So why Do I like WDW???????


May 10, 2001
Hi all,

As someone that is new to this board I just have to comment on recent threads about people not understanding why someone would want to buy into DVC and going every year or here is my two cents worth.....At thirty years old (or as I put it, just celebrating the 10 anniversary of my 20th birthday) and having a high stress job I want to go somewhere that I know I am comfortable taking my whole family and still getting my dollars worth. Granted Disney is on the expensive side, hence DVC, but I feel that the service I get is far above any other company that I have dealt with. I was brought to tears when I was able to see the world thru the eyes of Mickey Mouse on a recent trip, albeit a very very short time. How?? Sworn to secrecy, but it sums up my ranting, for a short time while there I can leave the rest of the world behind and be a kid again.......thanx........
Same feeling Erick, my DH used to joke all the time that WDW was where we went after there was a death in the family. I can remember the two of us running in the rain laffing, (cheesy isn't it)? and we were in our 30's. We are now wishing we had bought sooner but it took the birth of our DD to get us to join. :cool:
I like the way you think. I have been going to WDW since it opened in '71 and have been there close to 100 times and I still see something different every time. I also had a high stress job and it did help, now that I am retired at 51 I look forward to WDW even more. My only response to someone who looks at me funny when I tell them about my trips to WDW is to tell them about the many memories I have of the fun at WDW and the friends that join us for the trips. They usually ask me if they can join us on the next trip!!!!
WDW the only way to go!
:bounce: :jester: :wave:
WDW is the only place to vacation!!! My husband and my father in law thought I was crazy when I insisted on WDW for our honeymoon destination. I prevailed and DH was hooked. My father in law still referred to Mickey as "the rat":mad: until my son was born and we celebrated the Millenium at EPCOT. Now he just bought into the DVC with us.:) and he's completely converted!!!!!:bounce:
What you are all saying is very true. I am also 30, and have had the pleasure of traveling quite a bit for my work. WDW is the place where I go to be comfortable. My wife and I have so many good memories there. We have both been many times, together and with our extended families. There are lots of other places I want to go and see, but WDW is where we have grown roots. We are happy there. Life is way way too short to worry about the looks you get from other how just don't understand. It's not about going on all the rides, and rushing around to see everything. It's about relaxing, being comfortable, and being yourself. That's why we bought into the DVC. I want to pass these amazing memories onto our son and hopefully future children. That's my 2 cents.
i agree-nice break from "reality" and job stress. i try to go twice a year, and it does help. it seems like a different philosophy for dealing with people/problems, and i try to pass along a little "pixie dust" in dealing with the everyday problems at work. works for me, although a couple people may wind up with "grouchy" shirts!
Why WDW ? Ahh, the answer is simple, little grasshopper - I long ago learned the difference between cost and Value ! I would rather spend a thousand dollars at the "world" than part with a ten-spot at wallyworld (aka Wal-Mart :( ).
When the family and I have been at WDW, we've enjoyed everything from thrill rides, shows, and the like at one end of the spectrum to surrey bikes, lying around the pool, or just sitting inside with a mug in hand watching the water wheel spin. We've bussed, boated, monorailed and walked to our hearts content to where we wanted, when we wanted to. Most important, we were relaxed and happy when all was done at the end or our trip - not wanting another week to "rest-up" from what we had experienced, but simply rested and relaxed and wanting to stay longer, and sad to leave.
We feel that we are quite lucky, for we managed to capture that Disney "magic." For someone as pragmatic as myself, this is unusual. Instead of focusing on how much the cost was, I found myself amazed that Disney could provide all they do for the amount that I was paying. The themeing and ambiance of the resorts, the expanse and detail of the groundskeeping, and of course the quality of the parks is a fantastic value for what is paid. An example or two : last October, we took our daughter to the state fair. By the time we left after 2~3 hours of rides I know we had spent well over $50. Also, a few weeks ago there was a small carnival with some rides near one of the local malls. Fifteen minutes, three rides, and ten dollars later we were heading home. In comparison for what you get, WDW is cheap !!
BTW - 17 days to go, and I am realllyy looking forward to it. I need an uncut hit of the pixie dust baaadd ;) !

We recently purchased a timeshare resale at the BWVillas and couldn't be happier. The funny thing is all my friends and coworkers have been very understanding and have never made fun of our decision to buy. They think it is neat. The best part is I don't care what they say anyway. I feel safe and comfortable at Disney and will always be a big supporter of their company and products. Take care Tammy:cool:
I love WDW because I know I'll get a quality vacation every time. I also know there is more to WDW then just amusement park rides.
WDW has something for every one. You can do as much or as little as you want.
I also feel my family is safe at WDW. Not that it's utopia, but its close.
I love the way you get transported out of the real world when you arrive through the gates. The cleanliness and beauty is hard to beat. The resorts take me back to a simpler time. I love checking out of the rat race when I check into the rats property.
I love the atmousephere of the BW where we bought our DVC. It's like going back in time. The feeling can't be beat.

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