so many questions


Earning My Ears
Aug 27, 1999
Does anyone know what type of discount you get for a room at the All Star Movie(if there is a discount) with an annual pass. I'm trying to book a room for the AsMO for the 1st week of December but not sure if I should wait and see if there is any kind of discount with the annual pass. I have never had an annual pass before. Oh, we aren't going to purchase the passes until March.

Also, I was understanding that if you bought an annual pass, it was valid for 365 days from the FIRST day you use it. Then I read somewhere that is was from the day you purchase it. Which is right?

My boss is going to WDW in February right at Valentines Day. Does anyone know how crowded it is.

We are also thinking about renting a car for our trip from the Orlando airport. Can anyone give me any recomendations?? Where we can get the best discounts?

All help is greatly appreciate.
if you want to stay at the All stars, book NOW!!!
That way, you'll be assured of getting what you want. AP's purchased at Disney Store: you will get a voucher which will be tranferred to the actual pass when you arrive at the parks, and is validated as of that date. If you purchase the AP at the parks, it is validated on that day. Happy planning!


<font size="2"><font color="#F0000"><font face="Comic Sans MS">
<marquee>Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</marquee></font></font></font)
If you are basing your purchase of an Annual Pass on the room discount, you should know that there haven't been AP Holder discounts during November and December for the last 2 years, maybe longer. Depending on when you are going in December, you may be able to obtain the Disney Club discount if you are a member. The discount is 10% and is available (in limited numbers) until December 20th. You would also be able to get a 5% discount on your passes (including Annual Pass) with this membership.

Good Luck!


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator



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