Something About Nothing............ #14

Good Tuesday morning/afternoon

Busy morning with a friend in need……not in a bad way though, but had to be up and out early to be chauffeur for them.

Absolutely gorgeous day here, no winds, just lots of sunshine and I have my washing out on the line for the first time this year! Don’t think that‘s ever been heard of in February for me, it’s usually too cold. Still need a jacket, it’s not that warm, but lovely in the sunshine.

Friend reminded me on Saturday it’s now under 10 weeks till we fly….. :cheer2:

I think I need to start checking some things out and make sure everything is in order. Someone who shall remain nameless :rolleyes1has asked when the latest trip report will start……lol……haven’t even thought about it yet, but I will…..promise! I’ve barely just finished the last one……..

Baking this afternoon for Kyle’s office colleagues, I may have a triangle of the shortbread before I pack it up, it is gorgeous. And marinading pork fillet in honey, mustard, garlic and some spice seasoning I brought back from Orlando will serve that with some roast veg and portobello mushrooms.

I think our bi-fold doors will be pulled wide open today in the kitchen, it really is so beautiful, you’d never guess it was February.

Happy Tuesday :sunny::sunny::sunny:
:littleangel: Cousin is now with the angels. Sad news. But at least her immediate family was with her. Many in my extended family don’t do a funeral, so I’m not sure there will be one for her. Either way, I’ll send some sympathy cards, and stop at the post office to drop them off after I’m done for the day.

Yay for a 10 week countdown for Schumi.




It‘s Tuesday and time to celebrate.

Good Tuesday morning everyone :wave:



Hope your son is doing ok, you too of course with your results and hope your daughter is doing well too, I often think of her. And all your family too.......:)
He had some issues over the weekend and the Doctor started him on some meds and he is feeling better. He sees the Doctor today so fingers and toes crossed that he starts feeling better.

Our daughter saw the eye surgeon last week for her every 6 months check up and her eyeball is healthy. There was an additional concern that after all the surgeries that were done to try and save her sight she would totally loose her eyeball. That in itself has a lot more complications with it.

Being blind in one eye has been an adjustment for her, but she had been a trooper.

Friend reminded me on Saturday it’s now under 10 weeks till we fly….. :cheer2:
Your trip will be here before you know it.

Cousin is now with the angels. Sad news. But at least her immediate family was with her. Many in my extended family don’t do a funeral, so I’m not sure there will be one for her. Either way, I’ll send some sympathy cards, and stop at the post office to drop them off after I’m done for the day.

Lynne my condolences to you and your family on the death of your cousin :hug:

Sitting in my favorite chair looking out the window. The sun is shinning and there is a gently breeze blowing.

Nephew went home yesterday afternoon. I sent him home with a cooler full of prepared meals and some baked goods. He is the sweetest fellow. We always enjoy his visits.

I was able to FaceTime with little J a few days ago. It was so good to see him. I do miss him.

I did finally decide on my vacation days for HHN. I had in the past made reservations first week of February. I always want to have the days locked in and If needed I can change days if I have to.

I don’t usually do club level as I just don‘t think I would utilize it that much, but the club level price during the time I’am there is so reasonable I went ahead and booked it.

So one more thing done.

I saw on the news that there was a shooting at the Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans and someone died and there were others that survived the shooting. It is so sad that folks cannot come together and celebrate without things like this happening. Terribly sad.

I have a few projects today then maybe some pool time and might crack open that new Stephen King book.

Shout out to TInk, Sue, Patty, Bobby68, MonyK and all our Sans family who are not posting you are missed.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone doing whatever it is that makes you happy.

Robo, sorry to hear son had some issues, but at least happy to hear he is feeling better. Will cross my fingers and toes he gets some good news from his doctor’s visit. I’m sorry your daughter lost sight in one of her eyes, and thankful she did but loose her eye completely. It will be an adjustment, but glad she is healthy otherwise. Yay for HHN trip booked. I assume earlier visit them when I am there, but maybe one day we can cross paths again. And aw, sweet to at least FaceTime with little J. Lastly, hope your coffee is hot, and so nice to enjoy a breeze from the window.

Ooh, morning is dragging. Bright out. Though my phone keeps telling me bad weather coming. Eh, will see how it feels at lunchtime.
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It‘s Tuesday and time to celebrate.

Good Tuesday morning everyone :wave:

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He had some issues over the weekend and the Doctor started him on some meds and he is feeling better. He sees the Doctor today so fingers and toes crossed that he starts feeling better.

Our daughter saw the eye surgeon last week for her every 6 months check up and her eyeball is healthy. There was an additional concern that after all the surgeries that were done to try and save her sight she would totally loose her eyeball. That in itself has a lot more complications with it.

Being blind in one eye has been an adjustment for her, but she had been a trooper.

Your trip will be here before you know it.

Lynne my condolences to you and your family on the death of your cousin :hug:

Sitting in my favorite chair looking out the window. The sun is shinning and there is a gently breeze blowing.

Nephew went home yesterday afternoon. I sent him home with a cooler full of prepared meals and some baked goods. He is the sweetest fellow. We always enjoy his visits.

I was able to FaceTime with little J a few days ago. It was so good to see him. I do miss him.

I did finally decide on my vacation days for HHN. I had in the past made reservations first week of February. I always want to have the days locked in and If needed I can change days if I have to.

I don’t usually do club level as I just don‘t think I would utilize it that much, but the club level price during the time I’am there is so reasonable I went ahead and booked it.

So one more thing done.

I saw on the news that there was a shooting at the Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans and someone died and there were others that survived the shooting. It is so sad that folks cannot come together and celebrate without things like this happening. Terribly sad.

I have a few projects today then maybe some pool time and might crack open that new Stephen King book.

Shout out to TInk, Sue, Patty, Bobby68, MonyK and all our Sans family who are not posting you are missed.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone doing whatever it is that makes you happy.

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Glad to hear your daughter is dealing with the eye issues, it`s been a long haul for you all with it, I can`t imagine, but she sounds a strong lady with a lovely family behind her.

And will keep everything crossed for your son today, all good wishes as always for him.

Yes, the shooting made the news here too, as did the shooting of an Officer at a college in Philadelphia, scary stuff and absolutely heartbreaking.

Enjoy that book, I haven`t read any of his more recent ones for some reason and have a great day too......

Pancake Day for us in the UK today.......that means pancakes with syrup and lemon all day if you want......well, we had some at lunchtime, not sure about all day as it is a very sweet dish, but traditional for us.


Apparently means Lent is around the corner......I`m the person who does it the wrong way......I take something naughty up for Lent.....there`s always a little bit of a rebel in me!!! Now to decide what to take up........😉

I did get all the shortbread made this afternoon, kept a few pieces back for us, triangles are quite large, but so good! Although ended up closing the bi-fold doors......between cloud and our window cleaner, they ended up closed. And it cooled down quite a bit, Tom made him a cuppa and took it out, came back in sharpish, usually he stands and chats, but not today.

Pork all ready to cook when we`re ready, doesn`t take long to roast off, about 12 minutes or so. Shouldn`t be too long as we`re quite hungry......then might have another pancake after dinner!!! It is pancake day after all........🥞
:wave2: Back after a great long weekend!!!!

I enjoyed my whole weekend!!!!! I got to enjoy sleeping in, lazy morning coffee, and spent most of yesterday in the project room happily sewing gd's quilt. It was the weekend I needed!!! I was needing a low key weekend to rest. On Sunday, I still felt exhausted and tried not to do too much. Yesterday, I finally felt better again, and puttered around the house a little bit, whipped up a couple loaves of bread, and spent most of my day sewing.

On Sunday, I made mini sourdough loaves - that I filled with broccoli cheddar soup! It was DELICIOUS!!!!! My first time making either - youngest ds said he would love that soup again. It is one of those hit or miss meals. This was one a hit.

Friday night was order in chinese food and Harry potter movie night. Saturday was some cleaning/puttering with Elk steaks and @schumigirl 's idea of creamy peppercorn sauce - which was delicious!!! It will be another make again meal.

That pretty much rounds out my weekend. Boring - but that's what my body needed.

so what does elk taste like again? Don’t say chicken lol
It is very similar to beef. We are extremely fortunate that we know a local farmer and the elk on his land are all grain fed, from eating their crops, getting into stores they have, as well as picking up what ever may be left on the ground in the fields. So there is very little to no wild taste really. The first bit you know something is a little different, but with the next one, you don't notice it.
I’m that person who does an olaplex treatment before she gets hair colored. noticed many salons now incorporate it automatically into the color mix. Meanwhile, there’s a class action suit of women swearing it ruined their hair. How about you bleached the heck out of it all on your own, via both pre and post use pictures sisters:rolleyes1
If you come across a product called K18 - GET IT. It is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy better than Olaplex. I use it every few weeks, for about 4- 5 washes in a row...and use this as the conditioner. It is a balm you put into your hair, and leave for about 4-5 minutes before putting any product in or brushing even. The shine my hair has when I straighten it :eek: It is pricey but definitely worth the $$$.
Dh has been entertaining me with student stories. I swear he should write a book.
He should do that!!! It might be a best seller!
I see Doc this week so will get results of CT.
Sending you mummy dust for a good result!

Baking this afternoon for Kyle’s office colleagues, I may have a triangle of the shortbread before I pack it up, it is gorgeous. And marinading pork fillet in honey, mustard, garlic and some spice seasoning I brought back from Orlando will serve that with some roast veg and portobello mushrooms.
Baking is so therapeutic! It sounds like it turned out well. People are always appreciative of getting baking.
Friend reminded me on Saturday it’s now under 10 weeks till we fly….. :cheer2:
:cheer2: Another countdown!!!!
Cousin is now with the angels. Sad news. But at least her immediate family was with her. Many in my extended family don’t do a funeral, so I’m not sure there will be one for her. Either way, I’ll send some sympathy cards, and stop at the post office to drop them off after I’m done for the day.
:hug: sending you and your family tight hugs.
I did finally decide on my vacation days for HHN. I had in the past made reservations first week of February. I always want to have the days locked in and If needed I can change days if I have to.

I don’t usually do club level as I just don‘t think I would utilize it that much, but the club level price during the time I’am there is so reasonable I went ahead and booked it.
Fun!!!!!! Enjoy that club level!!!! It is great you have some dates decided on.
Ooh, morning is dragging. Bright out. Though my phone keeps telling me bad weather coming. Eh, will see how it feels at lunchtime.
I feel that way here too. It's currently overcast and the temps are dropping today. Which would explain the headache. It is getting close to the ugly cold again here for a few days :sad: I was hoping to avoid the gross temps again....but sadly, they are coming again.

Well, I should go hunt down some papers to shuffle. My tea is long gone, and my trusty water bottle is half gone already.

Have a great day everyone.
:wave2: Back after a great long weekend!!!!

I enjoyed my whole weekend!!!!! I got to enjoy sleeping in, lazy morning coffee, and spent most of yesterday in the project room happily sewing gd's quilt. It was the weekend I needed!!! I was needing a low key weekend to rest. On Sunday, I still felt exhausted and tried not to do too much. Yesterday, I finally felt better again, and puttered around the house a little bit, whipped up a couple loaves of bread, and spent most of my day sewing.

On Sunday, I made mini sourdough loaves - that I filled with broccoli cheddar soup! It was DELICIOUS!!!!! My first time making either - youngest ds said he would love that soup again. It is one of those hit or miss meals. This was one a hit.

Friday night was order in chinese food and Harry potter movie night. Saturday was some cleaning/puttering with Elk steaks and @schumigirl 's idea of creamy peppercorn sauce - which was delicious!!! It will be another make again meal.

That pretty much rounds out my weekend. Boring - but that's what my body needed.

It is very similar to beef. We are extremely fortunate that we know a local farmer and the elk on his land are all grain fed, from eating their crops, getting into stores they have, as well as picking up what ever may be left on the ground in the fields. So there is very little to no wild taste really. The first bit you know something is a little different, but with the next one, you don't notice it.

If you come across a product called K18 - GET IT. It is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy better than Olaplex. I use it every few weeks, for about 4- 5 washes in a row...and use this as the conditioner. It is a balm you put into your hair, and leave for about 4-5 minutes before putting any product in or brushing even. The shine my hair has when I straighten it :eek: It is pricey but definitely worth the $$$.

He should do that!!! It might be a best seller!

Sending you mummy dust for a good result!

Baking is so therapeutic! It sounds like it turned out well. People are always appreciative of getting baking.

:cheer2: Another countdown!!!!

:hug: sending you and your family tight hugs.

Fun!!!!!! Enjoy that club level!!!! It is great you have some dates decided on.

I feel that way here too. It's currently overcast and the temps are dropping today. Which would explain the headache. It is getting close to the ugly cold again here for a few days :sad: I was hoping to avoid the gross temps again....but sadly, they are coming again.

Well, I should go hunt down some papers to shuffle. My tea is long gone, and my trusty water bottle is half gone already.

Have a great day everyone.

Glad you had such a good weekend! I think we all need some down time now and again....

I`ve used K18, it is very good, for my hair there was no difference between the two for me, but as I bragged about earlier, my stylist says I have excellent conditioned hair :rolleyes1:duck: ......there`s not much difference in price either over here.

OUAI is excellent too, when I went to a salon in Manhattan on one of my visits they used that and it was lovely. In saying that one of my friends uses bargain priced Tresemme and her hair is always who knows, but I do like a little luxury on my hair.

Food looks good!!! Well except the green beans of course for me.....but not my dinner!

And the quilt is beautiful, I love those colours.

We gave in and had dinner just before 6. And it was lovely, slightly too sweet, I think I added too much honey, but still nice. I always remember folks years ago cooking pork for about a month and it was always dry!! I think we`ve learned a lot since those days.

Piece of shortbread with a cup of tea coming right up.......
And a good Wednesday morning......

I`m always amazed at how fast these weeks are passing.....of course my mum would say it`s a sign of getting older......she might be right!

Not sure what we have planned today, I think this afternoon we will get heavy rain, but Tom is helping at the food bank so it`ll be this morning if we do anything. There`s a butcher about an hour away we want to go visit.....yep, we are living the high life, but not much else to do a dreary Wednesday morning here.

Still looking for lamps for the bedroom, I`m doubting I`m ever going to find the perfect lamps, but will keep looking.

Books are arriving today too, can`t say I`m thrilled with this month`s choice, but will see how it goes.

Haven`t thought about dinner yet...





Hehe, hump day camel reminder. Ah yes, that Wednesday feeling like the middle of the week, being a hump to get over, to enjoy that ever nice, Friday feeling in 2 more days now. So, yes, Schumi, time is passing by quick.

Yep, weather. Another yo yo end of week. 73 degrees tomorrow, 38 degrees on Saturday. Shorts and a winter jacket still in my clothes this time of year. Today? We are at that more seasonable 42 degrees, with a cool 32 degrees out as I tossed trash in our now empty cans. Nice we get a make up day, for trash removal, that usually is the next day after usual day. And while we had a very little rain early evening last night, not too far from me, in NJ, they got much more rain, and a tornado. With damage seen late last night and early this morning news, looks like a tornado damage to me. Will be confirmed or not, later today. Lots of trees down, and damage to buildings. No one hurt, that was nice to also hear in the news. We do get tornados in our area, but they are not nearly as strong as seen in the Midwest. Likely a 0 or 1 or maybe a 2 in that tornado scale.

Wonderful Wednesday to you. Still in that week day routine and up in that early hour, sipping tea in a nice, just warm house. I bump the heat up when I get up, as nice to be warmer as getting ready for the day. Then I bump in down a little, as don’t need it as warm when about and screen viewing. Ah, February still here, and already in the Lent season for many. Yes, time does fly, with an earlier Easter Sunday in early April. But woot! The month of March here next week. Hehe, closer to Christmas 🎅 now too. LoL
Morning all, the weekend flurry of activity just kept rolling for me.

I’m not one for big, sweet breakfast food…GD is a fiend. my creation this time…

french toast made with, Nutella & bananas dipped in chocolate/cinnamon egg/milk wash. I did use 12 grain bread to ‘be healthy’. was a big hit With her and everyone but DH who won’t touch anything but bacon, toast & fruit for breakfast.

Mac - i figure you generally have your hands full here herding the weekend PUI regulars with a big cherry on top when it’s a full moon. :rolleyes1

lynne It stormed here so bad it woke me up several times during the night, high winds always give me pause due to all the big trees around my property. a good layer of ice on everything this am, not enough to bring down the power lines & most channels on DTV dish are coming thru, thankfully. Supposed to hit 50 degrees this afternoon. Not holding my breath. decided it’s going to be one of those days I put on my favorite, fluffy lounge wear and chill
I see Doc this week so will get results of CT
Oh, good luck to you! We had our various bi annual testing yesterday. The mr’s chest xray was pronounced clear of the pneumonia yet still hacking like a fiend. Have our bi-annual joint appt with dr tomorrow.

many friends seem horrified we share a PCP, let alone appointments. My thot is we get the same amount of time and can focus more on the person who needs the attention. Seriously, at this stage of our marriage, secrets are oh so few & far between.
How lovely you have an overnight with your GD........she`ll keep you young
i slept well the night she left. Always nice to give them a big ole’ squeeze & send them home...all sugared up. almost forgot I had promised to go to her volleyball game yesterday afternoon. Thank you to the traffic gods for letting me get there in time after I received a ‘did you forget‘ phone calls.
think I need to start checking some things out and make sure everything is in order. Someone who shall remain nameless :rolleyes1
929B7A50-B2F9-402D-B052-935E2EF53D7A.jpeg some people, ‘da nerve
He had some issues over the weekend and the Doctor started him on some meds and he is feeling better. He sees the Doctor today so fingers and toes crossed that he starts feeling better.
Good luck to him!
Being blind in one eye has been an adjustment for her, but she had been a trooper.
That is quite the understatement, talk about being stoic:wizard:
Now to decide what to take up........😉
rebel lol. I probably am going to miss getting ashes as not going to brave icy streets. Stacked up against of all my other misdeeds I’ve racked up, it’s a mere blip On the radar
I made mini sourdough loaves - that I filled with broccoli cheddar soup! It was DELICIOUS!!!!! My first time making either
Beautiful quilt square, the bread is perfect looking.
We are extremely fortunate that we know a local farmer and the elk on his land are all grain fed, from eating their crops
interesting. Not sure if they farm them here ala our state‘s famous lamb & buffalo ranches that supply restaurants only. we have a wild elk herd here of approx 500, a few hours away, far north in very rural county - Elk, imagine that? Probably sounds strange yet popular for folks to make that drive to see the annual rut in late summer/early fall.

near the bottom of our bucket list, not ruling it out after noticing one across the street from the Grand Canyon & being rather mesmerized. Majestic and seemed very calm & tame. However, knowing how dangerous wild animals are, stayed in our rental SUV to watch. Yes, there were morons trying to get selfies. :bitelip: I couldn’t get over how huge it was, especially the height of the bull. Told they go 750# there, here closer to a ton.
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Morning all, the weekend flurry of activity just kept rolling for me.

I’m not one for big, sweet breakfast food…GD is a fiend. my creation this time…
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french toast made with, Nutella & bananas dipped in chocolate/cinnamon egg/milk wash. I did use 12 grain bread to ‘be healthy’. was a big hit With her and everyone but DH who won’t touch anything but bacon, toast & fruit for breakfast.

Mac - i figure you generally have your hands full here herding the weekend PUI regulars with a big cherry on top when it’s a full moon. :rolleyes1

lynne It stormed here so bad it woke me up several times during the night, high winds always give me pause due to all the big trees around my property. a good layer of ice on everything this am, not enough to bring down the power lines & most channels on DTV dish are coming thru, thankfully. Supposed to hit 50 degrees this afternoon. Not holding my breath. decided it’s going to be one of those days I put on my favorite, fluffy lounge wear and chill

Oh, good luck to you! We had our various bi annual testing yesterday. The mr’s chest xray was pronounced clear of the pneumonia yet still hacking like a fiend. Have our bi-annual joint appt with dr tomorrow.

many friends seem horrified we share a PCP, let alone appointments. My thot is we get the same amount of time and can focus more on the person who needs the attention. Seriously, at this stage of our marriage, secrets are oh so few & far between.

i slept well the night she left. Always nice to give them a big ole’ squeeze & send them home...all sugared up. almost forgot I had promised to go to her volleyball game yesterday afternoon. Thank you to the traffic gods for letting me get there in time after I received a ‘did you forget‘ phone calls.

View attachment 741729 some people, ‘da nerve

Good luck to him!

That is quite the understatement, talk about being stoic:wizard:

rebel lol. I probably am going to miss getting ashes as not going to brave icy streets. Stacked up against of all my other misdeeds I’ve racked up, it’s a mere blip On the radar

Beautiful quilt square, the bread is perfect looking.

interesting. Not sure if they farm them here ala our state‘s famous lamb & buffalo ranches that supply restaurants only. we have a wild elk herd here of approx 500, a few hours away, far north in very rural county - Elk, imagine that? Probably sounds strange yet popular for folks to make that drive to see the annual rut in late summer/early fall.

near the bottom of our bucket list, not ruling it out after noticing one across the street from the Grand Canyon & being rather mesmerized. Majestic and seemed very calm & tame. However, knowing how dangerous wild animals are, stayed in our rental SUV to watch. Yes, there were morons trying to get selfies. :bitelip: I couldn’t get over how huge it was, especially the height of the bull. Told they go 750# there, here closer to a ton.

Love the picture of the little un......and even though I don`t like bananas or nutella....or chocolate come to that, it does look really good!!! I`m with your mister for breakfast! mac is correct, she is your image!!!

I agree, after 30+ years there are no secrets at all!! We share the same doctor, we went for our boosters together, saves a double journey in my book. Glad to hear he`s all clear but hope his cough clears soon, it`s horrible when it`s been going on for so long.

And ahem.....starting to think about TR now........especially when I realised it`s almost 9 weeks till we leave.......holy cracker when did it get so close!!!

Don`t risk going out for ashes if the weather is icy.....I`m sure you`re in credit there with goodness!!! I know when the time comes I`ll be going the other way anyway 😈......I won`t be alone so all good!!!

Stay cosy!!!

Best laid plans......again.

Our Wednesday lunch group almost kidnapped us to go join them for lunch story and I`m sticking to it :rolleyes1......but we were glad we did. Good company and good food were in order as it is the most miserable day outside after quite a nice morning.

We went to a steak place, but it does serve plenty of choices for everyone, we all loved the food and laughed a lot and no need for dinner tonight.

They do a little appetiser called a Brisket looks like a Scotch Egg but completely different, so we got two to bring home to sample, very kind of them to give us them to try. Will pop them in the oven later to heat them up and have them if we`re hungry.

Time for a cuppa.......
It's hump day - and Friday is looking closer now - even with my short work week. I am working this no lounging around doing nothing. But I did just see my newest paycheck and have my weekend premium on them now since my training is I'll work on weekends with a premium top up for my wage.

We went out for dinner last night to celebrate youngest ds's birthday. We have hit a new milestone in our home...everyone is now out of teenage years and full fledged adults now :sad: It is/was a bittersweet day. I don't know how it happened so fast and yet when they ( especially the boys) were young and we were in the thick of it...wishing for a day when they didn't need me so has arrived :guilty: They are great kids - even dd who gave us a run for our money from the ages of 16-22. We couldn't be prouder of the amazing people they are.

Woke up to nice balmy - 37F - with the windchill this morning :cold: :rolleyes2 My car was really hoping that I wouldn't want her to drive down the road today - but sadly...I needed to get into work today. Sadly, there is no teleworking/working from home for me. I hope this is the last hurrah of arctic blast for this winter. By Saturday we will be back up to normal ranges again....but ugh....I really hate this cold weather.

I`m always amazed at how fast these weeks are passing.....of course my mum would say it`s a sign of getting older......she might be right!
I feel the same way - time keeps moving faster. That is a common saying here too...but I feel like it's true as well. I can't wait for you to start your next trip report!
Wonderful Wednesday to you.
Same to you....Thanks for the hump sighting you always post
Not sure if they farm them here ala our state‘s famous lamb & buffalo ranches that supply restaurants only. we have a wild elk herd here of approx 500, a few hours away, far north in very rural county - Elk, imagine that? Probably sounds strange yet popular for folks to make that drive to see the annual rut in late summer/early fall.
These are wild elk. The land owners are lucky enough that their land is positioned where there are numerous animals. There are quite a few herds on their land. They estimate that on all the land they have in that area, there are probably close to 500 animals...hence they are a nuisance and cause some damage to their land. They also don't let just anyone hunt on their land either - it is by permission where they want animals taken from. That seems to be the rule in our area regarding farmland. Once you get out to crown/government land - it's like the wild west out there during hunting season. But we are lucky to know them...and work with them to thin some of the herd.

Well, my tea is almost gone, my heater is on under my desk....and no papers yet on my desk. It might be time to find some papers to shuffle around.

Have a great day everyone!
Yeah, we have some different food animals in our state, Keisha. Hehe, I think our favorite in our state is those white tailed deer. When I went to undergrad near you, was so poor in area where the mills left, people would drive along the highway for easy deer meat. Illegal to harvest hit deer on highway for some time now. I’m not fond of any game food. But I do have farms around me, they are mostly egg, fruits and veges. There are also llama and alpaca farms, and got some nice alpaca wool from a farm near my sister the other day. Asked my sister to make me a hat with the wool. She’s a good knitter. Aw, sweet GD. She’s getting older looking. Nice you get time with her so much. My kids have fond memories of being with my mom when I couldn’t find care for them.

No whopper Wednesday here. Little one prefers burgers from a local burger place. But it is dollar dumpling day, so will tell little one to order soon, as we will walk down to the dumpling place to pick up, during my lunchtime break. Phone says raining for the next hour. Hope it ends before we walk. If not, we both have rain jackets.
Still say she is a mini you…
cute picture of her!
Thanks she keeps asking why she has to sit on the waterproof ‘dog’ cover when she eats while sitting on couches. House rule till u r 18 here slol

Lynne not aware of people actively scouring highway for road kill here, along the allegheny river at least. They have a system lol

Knowing many police here, can tell u that in PA it is legal but, you have to follow stated protocol or can be charged. I know many cops love it when a hunter will do that job (of picking up a deer carcass) for them as game commission is stretched thin.

Most have hunters on speed dial, more than Happy to do that chore for them. In the counties that have the wasting deer disease, it’s a different situation

I was so grossed out when my DH struck a deer in my old Cadillac and we were instructed to make sure to capture pic of vehicle of any hair or deer entrails 🤮for proof

Anyhoo, Current rules:

“Pennsylvania residents may claim the carcass of road-killed deer. To do so, they can call the Game Commission at 1-833-PGC-HUNT or 1-833-PGC-WILD and an agency dispatcher will collect the information needed to provide a free permit number, which the caller should write down.

A resident must call within 24 hours of taking possession of the deer. A passing Pennsylvania motorist also may claim the deer, if the person whose vehicle hit it doesn’t want it.”

Love the last sentence as to divvying up the carcass. Guess it’s pretty clear I’m not a fan of deer meat lol
It's hump day - and Friday is looking closer now - even with my short work week. I am working this no lounging around doing nothing. But I did just see my newest paycheck and have my weekend premium on them now since my training is I'll work on weekends with a premium top up for my wage.

We went out for dinner last night to celebrate youngest ds's birthday. We have hit a new milestone in our home...everyone is now out of teenage years and full fledged adults now :sad: It is/was a bittersweet day. I don't know how it happened so fast and yet when they ( especially the boys) were young and we were in the thick of it...wishing for a day when they didn't need me so has arrived :guilty: They are great kids - even dd who gave us a run for our money from the ages of 16-22. We couldn't be prouder of the amazing people they are.

Woke up to nice balmy - 37F - with the windchill this morning :cold: :rolleyes2 My car was really hoping that I wouldn't want her to drive down the road today - but sadly...I needed to get into work today. Sadly, there is no teleworking/working from home for me. I hope this is the last hurrah of arctic blast for this winter. By Saturday we will be back up to normal ranges again....but ugh....I really hate this cold weather.

I feel the same way - time keeps moving faster. That is a common saying here too...but I feel like it's true as well. I can't wait for you to start your next trip report!

Same to you....Thanks for the hump sighting you always post

These are wild elk. The land owners are lucky enough that their land is positioned where there are numerous animals. There are quite a few herds on their land. They estimate that on all the land they have in that area, there are probably close to 500 animals...hence they are a nuisance and cause some damage to their land. They also don't let just anyone hunt on their land either - it is by permission where they want animals taken from. That seems to be the rule in our area regarding farmland. Once you get out to crown/government land - it's like the wild west out there during hunting season. But we are lucky to know them...and work with them to thin some of the herd.

Well, my tea is almost gone, my heater is on under my desk....and no papers yet on my desk. It might be time to find some papers to shuffle around.

Have a great day everyone!

Belated :bday: to your DS…….it’s always nice to celebrate, but yes, we do wonder where the years go at times. Glad you had such a lovely time.

It‘s turned colder here too, not your kind of cold, but cold enough!

Enjoy what’s left of your day…..

Thanks she keeps asking why she has to sit on the waterproof ‘dog’ cover when she eats while sitting on couches. House rule till u r 18 here slol

Lynne not aware of people actively scouring highway for road kill here, along the allegheny river at least. They have a system lol

Knowing many police here, can tell u that in PA it is legal but, you have to follow stated protocol or can be charged. I know many cops love it when a hunter will do that job (of picking up a deer carcass) for them as game commission is stretched thin.

Most have hunters on speed dial, more than Happy to do that chore for them. In the counties that have the wasting deer disease, it’s a different situation

I was so grossed out when my DH struck a deer in my old Cadillac and we were instructed to make sure to capture pic of vehicle of any hair or deer entrails 🤮for proof

Anyhoo, Current rules:

“Pennsylvania residents may claim the carcass of road-killed deer. To do so, they can call the Game Commission at 1-833-PGC-HUNT or 1-833-PGC-WILD and an agency dispatcher will collect the information needed to provide a free permit number, which the caller should write down.

A resident must call within 24 hours of taking possession of the deer. A passing Pennsylvania motorist also may claim the deer, if the person whose vehicle hit it doesn’t want it.”

Love the last sentence as to divvying up the carcass. Guess it’s pretty clear I’m not a fan of deer meat lol


You mean you don’t live in an area that had folks sitting in the trees waiting to pounce on roadkill………lol…….I’m picturing Elmer Fudd out of Bugs Bunny now!!


Roadkill……bleurgh……goodness knows what‘s been gnawing or attaching itself to the carcass before it’s pounced upon!

This was the brisket bombs we got………


This was the before pic…..they didn’t look so good when cooked……they were ok, I imagined shredded brisket mixed with bbq sauce, I do that with pulled pork and pop them on little sticks…..but this was formed brisket like the meat in a Scotch Egg, but with brisket…….bbq sauce was nice but I’m glad we tasted them as I wouldn’t order it as a starter.

Going to settle down in front of a movie now……or an episode of Taggart maybe…..yep, Taggart it is.

Busy day tomorrow…….
Quiet day at work today. Scoping out some things to do in Vegas and get an idea of how to get to the other end of the strip and work our way back to our hotel.

We went to the bank to get some American Currency - :scared1: That was more than we wanted to pay. If anyone wants to visit is the time :rolleyes1 Just come in summer.

We have our headphones rented so we can hear all the drivers and crew chiefs - we really enjoyed that part last year.

We also have our shuttle booked from just outside our hotel to the raceway booked. We thought about trying to take a taxi or uber....but getting back to the strip from the speedway could be a nightmare when 80,000 other are also trying to get back. We figured this would probably be easier. I guess we will see.

Almost time to head to the bank


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