Something About Nothing............ #14

Slow morning at work today, but got very busy after lunch. I ended up staying and hour and 15 minutes later than usual.
I'm now waiting for dinner to finish cooking. I have honey garlic chicken in the crockpot and will use it to make lettuce wraps. Nice, low carb dinner.

Thank you. Bonus points if you know where it is from.

We are leaning towards a 60/40, bit I don't know how deep we can have it.

Thanks. B's school is going to try to have a "normal" semester this year. We will see if that works out.

You look like you are having a blast.

Thank you. Sounds like your work is about as slow as mine is.

Hi Cam. Good to see you again.

Hi MonyK. Hope the trip to Orlando goes well and the weather cooperates for the move in.

Dinner is almost ready. Tonight we are thinking about going to see Jungle Cruse.

That sounds a lovely dish.......I hate honey, but love it within many dishes. I love honey balsamic chicken and honey mustard dressing, but sit real honey in front of me....I`ll run a mile! With lettuce cups, it sounds very nice.

Ahem....... :rolleyes1

Night light is invisible tonight ....

Can`t believe how quickly our nights are getting darker now......woke up around 4.30am and it was almost daylight a few weeks ago, now I wasn`t sure if it was around midnight.

Yes, it was a little darker getting up just before 6am this morning, but looks to be another gorgeous day ahead, think we`ll be using the bbq tonight again for dinner.

Will do some chicken kebabs, make some shish kebabs with lamb mince and maybe some steak skewers......long as there are plenty of meats, we`re all happy. I feel like pancakes this morning, but don`t feel like making them as we`re heading out soon for a walk before the sun gets too hot, so I have some croissants and will make up fruit plates for us too.

Not sure if it`s just us this morning, or anyone is joining us......haven`t had any txts so far to say they are. Either way we`re happy if it`s just the two of us or have company the odd day.

Another quiet weekend for us, don`t think we have any plans for much at all this weekend apart from a Facetime with friends in Australia.

Tea coming up........




Have a wonderful Friday :flower3:

Ah yes, early I am, but was nice to relax with DH before he gets going.

Excessive Heat warning again today. You too could be feeling like it’s 106 out by this afternoon. 97 the high. And woke up around 2 or 3am, as quite the wind blowing and so hard a downpour I swear it was going to come into the house. But we have a year old roof, and all is tight. So nothing wet and I went back to sleep. But that overnight storm is long gone, and a very bright start we had. And yes, 75 out already, and I hear ya Schumi. Sunrise was less than a half hour ago. The early mornings are getting darker indeed.

And so, the start of a relaxing long week, woot! Taking a break is always nice.

Have that Fabulous Friday feeling. And yep,

8BFA3612-3738-47EF-8B6C-7AF7876C6817.jpeg ::yes::

Oh and Good Morning too! :wave2:

Monykalyn yes Louie definitely loves the beach and the sea. It was a little too warm most days so we had a beach tent, the parasol and a windbreak for shade to keep him cool.

I’ve just been for a blow dry at my hairdresser and resisted the offer of caramel shortbread with my coffee. It’s so hard to stick to Keto but I know it is doing my health good so will battle on for now.

Treated myself to a nice bunch of flowers from a new florist that has opened near the hairdresser. Kev’s idea as he said I deserved a well done for financial things done yesterday!

Also went to another new store - Cheshire Tea. Think Schumi and Lynne would like it. Just bought one type - Lemon & Ginger - but when I got home I have no idea where my infuser tea pot is! Just brewed some in a jug and strained into my cup. Will be searching again later.

Kev is still working outside - trying to tidy it up a little before J & L come home this afternoon

Tomorrow we are joining my brother and sister in law at a Steam Fair which is held every year not far from us. It is a huge event and he has a friend who has a vintage fire engine who sets up bbq etc and we are joining them there.

Hope everyone is heading into a nice weekend.
Ooh always like to see a new tea store, Julie. I have a spoon that is also a strainer. How I usually do loose tea for a cup. Good for you to have hair done and enjoying some treats. My hair is so thick I rarely get a blow dry. And with the heat, hair dries quick enough anyway, with a towel dry. Will be that blonde lady in the week after we get back. Little one actually went to the hair place yesterday, as her hair was much further down past her waist. It’s now at the middle of her back. She decided less hair to blow around on the coasters. I do think it’s good to refresh and get rid of the old hair ends every so often.

And so, with a more lazy day, did some wash, and now have towels out of the dryer. Yay, long shower time.
Good morning every one. I've already had a somewhat productive morning. I paid bills. I desperately need to do some laundry today, but that will be later.

That sounds a lovely dish.......I hate honey, but love it within many dishes. I love honey balsamic chicken and honey mustard dressing, but sit real honey in front of me....I`ll run a mile! With lettuce cups, it sounds very nice.
It was almost a good meal. It came out very salty. I think I will try it again, but use low sodium soy sauce.

Excessive Heat warning again today
Same here. It is supposed to be cooler here next wee, but also very rainy.

I’ve just been for a blow dry at my hairdresser and resisted the offer of caramel shortbread with my coffee. It’s so hard to stick to Keto but I know it is doing my health good so will battle on for now.
I have failed miserably at Keto. I love my carbs too much. Right now I am trying to balance my meals. If I eat carbs at lunch I try not to eat any for supper.

Later this morning B is going for a haircut. She says she is going to do something different, but I have my doubts. After the haircut we will do some back to school shopping.
Good morning every one. I've already had a somewhat productive morning. I paid bills. I desperately need to do some laundry today, but that will be later.

It was almost a good meal. It came out very salty. I think I will try it again, but use low sodium soy sauce.

Same here. It is supposed to be cooler here next wee, but also very rainy.

I have failed miserably at Keto. I love my carbs too much. Right now I am trying to balance my meals. If I eat carbs at lunch I try not to eat any for supper.

Later this morning B is going for a haircut. She says she is going to do something different, but I have my doubts. After the haircut we will do some back to school shopping.

Glad you enjoyed it, yes, too salty isn`t ideal, but least you have an alternative with the low sodium product. Keto isn`t for me either, I need a mix of proper food or feel I`m missing out in something, but as long as you find something that works for you.

Hope your daughter is happy with her hair too.

Left a load of sweet peppers and tomatoes in the Aga all morning roasting with a light coating of chilli oil. This afternoon I laboriously peeled and seeded both and made some soup with real chicken stock, added in a few other bits and pieces like leeks, minced garlic and some herbs and Birds Eye chillies off my little plant, blended it into a smooth soup. So, lunch is sorted for tomorrow, will make some bread in the morning.

Must be party Friday 🍸my lovely husband has just made me a mid afternoon cocktail......very nice indeed!

No bbq tonight as it`s gone very breezy again, and a little cooler so making a mini buffet dinner of spicy chicken drumsticks, wings, home made mini quiche and sausage rolls, salad and olives of course......picnic style I think tonight.

And with our Bay tree being cut back, we discovered, or rather our gardener discovered we have a huge bramble bush back there now. I think it`s come from the hedgerows behind our property, and there are we`ll pick them for sure, love them.

Hope your Friday is a good one.......
Mussels in white wine with garlic tonight. One of my favourite things to eat.
Oh my, that sounds delicious!!

I told ds to take some meat out of the freezer to defrost. Not completely sure what he took out yet. I will figure it out by the seat of my pants when I get home. Dh and the boys went grocery shopping Monday while I was at work. I haven't had time to even really look at what they bought. I'll come up with something.
DH was raised a meat and potatoes long as meat is available, he's content. Sometimes he even skips the side dishes.

We are renovation the house a month at a time. This is what our timeline looks like so far:
August - paint the walls
September - paint kitchen cabinets
October - install new countertops
November - new flooring

Hopefully everything will get done before Christmas
Great plan, and sounds very doable!!

Ran to the farmers market quick after work with DH. It's only open Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Picked up a bunch of fresh veggies. Whipped up some turkey burger patties, fresh potatoes, air-dried some fresh carrots and beets (together) and a quick cucumber salad. It was a yummy supper.
Sitting with the remote. No walk tonight as it's super windy again, and not waking weather. Hopefully tomorrow is better wind wise.
DD mentioned making a trip to the Farmers Market. We have a large one nearby that sells a bit of everything

Wind got up a bit last night, but calm as you like this morning. Walking on the beachfront is very open so it`s nicer when it`s calm. A little breeze is nice though when it`s hotter. Lots of sunshine today, so absolutely sunscreen before we head out even though it`s early doors. It would be ironic to have had so many trips to Florida and not get sunburnt, but have it happen here.

Some of Europe are having terrible heat issues these last few days 47C in some places which is high even for mainland Europe. I think we have to get the tail end of it somehow......

Walking this morning, then after we get showered again, will head out to the kitchen store, decided to change a few things. I bought a new colander weeks back, but not keen on it now, and will pick up some other little things no doubt. It`s one of those stores you go in for one thing and come out laden with items you didn`t know you wanted.

Cajun spiced chicken breasts tonight for dinner......will make a light creamy sauce to go with it, we had this in a restaurant last year and I didn`t think it needed the sauce when I read the menu, but it worked well together, will make some roasted carrots again like last night and call that dinner. Lunch is whatever, but first a poached egg on an English muffin with lots of tea.......




Have a wonderful Thursday

Not sure what happened with this post earlier.......
I had to look up the conversion for 47C. Holy smokes, that's hot!!

I love gadget stores! Have a fun time browsing/buying!

Ooh the rain has left the area and ooh what a clear early morning it is. But yeah, the AC will be getting a workout as Excessive Heat warnings issued again today. And ooh you think Florida can get hot, 97 degrees is our high today, with feel like temps 103 to 105 degrees. Muggy, so sweaty anyone?
I'm getting tired of all these storms! And they all seen to be severe, causing damage all around. Ugh!

Always good to have a shorter working week Lynne and then you have your trip coming up......always exciting! Enjoy that tea.......we`re enjoying a cup right now after our walk.......

Yep, it`s a hot one here......not Florida hot of course, but for us.....almost tropically hot.....I`m all for this African Plume that`s supposed to be heading our way....although one news report now says it won`t be heading our way now.....who knows, all I know is this weather is gorgeous and we are enjoying every second of it.

Enjoying some tea in the graden after our shower. We did walk 8 miles today and in the heat with foot issues, thought we did ok. Drank two bottles of water then some more when we got in.

Think we may have Saturday off of walking, give the old tootsies and legs a break...... ::yes:: Will have a day in the garden and get the book group book finished off hopefully. And some housework in there too........but today it`s a lazy one now.
Do you ever drink iced tea when it's hot?
I like bubble tea, but I'm sure that's not really "true tea". Still good!

Greetings all
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Beautiful week here.

Literally, what a pain. Good luck

I think of u as a tea guru My mom did loose leaf process. I’m so impatient need to slow down and give it a whirl. Then I can learn to read my tea leaves

Oh Lordy

I try to stick to my budget, really I do LOL. In all seriousness a good idea to ha e buckets for various wants
Oh my goodness, that picture should be on a Christmas card! You both look so happy and amazing!
Living your best life and enjoying each moment!!!

Beautiful day here. Not too hot. Em and I had a financial appointment in town and glad that was all sorted quickly.

We didn’t wander round the shops long but went to a good book shop as she wanted some new stories for L and I wanted the next book in a series my friend has introduced me too. ‘The Seven Sisters’. Really enjoyed the first two she gave me so I wanted book three. Not for book club though - we have read ‘Rebecca’ and having our first face to face meeting on Monday evening. Looking forward to it.

Kev carried on in the garden and we had our lunch sat outside then he carried on.

Lamb Tagine tonight had been cooking all day. Very tasty.

Nothing on tv tonight so we will choose a movie.

Hope everyone else has a good evening.
I've heard of the Seven Sisters series. Glad to hear you like it....maybe I'll give book one a try!

Popping in to say hello. Wow, it has been a while! Hope everyone is well and having a nice summer. Ours has been pretty laid back. Other than our UOR trip at the beginning of May we have stayed closed to home. We are leaving for our week at the beach on the 21st. I am really looking forward to that. Just hope those dreaded tropical systems stay away.

We did finally get a new a/c unit and furnace installed. What a difference that makes. Only now I realize how we suffered with that old system for the last several summers. We are nice and cool now which is good considering it has been in the high 90s all week.

No weekend plans. Maybe do a little shopping tomorrow to pick up some things for our vacation.

Pork tenderloin tonight...I think. That's the only thing that is thawed out. Lol.

Have a great night!
Wishing you good weather for your beach trip!!
And woot for a new AC!

HOLA mi amigas!
Missed some very happy birthdays! Yay for Keisha trip too!
Louie looks like he’s made to be a beach bum doggie:love:
Everyone keeps posting about their lovely scrumptious food. I’m not hungry ATM but wants to come to dinner at your house now! Lamb, charcuterie, fish, tacos, burgers all sound soooo good! The charcuterie boards are works of art! And yeah- we are big into cheese of all kinds,
Hoping rest of Mac’s dental work goes well and the choppers working great for the HHN treats next month
Charade- house plans sound lovely. We wanted to get wood floor in this summer, now hoping by thanksgiving. We have full double sink in kitchen, sprayer etc. the second side is mainly used for drying my pots/pans/knives i won’t allow into dishwasher
On our way to Orlando to get kiddo moved into her apartment. Hope bedframe I ordered arrives before I leave next Wednesday. Mattress should be there Sunday. Busy weekend driving her stuff from Jacksonville to UCF that she stored at her 1/2 sisters. They are at Disney for the weekend for Katelyn’s cardiology conference. Not sure if she’s presenting this year or not. THey are also bring a load to Orlando so will get with them Saturday hopefully. May try to go to Universal a few hours Sunday with them too, they are staying at Yacht club but no Disney tix this time.
Lynne safe travels! Hope to catch up long enough for a “hello”! Still have your number in my contacts from couple years ago.
Waze wanted us to go through Memphis & Birmingham instead of our usual Nasheville and Chattanooga- bigger time difference than usual so not sure what’s going on? Ah well we are trying it- been a few years since I was in Memphis, although not seeing our usual route landmarks is weird, keep thinking I’m lost. May have to take over driving soon as I’m about done with the music- rap, hip hop, k-pop, with only a brief 80’s stint. Trying to save my podcasts til when I’m driving as I can go for hours then

Stay well !
Sounds like you will be very busy with the move, but managing some fun too! That's the way to do it!!
Hope all goes smoothly!

Starting to get darker earlier at night now......not even half way through August but by 8.30 we have side lamps on and outside lights have just come on, it`s barely 9pm. But the Stargazers in the house are happy......long nights out with the telescope are beckoning.

Had a very small pink gin tonight.......and a few olives. That works......
Noticing the darkness earlier as well. Was sitting outside reading last night, and before I realized, the outside sensor lights came on.

Oooooh, pink gin and olives! Yes, please!

Slow morning at work today, but got very busy after lunch. I ended up staying and hour and 15 minutes later than usual.
I'm now waiting for dinner to finish cooking. I have honey garlic chicken in the crockpot and will use it to make lettuce wraps. Nice, low carb dinner.
I made the copycat PF Chang lettuce wraps recently. They were easy to make and we will definitely have them again!

Such a well behaved pooch. Not quite sure how mine would handle it.

I’m pretty sure the boy band dude took us through people’s backyards this trip lol

::yes::The mr is definitely blowing off steam. I hit up the tangier outlet. Disney character store was awful, mostly disney store stuff. The park items were basically full price.

did grab pair of kicks 1/2 off at vans store to thank jr for dog sitting. The stores all had capacity & mask mandates. First time I’ve seen it at all
This Week, other than the servers in the white tablecloth TS places.
Tanger Outlet stores can be hit or miss for me. Some deals to be gotten, but not at all stores. Glad you got those 1/2 off Vans!

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Cam, nice to read your post. Hope all is well and nice you got away.

MonyK safe travels and hope she settles in fast. Will be nice to say hi to ya next week.

Ah retail therapy, nice to do some shopping Keisha. Safe travels home.

Ah yes, alarm off but most likely I will be up early. DH jokes, though he knows me well. He says even if I’m up early I won’t get moving until after 9 am. Yep, lazy day. Yes please. Though doing some bill paying, shopping and getting our new licenses. Hope little one knows where her suitcase is. Mine is still in the closet. Will take it out the afternoon before. Wash day Saturday is what I plan to mostly do. And pack.
Do you leave Saturday? Getting so close.....

Will do some chicken kebabs, make some shish kebabs with lamb mince and maybe some steak skewers......long as there are plenty of meats, we`re all happy. I feel like pancakes this morning, but don`t feel like making them as we`re heading out soon for a walk before the sun gets too hot, so I have some croissants and will make up fruit plates for us too.
Kebabs sound nice! Great variety is the key!

Enjoy the walk!

Ah yes, early I am, but was nice to relax with DH before he gets going.

Excessive Heat warning again today. You too could be feeling like it’s 106 out by this afternoon. 97 the high. And woke up around 2 or 3am, as quite the wind blowing and so hard a downpour I swear it was going to come into the house. But we have a year old roof, and all is tight. So nothing wet and I went back to sleep. But that overnight storm is long gone, and a very bright start we had. And yes, 75 out already, and I hear ya Schumi. Sunrise was less than a half hour ago. The early mornings are getting darker indeed.

And so, the start of a relaxing long week, woot! Taking a break is always nice.

Have that Fabulous Friday feeling.

View attachment 596866 ::yes::

Oh and Good Morning too! :wave2:

Cute Friday kitty!!

Tomorrow we are joining my brother and sister in law at a Steam Fair which is held every year not far from us. It is a huge event and he has a friend who has a vintage fire engine who sets up bbq etc and we are joining them there.

Hope everyone is heading into a nice weekend.
Have a great time with family!! Sounds like a fun event!

Good morning every one. I've already had a somewhat productive morning. I paid bills. I desperately need to do some laundry today, but that will be later.

It was almost a good meal. It came out very salty. I think I will try it again, but use low sodium soy sauce.

Same here. It is supposed to be cooler here next wee, but also very rainy.

I have failed miserably at Keto. I love my carbs too much. Right now I am trying to balance my meals. If I eat carbs at lunch I try not to eat any for supper.

Later this morning B is going for a haircut. She says she is going to do something different, but I have my doubts. After the haircut we will do some back to school shopping.
Hope B finds some good back to school deals!!

The wine cruise was a fun evening, as always! Not the best quality photo, but the sunset and city view was stunning from Lake Michigan!

Cruising back down the Milwaukee river after sunset. Love how the lights dance off of the water!

My parents came with us on the wine cruise, so they ended up spending the night rather than driving back home. With that in mind, we decided to get 9 holes of golf in for more fun! DH, DD, my dad and I were teeing off at 8:36 the next morning! I golfed really well....for me. I'm not a good golfer by any means, but I love to be outside and have fun!

DD and I spent the afternoon with my parents. We went out to eat for lunch and then decided to browse Meijer, since my parents had never been to one. Picked up some goodies and needed groceries, including some for a new recipe.
Making ravioli out of zucchini "noodles" for the first time tonight! I'm excited to see if this healthier alternative will be well received by my family....

We will be loading my Escalade full of cleaning supplies, broom, vacuum, mop, dusters and a few living essentials to bring to DDs apartment tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed the apartment will be "livable". It should also be clean, but I'm not holding my breath on that one....hence bringing my own supplies.
It will be a busy weekend, and then the movers will transport the heavy items on Monday.

Happy Friday to everyone!!!!
Oh my, that sounds delicious!!

DH was raised a meat and potatoes long as meat is available, he's content. Sometimes he even skips the side dishes.

Great plan, and sounds very doable!!

DD mentioned making a trip to the Farmers Market. We have a large one nearby that sells a bit of everything

I had to look up the conversion for 47C. Holy smokes, that's hot!!

I love gadget stores! Have a fun time browsing/buying!

I'm getting tired of all these storms! And they all seen to be severe, causing damage all around. Ugh!

Do you ever drink iced tea when it's hot?
I like bubble tea, but I'm sure that's not really "true tea". Still good!

Oh my goodness, that picture should be on a Christmas card! You both look so happy and amazing!
Living your best life and enjoying each moment!!!

I've heard of the Seven Sisters series. Glad to hear you like it....maybe I'll give book one a try!

Wishing you good weather for your beach trip!!
And woot for a new AC!

Sounds like you will be very busy with the move, but managing some fun too! That's the way to do it!!
Hope all goes smoothly!

Noticing the darkness earlier as well. Was sitting outside reading last night, and before I realized, the outside sensor lights came on.

Oooooh, pink gin and olives! Yes, please!

I made the copycat PF Chang lettuce wraps recently. They were easy to make and we will definitely have them again!

Tanger Outlet stores can be hit or miss for me. Some deals to be gotten, but not at all stores. Glad you got those 1/2 off Vans!

Do you leave Saturday? Getting so close.....

Kebabs sound nice! Great variety is the key!

Enjoy the walk!

Cute Friday kitty!!

Have a great time with family!! Sounds like a fun event!

Hope B finds some good back to school deals!!

The wine cruise was a fun evening, as always! Not the best quality photo, but the sunset and city view was stunning from Lake Michigan!
View attachment 596907

Cruising back down the Milwaukee river after sunset. Love how the lights dance off of the water!
View attachment 596908

My parents came with us on the wine cruise, so they ended up spending the night rather than driving back home. With that in mind, we decided to get 9 holes of golf in for more fun! DH, DD, my dad and I were teeing off at 8:36 the next morning! I golfed really well....for me. I'm not a good golfer by any means, but I love to be outside and have fun!

DD and I spent the afternoon with my parents. We went out to eat for lunch and then decided to browse Meijer, since my parents had never been to one. Picked up some goodies and needed groceries, including some for a new recipe.
Making ravioli out of zucchini "noodles" for the first time tonight! I'm excited to see if this healthier alternative will be well received by my family....

We will be loading my Escalade full of cleaning supplies, broom, vacuum, mop, dusters and a few living essentials to bring to DDs apartment tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed the apartment will be "livable". It should also be clean, but I'm not holding my breath on that one....hence bringing my own supplies.
It will be a busy weekend, and then the movers will transport the heavy items on Monday.

Happy Friday to everyone!!!!

Beautiful pictures Lori, oh you captured it well, it looks stunning......I`m very jealous as I`d love to go on a wine cruise now!!!

Enjoy the golf today, sounds like some lovely times with your parents....did I tell you I tried golf once??? It wasn`t a

Hope DD`s apartment is sorted when you go tomorrow......what a carry on with it you`ve had. Bringing your own cleaning supplies is a good idea. It`ll be strange when she moves back, you`ve had her home for such a long time, or it seems long......sending you hugs.......

I don`t like Iced Tea at all.....tried it once, well a sip was should be hot and flavoursome. But, I do have a Dark and Stormy in front of me right now......Tom made one up for us as weather has changed and it`s a little miserable right now.....dark and stormy on the horizon outside too lol......haven`t had rum for a long time, so it was a nice surprise when he brought it through.......I actually think he wanted to empty the decanter to put fresh stuff in......:rotfl:I won`t complain!

But, yes, pink gin and olives.......yes, just yes.

Hope you have a lovely weekend Lori and good luck with the apartment tomorrow..... :wave2:
:wave2: It's Friday :banana::banana::banana:'s been a long week. Helping our visiting safety girl get everything organized and caught up since in our own safety person is off on medical leave until the end of the year. We came up with a plan to reorganize the whole system he has set up, and I'll make some spread sheets for him to be able to keep files more organized with checking off items that are in or missing from files. It will also let me help him a little more, because the paperwork end is not easy for him. He's great at the other parts....but I can definitely help with the paper end.

I actually got out for a walk last night. It was still hot 27 C or 81F at 8:00 at night, and I was a sweaty mess when I was done....but it was a gorgeous evening. Hopefully I can find time to get a few walks in over the weekend.

The boy and dh planned a little driving trip to check out a few local sites. I'm staying home....just because lol. It will be nice to have the house to myself for a night...and not have to cook or clean up after them ;)

Can`t believe how quickly our nights are getting darker now......woke up around 4.30am and it was almost daylight a few weeks ago, now I wasn`t sure if it was around midnight. is getting darker here too :sad: It is just that gentle reminder that winter will be on it's way sooner rather than later. I had to finally turn on the lamp around 9:30 last night. It just makes me cringe to know that the cold and grossness is coming again. Yikes....47C...that is CRAZY hot!!!! There was a blurb in our news about the heat and fires in Greece and Italy. It sounds like here in British Columbia. It's burning up...with the heat still coming.
Excessive Heat warning again today. You too could be feeling like it’s 106 out by this afternoon. 97 the high. And woke up around 2 or 3am, as quite the wind blowing and so hard a downpour I swear it was going to come into the house.'s been like that here too with the wind. I don't like nights like that with the wind and rain! I'm glad your house is ok.
Treated myself to a nice bunch of flowers from a new florist that has opened near the hairdresser.
That's a great way to treat yourself!!!!!! You have more will power than me. I can't give up carbs. I can give up sweets...but not my carbs. Way to go!!!! I know that Keto is not for me.
My parents came with us on the wine cruise, so they ended up spending the night rather than driving back home. With that in mind, we decided to get 9 holes of golf in for more fun! DH, DD, my dad and I were teeing off at 8:36 the next morning! I golfed really well....for me. I'm not a good golfer by any means, but I love to be outside and have fun!

DD and I spent the afternoon with my parents. We went out to eat for lunch and then decided to browse Meijer, since my parents had never been to one. Picked up some goodies and needed groceries, including some for a new recipe.
Making ravioli out of zucchini "noodles" for the first time tonight! I'm excited to see if this healthier alternative will be well received by my family....
It sounds like your having a great little trip!!!! That cruise looked amazing!!!! Even though I don't drink wine, that would have been fun! Enjoy your time with the family!

Well, I should shuffle these papers...that way my afternoon can just be doing nothing. I think the safety guy is treating everyone to hamburgers for lunch :mickeybar I will never turn down a burger.
I know that I am rarely, if ever, on this thread, but I see myself having more free time. Today was my last day at work. I am sort of retiring. I don't know why I say "sort of". I guess I can't comprehend it yet. My husband says that I am going to walk the earth like Cain from Kung Fu. Now for this delta variant to dissipate so that I can go do normal stuff again.

As fort keto, I have been doing it off and on, really more off, for years now. Sitting at a desk 8+ hours a day is not your friend. I am not doing it right now; still in vacation mode eating-wise. I will start back sometime next week. Hopefully, I can get to the point where I don't need to do it all the time, since I will now actually have time to exercise.

Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday the 13th. They are usually good days for me.
I am exhausted. FIrst up today was the haircut. B had a about 4 inches cut off. Her hair was super curly when the stylist was finished with it. I don't normally buy hair products at the salon, but today I bought a tube of the stuff he used in her hair. Next was lunch and then the mall, shoe store, and Walmart. I think we cam away with 2 skirts, 8 tops, 4 pair of shoes, and an assortment of cleaning supplies. toiletries, and miscellaneous school supplies. I think we have everything she needs now.

I made the copycat PF Chang lettuce wraps recently. They were easy to make and we will definitely have them again!
I will have to try those sometime.

The wine cruise was a fun evening, as always! Not the best quality photo, but the sunset and city view was stunning from Lake Michigan!
Beautiful pictures.'s been a long week. Helping our visiting safety girl get everything organized and caught up since in our own safety person is off on medical leave until the end of the year. We came up with a plan to reorganize the whole system he has set up, and I'll make some spread sheets for him to be able to keep files more organized with checking off items that are in or missing from files. It will also let me help him a little more, because the paperwork end is not easy for him. He's great at the other parts....but I can definitely help with the paper end.
Sounds like you are doing more than just shuffling papers. Hope your new system works well.

I know that I am rarely, if ever, on this thread, but I see myself having more free time. Today was my last day at work. I am sort of retiring. I don't know why I say "sort of". I guess I can't comprehend it yet.
Hello and happy retirement.

I think I will throw in a load of laundry and then take a nap. I was going to put something in the crock pot for dinner, but we got back too late. We will probably go to our favorite Mexican place tonight.
Had another interaction with someone (through email) that makes me want to fishy slap them through the screen. WHY is it that people feel the need to be a jack@ss and proceed to respond in a bulleted number format why they can't complete the steps in the email they received from me. I won't respond anymore today to his email...but GOSH I sure could start one of those tictok videos of banter back and forth proving him wrong :rolleyes1 Just what I wanted on a Friday afternoon.

I am submitting 2 more specialized invoicing invoices...then going to wrap a couple of gifts. I have a small pile of things here waiting. I think that's a good way to spend a Friday afternoon at work...wrapping presents, directing calls and watching youtube videos.

I was thinking of burgers and salad for supper tonight, but the safety team provided a bbq lunch of burgers. Soooooooooooo do I make burgers again tonight??? I'm never one to turn down a good burger.
I know that I am rarely, if ever, on this thread, but I see myself having more free time. Today was my last day at work. I am sort of retiring. I don't know why I say "sort of". I guess I can't comprehend it yet. My husband says that I am going to walk the earth like Cain from Kung Fu. Now for this delta variant to dissipate so that I can go do normal stuff again.

As fort keto, I have been doing it off and on, really more off, for years now. Sitting at a desk 8+ hours a day is not your friend. I am not doing it right now; still in vacation mode eating-wise. I will start back sometime next week. Hopefully, I can get to the point where I don't need to do it all the time, since I will now actually have time to exercise.

Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday the 13th. They are usually good days for me.
Pumpkin…..yes, Canada is having its fair share of heat issues……glad we don‘t live in those extremes. Hope the smoke has all gone for you now.

Yes, darkness is coming in faster than I remember.

:welcome: Soniam………have to say, retirement is the best job we’ve ever had……I first retired at 27, then again at 40 after a couple of years working for my best friend…….but nothing beats being a lady of leisure……welcome to the club….you’ll wonder how you ever had the time to work. We are busy all the time, but it’s fun stuff!

Kung Fu was a favourite show as a child…….::yes::

Glad to see you on this thread……..

A couple of our friends popped in for a drink earlier……had a good catch up with them and shared a few appetiser type foods.

Planning bacon and poached eggs for breakfast……..yooohoooo mac…….and a day off of walking.

Not long till bedtime here.
Beautiful pictures Lori, oh you captured it well, it looks stunning......I`m very jealous as I`d love to go on a wine cruise now!!!

Enjoy the golf today, sounds like some lovely times with your parents....did I tell you I tried golf once??? It wasn`t a

Hope DD`s apartment is sorted when you go tomorrow......what a carry on with it you`ve had. Bringing your own cleaning supplies is a good idea. It`ll be strange when she moves back, you`ve had her home for such a long time, or it seems long......sending you hugs.......

I don`t like Iced Tea at all.....tried it once, well a sip was should be hot and flavoursome. But, I do have a Dark and Stormy in front of me right now......Tom made one up for us as weather has changed and it`s a little miserable right now.....dark and stormy on the horizon outside too lol......haven`t had rum for a long time, so it was a nice surprise when he brought it through.......I actually think he wanted to empty the decanter to put fresh stuff in......:rotfl:I won`t complain!

But, yes, pink gin and olives.......yes, just yes.

Hope you have a lovely weekend Lori and good luck with the apartment tomorrow..... :wave2:
Selfishly, I'm sad she's leaving....we really function like 2 peas in a pod!
But she's so ready to begin her journey at dental school, and I'm quite happy for her!!

Yes, hoping the apartment isn't a disaster area...

Dark and Stormy, is that one of the choices at StrongWater bar??

:wave2: It's Friday :banana::banana::banana:'s been a long week. Helping our visiting safety girl get everything organized and caught up since in our own safety person is off on medical leave until the end of the year. We came up with a plan to reorganize the whole system he has set up, and I'll make some spread sheets for him to be able to keep files more organized with checking off items that are in or missing from files. It will also let me help him a little more, because the paperwork end is not easy for him. He's great at the other parts....but I can definitely help with the paper end.

I actually got out for a walk last night. It was still hot 27 C or 81F at 8:00 at night, and I was a sweaty mess when I was done....but it was a gorgeous evening. Hopefully I can find time to get a few walks in over the weekend.

The boy and dh planned a little driving trip to check out a few local sites. I'm staying home....just because lol. It will be nice to have the house to myself for a night...and not have to cook or clean up after them ;) is getting darker here too :sad: It is just that gentle reminder that winter will be on it's way sooner rather than later. I had to finally turn on the lamp around 9:30 last night. It just makes me cringe to know that the cold and grossness is coming again. Yikes....47C...that is CRAZY hot!!!! There was a blurb in our news about the heat and fires in Greece and Italy. It sounds like here in British Columbia. It's burning up...with the heat still coming.'s been like that here too with the wind. I don't like nights like that with the wind and rain! I'm glad your house is ok.

That's a great way to treat yourself!!!!!! You have more will power than me. I can't give up carbs. I can give up sweets...but not my carbs. Way to go!!!! I know that Keto is not for me.

It sounds like your having a great little trip!!!! That cruise looked amazing!!!! Even though I don't drink wine, that would have been fun! Enjoy your time with the family!

Well, I should shuffle these papers...that way my afternoon can just be doing nothing. I think the safety guy is treating everyone to hamburgers for lunch :mickeybar I will never turn down a burger.
Enjoy your burger and your "me" time tonight!!!

I know that I am rarely, if ever, on this thread, but I see myself having more free time. Today was my last day at work. I am sort of retiring. I don't know why I say "sort of". I guess I can't comprehend it yet. My husband says that I am going to walk the earth like Cain from Kung Fu. Now for this delta variant to dissipate so that I can go do normal stuff again.

As fort keto, I have been doing it off and on, really more off, for years now. Sitting at a desk 8+ hours a day is not your friend. I am not doing it right now; still in vacation mode eating-wise. I will start back sometime next week. Hopefully, I can get to the point where I don't need to do it all the time, since I will now actually have time to exercise.

Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday the 13th. They are usually good days for me.
WELCOME!!!! It's always nice to see new folks posting!! And congrats on that retirement!!

Didn't even realize it was Friday the 13th....need to look at my calendar more, lol!

I am exhausted. FIrst up today was the haircut. B had a about 4 inches cut off. Her hair was super curly when the stylist was finished with it. I don't normally buy hair products at the salon, but today I bought a tube of the stuff he used in her hair. Next was lunch and then the mall, shoe store, and Walmart. I think we cam away with 2 skirts, 8 tops, 4 pair of shoes, and an assortment of cleaning supplies. toiletries, and miscellaneous school supplies. I think we have everything she needs now.

I will have to try those sometime.

Beautiful pictures.

Sounds like you are doing more than just shuffling papers. Hope your new system works well.

Hello and happy retirement.

I think I will throw in a load of laundry and then take a nap. I was going to put something in the crock pot for dinner, but we got back too late. We will probably go to our favorite Mexican place tonight.
Your DD is probably one happy camper....nice shopping haul!! And a fresh haircut is always nice too!

Had another interaction with someone (through email) that makes me want to fishy slap them through the screen. WHY is it that people feel the need to be a jack@ss and proceed to respond in a bulleted number format why they can't complete the steps in the email they received from me. I won't respond anymore today to his email...but GOSH I sure could start one of those tictok videos of banter back and forth proving him wrong :rolleyes1 Just what I wanted on a Friday afternoon.

I am submitting 2 more specialized invoicing invoices...then going to wrap a couple of gifts. I have a small pile of things here waiting. I think that's a good way to spend a Friday afternoon at work...wrapping presents, directing calls and watching youtube videos.

I was thinking of burgers and salad for supper tonight, but the safety team provided a bbq lunch of burgers. Soooooooooooo do I make burgers again tonight??? I'm never one to turn down a good burger.
Sorry you're dealing with a difficult one....never a way to wrap up a Friday afternoon...

DH would easily eat a bacon cheeseburger for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I say, go for it!!

The zucchini ravioli became zucchini lasagna noodles, lol! I had never tried to make zucchini into noodles before, and they turned out wacky. Lasagna will hide that. It's in the oven currently, and smells quite nice!

I think it's time for a cocktail! I have some lonely limes that would love to take a swim in a drink...what to make, what to make??


Yay, short wait to get my new head shot, as did little one. 5 years later, we both will be doing it again. But as did some errands, lunch was late, and since men again are working tonight, it’s a little one and me night. Hmm, Pumpkin has a good idea, burgers. Will see what a very relaxed little one wants when and what for dinner.

Welcome Soniam. Stay awhile as now being that person of leisure time now.

Bacon? Ah Schumi will be eating her breakfast hours before mine. Hmm, bacon may be later in my morning too. Little one likes a dry BLT. Does not like mayonnaise.

Ah, I will make some more tea. Seems little one is not hungry yet, and may say burgers, though we had burgers last night. Pizza? Seems right for a Friday night later dinner time dinner. I’d be up for it. Family does not usually leave leftover pizza stay in the refrigerator long.

Hope all are relaxing, as the weekend will be after tonight. Woot! Ooh, as I suspected, tomorrow, as will be a wash and packing day, little one is not sure where her luggage is. Guess she better look before we leave the day after tomorrow. Though not much to pack. A week’s worth of warm weather clothes, and a long pant and lightweight jacket, just in case. And an umbrella and a handful of those cheap ponchos that fit in my waist bag or small cross body bag. Getting excited.


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