Something About Nothing............ #14

It rained allllllll day yesterday. Today is scorching and humid. May see more rain this evening.

Seafood is a strange thing....most seem to either love it or hate it. Not much in between.

Piranahs, lol! There is a resemblance!

Great news about getting a place booked!!! Looking forward to that TR!!

Nice you were able to book Olga's Cantina!

I have been thinking about beginning my Xmas shopping as well. I prefer to have 3/4 complete before Thanksgiving. Not a fan of the big shopping crowds years prior. No idea what this year will be like...

How was the Jungle Cruise movie? I like both The Rock and Emily Blunt in other movies, so hoping it was good!

Hi Real, glad to hear you had a lovely vacation!!

Tree surgeon....not a term used in my area. Like the sound of it though!!

Oh darn, I missed wine Monday! I think I'll make it up with a wine Tuesday, lol!

Sounds like a fantastic weekend!!!! Waterparks are loads of fun!

Yucky driving conditions....hope you made it safely and are currently enjoying some waves!!

Love that pup picture!!

Beef tacos sound about right!

Sadly, I planned poorly....saucy pork chops here, lol!

Take care of yourself Mac! Have a good rest after the'll do wonders!

Hope the rest of your day passes quickly!

Hope weather is not too bad in your area!

Love some wonton soup!

3 hours! Wow, that's quite an appointment.
Be well!

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New shoes...and new purses, are my total weaknesses!!!
I may be spilling over into the guest room closet soon:rolleyes1

DD and I made a trip down to her new apartment yesterday. We need to get a few room measurements, to make sure both couches will fit---mostly into the TINY elevator. And it's such an old building, the rooms are weird sizes/configurations from being pieced together over the years.

When we entered the apartment, I just about dropped my jaw to the floor!!
The place is nowhere near ready for her move on Saturday. The kitchen is completely gutted, as in empty! New cupboards are still in boxes in the living room. Wallpaper is half on, half off in some places. Wall repairs have been made, but no new paint has been applied.
There is a ton to do to make this place Saturday!!!

I went directly downstairs to speak with the building manager. He seemed to think the apartment was much further along, but hadn't checked with his own eyes. Ummm, no! Please take a look!
He didn't seem overly concerned about it all, but I told him...."we have movers scheduled"!!

Ended up having DH call and speak with the owner of the building. Now, will be done on Saturday! They are pulling workers from other jobs to get this apartment finished, which should have happened already.
I'm not holding my breath. We will see what Saturday brings.

It just really upsets me that I was basically dismissed....and when DH got involved, it was solved quite quickly! This still exists in 2021??? GRRRR!!!!!!

Today is much more peaceful! Ran a few errands, and will meet with a friend later for a chat.
And tomorrow night is our much anticipated Wine Cruise!! Really looking forward to that! Weather should be quite warm, but at least it should be dry....I'll take it!
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lol.....I wish I could say they were glamorous shoes.....sadly not, sensible walking shoes but will take me miles.......unlike high heels, not sure I could still walk very far in proper high shoes now!

Wine Tuesday works well too....heck wine any

ETA.......didn`t realise tomorrow night was the wine lovely....I know you`ll enjoy that!!! I may open a bottle and pretend to be with you......cheers!!

Stay healthy and safe everyone!!!

Almost time to head off to the second job again tonight. Hopefully I get door duty tonight. I'm too tired to do much else. Not sure how much longer I will keep the job. I had a $$$ amount I wanted in that account....and I have reached it. I did take 2 weeks " holiday " time off for the last 2 weeks of Aug. I will decide how I feel after doing that. Even if I work until it's always busy Oct - Dec in the store. I will decide once my " holiday" is over.

Sounds like everyone is chugging along. NO major life events happening(ed).

Stay safe...and have a great day hommies!!!!!!
Good evening everyone. Super productive night tonight. DH and I have a friend that we met when we all lived in Florida. She now lives near where we live now. (She is actually from this area and was somewhat responsible for us moving here, but that's another story.) She used to design kitchens and bathrooms professionally. Tonight we took her to dinner and then got her advice on how to renovate our kitchen. We now have some paint color ideas and have made a definite decision on the granite countertop.

Always a raised eyebrow when phone flashes extreme weather warnings in next 18 hours. Yeah, so unhealthy humid air, those dark green, yellow and red blobs will appear on the weather radar. And we really must be in that sweet spot. Last night, lots of rain seen, and yeah, and we were in that small ribbon of area that the rain downpours avoided. So we could hear the thunder, and it got that darker, and windy look you get before rain, but no rain for us. Lucky tonight? Guess we will see.
We had lots of thunder this afternoon, but not much rain. It looks like we will get more rain over the weekend and early next week.

3 hours later and now back home
I go back on the 18th for a crown to be put on

crown work is easypeasy for me!
I do not envy you. Other than wisdom teeth removal, I have not had any dental work done. I pray that I never have to. I probably wouldn't be a good patient.

Hope Charade didn`t fall asleep and Lynne didn`t get rained upon.......
I came really close. I hope I have more to do tomorrow.

No need for dinner tonight as we are still full from lunch, but maybe a cherry scone each with a pot of tea will suffice.
Ooh, that sounds really good. I need to go back to the tea room so I can have a good pot of tea.

I have been thinking about beginning my Xmas shopping as well. I prefer to have 3/4 complete before Thanksgiving. Not a fan of the big shopping crowds years prior. No idea what this year will be like...
I worked in retail for 6 years. That was enough to keep me out of the post Thanksgiving shopping crowds.

It just really upsets me that I was basically dismissed....and when DH got involved, it was solved quite quickly! This still exists in 2021??? GRRRR!!!!!!
Sadly, it does still exist. I hope they get everything done in time.

Almost time to head off to the second job again tonight. Hopefully I get door duty tonight. I'm too tired to do much else. Not sure how much longer I will keep the job. I had a $$$ amount I wanted in that account....and I have reached it. I did take 2 weeks " holiday " time off for the last 2 weeks of Aug. I will decide how I feel after doing that. Even if I work until it's always busy Oct - Dec in the store. I will decide once my " holiday" is over.
Ever so often I think about getting a second job for vacation purposes, but I always talk myself out of it. When I started planning my October trip I started putting money aside from each paycheck. I think I will continue to do so in case I should decided to do another solo getaway.

Almost bedtime. I'll look for a light unless someone else has one.
Cute light Charade. And nice to have help with new kitchen decisions.

Ooh, with all the rain we got yesterday evening, though not as much as North of me, it’s very foggy out now. And 72 out. While the rain did drop the temps from 91 to 72 last night, it was still a muggy night. And joy, weather lady this morning news said Excessive Heat Warnings. A full day of sun after this fog burns off, then a humid 93 the high day. The word HOT in capital letters, was next to today’s high temp. Poor little one. She thought yesterday was hot. And weather lady said tomorrow will be even hotter. Eh, Summer. Yay. Though time of year, hurricanes. Seems not quite a hurricane but that storm Fred better stay more in the Gulf. Seems to be predicted to hit around Tampa area on Sunday. Hope it does not interfere with our flight, and not have wet luggage. We should be flying out in what our weather lady said would be a cooler, partly sunny 82 degree high day. Crossing our fingers Fred does not mess up our plans.

But who do I see?


So yay, camel is here. it’s that Hump of a day that means we are in the middle of the week, and as most are happy the week day routines end in two days. In my case, ends tomorrow. Yay to start the weekend a day early. Yeah, it will be a wash day and getting my new driver’s license. Little one has to get hers done too. And a hehe, mine won’t have that red line across top as little one will have. Poor kid is a year away from being that 21 year old. At least she does not now get what we call the Cinderella license, that the first 3 years one if get license at 16. But will save packing for the next day, most likely later in the day. Still seems to be an early morning flight, crossing all fingers and toes it takes off and lands as scheduled. At least will get a car ride to airport, and should be fast, as weekend day, and so early in the wee hours.

And that’s it folks. Wonderful Wednesday homies. And stay cool, it’s going to be a hot one today.
Charade......nice you have some professional advice on your kitchen......always handy to have someone who knows their stuff.

Tea rooms are always lovely, we have many of them around us and each one is nicer than the last. And yes, nice night light.

Another beautiful morning here. Bit cool when we first went out but, it was just after 7.15 so fair enough. But, it got nicer as the morning went on and we definitely appreciated our showers when we got back in. Lovely 7 miles and all in very comfortable new walking shoes.

Fresh crab for lunch, we bought two this morning when we were out on the front, Tom is stripping them down now, I don`t do that part. We bought some bread from the village bakery this morning too, and with some salad will make a lovely lunch.

Dinner tonight is spicy pork tenderloin, it`s been marinading all morning, doesn`t take long to cook either, but very tasty.

This afternoon is some phone calls and some chats with some friends too.....nice quiet day for us.




Have a lovely Wednesday :thumbsup2

Good morning. I woke up way too early today and haven’t been able to get back to sleep.

I think we are going to go ahead and schedule the painter for our kitchen cabinets and order the countertops. We will also replace the sink. We are debating between a single or double bowl sink. Any experiences? Opinions?
Good morning. I woke up way too early today and haven’t been able to get back to sleep.

I think we are going to go ahead and schedule the painter for our kitchen cabinets and order the countertops. We will also replace the sink. We are debating between a single or double bowl sink. Any experiences? Opinions?

We have double sinks in both our kitchen and Utility rooms, we don`t often use the smaller of them. We thought we would, but more often than not we don`t.

When we move to our next home, I won`t bother with double sinks....only place they are a benefit to us, is the master to have our own sinks!
Yeah, Charade, I have a single large one and my sister replaced her two sided sink with a huge one. Like Schumi, her smaller side was small enough not was really that useful, and she didn’t use it much either.
We currently have a double sink, but both sides are the same size. Last night our friend made a rather convincing argument for the single sink. Now we are thinking.

The painter can start in about 3 weeks. I’m going to call the granite place when they open at 9:00.
We currently have a double sink, but both sides are the same size. Last night our friend made a rather convincing argument for the single sink. Now we are thinking.

The painter can start in about 3 weeks. I’m going to call the granite place when they open at 9:00.

I`m curious what their argument was for a single sink......I never really gave it a lot of thought before.

Our laundry room has a single sink, it`s huge and my favourite of all three kitchen/laundry/utility room sinks. I wish it was in the kitchen. The smaller of the two are both still a decent size, not small, but we just never use them.

Not too long to wait for your decorator.
:wave2: Early morning stop in....before I start shuffling papers.

We have a double sink in our kitchen. I love my double sink. It is over sized, and deep. It took me a long time to find the right now...and I love it. I am not a lover of the drying rack....and honestly, I have ZERO room in my small kitchen to store it when it is not being used. We don't have a master suite bathroom. I get to share with all the stinky boys in my house :rolleyes2 If I was to have a master bedroom with an ensuite...I would probably do one large sink. I wouldn't want to clean 2 sinks - but would LOVE to show dh how actually messy and dirty he makes the sink ;)

The weather has turned again. Hopefully the wind stays away for a bit. It's been extremely windy here the past few days. The forecast is for hot again this weekend again. Hopefully I'll have my fishing rod in my hands again on Saturday. We will see what the weekend holds. We told youngest ds it was his choice what we did this weekend. Maybe it will be a trip into Jasper for a night to check out some sights there.

Tonight we took her to dinner and then got her advice on how to renovate our kitchen. We now have some paint color ideas and have made a definite decision on the granite countertop.
Getting the advise from someone like that is awesome. I'm glad you were able to get that!!!
Ever so often I think about getting a second job for vacation purposes, but I always talk myself out of it. When I started planning my October trip I started putting money aside from each paycheck. I think I will continue to do so in case I should decided to do another solo getaway.
I did it at first to help offset the cost of dd's destination wedding. Then I liked to be able to add to out " vacation budget" this way as well. We do have a vacation budget that we add to each month...but this helps to bump it up. But both myself...and dh are tired of me working so much. He actually misses me :love: - which was why I changed my availability to just weekday evenings, so that I could have more time with the family on weekends.
Crossing our fingers Fred does not mess up our plans.
I'm crossing everything for you too....I hope Fred doesn't make an appearance.

Well...that took WAYYYYYYYYYYY longer that it should have. MY computer hasn't been working great. I knew an update was coming....when it locked up again on me...I checked and there it was. So I did the update...and computer is back to working great again. Sheesh. I've been struggling with it for 2 weeks already. Funny how that works.

Anyways....have a great day hommies....stay safe!!!!!
:wave2: Early morning stop in....before I start shuffling papers.

We have a double sink in our kitchen. I love my double sink. It is over sized, and deep. It took me a long time to find the right now...and I love it. I am not a lover of the drying rack....and honestly, I have ZERO room in my small kitchen to store it when it is not being used. We don't have a master suite bathroom. I get to share with all the stinky boys in my house :rolleyes2 If I was to have a master bedroom with an ensuite...I would probably do one large sink. I wouldn't want to clean 2 sinks - but would LOVE to show dh how actually messy and dirty he makes the sink ;)

The weather has turned again. Hopefully the wind stays away for a bit. It's been extremely windy here the past few days. The forecast is for hot again this weekend again. Hopefully I'll have my fishing rod in my hands again on Saturday. We will see what the weekend holds. We told youngest ds it was his choice what we did this weekend. Maybe it will be a trip into Jasper for a night to check out some sights there.

Getting the advise from someone like that is awesome. I'm glad you were able to get that!!!

I did it at first to help offset the cost of dd's destination wedding. Then I liked to be able to add to out " vacation budget" this way as well. We do have a vacation budget that we add to each month...but this helps to bump it up. But both myself...and dh are tired of me working so much. He actually misses me :love: - which was why I changed my availability to just weekday evenings, so that I could have more time with the family on weekends.

I'm crossing everything for you too....I hope Fred doesn't make an appearance.

Well...that took WAYYYYYYYYYYY longer that it should have. MY computer hasn't been working great. I knew an update was coming....when it locked up again on me...I checked and there it was. So I did the update...and computer is back to working great again. Sheesh. I've been struggling with it for 2 weeks already. Funny how that works.

Anyways....have a great day hommies....stay safe!!!!!

Takes me less time to clean the master bath double sinks than it does to clean the sinks in both kitchen and Utility as they are both granite made composite sinks. They are fabulous, but I am a little OCD about cleaning so probably make a rod for my own back. It`s first a mixture of soapy mixture, then baking soda, then vinegar then polish up with a mineral oil. But, it`s worth it as they are beautiful sinks and worth the extra few minutes to clean them up properly. Even if they don`t need it.....or so I`m told!

Glad your computer is working again, it`s horrible when they are slow.

Lynne....goodness didn`t realise it was Sunday you left. Looks to be ok for travel from what I read......:thumbsup2

Spiced tenderloin was lovely, I did make it a little too spicy, but not as bad as my last spicy dish that ended up in the trash! Very juicy and not a drop leftover.

Had a warm and sunny afternoon, but with a few heavy that lasted about 20 seconds. Mornings seem to be much nicer than afternoons right now.

No idea what we`re doing tonight, think DH wants to watch a movie, so might settle down with something funny or a good tense one. Either way, snuggle up together on the sofa`s with maybe one glass of wine.......🍷

And Keisha is having a whale of a time in Myrtle Beach........ :thumbsup2
One and a half sinks in the kitchen here. I use the little one for washing dog dishes and dirtier jobs! Utility not done yet but I used to have a deep “Belfast” sink at our old house so wouldn’t mind one again here. Very useful.

More jobs done today including lots of windows cleaned. Kev carried on in the garden and is working so hard. Nice to have that sense of achievement but there’s so much to do I wish he’d let me get some of the jobs outsourced.

Mussels in white wine with garlic tonight. One of my favourite things to eat.

Evening in front of the tv clearing some of the recordings off the planner before the children are home on Friday.

Hope everyone else has a peaceful evening.
Helping out the the visiting health and safety gal. Our current health and safety person is off on medical leave and hopefully he is back at the end of the year. We have been keeping up with most stuff. She is visiting to do some crane training for a couple of new employees as well as give our records a good look over. So I have been busy helping her with that. Taking a few tips to help our manager get through the remainder of the year until our own guy gets back.

I told ds to take some meat out of the freezer to defrost. Not completely sure what he took out yet. I will figure it out by the seat of my pants when I get home. Dh and the boys went grocery shopping Monday while I was at work. I haven't had time to even really look at what they bought. I'll come up with something.

Currently shredding and deep into Youtube videos again. Is it 4:30 yet lol.
And the rain has come. Ooh a little red blob in the yellow blob on weather radar just went over us. No thunder, but quite the downpour. I guess there is thunder somewhere, as my phone keeps flashing lightning in the area, stay safe. Yeah, not going anywhere tonight anyway.

Little one was starved when she came through the door, and since just her and me, repeat of another dinner not that long ago. Chicken tenders in the oven, fries in the air fryer and made pasta that was asked to be mac and cheese, and yep, had to save some of that melted cheese to pour over the fries. Not going to lie, I like cheese fries. 8-)

And so, since the men are working and little one is online with her friends, made some lovely tea for me, and deciding what to view in my smaller screen. Quiet night, and that’s alright for a week day night.
Another super slow day at work today. I don;t wan to be swamped, but I need a little more to do.

We are renovation the house a month at a time. This is what our timeline looks like so far:
August - paint the walls
September - paint kitchen cabinets
October - install new countertops
November - new flooring

Hopefully everything will get done before Christmas

I`m curious what their argument was for a single sink......I never really gave it a lot of thought before.
Basically since the main thing we use the sink for is to wash large items like pots and pans, having the single sink would give us more room. She thinks the divider in the sink is wasted space. Dh isn't sold on the single sink though. He is looking at a 60/40 double sink. I really don't care as long as we have a faucet with a sprayer.

But both myself...and dh are tired of me working so much. He actually misses me :love: - which was why I changed my availability to just weekday evenings, so that I could have more time with the family on weekends.
My husband takes a martial arts class 3 nights a week. Those would be good nights for me to have another part time job, but I really don't think I want to go back into retail.

Tonight B and I went through all of the stuff she needs to take back to the dorm and made a list of the things she needs. We will probably go shopping on Friday.



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