Something About Nothing............ #14

Quick stop in!!!

We have another beautiful sunny day again. When I step outside it is the warm southern sun warmth!!! I LOVE it. The wind seems to be staying down as well - which is fantastic.

Spent time last night in the backyard tending to my pots/planters. Adjusted steaks for the tomato plants, and got a trellis set up for the cucumbers. I also put up some netting for the peas so they can climb up that and not fall over as they get taller with blooms and pea pods weighing them down.

I'm also testing another adjustment with my potatoes plants. My grow bags are somewhat deep ( over a foot deep) BUT if you MacGyver to make the pot deeper ( by adding /steaking some burlap or landscaping fabric ) to make your pot even deeper like a gallon bucket - you get bigger yields when you keep adding more soil on top of the plants so they grow really tall. So I did half of my pots like this. I got a really good yield last year even with the hail damage that they had that destroyed my plants last year. So I am testing that theory! We will see how that goes!

But we do have an appointment tomorrow afternoon to replace the ac which now has bit the dust.

I am sure we can manage one night with no a/c
Gosh...I wish we lived near you, I would be sending dh and ds over to help you out! Both ds started their electrical apprenticeships with HVAC installations. I hope it's a minor problem that is easily fixed. AC's a not cheap to replace.
Just skimming thru posts. Got to leave for surgery in 50min.
Sending you many gentle hugs filled with healing light and love :hug:
Oooh kid has to wear his 45n mask today. Just issued to my phone wax Code Red Air Alert, as that smoke from the Canadian wildfires is over the whole state. Ugh. Though should be a neat sunset if smoke still around in the evening.
I hope your air quality get better. We still have a air quality issues here on and off. Yesterday was the haze/smoke is back.

Alberta is down to just a few active fires, but BC (where Sue lives) is on fire as well as many parts of Eastern Canada - Ontario, Quebec is really bad right now and some of the smaller provinces like New Brunswick and Nova Scotia still have some active fires.

Fun Fact about Canadian fires - if the fires are not going to affect property in some shape or form - they are left to burn until they are burnt out. There is just tooooooooooooooooo vast of an area to fight when there is not property or structures that won't be burned. The only time fires are fought is when structure/property will or can be damaged.

Well, I should get back to shuffling some papers.

Have a great day everyone!
Rest easy and feel better real soon.
Hope you were given take home pain pills for your surgery you had today
I will stop by your house when your “your crops” are in….

I’m a big fan of home grown tomatoes!
Good Wednesday evening everyone :wave:


I’m confused. Do I understand correctly that people used to get their tonsils removed just because that was the thing to do and not because there was a medical problem?? I’m 55 and still have my tonsils.
After having a few infections the doc decided to take both my sisters tonsils and mine at the same time. It was more common place back then for sure.

But as a reward, I had a nail appointment after I was done. I actually stopped at the Starbucks beside the nail salon and picked up a tasty refresher! I don't typically get drinks from there, as they are $$$. It was definitely a nice treat while getting my nails done. They are good now for another few weeks.
Always nice to have a foo-foo day at the salon.

Starbucks has a new frozen refresher now. They are good.

This momma caught the most fish!!! They laugh at my choice of lure (hook) and then mumble under their breath when Mom brings in another one :laughing: I stopped counting after 20.
You had the magic touch.

This, no more than 10 feet from my favored spot on deck and an entrance door. Guess what we found inside the house yesterday morning. :headache::mad: :sad: I’m allergic to bee & wasp venom. dr out of town, thankfully PA called me in an Rx for epipen that i haven’t filled in nearly a decade.

unfortunately, there is a shortage of them, nobody nearby has in stock, back ordered. :sad2:
Janet I hope you are able to get the bee situation under control. That is frightening to have bees trying to move in on you.

There was a big dust up not long ago with the pharma company that were providing the Epi-pens. They started price gauging by marking up the prices terribly. Prices for the Epi-pens went from about 20.00 with insurance to over 900.00. There was an outcry needless to say and If I remember correctly the company was sued.

happy to go get my hair done as an excuse to get out of the house this morning.
Always nice to have a nice day at the salon getting your hair done.

This weekend is a holiday for us, Canada Day. My town always has special event down by the inlet, and the firefighters put on a pancake breakfast. Always happy to support them. This will be the first year I won’t be going, since surg is tomorrow. I assume I won’t be up to it.
Sending get well prayers your way.

Husband still under the weather. Went to doctor Friday and sent for chest X-ray and blood work. At least throat is not sore anymore.
I hope your hubby feels better soon.

I’ll let his family eat the fish. Not me, though I think older one and DH would eat. Hate the smell of fish. So none in my house welcome.
Fresh fish does not have an odor. If you can smell a terrible fishy smell then it is not fresh.

Hubby loved to fish and I would fry up or broil the fresh fish and it was delicious and there was no fishy smell.

But we do have an appointment tomorrow afternoon to replace the ac which now has bit the dust.
Hope your appointment went well and your AC was fixed. It is going to be hot for the next number of days and you will need your AC.

It has been warm here the past few days. Then today we were invaded by the haze and poor air quality do to the Canadian fires, It appears that the whole of the Midwest is being affected. Hopefully this blows off soon.

Did pick up a few things from the store today.

Hubby is progressing and doing better. So very thankful for his progression.

I hope everyone has a wonderful evening.
I’m late, i’m late. Took a time out this afternoon to see The Flash with DS. Totally surprised that I enjoyed it, including the erstwhile lead actor. he was on such a rant, his handlers seem to have him settled down.

Watching the deer come out to graze, at least across the street in the empty lot & not on my plants.

Almost lunchtime. I think I will take a nap. The advantage to working in a therapy office - plenty of sofas to sleep on.
Not sure why but, that struck me funny. I’ve never heard of an employer actively encouraging naps during lunch. Sounds like a nice perk tho bass in our neck of the woods. Walleye / Pickerel. Very similar to bass, and they were scrappy and hungry last weekend.
Walleye and pike are north of here in colder, cleaner waters. A bit of a delicacy.
Just skimming thru posts. Got to leave for surgery in 50min.
Hope things went well for you Sue!!! make sure to rest up and let the family pamper you while you heal.

Fun Fact about Canadian fires - if the fires are not going to affect property in some shape or form - they are left to burn until they are burnt out. There is just tooooooooooooooooo vast of an area to fight when there is not property or structures that won't be burned. The only time fires are fought is when structure/property will or can be damaged.
Define fun lol.

the policy you state is starting to be heatedly discussed here. Especially, since the cloud has now has hit twice (in rapid succession), the more populated northeastern areas where political influence reigns.

below is my view around 7:30 pm today. Red action day for air quality, it was indeed poor. Sky has had an unsettling orange hue most of the day. This time we are sending it east to Lynne. they say it should be out of our area by Friday. Knock on wood


Not to get political, my thots are Canada can mind their own can of beans & vice-a-versa for the US. No finger pointing by any means.

what is being reported here is that your government, needing to trim costs 10 years or so ago; across-the-board, slashed many programs to the quick. This Included substantial cuts to your fire services and forestry agencies.

appears there is a bit of a push afoot from the countries who have rendered aid (equipment and man power) encouraging the resumption of controlled burning and the re-funding of both your local & nationwide fire fighting programs.

Will be interesting to see how things pan out, as we are all surely in this together. We’ve certainly had the share of our own fires here over the last few years, including a big, as of yet uncontrolled, one in Arizona now.:sad2:

There was a big dust up not long ago with the pharma company that were providing the Epi-pens. They started price gauging by marking up the prices terribly. Prices for the Epi-pens went from about 20.00 with insurance to over 900.00. There was an outcry needless to say and If I remember correctly the company was sued.
They did the same thing with insulin. Thankfully, there is a program in place now to address that as to affordability. The brand name one I received was listed on my insert as costing $589.39, each, so double that for the final price.

Mind-boggling to me. How do people living paycheck to paycheck without great RX health insurance manage to afford those costs?
Robo, good to hear your DH is progressing. Sending more good thoughts and get well mummy dust his way.

Had my last ic my tea, and getting ready for bedtime. Some may be thirsty with all the warm weather all are having, as will be that Thirsty Thursday day of the week when you wake up. Woot! One more alarm until 5 more days. Yay!

Hope all have sweet dreams and that good night sleep. Will leave this light on for all:

Hehe maybe a friend of lil boo?
Good evening. I had a much better day today since I slept better last night. Hopefully that pattern will continue.
Nothing much to report here. I am attempting a new form of exercise for me. This may just be a gimmick, but I have started using a weighted hula hoop. I've only done 3 days so far, but it looks like something I will be able to stick to. I'll see if I made any progress after a few weeks.

But we do have an appointment tomorrow afternoon to replace the ac which now has bit the dust.
Hope you are sitting in a nice cool house now.

And got that rental for August down a dollar. I am hoping it goes down even further. Got my September one down 100 dollars. Cheapest I have seen in awhile, unlike August. But I have time for both, to rinse and repeat and do those cancellations when I see a cheaper reservation. Best prices so far for both hotels and airfare. Though have seen airfare in September go up in price since I once got a good drop, and now have just over 60 dollars credit to use in less than a year now. And my save more rate for hotel in September and AP rates in August are lowest I got so far. But even those, I will keep checking for a lower price, Ooh guess I should be planning another trip with that airfare credit
Congrats on the lower rate. Dh was getting annoyed with me for constantly checking the car rental rates, now he has decided that I am in charge of all car rentals, air fair, hotel rooms, etc, for future vacations. I think my hotel is as low as it is going to go, but I keep hoping the air fare will drop a little more.

Still trying to score flight time, some trips I hit a good date and rate
crossing my fingers on this one.
Hope you are able to find something you are happy with. I'm hoping to change airports if I can find a low enough price.

Just skimming thru posts. Got to leave for surgery in 50min.
Hope all went well today.

I'm also testing another adjustment with my potatoes plants. My grow bags are somewhat deep ( over a foot deep) BUT if you MacGyver to make the pot deeper ( by adding /steaking some burlap or landscaping fabric ) to make your pot even deeper like a gallon bucket - you get bigger yields when you keep adding more soil on top of the plants so they grow really tall. So I did half of my pots like this. I got a really good yield last year even with the hail damage that they had that destroyed my plants last year. So I am testing that theory! We will see how that goes!
This is all like a foreign language to me. I know nothing about gardening, but I hope you get the results you desire.

Hubby is progressing and doing better. So very thankful for his progression.
Great news.

Took a time out this afternoon to see The Flash with DS. Totally surprised that I enjoyed it, including the erstwhile lead actor. he was on such a rant, his handlers seem to have him settled down.
Dh wants to go see that, but I think we might wait until it comes to the $2 theater.

Not sure why but, that struck me funny. I’ve never heard of an employer actively encouraging naps during lunch. Sounds like a nice perk tho
Mine doesn't mind as long as I don't go over my lunch hour. I just hope I don't snore. (I have sleep apnea.)

Speaking of sleep, I should start getting ready for bed,
@Lynne G sorry about our smoke! I just saw pics of Chicago on 6:00 news. Not good. There are several fires in my province (British Columbia) but thankful we aren’t in danger. Now the temps are rising again after that cold spell we had and drizzle. What was needed was a good downpour!

@Pumpkin1172 good luck with the potatoes! I grew some years ago. Can’t take credit, the previous owner had planted them. With our crazy spring I didn’t plant anything except 2 tomato plants, then neighbour gave me 2 more. And I have strawberries. Only 2. Then a friend brought over some garlic. I’m envious of the veg gardens I pass on my walks.
Yes, you’re right, BC has some fires. This week 2 more on the Island outside of Port Alberni. Man made. Makes me so mad. I think they got them under control. Family friend is moving there July1.
Thanks for the hugs!

Mac & Robo thank you for your healing thoughts :hug:

@keishashadow thank you for the cute Get Well post! So nice. Glad you enjoyed The Flash. I’m looking forward to the new Indiana movie coming out. .
The smoke pic you posted looks awful. It reminded me of a couple of years ago when the entire west coast was on fire, from California on up. That was pretty much my view.
Terrible that some can’t afford the meds they need. They probably go without.

@macraven hope AC got installed.

@Robo56 hows DH doing?

@Charade67 love the nap time at work. At work I sometimes took a lunch he nap in the staff room! Would set timer on my phone. You still have $2 movies? We used to on Tuesdays. It was called Twoonie Tuesdays! After our $2 coin!
The hoola hoop exercises sound interesting. You will have to update on results! I always check and recheck rates on everything too! Mostly car rentals and room rates.

@Lynne G cute night light! It’s only 9:30 here. We’re 3 hrs behind on the west coast ::yes:: I just finished a cup of Disney Tea, Mad Hatter is the blend. one of my friends had some she ordered. We both love it but price has doubled! Eek. So it’s really coveted by us. She gave me a box for a get well present.
Be careful with Dollar. They can be a bit snakey. I rented from them once, but also had a budget rental. Dollar tried to give me a car with tiny trunk Trying to fob it off as a midsize. 2 daughters and my luggage. Then told me if I wanted a different car with larger trunk I could pay to upgrade. I said no thanks, I’ll go over to Budget. Got a nice car. Actually ended up with a RAV4. Free upgrade.
Dollar was just on the Canadian news yesterday. Canadian family was renting at airport near Disneyland. They told family who already prepaid that they needed an International Dirvers Licence to rent! They had to find another rental company at the airport and all the rates last minute were double. I think they ended up with Budget. Interestingly no other company needed International Licence. It was all BS.

I want to thank everyone again for you kind get well wishes. The surgery went very well I think. At first I was worried about it being day surgery. But I must admit I’m glad to be home.
Everyone at the hospital was wonderful, the nurses, staff, anesthetist, surgeon. Can’t say enough good things about them.
Will be chilling at home the next few days so will catch up on some Netflix shows. Queen Charlotte is next I think. I downloaded it on my iPad so think I’ll watch it on my antigravity chair in the patio under some shade. I can relax with no guilt! Yesterday I don’t think I sat down, was trying to get a bunch of things done before surgery including some gardening, laundry, etc.

My oldest just started a new daycare job. Yay! And best thing is it’s walking distance from home. During school year it’s split shift, before and after school. But they also run in summer too. So summer schedule will be mornings till 1:00. so that’s nice that she’ll have a good portion of the day free. And owner doesn’t mind that she has Aug Universal trip booked. They seem very accommodating. This is only her 2nd day but she likes it. And this is a 4 day weekend coming up! Sadly I will be out of commission but she already has dinner plans tomorrow!
Charade, hope you do get more sound sleeps. Just moving around should help with weight and energy. I guess I’m lucky, my DH doesn’t even ask how much. He just assumes I get the best prices I can. Hope you get to the doctor for your leg sooner than the end of next month.

Sue, sending lots of get well wishes in mummy dust your way. Yes, please relax every day. That is nice they could release you within the day. I think many like to recover at home, Take an easy and heal well.

Pumpkin, yay for a good garden. The most I have done is peppers and tomatoes. Sometimes radishes. Right now, my greek oregano is wild growing. It comes up every year. So I snip it to add in dishes when I remember. Though haven’t had a garden in years.

I think Keisha got more of the smoke yesterday. Our air quality this morning is still in the low 100’s, so just unhealthy for some groups. I think older one will continue to wear a mask outside. He just is medicated every day now. Not just smoke is in the air.

And so, the sunshine has returned. And we still are in that cooler overnight and early morning. 60 degrees out right now. And we are an hour after sunrise. Was a beautiful one I saw. I always take a peak outside after I get ready for the day. Well usually put someting in the trash.

And so, a day to keep hydrated and doing that by enjoying drinks of your choice. Yay the day that while doesn’t have that Friday feeling, it’s the one to make you thirsty to get ready for that fabulous Friday feeling.

Ah yes, that Thirsty Thursday is here. One that I happily turned off my alarm, and made a very full pot of tea. Sue, I got that mad hatter tea for my mom years ago. I think she enjoyed it. I tend to stick to a store blend a local tea place has, Sometimes I get gifted and once in awhile I try other. But I is drink tea almost every day. Hot tea, no matter the weather outside.

With that holiday early next week, time to say, from a very happy homie that will be lazy starting later today, hopes all have a most terrific Thirsty Thursday. Good morning homies.
of course with a pickle!

That’s the way we go…
This is the way…if dill. I was taken aback to have one of my DS ask for a sweet pickle with it.

Sue - good to hear from you. I love the recoup plans, that’s the way to do it. I’m leery of those antigravity loungers. Afraid I’d have a difficult time getting into it and worse one getting out lol. They do look comfy

Robbie how’s the mr doing?

A trying day here today. Why does the 💩 always hit the fan before a trip?

Took another picture at 2 pm today on my ‘favorite’ bridge while sitting in construction stoppage. Absolutely no filters or editing. There is no fog, that’s smoke


everyone I talk to reports burning eyes, scratchy throats & hacking. We bumped up to purple air quality this AM. Now saying no change expected until Possibly Saturday

Off to TR thread to catch a Carole sighting. She’s missed here
Oooh you are much worse than where I am Keisha. We are just at the start of red.. Last time, we were purple for over a day. This morning, smelled like smoke more than later this afternoon. Saying will be clear by midnight Saturday. Hope you flight takes off as scheduled. So many flights from my airport have been cancelled, even today, from the smoke and the thunderstorms we have been having.

Warm night, but still will dip to 60 by the early morning. Little one promised me brunch out tomorrow. Promised to be up hours earlier than our usual time we get out the door. We shall see. Good thing is, the two Jewish delis we like to go to, have a breakfast menu all day. I said maybe First Watch or Turning Point. Little one said she won’t eat at Turning Point anymore. Picky eater found very little she liked there. So if she does get moving earlier, I guess it will be a drive by the First Watch to see if there’s a crowd waiting. If so, will go to the one deli we know won’t be as crowded for a late breakfast on a week day. I like almost all breakfast foods. Little one does not. But she humors me with going out to breakfast once in awhile.

Oooh I made a cup of tea. While did not hear our AC on, house feels almost too cool.

Hehe, a little later night when the alarm won’t go off, even though my head will get me up around the time it would go off, no matter when I go to bed.

So a good night to all. And yes, we heard our neighbor setting off fireworks again tonight. Nothing like starting early. At least it was not those M80’s set off behind us the other day. .
Well almost got thru day 1 post op. That lovely freezing and meds have worn off. Quite sore. Taking extra strength Tylenol. Think I’ll try ice.

Oh yes! Grilled Chesee with dill. The sweet pickled are :crazy2:

Hubs has made me breakfast and dinner. He was out with a friend for lunch. And did some grocery shopping. Quiet day around here. Perfect. I need some quiet. .
Won’t be tomorrow! Daughter has a 4 day weekend lol. Canada Day July 1 🇨🇦
Ah Sue, keep relaxing and hope the meds are helping with your pain. And I’m with you, a very sour dill pickle is what we like. No sweet ones in my home either. Ick. Yay for a holiday weekend for you. And glad to hear family is helping. Lots of healing thoughts your way.
Gold evening. Today was another uneventful day. My leg is not bothering me as much as it was, so that's a good thing. I have been able to get a decent night's sleep for the past 2 nights.

You still have $2 movies?
Actually we don't anymore. I checked the theater's web page and they are now $3 or $4 depending on if it a matinee or not. I haven't been to that theater in a couple of years.

The surgery went very well I think. At first I was worried about it being day surgery. But I must admit I’m glad to be home.
Everyone at the hospital was wonderful, the nurses, staff, anesthetist, surgeon. Can’t say enough good things about them.
Glad to hear that everything went well. Hope you have a nice, easy recovery.

I guess I’m lucky, my DH doesn’t even ask how much. He just assumes I get the best prices I can.
Mine is weird. He was actually annoyed that I was finding lower rates. He was content to pay the first rate that he booked. He changed his tune once he saw that I was able to get a rate almost $300 less than what we originally booked. He wants to book something and be done with it. I am happy to keep rebooking as long as the price goes down.

Took another picture at 2 pm today on my ‘favorite’ bridge while sitting in construction stoppage. Absolutely no filters or editing. There is no fog, that’s smoke
Wow, that's incredible. We are getting a little haze here, but not much. I guess we are too far away.

I think I am going to be up for awhile. I exercised late today, so I probably won't be sleepy for another couple of hours.


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