slideshow with music?


DIS Veteran
Mar 25, 2008
Does anyone know how to create a simple picture slideshow with music? I thought it was going to be easy and volunteered to do one for our Blue & Gold banquet for scouts. I'm now three weeks away and don't have any clue how to do it or if you need special software. Me and my big mouth! Anyone have suggestions for how to do this simply and inexpensively?
Do you have Powerpoint on your computer? That's what we used for the slideshow we did for DS's Eagle Court of Honor. That's the only slideshow I've ever worked on. DS did most of the work on it. I'll ask him when he gets in later if he has any other ideas on how to do a slideshow. He's good with that kind of stuff.
Thanks for your suggestion. I don't have powerpoint but I do have movie maker and it is perfect. Please thank your son for me.....I'll have a happy bunch of cubs and parents at our Blue & Gold dinner in a couple of weeks. I'm even going to make them each a copy of the slideshow.
Hi, I often use Photo MovieTheater to help me make photo slideshow a with music.
using that, you can add background music, caption, illustration, effect,transition,etc.
Of course, you can put the slideshow on CD, DVD. and you can enjoy it on TV.
More than that, Photo MovieTheater support HD output. It allows you to have a new experience in HD slideshow.

Just google "Photo MovieTheater" and you will find it.

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