Something About Nothing............ #14

Another super slow day at work. Thankfully I am leaving at noon today. I need to be home to meet the cable person.
I think we are all ready for vacation. Yesterday I was able to move one of our dinner reservations from 8:15 to 6:50. I also added a park tour. This one is a Main Street tour where we get to go into Walt’s apartment. I have not told B about this. I think she will enjoy the surprise.

Like little one said, we saw at least three clearly sick people on our plane ride Saturday night. Why they were not stopped from boarding? Guess no one asks anymore. But I’m thinking I picked up some type of crap from one or more of them. Sigh. Thankfully, was, I am hoping, a one day sickness.
Yuck. Hope whatever it is had passed.

I had often wondered what school bullies end up like after they graduate.
The girl that was so mean to B and her friend got pregnant her senior year of high school. Last I heard she was no longer with the father and was working in a restaurant. It’s really sad because I have heard that she was really close to the sister who was killed.

How wonderful it was to hear the female Pilot and Commander Peggy Whitson in charge. She is the first female commander on a private spaceflight. She is a retired astronaut.
Awesome. I love hearing stories of women who are successful in male dominated fields.

I have a little over an hour to kill. I need to find something to do.
It's that taco Tuesday feeling!!!

We FINALLY have rain. It started yesterday afternoon...and hasn't stopped since. It's that good slow ground soaking type ;) As much as I don't like the rain - and basically tolerate it like I do with snow - it was badly needed here. Hopefully it will help the fire crews by stopping it from spreading so fast and halt it from spreading....then they can focus on putting out what is still burning. They can now play their offensive game instead of defensive.

Got lots of little things completed yesterday. Floors and bathrooms scrubbed, dusted, took down and cleaned a couple of blinds and screens that were driving my crazy and needed to be cleaned, wiped the inside of some windows, baked off my first attempt at sour dough english muffins (which turned out awesome) and baked some banana bread - and whipped up baked spaghetti for dinner last night. I was pooped last night when I sat down :rotfl:It was my last day off for a couple of weeks as I'm working the next 2 weekends. So I needed to get some stuff done.

I almost forgot to add in there - washed the sheets on our bed and did my laundry too ;) busy busy day! There wasn't much to do outside because of the rain - so I kept busy inside.

Slow day at the full-time job today. I do have to get everything done, as I'm at my homecare job the rest of the week. It will be the last of the extra shifts there - so once these few extra days of done - I'm back my to full-time job for more hours and only having 4-6 days/month at the homecare job.

Well, I should go find some paperwork to shuffle around. Hoping to check in a little later

Have a great day everyone!
This has been a strange weekend. The sound on our TV has suddenly stopped working. We can get sound if we are using a streaming service, but not when we try to watch a cable channel. We have someone coming out to look at it on Tuesday.

Yesterday dh and B went to see the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. On the way home a tire went flat on B’s car. They managed to get it into the Sam’s Club parking lot. The tires are just over a year old and this is the third time the tire has gone flat. They have repaired the valve stem twice, but it is not working. I say we need a new tire. Dh is going to contact our mechanic tomorrow.

Today in church we heard some horrible news. A bit of backstory- when B was in elementary school there was a girl “C” who was mean to her and was always trying to get her in trouble. C was also mean to one of B’s friends. C’s mom worked as a substitute and was also mean to B’s friend. I did not get along with the mom either. Thankfully the family moved away before middle school. Today I learned that C’s younger sister was murdered last week. The killer was C’s sister’s roommate’s boyfriend/ex-boyfriend. He shot and killed both C’s sister and his girlfriend. Thankfully he is in custody now. I can’t even imagine what the families are going through right now. As much as I dislike C and her mom, I would not wish this on my worst enemy.
I hope the rest of this week is uneventful.
Hi Charade. I'm Not an auto mechanic, but your situation sounds like one we had with our car. We had a brand new set of tires put on and after a while we kept getting very low tires (not flat but close). Everything was checked and couldn't find the answer. We thought of taking the tires back, but my husband found that the rim was bent??, or something like that and caused an air leak. don't know what that is but he fixed it! Hope all works out well for you.
And sorry to hear about that poor girls awful death. That's so horrible.
Good Tuesday morning everyone :wave:

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Everything went well. Thank you Lynne. Looks like you had a nice vacation on you trip with your daughter. It’s always nice to get to spent time with your children for sure.

Thank you Charade. Yes, two great-nephews is right. They are my older sister‘s grandsons. Celebrating their graduation was a wonderful time to lightened the situation after their grandpa’s funeral service the day before. We did not want to pass on celebrating them.

Sounds like you all had a wonderful vacation. Glad to hear you all were able to connect with friends and enjoy your time with them.

Sorry to hear their were some issues with colds and flu bug.

WOW…..So sorry to hear the fire burning is still affecting you all. I cant imagine what that is doing to folks who have asthma and other respiratory illnesses.

Hey, Mr. buckeev good to see you post. Sounds like you are in trip planning mode.

You and Mrs. buckeev enjoy your vacation to Disney. Sounds like snacking around Flower and Garden will be nice.

Mac I hope you were able to get things fixed on the dis for your viewing.

So very sad to hear of such a tragedy.

I had often wondered what school bullies end up like after they graduate. The ones I knew of did not turn out so well. I knew a girl in junior high and high school who was a terrible bully and few years later I was watching the local news where I lived at the time and heard that she and her boyfriend drowned.

She had refused to go into the pool during our required PE swim class in high school and was horrible to the swim teacher. Learning to swim would have saved her life.

Got up early yesterday and did a little house cleaning and laundry. We had a nice breakfast. Everyone packed their bags then it was time to get going.

We stopped on our way to the airport and had a nice quick visit with my older sister. Then it was back onto the very busy I 95. We made it to the airport in time to drop off the car and have a burger before boarding the plane.

It was raining when the plane took off. We had a tad of mild turbulence, but the pilot did a great job.

I had my SUV at the airport so I loaded up the luggage and we were on our way. I felt bad for my younger sister as she had to get up early this morning to go to work.

I was so glad to see hubby when I got home.

Woke up with a wicked charley horse in my right thigh and calf this morning. Only remedy for that is getting out of bed and walk it out.

It was a pretty busy trip. We had the service to attend and the graduation party and I needed to get somethings done at the house and in between we made some side trips and enjoyed some pool time.

Dad tolerated the trlp well all things considered, He fell at the airport after we arrived in Sanford thankfully with no ill after effects. The airport paramedics checked him out. I knew he was ok as he was being spicy as ever. After his fall and to much protesting on his part we made him sit in a wheel chair coming and going in the airport. This was a first for him and he did not like it, but like it or not this was a safer arrangement for him and he finally acquiesced.

I’am so glad we were able to travel as a family and be there for my sister as she said goodbye to her husband of 50 years.

We all went to see the lift off of the of the Falcon 9 on Sunday evening. I went to my favorite spot on Banana river.

SpaceX always shares some nice photos of the Rocket before take off.

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How wonderful it was to hear the female Pilot and Commander Peggy Whitson in charge. She is the first female commander on a private spaceflight. She is a retired astronaut.

It was Sunday so a lot of people were pulled off to the side of the road to watch the ship go up.

After watching the ship take off. We drove along A1A near the Ocean and stopped in Melbourne for a nice seafood dinner at a place I had been to before and the food was yummy.

Well I need to get going to the store for a few things.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone.

Glad the visit went well with your dad and glad he wasn`t hurt in the fall. Sounds like a very hard visit all round, but your sister would have been glad you were all there.

Good morning all
It’s always very nice to come home!

Yay......good to see you can post again.....I wonder what the glitch was.

But, as always glad to see you back again......

It's that taco Tuesday feeling!!!

We FINALLY have rain. It started yesterday afternoon...and hasn't stopped since. It's that good slow ground soaking type ;) As much as I don't like the rain - and basically tolerate it like I do with snow - it was badly needed here. Hopefully it will help the fire crews by stopping it from spreading so fast and halt it from spreading....then they can focus on putting out what is still burning. They can now play their offensive game instead of defensive.

Got lots of little things completed yesterday. Floors and bathrooms scrubbed, dusted, took down and cleaned a couple of blinds and screens that were driving my crazy and needed to be cleaned, wiped the inside of some windows, baked off my first attempt at sour dough english muffins (which turned out awesome) and baked some banana bread - and whipped up baked spaghetti for dinner last night. I was pooped last night when I sat down :rotfl:It was my last day off for a couple of weeks as I'm working the next 2 weekends. So I needed to get some stuff done.

I almost forgot to add in there - washed the sheets on our bed and did my laundry too ;) busy busy day! There wasn't much to do outside because of the rain - so I kept busy inside.

Slow day at the full-time job today. I do have to get everything done, as I'm at my homecare job the rest of the week. It will be the last of the extra shifts there - so once these few extra days of done - I'm back my to full-time job for more hours and only having 4-6 days/month at the homecare job.

Well, I should go find some paperwork to shuffle around. Hoping to check in a little later

Have a great day everyone!

A couple of quiet days will do you the world of good since you`ve been so busy and have a busy time ahead too.

Never heard of sour dough muffins, that`s a new one for me, glad they were nice.

Jet lag is stinging this time around!!

One minute I`m doing something, next thing I`m sleeping. It`ll pass quick enough.

Laundry all done, bathrooms done, albeit they didn`t really need cleaning, our window cleaner came this morning and we remembered to open the gates for him, surprising as we were out of it so did some of the insides of the downstairs windows. That`s enough for one day.

Made jerk chicken, spicy, fruity coleslaw and salad for dinner tonight, no effort as the chicken only needed rubbed and baked and enjoyed some prosecco too....I think we`re still in vacation mode.

Planning an early night tonight I think, hopefully wake up tomorrow bright and breezy......then can start to think about uploading all the pictures we took and then get them into the Smugmug account before I can think about starting the Trip Report properly, I`ll get there.
Holy Cow……
I am back on the boards finally

I am a very happy homie now. :worship:

Making a chicken dinner which should be ready to eat at 6:30

Come on over for dinner every one!
Plenty of food for all!

Save me some……I’m off to bed…….trying to stay up so I’m extra tired!

But as I said in the earlier post…….glad you’re back on the boards again, as it should be!

Enjoy that dinner……..I’m off for zzzzzzzzzs’s………
Yay the Mac is back! Winner winner chicken dinner. Guess Taco Bell run another day.

Steak on grill with sautéed peppers and white rice. Yum. Always nice to smell grill when weather is so nice. Like when little one wants to cook.
Hey all, in it up to my neck here this week for some reason :confused3 . When it rains, it does tend to pour. Speaking of pour, decided To pour myself a mango/pineapple/7up Tito monstrosity to Relax and take the edge off.

I’ve got some whine too :crazy:

yesterday, first appt with new Eye dr, as one I went to for 40 years retired. this one decided one of my tear duct plugs had to come out, was working too well and eye drying out despite the artificial tears, etc. let me say, that was decidedly worse procedure than when originally inserted. Hate having my eyes touched

Bonus points they no longer make the preservative free numbing eye drops. :headache: eyes still are red & sore. He also decreed my headaches aren’t ocular migraines, just run of the migraines that cause my eyes to cross. To-moto, to-mate, still will just take Motrin & lay down with ice bag in dark room till they pass.

even stranger, the office’s new policy is the dr doesn’t actually check vision/ prescribe glasses. That is a 2nd opinion with another doctor or opthamologist in the practice ??? the crank in me dubs it as yet another appt and copay to get a new script.

other than that it was a beautiful day in the neighborhood here. get two days off before the dreaded 6 month derm check on Thursday Lol.

put a 12 # pork butt in biggest slow cooker I could find just now, going to let it go overnight. Should be good to go by 9 am tomorrow I’d think? Never made one that large. Only had big ones in store today. Guess I’ll know if it’s done when i start to shred it? I like to portion it out & freeze in individual servings for whatever dish.

Yesterday was my Brother in laws funeral service at Cape Canaveral National Cemetery. What a wonderful touching service. It was a beautiful to behold such kindness and compassion for our Military Veterans.
They do such an amazing service, so respectful and comforting To the family

scary your Dad fell, good to hear he was no worse for wear. Love how your DH encouraged the rib food fest lol
so I have cancelled the dinner reservation and booked us a character meal instead.
has to be disappointing, hope they can get the dragon working safely again. What meal did you book as a replacement. We only did one in GC brunch and goofy’s kitchen in the past There. IMO the food was leap above what WDW offers, especially the CS. I love the fried kitchen in that one buffet on Main Street (name escapes me). Booked it as part of some pkg in the the past.

never heard of that tour, would love to hear about it. do hope you’ll post some pics as it’s still on our radar for next year.

Welcome home to:

Carole, Lynne & Mac (who was lost in the wilderness…next time leave bread crumbs or post it notes).

carole - don’t laugh, i found a (small) basket of trip laundry I had overlooked. At least it was clean and mostly socks/underwear, didn’t need ironed, phew. you have those overseas trips down to a “T”.

Lynne - i lose my patience with people who want to (gasp) sleep on vacation. Can do that at home, much cheaper lol. Lounging on the beach/lido deck/pool at resort is highly encouraged in my book tho. Nice you had the time with your DD.

Ruth - i know squat re cars, that sounds reasonable re the tire. DH dodged a bullet, his engine light on truck was just a purge value that needed replacing. phew, anything under $500 in relation to an engine light and I’m happy.

Pumpkin - I’m thinking it would be quite an undertaking to replace a HW floor. Most of the older homes here have an interesting construction method where the hard wood is applied over floor boards that run on an angle, over another set that runs the same way as top, decorative wood. Not sure if that has to do with having a lower level/livable basement area or not. Just an effort to run any sort of cable/cord down thru as to driving thru all those layers.

Sue - nice pic, looking sharp!

buckeev - for some reason or another, have never stayed @ OKW, always had WL come thru. My family books it often, loves the 2nd ‘real bed’ in the studios there. We will be back @ AKV for the 4th of July again, which we do love. Not holding out much hope for WL at BWV (GD’s fav) to come thru
Good evening. Left work early, got home to wait for the cable guy, turned the TV on and the sound was back. Weird. I decided to keep the cable appointment. He thought the problem might be a slightly damaged HDMI cable. He replaced the cable, so hopefully we won't have anymore problems.

I was checking vacation prices and noticed that car rental has dropped again. Dh cancelled and rebooked. This time we were able to save $85. We are now down $182 from the price we originally booked.

We FINALLY have rain. It started yesterday afternoon...and hasn't stopped since. It's that good slow ground soaking type
Yay!! As much as I dislike rain, you really need it.

Guess who was in town! With husband and niece! We had a lovely lunch together on the waterfront and since it’s taco Tuesday we had fish tacos
Hi Sue! Good to see you again.

Holy Cow……
I am back on the boards finally

even stranger, the office’s new policy is the dr doesn’t actually check vision/ prescribe glasses. That is a 2nd opinion with another doctor or opthamologist in the practice ??? the crank in me dubs it as yet another appt and copay to get a new script.
That seems really odd. I would not be happy about having to make 2 trips for an eye exam.

What meal did you book as a replacement.
We went with Goofy's Kitchen. We thought a character meal would be fun.

never heard of that tour, would love to hear about it. do hope you’ll post some pics as it’s still on our radar for next year.
I found out about it from an email I received from Disney. It sounds like it will cover some Disney history. B will love that. She wrote a research paper on Disney last year.

I'm thinking about doing a brief trip report for my trip to Universal Hollywood. I'll give y'all a sneak peek at the shirts I got for me and B..


@keishashadow ouch! That eye procedure sounds awful. I have a plugged duct. Only time it bothers me is in winter when it’s very cold. Runs like a tap. I won’t let him unplug it lol. Too chicken. And that but about not doing a vision exam so weird. I used to work for an ophthalmologist.
MonicaLynn and I had a nice lunch today on the waterfront. Always fun to get together with our Sans family where ever in the world we are!

@Charade67 thanks for the welcome :upsidedow Had to share the pic of Monica Lynn & I today. Would love to hear what you thought of Universal Hollywood! I’ve never been.
Car rentals have been brutal. I was at Universal for Mardi Gras last week of Feb. so much fun! Then drive down south for 3 weeks at our usual spot. Had a family wedding. Car rental prices are so much higher. I stalked the site and kept rebooking. It was convenient to pick up car at Portofino.

@Pumpkin1172 I hope the rain is giving you some relief. The smoke is awful. I remember when B.C. was burning and the wind shifted and the smoke got to my area. It was choking. Had to stay inside with doors and windows shut. Couldn’t see across the street.
Hey all, in it up to my neck here this week for some reason :confused3 . When it rains, it does tend to pour. Speaking of pour, decided To pour myself a mango/pineapple/7up Tito monstrosity to Relax and take the edge off.

I’ve got some whine too :crazy:

yesterday, first appt with new Eye dr, as one I went to for 40 years retired. this one decided one of my tear duct plugs had to come out, was working too well and eye drying out despite the artificial tears, etc. let me say, that was decidedly worse procedure than when originally inserted. Hate having my eyes touched

Bonus points they no longer make the preservative free numbing eye drops. :headache: eyes still are red & sore. He also decreed my headaches aren’t ocular migraines, just run of the migraines that cause my eyes to cross. To-moto, to-mate, still will just take Motrin & lay down with ice bag in dark room till they pass.

even stranger, the office’s new policy is the dr doesn’t actually check vision/ prescribe glasses. That is a 2nd opinion with another doctor or opthamologist in the practice ??? the crank in me dubs it as yet another appt and copay to get a new script.

other than that it was a beautiful day in the neighborhood here. get two days off before the dreaded 6 month derm check on Thursday Lol.

put a 12 # pork butt in biggest slow cooker I could find just now, going to let it go overnight. Should be good to go by 9 am tomorrow I’d think? Never made one that large. Only had big ones in store today. Guess I’ll know if it’s done when i start to shred it? I like to portion it out & freeze in individual servings for whatever dish.

They do such an amazing service, so respectful and comforting To the family

scary your Dad fell, good to hear he was no worse for wear. Love how your DH encouraged the rib food fest lol

has to be disappointing, hope they can get the dragon working safely again. What meal did you book as a replacement. We only did one in GC brunch and goofy’s kitchen in the past There. IMO the food was leap above what WDW offers, especially the CS. I love the fried kitchen in that one buffet on Main Street (name escapes me). Booked it as part of some pkg in the the past.

never heard of that tour, would love to hear about it. do hope you’ll post some pics as it’s still on our radar for next year.

Welcome home to:

Carole, Lynne & Mac (who was lost in the wilderness…next time leave bread crumbs or post it notes).

carole - don’t laugh, i found a (small) basket of trip laundry I had overlooked. At least it was clean and mostly socks/underwear, didn’t need ironed, phew. you have those overseas trips down to a “T”.

Lynne - i lose my patience with people who want to (gasp) sleep on vacation. Can do that at home, much cheaper lol. Lounging on the beach/lido deck/pool at resort is highly encouraged in my book tho. Nice you had the time with your DD.

Ruth - i know squat re cars, that sounds reasonable re the tire. DH dodged a bullet, his engine light on truck was just a purge value that needed replacing. phew, anything under $500 in relation to an engine light and I’m happy.

Pumpkin - I’m thinking it would be quite an undertaking to replace a HW floor. Most of the older homes here have an interesting construction method where the hard wood is applied over floor boards that run on an angle, over another set that runs the same way as top, decorative wood. Not sure if that has to do with having a lower level/livable basement area or not. Just an effort to run any sort of cable/cord down thru as to driving thru all those layers.

Sue - nice pic, looking sharp!

buckeev - for some reason or another, have never stayed @ OKW, always had WL come thru. My family books it often, loves the 2nd ‘real bed’ in the studios there. We will be back @ AKV for the 4th of July again, which we do love. Not holding out much hope for WL at BWV (GD’s fav) to come thru

Anything with mango/pineapple mix works for me……add in some Tito’s….you’re good. Noticed this visit the Duty Free store in MCO had no Ciroc of any kind, usually we buy the huge bottles they stock, but to be honest their whole stock is a quarter what we used to have the choice of. Still managed to pick up a few bottles though…..always something…..including a 3 litre JD!!! Lots of cocktails there!

I admire you so much being able to get that done to your eye……they’d have to knock me out! But, yes, sounds like a more money option for them to do it all in different appointments now.

I love doing pork butts in the slow cooker, cooks perfectly for pulled dishes. That’s exactly what I do, portion it up for whatever dish it’s going to be used for as it freezes so well.

Hope your pace eases a little over the next couple of days, and hope Thursday goes well!

Good evening. Left work early, got home to wait for the cable guy, turned the TV on and the sound was back. Weird. I decided to keep the cable appointment. He thought the problem might be a slightly damaged HDMI cable. He replaced the cable, so hopefully we won't have anymore problems.

I was checking vacation prices and noticed that car rental has dropped again. Dh cancelled and rebooked. This time we were able to save $85. We are now down $182 from the price we originally booked.

Yay!! As much as I dislike rain, you really need it.

Hi Sue! Good to see you again.


That seems really odd. I would not be happy about having to make 2 trips for an eye exam.

We went with Goofy's Kitchen. We thought a character meal would be fun.

I found out about it from an email I received from Disney. It sounds like it will cover some Disney history. B will love that. She wrote a research paper on Disney last year.

I'm thinking about doing a brief trip report for my trip to Universal Hollywood. I'll give y'all a sneak peek at the shirts I got for me and B..

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I know where the Universal Hollywood Trip Reports are now on here, there are more than I expected, so yes, you should do a TR. I always enjoy writing mine for Orlando, it’s a very good keepsake.

Nice tee.

Wasn’t too bad last night with sleep, stayed awake till around 1am, so waking at 5 isn’t too bad. I know I’ll snooze today at some point, but if it’s less than an hour I should be fine tonight.

Longest it’s taken us to get over jet lag was a full week once, shouldn’t take a week this trip, I think by tomorrow I’ll be fine.

Popping out today for a few bits, we really don’t need much apart from fresh, and our main chest freezer in the garage needs a little top up, but we can go order that next week, no rush. Hopefully get the BBQ up and running by the weekend, weather looks to be decent so might be an option. No desire to use ours in inclement weather at all, our bbq sits a bit away from the house in its own little area and I have plenty other options to cook steaks/meat with inside.

And have a couple of friends popping by to “check we had a fabulous trip” lol……what they really mean is, what did you bring back for us…….I know my friends well. Bath & Body products and Tide Pens will be distributed as requested.

So, another very early pot of tea, just me and a beautiful sunrise, plan to have avocado toast later, haven’t thought about dinner yet.




Happy Wednesday :)

Yay the day we all say, hello camel. Yep, a hump of a feeling day, where my yay, 59 minute shorter, shortest week day routine Friday is now two days away. Yeah, but a commuting day tomorrow. Sigh. At least only need to commute one day a week now.

Weather. It’s so sunny today so far, the warmest of today, with the next two days of full days of sunshine too. ☀️ These gloriously sunny days, starting with a perfectly warm 82 this afternoon to, highs in the low 70’s the next two days, thank you low weather system dropping the ten degrees, but a woot for sunglass wearing with bright clear skies. And interestingly, no rain in our 10 day forecast. As yay, that low is now looking like it’s staying out to sea so far, we get a cloudy and cooler 70’s partly cloudy weekend. Okay for our holiday cookout on Sunday. My sister said my niece and family is coming. Will be fun to see her three young kids. Think that pool that is now open, and needs a good heating amount. Filled with that very cool well water, hoping the next three days of sun helps it to warm up, as if water in high 80’s, it will be that lots of towels when get out, as air will feel much cooler over 10 degrees colder than the water. Woot to that grill food and picnic family fun day this weekend. And woot! Ten day forecast has a high of 93 in it. Yay for starting June with warmer days. Let our summer be those three h words. Yep, in my area, our typical summer is hazy, hot and humid. Bring it on. Heat loving homie here.

And so, a most wonderful Wednesday. Yay to Sue having a MonyK meet up, and a thankful Pumpkin has had rain, as hope forest fire is gone now. Charade, sounds like plans are now falling more and more into place for your trip. Saw a drop from when I started for rental on our trip last week, but then it went higher as I got closer. Like our trip before, we seemed to have the best rental rate around 5 days out. Yep, a rinse and repeat lowest price trip chore.

Ooh tea. House feels a bit cool. Not complaining. Shorts are on. Woot. :dancer: 8-) ::yes::
@schumigirl how much duty free booze are you allowed! We only get to bring back 1.14 litres of alcohol!

We have never been stopped in all our trips, we always have brought more in than allowed. Truth is they don`t really care if you go over your allowance on alcohol. They are more concerned with folks who are bringing in tobacco to resell and other things like that.

But, each person 18 or over is allowed

  • spirits and other liquors over 22% alcohol - 4 litres
  • sparkling wine, fortified wine (for example port, sherry) and other alcoholic drinks up to 22% alcohol (not including beer or still wine) - 9 litres
There are also beer and wine limits but we never bring those back. We could have brought back 12 litres of hard liquor with there being 3 of us.

We also have a limit on other purchases of £390. Again, never been an issue as they never stop anyone unless they suspect foul play. Thank goodness after a Tiffany visit!!!
Good Wednesday morning everyone :wave:




You have been very busy with family, Robo. Hope your leg is okay. Hate when you get that in your thigh. Glad flight was okay, and dad is doing well. Falls are always scary for older people. Enjoy seeing the rocket pictures. Always nice when you can then relax. If you are around Universal at the end of September, like to say hi to ya. More hugs to your sister. Never easy to lose a spouse after so many years together. Sad. But congratulations to the great nephews. Graduating from high school is an accomplishment.
Thanks Lynne.

Ah a slight headache, so more medicine. I don’t like taking drugs, but will when I need to.
Hope the headache resolves soon.

I think we are all ready for vacation. Yesterday I was able to move one of our dinner reservations from 8:15 to 6:50. I also added a park tour. This one is a Main Street tour where we get to go into Walt’s apartment. I have not told B about this. I think she will enjoy the surprise.
What a nice surprise for your daughter. I’am sure she will enjoy it.

Got lots of little things completed yesterday. Floors and bathrooms scrubbed, dusted, took down and cleaned a couple of blinds and screens that were driving my crazy and needed to be cleaned, wiped the inside of some windows, baked off my first attempt at sour dough english muffins (which turned out awesome) and baked some banana bread - and whipped up baked spaghetti for dinner last night. I was pooped last night when I sat down :rotfl:It was my last day off for a couple of weeks as I'm working the next 2 weekends. So I needed to get some stuff done.
Wow….You are the energizer bunny. You accomplished a lot.

Jet lag is stinging this time around!!
Hope the jet lag goes away soon. Having your sleep pattern out of wack is not fun.

Guess who was in town! With husband and niece! We had a lovely lunch together on the waterfront and since it’s taco Tuesday we had fish tacos :wave:
Nice photo of you and monyk. Good to hear you were able to get together.

They do such an amazing service, so respectful and comforting To the family

scary your Dad fell, good to hear he was no worse for wear. Love how your DH encouraged the rib food fest lol
Hubby does like to feed his grandsons. He likes ribs too. Our family are coming together to celebrate hubby for Father‘s Day and I’am doing ribs and all the fixings.
We are looking forward to having all the kiddos together. That usually only happens on Christmas Eve.

Dad is doing good. He is tough, but more frail than he wants to admit.

I'm thinking about doing a brief trip report for my trip to Universal Hollywood. I'll give y'all a sneak peek at the shirts I got for me and B..
Yes, do a trip report on Universal Hollywood. I have never been there and would love to read about it and look at photos of your trip.

Sun is shining this morning should be a nice day. Supposed to be in 80’s. I did get a few things done yesterday.

I will be watching little Jude today. I have his goodies from the Loggerhead Marine Center to give him. Have missed my little buddy.

I will pick up a pizza for dinner on the way home this evening.

Need to get scooting out the door.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone doing whatever it is that makes you happy.
Ooh and forgot to add, great looking shirts, Charade. We visited Hollywood Universal years ago now. We had fun. Being not fond of heights, I hated the escalators from the lower to upper part of the park. I remember the kids and I loved eating the fresh little donuts in a tub from the downtown part of the park. With potter and other, much different park, and downtown, than when we were there last. We also did a visit to Hollywood that trip, as stayed at the Sheraton right across from Universal, for a few nights, after staying at the GC before, for almost a week. We saw a movie in the theater and enjoyed ice cream and got a pin at the Disney Soda Shop next to the theater. Parked in the huge parking garage across the street. As when you stand on the top floor, can see the Hollywood sign. Yay, your trip is now a week away.

And an ack to Keisha. A good doctor is worth its weight in gold. Thankfully I have found an older eye doctor that is very kind. He’s been our eye doctor for my kids as they grew up, and still practicing. I hate finding a new one. Same with hair cutter. I’m thinking she will retire soon. Though almost the same age as me. Been following her through a couple different salons, before she has stayed at the current one the longest.

Robo, have fun with little J. I am sure he will be excited with the turtle goodies.

Been quiet enough. Many take off this time of year. With the holiday Monday, bonus day with having this week off. For my area, the Memorial weekend is the unofficial opening of the shore. Summer rates then start too. We are lucky. It’s only about an hour and a half drive, and a nice day trip. Older one wants visit, so I guess on of the next times he has a week day off, he and little one will make a day of it down there. And they better bring back some treats.
Good morning homies

Good afternoon have some beautiful weather right now, hard to beat so I won`t even

But, you`re here!!!!

Glad to see it.......:wave2:

Sitting in the garden enjoying this gorgeous sunshine and warmth, Tom has just poured us a glass of prosecco......definitely still in vacation mode.

Had some sandwiches and salad made form our deli delivered for lunch and going to have shrimp and smoked salmon with some salad and rosemary bread for dinner, no cooking required just yet. Three friends came by to pick up their gifts, they all left happy....two of them brought us a gift for bringing it back for them, told them there was no need, happy to do it. Although it was alcohol, so I didn`t refuse them 😉

Heard from Kyle, he is enjoying visiting the main offices for a few days, he`s enjoying everything being on expenses, but he won`t abuse it, he`s not the kind to do that. Said they`re very nice people which is good to hear.

Gorgeous day for sitting outside just the two of us now.......:hug:
I know where the Universal Hollywood Trip Reports are now on here, there are more than I expected, so yes, you should do a TR. I always enjoy writing mine for Orlando, it’s a very good keepsake.
Where are they? I was thinking of posting to the Orlando board since that’s the one most everyone reads.

Being not fond of heights, I hated the escalators from the lower to upper part of the park.
Thanks for the warning. I do not like heights either. There is an 8 story escalator in the CNN center in Atlanta that I hate.

We saw a movie in the theater and enjoyed ice cream and got a pin at the Disney Soda Shop next to the theater.
Was this the El Capitan? We saw Aladdin there the last time we were in Hollywood. This time it will be the live action Little Mermaid.

Today is another super slow day again. I’m going to go check the mail and see if we have any more payments I can post.


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