SB:I'm getting less portable.


DIS Veteran
Aug 25, 1999
I swore when I started scrapping that I would not acquire any more supplies and tools then I could fit in my Crop N Style Jr. Well, half way full that sucker was just too heavy to carry so I bought the Crop N Style XXL. I said I would never fill it up. I just wanted the convenience of wheels. OK, Last night I bought a 19 shelf paper rack. My LSS owner got a good deal on them so I thought why not. The funny thing is, I can see myself needing another in the near future.


BWAAAA HAHAHAHA! Sorry couldn't resist! You sound just like me! I started with the crop and style loved it but out grew it faster than greased lightening! Bought the XXL love it but boy is it heavy! I am looking at a corner of our basement and have big plans with the tax check! LOL!
Could be worse! At least we are preserving the future!
LOL Chessie! That sounds like me too...seems I keep aquiring more and more supplies daily!! :)
I think alot of us are in that boat.

I bought the XXL for my son (my cropping buddy) so he could keep the supplies neat in his room. This was it was all neat and ready to go to crops, which is about the only place we ever work.

NOW...I have the xxl - 4 paper takers, the jr navigator, and just bought the regular size one for my daughter for her brass stencils and supplies. Sure enough...still not enough room...DId I mention the milk crate full of paper and the two bakers racks full of supplies...and the six larger drawers of more stuff?

I swear...I could open my own store!!!

I bet a lot of us are in that same boat. I remember after I finished scrapping my first Disney trip I put the "leftover" (yes, that is how I thought of it then) paper and die cuts in ONE large envelope and the scissors in a quart size ziploc bag and put them in a deep drawer of my regular home office desk.

Today, I have not only my portion of our home office (which the scrapping stuff is now all out of) but last summer I took our "spare room" - you know the one that is supposed to be for guests but is the junk collector? and cleaned it out. Then along one wall I set up the 8 foot table we had for Scouts that we no longer needed as extra work space because the troop shrunk. This room as a couple sets of drawers that hold some small paper, scissors, adhesives, stickers, card stock, etc. Then there are the baskets with paper, page protectors. Not to mention the pile on top of the piano for the book I'm working on right now or will be again in a few weeks!

On New Year's Day two other families came over and the girls scrapped. One has been doing this for years and walked in carrying 3 totes, a large album of stickers, and had her hubby and son loaded down with more stuff. Then there was me - not quite to her level yet, and finally a newbie. She spent most of the day just trying to organize the few snap packs she has picked up, opening the packages on some CM tools, and sorting pictures trying to figure out how she wants to progress. She finished one page and was delighted. Then looked at our self-proclaimed QUEEN who was slicing up a panaramic background shot to work in with her son's senior proofs and said "why am I doing this? I'll never be able to do that?" Well after we wiped the tears of laughter out of our eyes I pulled out one of those "first" books you don't usually show off and assured her she certainly would if she wanted to and Brenda showed her the fast formulas book where she came up with the idea!

I started with a 3x6 table, and a small 3-drawer table top organizer in January of 1999.
Then it was a PSB and a rolling cart for my paper. Add 2 more iris carts. Then pretty soon my entire wall unit in my condo was full (I wanted THAT condo because I knew it could house my stuff LOL)

Now I have a 750sf crop and shop and an online store, LOL. I envy my friends that only buy what they need to do a layout and can fit all their tools in a cis jr. :rolleyes: Maybe one day! LOL
I never WAS portable! LOL

And I find that the more stuff I buy (tools, embellishments....), the longer it takes me to scrap a page.

More decisions on what style will this be; what tools do I want to use; what paper; what embellishments....... LOL

Plain old black backgrounds & photo corners with white pen are looking better & better. LOL


Starting to think I'm a SHOPPER, not a SCRAPPER! LOL
Ahhh, I am also pretty much non-portable, I still have nothing to lug my stuff around in!
Here's the kicker, Dale told me he was going buy me a crop tote and he waited till last minute and went to the lss on xmas eve and guess what-it was closed!!!!! Oh well he did plan enough to get me an engagement ring-he's a keeper!
So when I go it I have to put my stuff in a cloth bag! How pathetic is that!

Grover in Winnipeg
I haven't been portable for quite a while now. I love that I have an entire room, but it keeps me from crops, which I absolutely love. I finally today broke down and ordered the CM tote, the new large one. I'm hoping that this will allow me to get back to cropping outside the house. I also have to work on the idea that I have to take EVERYTHING with me to a crop. If I can get better at power planning I made be able to take less and do more - now there's a thought ;)
Lisa I am with you on that one! On Friday night I went to my girlfriend's to scrap and I knew what I was working on and I lugged everything....Or course I used only a few things and knew this ahead of time!
So now I am thinking about reorganizing my organizing! I have several books I am working on right now and I should just pull all the stuff that goes in those books and keep it together....Gotta go...time to move stuff around...NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAH I could do it if I was only scrapping a couple of hours but not all day! you know you remember you have that perfect paper...but you left it home.....
I'm definately not portable but not because I have so much stuff, mostly because I only have a cloth bag to carry what I do have. But I tend to mainly go to crops at my lss and so I just buy what I need when I'm there except for tools. It works out pretty well for me, especially since I do the majority of my scrapping at home.


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