Something About Nothing ... #12

Rainy and 69 here

Cats are screaming for food
They won’t get any until 4:30 at their feeding time

Hope all the homies are having a great day

Hungry kitties!! Should be nearly feeding time now........hope you’re having a good day too Mac.........

Just after 9 and I’m yawning my head off..........:faint:

And just got our first Christmas party invitation, just a get together with a load of friends in a restaurant.........and strangely 2 friends texted asking if we’re hosting our usual Boxing Day get together..........well, I suppose so, but it’s October!!! Haven’t thought further than Friday yet!
Ah, Christmas creeping into all our stores already.

But nope, thoughts of holiday activities are not on my radar yet either, Schumi.

Time to be legally blonde soon. Now to get my hair to outgrow those layers....
Busy day- behind reading here!

The two kitties I rescued are at the clinic getting fixed today. I will be glad when that is done.

Great news, Bobbie!!:goodvibes

Rapstar- Yep- rain around here too- plus cold temps!:(

I feel okay today, just not very hungry.

Hope you'll be all better soon!!:)

Lynne- Yay on the Fantastic Beasts ticket purchase:thumbsup2

Schumi- Glad you got those tickets!:thumbsup2 Enjoy! I'm in for cottage pie! We need to continue the DIS recipes!

Tgrgrl- Nice pumpkin patch! Glad the girls are on the mend!:)

Mac- The cats should be all settled now that their tummies are full!

Hope everyone is having a great night!!:)

Did I tell yall about my flight home after the cruise? Well since it was raining in Dallas, they were having to add more fuel since they were going to use a different route to go around the storms, so we were delayed just a bit. Well, as soon as we were fueled and getting ready to close the door and go......the power at the airport goes out. Completely. My flight that was supposed to leave at 9ish didn't leave till like midnight Orlando time. I didn't get back to Dallas till 2am. Needless to say, I changed my return flight for my next trip from the last flight of the day to like 1pm or so.
Good Wednesday morning..........

Looks another decent day.......sun will be shining but cool.......time for scarves and gloves weather. Almost time for new winter boots......although haven’t seen any that appeal so far this year.....

So all the talk of cream cheese and jelly on toast on the trip report.......bought some smuckers grape jelly yesterday, so that’s breakfast this morning........

Then into town closest to us. I have some checks to pay in.......still get them as birthday presents from mum and some older aunts....bless them! And need an appointment for yearly eye test.

And we have no Yankee Candles in the house! None.......not quite sure how that, plan to go stock up......although will buy loads when in getting the new ones there not out in the UK yet.

Have a great Wednesday..........
- Yep, this Wednesday is upon us, and hump of a day it is! So happy Friday will be here before ya know it.

Eek, I hate that late night delays RAPstar. One time, we were supposed to leave home airport at 9pm, left 1:30am the next day. Arrived at MCO at 3:30am, by time we go our luggage it was close to 4am. Was not a fun start to our vacation, though we did book the Hyatt, so got 5 or so hours of sleep in that room, as we had booked an early breakfast.

Schumi, I like grape jelly on my french toast or rye toast. Particularly like with cream cheese on the rye toast. Hmm, bought bacon and cream cheese the other day. May have to pick up some rye, though did buy other bread. Little one was not happy about my bread choice. She does like fresh baked rye bread, from the local Jewish bakery. That chewy crust with kimmel seeds, yum. Breakfast for dinner may be on the menu tonight, either that, or dinner at the Jewish bakery, as it also has a deli and diner like restaurant as part of it. So, we get dinner, than cheesecake, a piece or two, and a half large loaf of the rye bread, to take home on the way out. Hey, that sounds like a plan.

Later homies, the AC is not quite cranking, but it's early, so that means sweater is ready, and so is the tea. Have a wonderful Wednesday, and hey, it's Wednesday!

Hold on to your hats, 35 mph gusts today. Blustery is the word used by the weather guy. o_O upload_2018-10-17_7-33-10.jpeg WHOOSH.
Speaking of jelly, is it weirder that I like strawberry jelly on the $1 sausage biscuits I get from McD's or that I only like the sausage biscuits when I put strawberry jelly on them? I tried grape once, but it didn't really add any flavor to it like the strawberry does.
Hold on to your hats, 35 mph gusts today. Blustery is the word used by the weather guy

Yep- same here, Lynne!! Ick!!
always lovin' the hump day pictures!

Sounds like summer is over for many of us

No summer here
All gone


Speaking of jelly, is it weirder that I like strawberry jelly on the $1 sausage biscuits I get from McD's or that I only like the sausage biscuits when I put strawberry jelly on them? I tried grape once, but it didn't really add any flavor to it like the strawberry does.

Not weird at all!! Actually, I like to mix the strawberry & grape!

Happy Wednesday all!!

Speaking of jelly, is it weirder that I like strawberry jelly on the $1 sausage biscuits I get from McD's or that I only like the sausage biscuits when I put strawberry jelly on them? I tried grape once, but it didn't really add any flavor to it like the strawberry does.

Well, I`ve never tried anything from can`t answer that, but I do like sausage links with cranberry sauce...….not fond of strawberry jelly or jam as we call it...….

Sausage biscuits sound...….intriguing :D

Got eye test tomorrow morning......usually need to wait a week or so for appointment...….and got a whole load of new Yankee Candles......nice!!

Last night I cooked a load of pork butt overnight, aroma was delicious coming down this morning.....….all cooled down and made the bbq sauce this afternoon to portion up and freeze a load...…got ten portions for three out of it.

So, that's dinner again tonight...…..and spicy!!! Sweet potato wedges for me......Tom wants fries and Kyle isn't bothered what he eats...….

Beautiful sunny day again today...……...although to be in the minus temps tonight...….
Tired, so tired. How come my tea doesn't have vodka in it? Seems most of our cruise crew is still trying to overcome the sleep deficit.
Sweet 16 birthday yesterday for my middle. No presents to unwrap from us as she already got the big ones-her trip to HHN (which she LOVED!) and her car from grandma (although I am currently driving it as my truck is blocked in the garage by FiL truck while he elk hunts). She doesn't want to take driving test yet.
Picked her up from school yesterday and could tell she was upset-took a bit before it came out. She is the "mother" of the group-always checking in and remembering big events and birthdays and such. None of her friends remembered it was her birthday until late (after check in on social media apparently). She did have a better night with us, and she skipped band practice to go to dinner.

Lunch over and back to work!
Happy Humday!
Tired, so tired. How come my tea doesn't have vodka in it? Seems most of our cruise crew is still trying to overcome the sleep deficit.
Sweet 16 birthday yesterday for my middle. No presents to unwrap from us as she already got the big ones-her trip to HHN (which she LOVED!) and her car from grandma (although I am currently driving it as my truck is blocked in the garage by FiL truck while he elk hunts). She doesn't want to take driving test yet.
Picked her up from school yesterday and could tell she was upset-took a bit before it came out. She is the "mother" of the group-always checking in and remembering big events and birthdays and such. None of her friends remembered it was her birthday until late (after check in on social media apparently). She did have a better night with us, and she skipped band practice to go to dinner.

Lunch over and back to work!
Happy Humday!

Nice to see you back posting!!!!

Aww bless your DD...… stinks at that age to be forgotten by friends...…..glad she had a better evening though...…..

Tea....with vodka??? :rotfl:
Jumping in late on the jelly/cream cheese discussion.... two popular appetizers down here are block of cream cheese with pepper jelly ( it’s made with bell peppers) on top and another is cream cheese with cocktail sauce & baby shrimp on top. Both served with crackers. Sounds weird but really yummy!!

Aw Monykalyn, my mom’s family forgot her sweet 16 and she has never gotten over that disappointment. Hugs to your sweet girl!!!
to MonyK's middle kid. Hope you had a great birthday!

And good luck with driving. (after teaching my 2 to drive, I'd help ya, but my passenger's brake is still in my car) LOL

Sweet 16 to Monyk's sweet girl.

If I knew how to post birthday pictures, I would have done a dozen for your daughter..

Turning 16 is a big deal with teens.
But, her friends, even being late, gave her bday wishes.
Flying has gotten really terrible. I was flying for my job 3-4 or more times a month. One time a flight was overbooked and they wanted volunteers to take a later flight. I was tired and already had someone line up to come get me so I didn't go up.

But then they upped the offer to a $400 voucher, $100 in cash and a best upgrade on your next flight, so I went up to check what was available and I got switched to a flight one hour away and at the next gate to where I was waiting. I took my $100 and decided I was going to get some shrimp at the seafood place. So I went to eat and when I got back, I noticed the woman and her daughter I had been talking to before I left was still there. It seems their plane had a problem and they were waiting for a new plane to get there. In the end, I loaded on my new flight and they were still sitting there waiting.

It has been cold and rainy the past two days here. Have begun to mark off my calendar because my trip is coming up soon. Suitcase needs to come out.

Still haven't been able to book a condo. I am not sweating yet, but it is getting late. We may have to go with a 2 bedroom, which we can make do, but 3 would be a whole lot better.

A couple of questions.

Where do you guys host your pictures? I have never done it, but I was thinking I might take pictures to post this trip. (don't hold me to that, but I am going to try)

Can we maybe get a loose before you go thread? Networking with others can really be helpful. For me, I have turned almost my whole family to my way of eating, but they all work during the day and I don't. I had thought about starting one, but I wasn't sure it was something others would be interested in or even be allowed. But there is so many people worried about fitting on the lets be honest, tight seats at Universal.
Jumping in late on the jelly/cream cheese discussion.... two popular appetizers down here are block of cream cheese with pepper jelly ( it’s made with bell peppers) on top and another is cream cheese with cocktail sauce & baby shrimp on top. Both served with crackers. Sounds weird but really yummy!!

I have had both of those appetizers and they are very good.


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