :cheer2:
Quick Saturday stop in!

We had a great evening out last night. We went our for a quick meal at a local bar which sources most of the items used locally. Such a good meal. We ended up going to see the Dr. Strange movie. We both enjoyed it. A typical marvel movie - with a good cliffhanger for the next one.

Today seemed to be our leaf popping day. It seems to finally be green here now - FINALLY!!!! I definitely noticed it when I was out doing a few errands and especially coming back from the gym.

I got some cleaning done, and whipped up some yummy burgers for supper tonight. I was going to try to make some brioche buns, but there wasn't really enough time to have them ready for supper. Tomorrow I'll whip up some buns with my sourdough starter, and want to try my hand at some blueberry scone. Hopefully fresh ones are not too expensive. Some prices seem to be coming down a bit on groceries.

We talked to bil today. Clean up is starting to happen now. He is busy helping out friends with pumping water out of basements and hauling out all the wrecked items. There is still a boil water advisory as they are working on the sewer system. Opening FB and seeing friends posting pictures is heart breaking. It was a record year for water and snow. No one had ever thought that the river would ever breech it's banks. Even their home insurances never even thought that either as the water rose 15-30 feet of steep banks to flood the town. Now the fights begin with insurance. It makes me grateful.

I may have issue with what my weather radar app warnings were yesterday. As had to pay some bills and do some shopping late afternoon, as got a couple of warnings of light rain. But when you can hear the rain hitting the roof in the store, I don’t think that is light rain. When the rain is coming down so hard, the roads are flooded, not light rain in my book.
Yikes...I am not a storm lover. Good thing I live where where we don't get too many.
Not sure why I feel compelled to physically rotate It out from spare room closet twice a year…creature of habit I suppose...manana :rolleyes1
I rotate a few items. I only have a tote or two. I don't have a big wardrobe. Honestly - i hate clothes shopping...especially pants/jeans. I would rather poke my eyes out with an ice pick than do that some days.
Lazy day tomorrow, some laundry in the morning (yes, very exciting) and then who knows…….

Strong Water is lively tonight!! :cheer2:
It's great to hear that Strong Water is still a great one to visit.

Well, I should maybe try to watch the hockey game that has dh's blood pressure sky high right now lol.

I'll leave a nightlight on for anyone who can't sleep or for those who are early risers.
Hope you have a good night Pumpkin, and thanks for the night light. For those of us on the East Coast of the US and in SA, check out the red moon tonight. Best is now. Me, hard to see with our cloud cover.
Ah, still the early bird, with another quiet morning. Another foggy start with us having a rainy day and evening yesterday. Cloudy too, as some rain chances today too. But much less chance compared to the mostly rainy day we had the last 2 days.

So while bright enough out, it’s not sunny looking. And with already 62 degrees out, we are going to have a more like early Summer temp. With some sun to be seen today, that heat pump of Southern hot air, we have us go to 80 degrees as the high. And so humid. The dew point is 100 percent right now. I can see me showing my pasty white looking legs with wearing shorts today.

But as a Sunday, it’s the get out the trash and get whatever else we need day. Alarm already set. And older one works, and DH left with some cut up fruit, scrambled eggs and bacon to enjoy breakfast with his mum. So mostly another little one and me day.

Hope whatever your plans today, you find some time to relax, and rest. If ever a Sunday, it is a good day for such. Super sized Serenely Happy Sunday homies. And a hearty good morning to all too.

Was good to hear from Schumi, and good to hear Strong Water back to many enjoying that bar.


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