Something About Nothing............ #14

I forgot to answer this question. I didn't make it yesterday. DH had to curl, so he wasn't eating before he went out. So the ds's and I had leftovers/ sandwiches. I'm hoping to do it tonight.

Hope you enjoy it if you do have it.

Almost bedtime here, early night planned......up early as always tomorrow, and out to salon.

Been such a quiet night tonight, it`s been nice, ended up not bothering to put the tv on at all, we much prefer to listen to music most of the time.

Hope your Friday has been a good one......
Ack, I guess it was windy enough, we lost power. I hope it comes back on sooner than later. Our heater uses electricity, so really hoping, as going to cold tonight, and no heat? Ack again.
Well…. that sucks you lost power!
But since you can still get internet, that’s a good thing.

Sending you Mummy Dust your power lines come back on soon

Where we live, everything is electric.
( no gas lines in my area)
I thought it was good. A little more serious than the previous 2 movies, but nothing that made me cry.

It’s 1:00 am. I got lost in photoshop and really lost track of time. Thankfully I can sleep in today.

Previews did say it was slightly different from the previous ones. I did like them so will watch it of course.

Enjoy your sleep in today!!

Slept a little later this morning, didn`t get up till 6.30......sun is getting up so much earlier now, it`s lovely seeing it getting lighter. Looks to be a lovely day ahead.

Earlyish breakfast then out to salon, do some shopping and then not much today at all. Tom got a txt from the farmer asking if he can go pick up the eggs this morning, usually they drop them off, but they`re busy. No problems, I have to do some baking again as we don`t eat that many eggs...I barely eat two a year! But, they`ll be freshly laid and they are beautiful, all the chickens are allowed to roam free, and there`s a lot of them. Almost the end of their laying season now, not sure when they`ll start up again, it`s not too long I believe.

Planning to do spicy chicken stir fry for dinner tonight, might get some stir fry noodles this morning if the deli has them and ginger too for me.




Have a lovely Saturday :sunny:
It’s quite cold but 🐝utiful, so nice to see the sun after multiple days of gloomy skies

carole - will say I’ve mined two of your memes to share, lol goodies

lynne - we’ve never done the auto train. train travel isn’t something popular from our burg as it takes double the normal time to hit NYC or DC with all the stops. The mega bus is quicker lol

The mr is a bit of train buff. Was thinking it could be a bucket list sort of adventure since we have the time to burn now. Only thing stopping me, thus far, was needing to figure out a way to avoid the DC beltway (495)…never again:sad2: I tend to take more scenic route south that way, thru Winchester/manassas, then cut over to 95. suburban DC sprawl has made what used to be a 4 hr drive to nearly 6 at times. Need to give that some thot.

Charade - oh, don’t let the credit go to waste. We were on last flight and woman across the aisle was sharing she came down for the day, just to surprise her DD who was on vacation. Was planning on just popping into MGM for a few hours. I get it, the price was surely right…did wonder If her DD embraced Mom crashing her vacation
I forgot to answer this question. I didn't make it yesterday. DH had to curl, so he wasn't eating before he went out. So the ds's and I had leftovers/ sandwiches. I'm hoping to do it tonight.
so what does elk taste like again? Don’t say chicken lol
Well…. that sucks you lost power!
But since you can still get internet, that’s a good thing.

Sending you Mummy Dust your power lines come back on soon

Where we live, everything is electric.
( no gas lines in my area)
going to guess ground too rocky to install gas lines? Electric heat here is so much more expensive than gas.
Good morning to all the homies!
Only thing on my to do list today is to do a bit of small shopping at Publix

Rest of the day I plan to catch up on my house cleaning and reorganize my closet.

I have clothes I no longer wear so will wash them and later drop them off at the donation site.
I’m willing to wager many just toss their clothes into the collection bins unwashed. I tend to hold my breath when pulling the chutes open On ones in the shopping center sites.

Our goodwill now requests that donations not be dropped off unless an attendant is available to examine. They now toss the bags left after hours as weirdos put some strange things in garbage bags.

Story in paper indicated so many people ’bored’ during the pandemic, literally cleaned house, so they just couldn’t process the volume. now that they can be more choosey, ask that people sort thru their stuff & bag the ‘not like new stuff’ together for the bulk processing they send off to foreign countries.

Also, won’t accept shoes any longer. However, another charity does, just longer drive for us to drop off in container. Rules, too many rules, since when did donating become work?
Sounds like a good plan for today, Mac. Early Spring closet clear out, though I hate any store shopping on Saturday. At least you only need a few things. Luckily power went back on after about an hour. Pain to reset the few clocks we have. At least our heater and router just reset themselves. Late evening news said about 1500 homes in my county lost power last night. Was very windy, and wind remains with 17 mph winds today. But like Keisha, cool and clear.

Agree with ya Keisha, like that clear blue sky seeing today. Was cloudy this last week, most days.

Lunchtime movie time for us. Those earlier times are much cheaper. And at least it’s not a late night for us. Thanks for your comments on it, Charade. As long as I’m entertained enough, I’m happy.

It’s nice you get to reserve your seats, so no reason to get there too early. Last time we came to the movie theater just right. Got there to see one pre show, then the movie. Otherwise, I swear they do 20 or so minutes of pre shows, before the start of the movie.

There’s a chain burger place in the parking lot of the mall, where the movie theater is also in that mall’s parking lot. I assume we will have a very late lunch at thst burger place. We rarely get food or drink at the theater. If both kids get their butts moving, we could eat before the movie. But knowing older one is up, but little one is not, it will be a late lunch. I assume older one and I will have to beg little one to get moving now, when we are ready to leave. DH was restless overnight, and the one time he was up around 2:30 am this morning I was too, and I swear I heard little one up online chatting with her friends. Who knows when her bedtime was. Didn’t know older one’s either, as DH was passed out early, and I joined him not that much later.

But no matter, both DH and I were up before the the sunshine. Never changes, we both are up early even in days we don’t have to be. We had a small breakfast, before he was out the door. So, by the time we get lunch, I will be hungry.

Super great Saturday today. Yay, alarm off for two more days. Holiday Monday, yes please, as long drought before that next Monday off at the end of May.
Good morning to all the homies!
Only thing on my to do list today is to do a bit of small shopping at Publix

Rest of the day I plan to catch up on my house cleaning and reorganize my closet.

I have clothes I no longer wear so will wash them and later drop them off at the donation site.

That`s what I did a little of today......more for the Charity store tomorrow. I looked at things I was thinking of putting in the new closets and decided, nope.....don`t need them, so they`re going.

It`s a good feeling clearing out like that.

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It’s quite cold but 🐝utiful, so nice to see the sun after multiple days of gloomy skies

carole - will say I’ve mined two of your memes to share, lol goodies

lynne - we’ve never done the auto train. train travel isn’t something popular from our burg as it takes double the normal time to hit NYC or DC with all the stops. The mega bus is quicker lol

The mr is a bit of train buff. Was thinking it could be a bucket list sort of adventure since we have the time to burn now. Only thing stopping me, thus far, was needing to figure out a way to avoid the DC beltway (495)…never again:sad2: I tend to take more scenic route south that way, thru Winchester/manassas, then cut over to 95. suburban DC sprawl has made what used to be a 4 hr drive to nearly 6 at times. Need to give that some thot.

Charade - oh, don’t let the credit go to waste. We were on last flight and woman across the aisle was sharing she came down for the day, just to surprise her DD who was on vacation. Was planning on just popping into MGM for a few hours. I get it, the price was surely right…did wonder If her DD embraced Mom crashing her vacation

so what does elk taste like again? Don’t say chicken lol

going to guess ground too rocky to install gas lines? Electric heat here is so much more expensive than gas.

I’m willing to wager many just toss their clothes into the collection bins unwashed. I tend to hold my breath when pulling the chutes open On ones in the shopping center sites.

Our goodwill now requests that donations not be dropped off unless an attendant is available to examine. They now toss the bags left after hours as weirdos put some strange things in garbage bags.

Story in paper indicated so many people ’bored’ during the pandemic, literally cleaned house, so they just couldn’t process the volume. now that they can be more choosey, ask that people sort thru their stuff & bag the ‘not like new stuff’ together for the bulk processing they send off to foreign countries.

Also, won’t accept shoes any longer. However, another charity does, just longer drive for us to drop off in container. Rules, too many rules, since when did donating become work?

Whoppers aren`t they....I think we all know someone like that poor guy does!!! of my friends shared them with me, so happy to pass them on 😁

The pandemic changed how our charity stores took donations too. You used to be able to go in the main doors, but, since they re-opened, and even now, we have to go round the back and wait for someone to come. All the charity stores we drop off at will take shoes, but I think for a while they didn`t. And yes, there are rules upon rules. We do wash everything before donating, but I agree, so many don`t.

Our home is electric but our heating is gas. We have a Condensing boiler that runs the heating through gas, it`s a fabulous system, we never run out of hot water....I see some folks mention hot water running out but it`s something we don`t have an issue with. American systems seem very different with talk of furnaces.......I have an image of what`s in the basement in the home of Kevin McCallister in Home Alone.......

We had a nice day today. Started off at the salon, where my stylist said I didn`t need a conditioning treatment as my hair is perfect......yep, braggy moment!!! So she just washed it and I got an Indian Head Massage, it is very nice and very relaxing. Got a tidy up and it looks good!!! Yep, maybe another braggy moment!!

Meanwhile Tom went to pick up the eggs from the farm they always give us, he made the mistake of going at the same time as loads of cars going to buy the eggs from them. They sell out by around 11am guaranteed every day. So he saw the line of cars going into the farm lane and turned around, said he`d get them later. Which he did, they made sure to keep ours to the side. Had an egg for lunch today with bacon and it was the brightest, deepest yellow/orange colour ever and so tasty, can`t beat fresh eggs laid only a few hours before you buy them.

This afternoon we had our book group meet here again, last minute thought last night if I could get everyone together today it would be ideal, and it suited most of us. Our next book sounds a little heavier, The Scarlet Letter, set in puritan Boston in the 17th Century, will keep me out of mischief for a while.

We opened some champagne and had little canapes as one of the ladies in the group had a birthday......would be rude not to celebrate a little. Then when they "finally" left, I started dinner, stir fry was lovely, and very filling.

Lazy night putting on the tv later I think and watch a dvd.

Hope your Saturday evening is a lovely one.
Started off at the salon, where my stylist said I didn`t need a conditioning treatment as my hair is perfect......yep, braggy moment!!! So she just washed it and I got an Indian Head Massage, it is very nice and very relaxing.
Fancy that :thumbsup2 girl was honest to no upsell unnecessariLy. No idea what an Indian head massage is. have had my share of Indian burns on my arm via stinky boys lol

I’m that person who does an olaplex treatment before she gets hair colored. noticed many salons now incorporate it automatically into the color mix. Meanwhile, there’s a class action suit of women swearing it ruined their hair. How about you bleached the heck out of it all on your own, via both pre and post use pictures sisters:rolleyes1
The Scarlet Letter
Have you read it Before. Don’t want to spoil it…

Hester Prynne, the original cancel culture story lol. Mandated reading for most here. Would you believe it’s become controversial in some quarters here? Everything old is new again. :confused3
So I apparently typed a post this morning and never sent it. I’ll blame lack of sleep. Here is the post

Good morning. I have had a rough night. After being up until 1:00 I finally fell asleep only to wake up about 30 minutes later. I was cold and nauseous. Thankfully I didn’t get sick, but did not feel very well. I eventually got back to sleep, but the cat woke me up at 5:30. I couldn’t get back to sleep again, so I got up at 7:00 and started working on photoshop. I almost have my final project finished. I think I see a nap in my near future.

Lynne - hope you enjoy the movie.
So I apparently typed a post this morning and never sent it. I’ll blame lack of sleep. Here is the post

Good morning. I have had a rough night. After being up until 1:00 I finally fell asleep only to wake up about 30 minutes later. I was cold and nauseous. Thankfully I didn’t get sick, but did not feel very well. I eventually got back to sleep, but the cat woke me up at 5:30. I couldn’t get back to sleep again, so I got up at 7:00 and started working on photoshop. I almost have my final project finished. I think I see a nap in my near future.

Lynne - hope you enjoy the movie.
Sounds like you are being haunted by photoshop
Fancy that :thumbsup2 girl was honest to no upsell unnecessariLy. No idea what an Indian head massage is. have had my share of Indian burns on my arm via stinky boys lol

I’m that person who does an olaplex treatment before she gets hair colored. noticed many salons now incorporate it automatically into the color mix. Meanwhile, there’s a class action suit of women swearing it ruined their hair. How about you bleached the heck out of it all on your own, via both pre and post use pictures sisters:rolleyes1

Have you read it Before. Don’t want to spoil it…

Hester Prynne, the original cancel culture story lol. Mandated reading for most here. Would you believe it’s become controversial in some quarters here? Everything old is new again. :confused3

We called them Chinese Burns when we were young.....ouch!!!

I did start to read it about 40 years ago, but got bored if I remember correctly....I was having to much fun as a teenager to be honest, wanted to be out and about!!

Yes, no one forced those women to get bleach on their hair, we all know what it can do, so then to go on and sue is typical the way some folks think. Cheap and tacky....

Olaplex products are amazing!! I have their bonding oil and hair serum right now, it`s much better than Argan Oil so many rave about. Yes, I trust my stylist not to have me pay for something I don`t need, if the owner had been in she might have had to as I was booked in for that service.

That brings back memories of high school english class.

You did read a lot of interesting books in High School.
Yum, even with it 35 degrees out, we got gelato. Was a nice early night treat, that and a coffee run. Guess I will be up later tonight. LoL

Relaxing. Why yes I am. One kid online, one kid out night bowling with his friends. Hence, quiet enough house.

Hope all have a very good night’s sleep. That goes for Charade, tonight for sure.
I am catching up on the sans before I go to bed.

Saw Schumi’s post she eats eggs maybe twice a year…

Well not to out do her but I eat two fried eggs about 5 days each week with mayo on them.

But some times I just eat the whites and not the yoke.

Tonight sent Mr Mac to the Choo Choo for ribs
damn good food….

Trying to figure out dates for my September trip
Been trying to find the thread of a month back on UO hotel rates some have mentioned.

Need to avoid paying $500 plus tax per night again
that add on rooms set me back over $1000 plus tax

Last year when park was closed due to the weather, was able to add more nights on to my room
With flight cancellations ( weather related) ended up costing me $500 plus tax a night to extend my stay

It was a bust of a trip and hope I never have to deal with it again this year

I was freaking it out trying to reschedule flights for back home when park announcements said parks closing that day and would also stay close until that Friday

I hope to avoid that this september
Surely no weather issues this year.

I owe Lynne food/drink this year when I see her as she worked with Delta to get me on a Delta flight once they reopened for flying home

hope all have sweet dreams!
and no lousy weather tomorrow
No rain for us but watching tonight’s news, storms will happen south of my area.

I hope to get a room reserved within the coming days that are not $700 a night


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