SOG tickets/Will this work?


Earning My Ears
Jan 31, 2001
My brother-in-law is an active duty marine. If he buys our park hopper plus tickets on base, can we use them or would we have to show military ID? He won't be going with us, but wants to buy us the tickets because he owes us for a loan.
If he buys them from his base then you should be able to use them. You just can't go to Shades of Green and try to buy hopper passes. Sometimes the bases will have them left over and they seel those to people. Just have your brother-in-law ask at his base. They should know
Last year we bought our passes and passes for two other families going with us. The person on base who sold them to us told us that the only "catch" was that if a CM asked to see military ID at the entrance to the park. We were told our friends would then be denied access if we were not with them. We did indeed split up at times, and had no problems. Just food for thought! ;)
We have been using Military Park Hoppers for years and never once has anyone asked us for our Military IDs at anytime. For those who are military you can go over to SOG and buy additional passports or even one day tickets..our ITR (Military Post Travel Office) does not sell the one days, so this is a good place to get them if needed. I beleive you can also upgrade a hopper there too..but not sure exactly on that one. Sounds like a good way to pay back the money he owes you to me.


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8/86, 4/88, 8/90, 8/92, 4/94, 3/96, 3/97 8/98,
12/98, 12/99, 12/00, 9/01
Are tickets that much cheaper if you can get them from the military? I was just wondering if it saves you the same amount that AAA saves you or more. I can get 4 day hopper pass thru AAA for $182 per adult. Thanks


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