Secret Green Club - whatever number thread

Our two days in Disneyland were great. Hardly any crowds and Brian felt OK. Tomorrow is DTD, church, and laundry, then we get on the ship Monday.
I'm sure you are in the middle of the ocean by now, but I hope Brian is feeling better and you are having a marvelous time!!!:cloud9:
Just about ready to book next trip to the motherland. We are looking at going Oct 2 - Oct 10,2014. Can't wait, I have been in withdrawals for a while now. Hard to believe it has been 4 years since the last trip. I have to keep telling myself that I can make it 1 more year without. :scared:
Congrats! You have a lot to look forward to!:wizard:
I'm a terrible limey. I haven't been on here in so long, it's appalling. Please forgive my absence :flower3:
How is everyone? Any Disney trips in the near future?

Hi Allie!!! Glad to see you! I just got back from 2 days in DL (no kids) and we are all going to WDW in Nov for Food & Wine. This is our first F&W trip, so I am already trying to plan a strategy so I don't gain 100 lbs. and spend a fortune.

Hope all is well with you!
Nothing to forgive. You aren't the only one who had been absent, I was too. As you can see from my last post, my next trip is still over a year away (my ticker explains the reason for the wait ;) ).
OH MY GOD CONGRATULATIONS!! A limey baby! :goodvibes
Hi Allie!!! Glad to see you! I just got back from 2 days in DL (no kids) and we are all going to WDW in Nov for Food & Wine. This is our first F&W trip, so I am already trying to plan a strategy so I don't gain 100 lbs. and spend a fortune.

Hope all is well with you!
I'm so jealous, I'm dying to go to F&W. Are you going to do a report? I'd love to hear all about it. All is well with me, I've been crazy busy trying to pack up everything for college and enjoy my final weeks at home. We'll be in Disney in nine days so I'm pretty stoked!
Today was a bit aggravating. A little over a week ago the power windows in my car quit working. After researching a bit, it was decided that it must be the fuse/breaker that caused the controls to go out. So after checking with different auto part stores over the last week with no luck (it is a kind that can only be found at a dealership) managed to get one from the local dealership. Got home and I put the new breaker in and guess what..... nothing happened. So now I still can't put my windows down and have no idea what could be causing the problem. I know it isn't the motors in the controls because they wouldn't all have gone out at the same time. There is also no owners repair manual available for my vehicle :mad: so that means having to have a mechanic look into it (money I don't really have to be spending right now). I have tried researching my vehicle on the internet in the past but haven't had any luck (the searches always came up with every model but mine :headache: :mad: ). I swear the next car I get will be something that I know I can get info on at any time.
Today we got our first item for the baby. A Graco Pack N Play for about 1/2 the original price :cool1: Husband made a comment that the money I was using to get the pack n play was for Disney and I pointed out that we would be using it at WDW next year on our trip so I was still using the money the way I intended ;)
Today we got our first item for the baby. A Graco Pack N Play for about 1/2 the original price :cool1: Husband made a comment that the money I was using to get the pack n play was for Disney and I pointed out that we would be using it at WDW next year on our trip so I was still using the money the way I intended ;)
:thumbsup2 to you.
:earboy2: to Mr. Smarty Pants.
So excited. Now have a crib (sister is giving me the one from her kids) and stroller (again from sister but have to find out about car seats that will fit it because that I will be buying new). Oh and we found out this past monday that we are having a girl. Her name is going to be Kaitlyn (or Katelyn) Rose. We haven't decided on spelling yet.
It has been decided. The baby's name will be Kaitlyn Rose :goodvibes

Early this morning I woke up craving a roast beef po-boy (impossible to get at that time of day :sad2: so settled for cereal. Good thing Kaitlyn doesn't object to cereal or my stomach would still be growling :rotfl:
OH MY GOD CONGRATULATIONS!! A limey baby! :goodvibes

I'm so jealous, I'm dying to go to F&W. Are you going to do a report? I'd love to hear all about it. All is well with me, I've been crazy busy trying to pack up everything for college and enjoy my final weeks at home. We'll be in Disney in nine days so I'm pretty stoked!
I missed this...I guess you are either there now, or just got back. Hope you had/are having a great time!pixiedust:

COLLEGE???? I feel SO OLD!!! I know you will have a great time.pixiedust: Where are you going? Any plans to do the Disney CP? lol

I doubt I do a trip report...I don't have the time or patience, but can do a brief rundown here.

Today was a bit aggravating. A little over a week ago the power windows in my car quit working. After researching a bit, it was decided that it must be the fuse/breaker that caused the controls to go out. So after checking with different auto part stores over the last week with no luck (it is a kind that can only be found at a dealership) managed to get one from the local dealership. Got home and I put the new breaker in and guess what..... nothing happened. So now I still can't put my windows down and have no idea what could be causing the problem. I know it isn't the motors in the controls because they wouldn't all have gone out at the same time. There is also no owners repair manual available for my vehicle :mad: so that means having to have a mechanic look into it (money I don't really have to be spending right now). I have tried researching my vehicle on the internet in the past but haven't had any luck (the searches always came up with every model but mine :headache: :mad: ). I swear the next car I get will be something that I know I can get info on at any time.
What a pain! Could it be an electrical problem? That happened to our car once...the moonroof was posessed and opened and closed when it wanted to. It turned out to be something in the electrical system, not the moonroof itself.
Today we got our first item for the baby. A Graco Pack N Play for about 1/2 the original price :cool1: Husband made a comment that the money I was using to get the pack n play was for Disney and I pointed out that we would be using it at WDW next year on our trip so I was still using the money the way I intended ;)
I love Disney Math!:thumbsup2
It has been decided. The baby's name will be Kaitlyn Rose :goodvibes

Early this morning I woke up craving a roast beef po-boy (impossible to get at that time of day :sad2: so settled for cereal. Good thing Kaitlyn doesn't object to cereal or my stomach would still be growling :rotfl:

What a pretty name!:cutie:
Greetings all! Suppose to be in DW having a great time but so did not happen. couldn't get all the time off so it is now sitting out there for next end of Aug. So missed going...sigh. Had a whole weekend off so got to move some items from my parents to my house. got a new to me fridge, dishwasher ( not hooked up but haven't had one in over a decade, so it may be real nice!) and a lighted curio cabinet.

Now for getting the dead tree out of the front yard, so I can park in the driveway. had a branch go through the front window and struck the passenger seat good. finally got that all right, but it took a bit due to some slide hooks that cracked the 1st windshield & getting a replacement in.

did a quick trip to DC for a women of faith meeting. It was real good, but heavy slow traffic on I-95. Bleah.

School starts for us on tuesday. gonna be a shock to the kids. WalMart is walmart & the Y is still there also.

Hope all is well with guys!
Greetings all! Suppose to be in DW having a great time but so did not happen. couldn't get all the time off so it is now sitting out there for next end of Aug. So missed going...sigh. Had a whole weekend off so got to move some items from my parents to my house. got a new to me fridge, dishwasher ( not hooked up but haven't had one in over a decade, so it may be real nice!) and a lighted curio cabinet.

Now for getting the dead tree out of the front yard, so I can park in the driveway. had a branch go through the front window and struck the passenger seat good. finally got that all right, but it took a bit due to some slide hooks that cracked the 1st windshield & getting a replacement in.

did a quick trip to DC for a women of faith meeting. It was real good, but heavy slow traffic on I-95. Bleah.

School starts for us on tuesday. gonna be a shock to the kids. WalMart is walmart & the Y is still there also.

Hope all is well with guys!

Sorry you had to postpone your trip! I know you will have a great time when you get to go. Good luck with back to school! My kids go back on Wed, Martina is excited, but Chris not so much. I am not looking forward to the schedule. We have had a pretty laid back summer, so not really ready for the activities every night after work, and arguing over homework.:badpc:
Dh is full of surprises. He informed me last week that he wanted to crochet a blanket for the baby. We went and got some yarn on Saturday but after working on it a couple of days, dh said the texture was not working out, so today we went and picked out some new yarn and he already has gone through half a skien. At one point he asked me if I minded if he made a blanket and I informed him that if he can do it all the more power to him because even though I can sew anything, crocheting and knitting is not something I can do. I think it is great that he can do this.:thumbsup2
Well my Limey friends, as my pregnancy progresses plans for a shower are underway and I just have to share with you the plans for the shower favors. ( I know most women aren't involved in the planning of their own shower but my sisters couldn't keep me out of it lol). I came up with this idea because I didn't want to do the traditional favor things that get tossed in a drawer somewhere or get thrown away. Because the baby is due right around Christmas we are going to take the clear ornaments and fill them with Mickey head confetti ( and don't worry there will be our favorite color mixed in :thumbsup2 ). A few years ago I bought a Mickey head paper punch for scrapbooking at WDW and it makes the perfect sized confetti so my one contribution to the shower will be the filling for the favors.
Hey guys, I just wanted to give a quick update from college/revive this dead thread! I'm really liking it out here, the climate is so different from DC (who knew a desert could be so pretty?) but considering it was horribly humid in the days before I left that's not a bad thing. I'm liking most of my classes and I'm making friends, so that's a plus :) To be honest, I'm more Disney sick than home sick at the moment. I'll be going home for Thanksgiving and Christmas so I've got that to look forward to when I do start to feel home sick.

COLLEGE???? I feel SO OLD!!! I know you will have a great time.pixiedust: Where are you going? Any plans to do the Disney CP? lol
How do you think I feel?? I feel like I was just starting middle school yesterday! I'm out in Utah and I'm really enjoying it here. I'm actually at my parents' rival school so the fact that they love me being here says a lot haha. I definitely have plans to do the CP, hopefully in the fall--it will depend on the starting date so that I can make sure I can get residency here. The tuition is a lot less for in-state students (to the tune of $24,000) so I don't want to do anything to mess with that. If not, I'll probably go in the spring. I'm hoping it works out for the fall session because my cousin, who will be graduating from LSU in the spring, was considering having us do the DCP together then but she doesn't know if she'd be able to do spring. Who needs grad school when you can work for Disney? ;)

Well my Limey friends, as my pregnancy progresses plans for a shower are underway and I just have to share with you the plans for the shower favors. ( I know most women aren't involved in the planning of their own shower but my sisters couldn't keep me out of it lol). I came up with this idea because I didn't want to do the traditional favor things that get tossed in a drawer somewhere or get thrown away. Because the baby is due right around Christmas we are going to take the clear ornaments and fill them with Mickey head confetti ( and don't worry there will be our favorite color mixed in :thumbsup2 ). A few years ago I bought a Mickey head paper punch for scrapbooking at WDW and it makes the perfect sized confetti so my one contribution to the shower will be the filling for the favors.
I am so excited for you and your family! I hope the shower was/will be great! Sending good thoughts to you and your family :goodvibes I love the name Kaitlyn Rose by the way.
Baby shower was nice. The favors didn't end up like I originally planned, the confetti was too small to give it the look I wanted so ended up making curled paper strips to add to the ornaments and they came out really nice. Some of the paper I used has baby foot prints on it. The other I used matches the invitation paper and I cut mickey heads out on the strips, then threw the confetti that made in the ornaments as well. A ribbon around the top finished the look.

Now that the shower is over, dh and I have to finish the nursery. Of course I am finding doing much harder because of issues that have developed in the last few weeks. I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and just this past week was put on bed rest for a few days due to becoming dehydrated. They were worried about preclampsia but tests have ruled that out for now (have to redo tests in a week to make sure). So for the past few days I have been laying around drinking so much water I feel like I am going to float away and being bored out of my mind. Those of you that have me on Facebook have probably seen my posts about it.

One thing I need to do (most likely today) is pack a hospital bag. Only 7 more weeks till due date and no telling if my little one will make an early appearance. And as soon as Dh and I can schedule a couple of hours in our time, we need to go pick up items for baby we didn't get at the shower. I also need to get with my sister about getting the crib out of her storage (though plans are the baby will start off in a bassinet and not need the crib for a couple of months).

Best get my day started. Have a great weekend everyone.
Baby shower was nice. The favors didn't end up like I originally planned, the confetti was too small to give it the look I wanted so ended up making curled paper strips to add to the ornaments and they came out really nice. Some of the paper I used has baby foot prints on it. The other I used matches the invitation paper and I cut mickey heads out on the strips, then threw the confetti that made in the ornaments as well. A ribbon around the top finished the look.

Now that the shower is over, dh and I have to finish the nursery. Of course I am finding doing much harder because of issues that have developed in the last few weeks. I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and just this past week was put on bed rest for a few days due to becoming dehydrated. They were worried about preclampsia but tests have ruled that out for now (have to redo tests in a week to make sure). So for the past few days I have been laying around drinking so much water I feel like I am going to float away and being bored out of my mind. Those of you that have me on Facebook have probably seen my posts about it.

One thing I need to do (most likely today) is pack a hospital bag. Only 7 more weeks till due date and no telling if my little one will make an early appearance. And as soon as Dh and I can schedule a couple of hours in our time, we need to go pick up items for baby we didn't get at the shower. I also need to get with my sister about getting the crib out of her storage (though plans are the baby will start off in a bassinet and not need the crib for a couple of months).

Best get my day started. Have a great weekend everyone.
Sending prayers and pixie dust your way pixiedust: I hope your little one takes her time with her arrival and I'm sure her nursery will look fabulous :)

Have a great weekend, all!
Allie, glad things are going well at College! Sounds like you are doing great! I hope you get to do the CP. That would be so awesome!

Kiki, sorry you are in bed rest. Hang in there! I'm praying baby decides to stay put for a while!

I am on the way to the Muthaland! Our flight is at 6:09 but the plane isn't here yet.
Allie, glad things are going well at College! Sounds like you are doing great! I hope you get to do the CP. That would be so awesome!
Congrats on college, Allie. Just like you to take off acrooss the country and the border!Weren't you in Canada for a while?! :confused3 Hope CP goes well for you. My older son's cousin (paternal side) just got hired on there to work behind the scenes. She was a CP about 18 months or more ago & ended up moving down there to make sure she could get in. Lighting & show type stuff.

Kiki, sorry you are in bed rest. Hang in there! I'm praying baby decides to stay put for a while! Enjoy the quite time while you have it. It gets loud, rowdy & sleepless for a bit after the little one arrives. Glad the shower went so well and you got most the things you needed. I got GD with my 3rd, all food tasted like I was eating cardboard. Keep drinking as you don't want them having to come to you to do IV's every few days!

As some know we are doing a slow remodel on my house. Krista's room was first, then the living room. Next up is dining room/office & kitchen. It will be 3 years in Jan 14 that Bill died. Talk about time going fast! I'll post some pictures when I can!

I am on the way to the Muthaland! Our flight is at 6:09 but the plane isn't here yet.
Enjoy DW Heather! Have a great weekend all!
I have no idea how I got unsubscribed from this thread. Looks like I have missed a few things.


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