So what time is rush hour in LA on Fridays


The prodical child
Aug 18, 1998
Well we just got some not so good news. Hubby has got to go to work Friday AM next week. So we have changed our flight to arrive at 7:00 PM. Will we experience really horrid traffic at that time?


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<font size=4 color=blue font face="Comic Sans MS">Robin

Robin, if you guys take the 105 East to the 605 south to the 91 East you can use the carpool lane pretty much the whole way. You might hit some slowing but it won't be unbearable. :)

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We're coming from the JW Airport and I wondered this as well. We get in at 4 tho.
I think we're just going to do Carry on bags, to avoid waiting for luggage. So we can just GO :)

Rachel in Alaska
Mom to Joey 9
Taking him to Disney for the first time March 23, 2001
Rachel, you probably WILL hit some traffic heading north on the 405 that time of day, but there is a carpool lane that should help a little. :)

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Actualy, if you are going from John Wayne to DL you will only be on the 405 long enough to immediatly switch to the 55 North. Take this about 4-6 miles to 5 north. About 5-8 miles to DL. Late Friday afternoon, these will both be jammed as well. As has been mentioned, take the carpool lanes. The carpool lane on the 55 north directly links to the carpool lane on the 5 north. You don't need to worry about leaving the carpool lane to switch freeways.


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