Something About Nothing............ #14

Sounds like everyone has had a most excellent trip on their vacation! Hope all post about their trip and the fun they had.

This has been a fun vacation for me.

Always enjoy going to Orlando.
Weather has been hit a bit more than I like.

It’s hot back home so no escaping it.

Will be taking a long nap once I get back home !

Mr Mac has kept the cats fed and the house clean he tells me.
Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.

He leaves tomorrow for Florida and I will be back on cat feeding then.

Looking around to who will be the first for posting this morning.

My bets are on Shumi !

I certainly was first to post this morning mac…..up with the larks as always, not that we win any prizes for that!!!!

Safe journey home and catch up later…….:)
Carole always beats me to first post of the day.
When she goes back to Florida, I have a fighting chance to have the first post of the day.

Was told by Delta to check in early as they expect crowds and long lines.

They lied.

I had thought of booking a late day flight home,
But would still have heavy traffic getting out of Atlanta for my second leg of the connection at that time of the day.

Who do you use when flying to Universal or Disney?
Ah, sound asleep she is. And I’m up.

Safe travels Mac. We had a full flight down and assume will have a full flight back.

Safe travels to Keisha too.

Phone says partly cloudy day. 88 the high it says, cool with 75 it is out now. And oh so muggy, with dew point 73. Muggy, and muggy. Yep, stable type weather down here, with the heat. Warm and oh so humid. Even in late September.

And I’m already ready, but I doubt we will make early entry. But that’s okay. Made my tea, and quietly watching my phone with my ear buds in. I could go out, but this time is relaxing for both of us. And I know a family was up early like me, their kids were very loud as they walked by our door around 5:45 this morning. Good thing my kids sleep like rocks, and I doubt she even heard that family. But hotel is quiet enough in the early hours, and that’s how I like my room location to be. Mostly quiet in the late and early hours.

Marvelous Monday to all.
Good morning everyone. We are both moving slowly today but will eventually get over to the studios.

Safe travels to Mac and Keisha. Sorry I missed you this time.
I will see Lynne and Robo later this week.
Schumi. - B loved the velocicoaster.

I woke up to horrifying news. I saw a Facebook post that one of my doctors had resigned due to charges of sexual misconduct. I’m floored. I have been seeing him for years and never experienced a problem, but several women are now speaking up about their issues with him. Guess I’m looking for a new doctor now.
Carole always beats me to first post of the day.
When she goes back to Florida, I have a fighting chance to have the first post of the day.

Was told by Delta to check in early as they expect crowds and long lines.

They lied.

I had thought of booking a late day flight home,
But would still have heavy traffic getting out of Atlanta for my second leg of the connection at that time of the day.

Who do you use when flying to Universal or Disney?

mac, you`re nearly home now...... can post before me anyday, especially when we`re in Orlando!! Although we never sleep late when we`re there either.....hate wasting the day.

Good morning everyone. We are both moving slowly today but will eventually get over to the studios.

Safe travels to Mac and Keisha. Sorry I missed you this time.
I will see Lynne and Robo later this week.
Schumi. - B loved the velocicoaster.

I woke up to horrifying news. I saw a Facebook post that one of my doctors had resigned due to charges of sexual misconduct. I’m floored. I have been seeing him for years and never experienced a problem, but several women are now speaking up about their issues with him. Guess I’m looking for a new doctor now.

Goodness, that`s a shocker when it`s your doctor!

Glad your daughter enjoyed`s an amazing ride.

Well, we didn`t get thunder as promised, just heavy rain for a couple of hours, so I contented myself with starting the new Christmas Pre trip report.....always fun to do. Especially while listening to some fabulous 80`s music all day.

Chicken curry Pathia style for tonight and the smell is amazing in here right now, I`m definitely going to enjoy this one, had a taste and while it`s quite sweet and fruity, it is very spicy! Coconut rice to soak up that sauce too. We were given an apple crumble that had been made with some of our apples, so will have that later with some custard, I`ll make that up if we have room.

Sun is shining again and although it is lovely, it is quite cool out there now, so time for a cuppa before dinner later.
:wave2: It's Monday Monday :rolleyes1

I did have a post started yesterday at work - then I had to actually work and was busy allll day!

Back at the full-time job today. Have most of the papers sorted. I have more shuffling and sending of papers to do - but it's not too bad. By tomorrow, I should be all caught up.

The smoke has moved somewhat out of our area. It's still a bit hazy in the distance, but with the wind we have today - it will be moving out quickly now. It was a chilly morning - but seems to have warmed up nicely. It is definitely fall weather here. And seems to be getting darker more quickly with each day. By 8:30/9:00 it's lights on in the house again :sad: And dark when I leave for the homecare job early in the morning.

Back in our hotel room. Neither one of us does well in extreme heat. We have decided that we are going to take one day and do early entry and maybe just do the HP stuff that day.
I learned after Vegas - I will NEED one of those fancy neck cooling fans if we ever do Florida in summer/hot weather. We didn't to any touring around on the hot afternoons - except when we went to the Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon Sky Walk.

It sounds like you and B are having a great trip! I love that she is riding the coasters alone! I don't know if my kids would do them alone.
Anyone ever look at houses for sale on websites? It`s always interesting to see what some houses look like inside, I know someone who has an identical house as theirs up for sale in the same street.....interesting to see.
YES!!!! I always check out neighbourhood homes that I see for sale. I also look at the high priced ones and dream :laughing: I wouldn't even know what to do with that much space. All I can think of is - I don't want to clean that place!!!!
(I want this doormat)

nope nope nope.gif

This has been a fun vacation for me.
I will have to read back. I'm glad you had a great time!!!!!
And I’m already ready, but I doubt we will make early entry. But that’s okay. Made my tea, and quietly watching my phone with my ear buds in. I could go out, but this time is relaxing for both of us. And I know a family was up early like me, their kids were very loud as they walked by our door around 5:45 this morning. Good thing my kids sleep like rocks, and I doubt she even heard that family. But hotel is quiet enough in the early hours, and that’s how I like my room location to be. Mostly quiet in the late and early hours.
Have fun!!!!!!
I woke up to horrifying news.
That is horrifying!!!!!!!!!! Honestly - it's great that people/women are speaking out when horrors like that happen. There is a special place in hell for those type of people.

@schumigirl I'm going to have to finish your other trip report and join the new one!!!!!

Well, I should get going - it's lunch and my tummy is grumbling!!!!

Have a great day everyone!!!!
apologize. We are part of the problem.
Nope, it’s not the guests fault at all IMO

Onus on SF/transportation sept to either ck room keys or add more boats

Ew horrible thot re the dr

Anyone ever look at houses for sale on websites?
Every day. Old realtor habits die hard & jr casually looking for an upgrade
Safe travels to Keisha too.
Thanks. Sorry to miss you & charade. Was very nice to unexpectedly run into robbie & her sister
:wave2: It's Monday Monday :rolleyes1

I did have a post started yesterday at work - then I had to actually work and was busy allll day!

Back at the full-time job today. Have most of the papers sorted. I have more shuffling and sending of papers to do - but it's not too bad. By tomorrow, I should be all caught up.

The smoke has moved somewhat out of our area. It's still a bit hazy in the distance, but with the wind we have today - it will be moving out quickly now. It was a chilly morning - but seems to have warmed up nicely. It is definitely fall weather here. And seems to be getting darker more quickly with each day. By 8:30/9:00 it's lights on in the house again :sad: And dark when I leave for the homecare job early in the morning.

I learned after Vegas - I will NEED one of those fancy neck cooling fans if we ever do Florida in summer/hot weather. We didn't to any touring around on the hot afternoons - except when we went to the Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon Sky Walk.

It sounds like you and B are having a great trip! I love that she is riding the coasters alone! I don't know if my kids would do them alone.

YES!!!! I always check out neighbourhood homes that I see for sale. I also look at the high priced ones and dream :laughing: I wouldn't even know what to do with that much space. All I can think of is - I don't want to clean that place!!!!

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I will have to read back. I'm glad you had a great time!!!!!

Have fun!!!!!!

That is horrifying!!!!!!!!!! Honestly - it's great that people/women are speaking out when horrors like that happen. There is a special place in hell for those type of people.

@schumigirl I'm going to have to finish your other trip report and join the new one!!!!!

Well, I should get going - it's lunch and my tummy is grumbling!!!!

Have a great day everyone!!!!

The smoke is still an issue for you??? Crikey.....

If I bought a $20,000,000 home, I certainly wouldn`t be cleaning yes, it`s funny what type of homes you see when you look.

You wouldn`t like that door love it!!

Once you finish the older TR, would love to see you on the new one!!! I know you`re busy though....have a good week ahead!

Nope, it’s not the guests fault at all IMO

Onus on SF/transportation sept to either ck room keys or add more boats

Ew horrible thot re the dr

Every day. Old realtor habits die hard & jr casually looking for an upgrade

Thanks. Sorry to miss you & charade. Was very nice to unexpectedly run into robbie & her sister

Agree, the boats are there for everyone, they do know it`s an issue though as so many folks complain about it, don`t know anyone who hasn`t waited at some point for a boat longer than they should have.

I thought it was just me!!! I do like a good snoop, especially if someone has described a home then you look and an identical house is quite different from what`s been described!!!

Your boy is wanting to move?? Well, he has the right person to help him and guide him in you, you`ll keep him right.

Aww that`s nice you managed to meet up with Robbie and her sister, always good to catch up!!!

Curry was a sizzler....very nice and has been requested again this week by Tom, always nice to hear, although he loves everything I cook. He`s a pretty darn good cook himself I`m glad to say.

Heading to bed soon, plan a day in tomorrow, catch up on some housework and little jobs that always need doing. We have a lot of windows, I like to do the insides myself, window cleaner does the outside. Tom offers, but it`s one of those jobs I`m ultra fussy about so best to do it myself, he does other things so much better.

Weather looks horrible next few days, heavy rain and high winds.....tail end of something or other.

Hope mac and Janet both sleep well tonight back in their own beds! Catch up soon :)
Another good but exhausting day. We got to the parks around 11:00. We started with the new minions “ride”. I think I will need to do that a few more times to get the hang of it. We did the other minions ride as well. I got asked to take part in a focus group for Universal. It took 90 minutes, so B waited in the lobby for awhile and then decided to ride RRR. We both got finished about the same time. The focus group paid $125 in Universal gift cards. Yay! Souvenir money.
We had a late lunch at the crepe stand. We split a brisket crepe and a strawberry hazelnut crepe. I talked B into going to the horror makeup show. I think she liked most of it. The “volunteer” from the audience was a young woman from Taiwan who didn’t speak much english. She was a really good sport though. We also rode ET, MIB, and the Mummy.

We are now just chilling in our room contemplating dinner.

Especially while listening to some fabulous 80`s music all day.
Always fun to listen to the 80’s.

The smoke has moved somewhat out of our area. It's still a bit hazy in the distance, but with the wind we have today - it will be moving out quickly now.
I’m sorry you are still having issues with that.
I learned after Vegas - I will NEED one of those fancy neck cooling fans if we ever do Florida in summer/hot weather.
I have decided that I do not want to come back here while it is so hot. I’m thinking of maybe February or November for the next trip.

Nope, it’s not the guests fault at all IMO
Who is causing the problem? Are there people using the boats who are not resort guests? We took the bus today. It wasn’t as bad as I expected.

More information on my former doctor. From what I can tell from what people have posted, he has not physically assaulted any patients, but he has said some very inappropriate things during exams and consultations. I am still stunned by this. I will be leaving the practice all together even though there are other doctors there I could see. Apparently this has been going on for a while but the complaints have been ignored.

Time for dinner.
Another good but exhausting day. We got to the parks around 11:00. We started with the new minions “ride”. I think I will need to do that a few more times to get the hang of it. We did the other minions ride as well. I got asked to take part in a focus group for Universal. It took 90 minutes, so B waited in the lobby for awhile and then decided to ride RRR. We both got finished about the same time. The focus group paid $125 in Universal gift cards. Yay! Souvenir money.
We had a late lunch at the crepe stand. We split a brisket crepe and a strawberry hazelnut crepe. I talked B into going to the horror makeup show. I think she liked most of it. The “volunteer” from the audience was a young woman from Taiwan who didn’t speak much english. She was a really good sport though. We also rode ET, MIB, and the Mummy.

We are now just chilling in our room contemplating dinner.

Always fun to listen to the 80’s.

I’m sorry you are still having issues with that.

I have decided that I do not want to come back here while it is so hot. I’m thinking of maybe February or November for the next trip.

Who is causing the problem? Are there people using the boats who are not resort guests? We took the bus today. It wasn’t as bad as I expected.

More information on my former doctor. From what I can tell from what people have posted, he has not physically assaulted any patients, but he has said some very inappropriate things during exams and consultations. I am still stunned by this. I will be leaving the practice all together even though there are other doctors there I could see. Apparently this has been going on for a while but the complaints have been ignored.

Time for dinner.

That seems to be the regular choice for the volunteer over the years. It is a very good show, glad they updated it a little, think they could go further with an update though.

Yes, folks from CBay/Aventura walk over to get the boat which as Janet said is allowed, but the management do know folks are having issues with much longer than expected lines at certain times of the day which is an issue. But, only late night at HHN have we seen them only allow hotel guests use that certain boat due to numbers, that was a few years ago. Then someone reported earlier this year they were doing room key checks at a peak time.

But, the rule is the boats are for everyone right now.

Hope dinner was nice.

Heard there was a bear captured at Magic Kingdom yesterday, some rides were closed for a time, but they got it and it was relocated!!! Glad to hear it!

Well, although it was pitch black when I got up, we had no rain, now it is pouring down and will be most of the day apparently. High winds and more rain forecast for tonight into tomorrow, so a day or so in will be nice, I do have some things I need to catch up with!!!

Once the little jobs are done I think we might have some movie marathons as we have not a single plan with anyone this week.....unusual, but it`s that time of year again.

Pulled pork tonight again, it`s another spicy dish, will do sweet potato wedges for me and chunky chips for Tom and make up some coleslaw and salad, lunch will be turkey open face sandwiches with lettuce, tomato and salad onions on it too, poached eggs again for breakfast, Tom will make those later as he does them better than me, I`ll make the toast and tea!

Hoping to catch up with my nephew as they arrived home from 3 weeks in Orlando yesterday, they kept in touch while they were away but can`t wait to chat to them about their time, first long stay at the Universal hotels.

Another cuppa then will head up and wake sleeping beauty up.




Good morning Sans faimily :wave2:





Vegas was great - hot hot. Concert was cancelled by the venue - Allegient Stadium floor couldn't support his stage and towers for his light show. DD was extremely disappointed. For a venue like that - Allegaint Stadium has some work to do for people who travel out of town there just to see shows for people to trust that they won't be cancelling shows at the last minute. They opened the doors over an hour late - let people buy merch and of course drinks because it was 105F out - then cancel the show. I don't know if we would buy tickets there again.
Sorry to hear of concert being canceled. Sounds like the person in charge of the stage logistics missed up big time.

Woke up to a ton of smoke again this morning. It's actually horrible in the building here today. The ventilation system sucks in this old building. Might see if I can work from home this afternoon - and grab the laptop and cellphone and be at home instead of here. Hopefully the headache and burning eyes disipates soon.
Sorry to hear the smoke is still an ongoing issue for your area.

Well for good news!!! My daughter and I are going on a mother/daughter trip to Universal the end of November to Dec 1st. We are staying at RPR, my favorite resort, and we can't wait. We had to cancel a trip this Spring due to bad weather, so have waited a while for this one. My daughter loves to sit at the pool with a drink and a good book, and I love to go to the parks, but we will spend lots of park time too. I'm not a "sit at the pool" type of person, so I will get some alone time to wander around.
Great news you were able to reschedule your trip.

Nothing wrong with walking slower get to smell the roses that way, so many just ramble from one ride to another and go commando, I`ve heard about folks like that and seen it for myself....not for us at all.
Really enjoying just walking around taking everything in for sure.

That`s my story and I`m sticking to it!! We had a wonderful evening with them all, meal was so good and we all ate far too much, then went to a few bars in the town which were an education in itself!! That was fun for about 3 minutes, so we grabbed some cabs to go to someone`s house and carried on celebrating......and celebrating!! We left their home around 2am and straight to bed after drinking a lot of water, but I wasn`t in a bad way at all neither is Tom as we were fairly good, but I can imagine at least two of them won`t get up till much later! But, such a lovely night with good friends.
Sounds like a wonderful time of having fun with friends.

Thanks. Sorry to miss you & charade. Was very nice to unexpectedly run into robbie & her sister
It was a nice surprise to see you and Mac and have a visit. So glad we had the opportunity to hang out for awhile.

Glad to hear you and Mac made it home safely.

Rest up for your return trip in less then 2 weeks.

Yesterday the temps were far more tolerable especially in the evening,

My sisters and I had a wonderful time at Disney Springs just walking around sitting and visiting. We were able to get a walk up reservation to Art Smiths Homecoming. Only waited 15 minutes.

In the evening there was a nice breeze and the weather was enjoyable.

Very different from Sunday night at HHN. It was so oppressively hot that I could feel my body getting more sluggish by the minute do to the effects of the immense heat.

I saw a lot of people who appeared heat exhausted. That kind of heat and humidity takes a toll on the body when you are doing all that walking.

I think the next few days are supposed to be more pleasant during the day and evening.

I’am going to head over to IOA this morning for a little while then back to the Resort for a nap. My sister and I have MNSSHP this evening so want to be well rested to enjoy that. I purchased tickets to the event for my sister K’s birthday and we are having dinner at BOG.

K loves Disney so I wanted to make sure my little sisters upcoming birthday special.

It always seems like when you arrive for the trip the days are going slower. Then when the trip is coming to close the days fly by.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone.
It's a cool crisp fall morning here! I hope the wind stays down - my head is telling me otherwise though.

It was a quiet evening last night. I oven roasted more of my ripe roma tomatoes that were ripe and then froze them - make into pasta sauce. I roasted them with 2 peppers, 2 bulbs of garlic and onion as well. Hopefully this plan will work out to make tasty sauce. It's an experiment for sure. It might work - it might not :scratchin This is how I figured out to use them up - since the greenhouse had them marked wrong. They were supposed to be cherry tomatoes. But they are like a smaller roma tomato - that is quite meaty!

Dinner was a quick one pot meal of a verision of " Marry me chicken" with gnocchi! I don't know why I haven't used gnocchi before - but I have started using it the last couple of months - and I just LOVE them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will have to try a homemade version. Now that fall/winter is here - now is my time to spend time in my kitchen on weekends puttering, cooking and baking.

I was planning on putter in the house cleaning one corner - that didn't happen :blush: I hit my energy wall and just sat for the evening. I had a good chin waggle with my youngest sister. We don't get to chat often - she is busy with young kids - but we text and snapchat all the time. But to take time to talk on the phone doesn't happen often. It was good to catch up with her - and we are trying to plan a surprise something for our middle sister who turns 50 in 2024. Hopefully we can pull something off.

I am not sure that I'm going to whip up for dinner tonight. Some days it's a struggle! for sure. I'm thinking I'll have to get one of the kids to pull out some elk meat when they are home over lunch. I'm thinking that it will be time to start meal planning again - just so I have a game plan. I hate trying to think of something on the fly

Well< should get to shuffling some papers

Have a great day everyone!!!!
forgot my quotes :rolleyes2 good thing I'm all caught brain seems to be partially functioning today.

We are now just chilling in our room contemplating dinner.
Sounds like you two had a great day!!!!
Pulled pork tonight again, it`s another spicy dish, will do sweet potato wedges for me and chunky chips for Tom and make up some coleslaw and salad, lunch will be turkey open face sandwiches with lettuce, tomato and salad onions on it too, poached eggs again for breakfast, Tom will make those later as he does them better than me, I`ll make the toast and tea!
YUM!!!! Spicy pulled pork! That sounds delicious! I whipped that up over the weekend while working. I tossed it into my crock pot over my lunch break - it came out perfect! I'm still learning how to cook with that thing.
My sisters and I had a wonderful time at Disney Springs just walking around sitting and visiting. We were able to get a walk up reservation to Art Smiths Homecoming. Only waited 15 minutes.
Sounds like a great evening. I hope the meal was delicious. I want to try there the next time we are in Florida.

Off to shuffle more papers!
forgot my quotes :rolleyes2 good thing I'm all caught brain seems to be partially functioning today.

Sounds like you two had a great day!!!!

YUM!!!! Spicy pulled pork! That sounds delicious! I whipped that up over the weekend while working. I tossed it into my crock pot over my lunch break - it came out perfect! I'm still learning how to cook with that thing.

Sounds like a great evening. I hope the meal was delicious. I want to try there the next time we are in Florida.

Off to shuffle more papers!

Can‘t really go wrong with the slow cooker, everything comes out perfect. I put the pork butts into three slow cookers over night in full fat coke, herbs, spices and brown sugar……lush!!!

We say chin wag over here for a chat…..very similar. We love a day pottering around the house together, doing all sorts of little bits and bobs and of course making pots of tea…..passes the time nicely!

High winds here now, not as much rain as forecast but there’s always tomorrow.

Not sure what we‘ll be doing tomorrow, will see what the weather is like first, but not long till bedtime for us……will be listening the that wind howl outside tonight I think.
We both got finished about the same time. The focus group paid $125 in Universal gift cards. Yay! Souvenir money.
Sweeeet! I’ve only been offered $20 ones.
Heard there was a bear captured at Magic Kingdom yesterday, some rides were closed for a time, but they got it and it was relocated!!! Glad to hear it!
It was beary scary :duck:

Glad to hear you and Mac made it home safely.

Rest up for your return trip in less then 2 weeks.
I’m planning on picking clothing right out of the clean laundry and putting in a bin to cut down on packing time

I’m beat. First hot bath in over two weeks on my agenda:banana:

Problem with one leg dramatically swelling overnight that was injured pushing a WC at one point at U. :confused3 Not infected looking. Scabbed over just fine. Just black & blue and decided to puff up.

Took a water pill for first time, now I know why they say to take them during the day :oops:
We were able to get a walk up reservation to Art Smiths Homecoming. Only waited 15 minutes.
That’s a real needle in the haystack! Was the 🐔 good?

Have fun at the party!
Robo, may see ya at the Mickey party tonight as that’s our evening fun too.
You two, too!
I will have to try a homemade version. Now that fall/winter is here - now is my time to spend time in my kitchen on weekends puttering, cooking and baking.
It’s apparently considered a simple process by most to make it home made. I’ve never mastered it, the dough -yes. The pretty look with fork times -no lol. Mine are little mis-sharpen lumps. My ravioli & pirogi fall into same camp
At least they taste scrumptious
The end of another good day. We decided to make today a somewhat lazy day. Slept in late then met Lynne and her daughter for lunch. Robo also came and chatted with us. We had a nice chat and then went our separate ways. It was nice seeing Lynne again, meeting her daughter, and also meeting Robo for the first time.
After lunch B and I did a little shopping then went back to our hotel. She went swimming and I stayed in the room and did some cross stitch. Dinner was at the hotel since neither of us wanted to go back out.

We were able to get a walk up reservation to Art Smiths Homecoming. Only waited 15 minutes.
Wow! We ate there on one of our previous trips and really liked the chicken.

My sister and I have MNSSHP this evening so want to be well rested to enjoy that. I purchased tickets to the event for my sister K’s birthday and we are having dinner at BOG.
Hope you had fun tonight and BOG was good.

It's a cool crisp fall morning here!
I’m envious.

It was beary scary :duck:

I was thinking of

We are planning on doing early tomorrow and doing mostly Harry Potter stuff. I should probably go to bed soon.
Sweeeet! I’ve only been offered $20 ones.

It was beary scary :duck:

View attachment 795381

I’m planning on picking clothing right out of the clean laundry and putting in a bin to cut down on packing time

I’m beat. First hot bath in over two weeks on my agenda:banana:

Problem with one leg dramatically swelling overnight that was injured pushing a WC at one point at U. :confused3 Not infected looking. Scabbed over just fine. Just black & blue and decided to puff up.

Took a water pill for first time, now I know why they say to take them during the day :oops:

That’s a real needle in the haystack! Was the 🐔 good?

Have fun at the party!

You two, too!

It’s apparently considered a simple process by most to make it home made. I’ve never mastered it, the dough -yes. The pretty look with fork times -no lol. Mine are little mis-sharpen lumps. My ravioli & pirogi fall into same camp
At least they taste scrumptious

Lol…..nicer bear than the one they found!

My gnocchi was never good, but we were never overly fond it either……ravioli is a hit or miss, but goodness must be over 15 years since I’ve made it, we’re not the biggest pasta eaters though. But, yes, as long as they taste good!

The end of another good day. We decided to make today a somewhat lazy day. Slept in late then met Lynne and her daughter for lunch. Robo also came and chatted with us. We had a nice chat and then went our separate ways. It was nice seeing Lynne again, meeting her daughter, and also meeting Robo for the first time.
After lunch B and I did a little shopping then went back to our hotel. She went swimming and I stayed in the room and did some cross stitch. Dinner was at the hotel since neither of us wanted to go back out.

Wow! We ate there on one of our previous trips and really liked the chicken.

Hope you had fun tonight and BOG was good.

I’m envious.

I was thinking of
View attachment 795445

We are planning on doing early tomorrow and doing mostly Harry Potter stuff. I should probably go to bed soon.

How lovely you got to meet up with Robbie, she is a nice lady!

Enjoy today!

Well, not moving an inch today. Woke up around 2.30 with slight vertigo… up to go to the bathroom and almost went head first onto the floor. Tom helped me and went to get my dizzy tablets, I’m so glad I always keep a supply…just in case.

Finally managed to move around 9ish and can now look down on my iPad.

Tom made me a pot of tea and only fancied a slice of toast, being nauseated takes away one’s appetite. Can take another tablet in a couple of hours, it will get better fairly quickly as it wasn’t a massive attack, but not fun.

So, lady of leisure today, feet up on settee, no doubt I’ll snooze as these tablets make you drowsy and my lovely husband will make sure I’m comfy and look after me!

Time for more tea…….

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