Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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Since when did Big Brother become a Disney character?
Disney has been doing mandatory daily "room checks" for 2 years. Waking up children during naps, interrupting showers and other intimate activities, etc and if you dare not answer the door and you kept your latch on, you get immediately called on the phone. I see that as far more Big Brother than enforcing basic public health measures.
Disney asks guests to check their temp before they arrive at the park. Therefore every party should travel with a thermometer and check temps of everyone before leaving their room. What you chose to do with the data you receive is up to you.

I wish they were doing the temp check before boarding transportation at the resort, as opposed to doing it at the park. For one, why have an ill person traveling to and from the park with other guests? I haven’t heard that alternative transportation will be provided if you are turned away. Second, it would prevent what I think will be huge bottlenecks at the park gates if everyone is checked in one area. If they are concerned about missing someone, they could use a hand stamp like they used to for park re-entry. Third, the lines would be shorter at the resorts so people wouldn’t be standing in the sun so long before having the temperature check, and at some resorts, they wouldn’t be outdoors at all. I know how long the lines can get at bag check, and wonder how long they will be with six foot spacing. Hopefully the temp check will be at the same place since it is being done at the parks, so you don’t have to go through a long line twice. I guess it would be too difficult to separate day guests from resort guests. It will be interesting to see how long the temperature check lines are at DS when the Disney owned businesses reopen. It could get dangerous if the lines are looping back and forth too close to moving vehicles.

I don’t have a problem with the temp checks, but I do have some concerns about the implementation. Crowd control has not always been one of Disney’s strong points, but for this, it needs to be.
I wish they were doing the temp check before boarding transportation at the resort, as opposed to doing it at the park. For one, why have an ill person traveling to and from the park with other guests? I haven’t heard that alternative transportation will be provided if you are turned away. Second, it would prevent what I think will be huge bottlenecks at the park gates if everyone is checked in one area. If they are concerned about missing someone, they could use a hand stamp like they used to for park re-entry. Third, the lines would be shorter at the resorts so people wouldn’t be standing in the sun so long before having the temperature check, and at some resorts, they wouldn’t be outdoors at all. I know how long the lines can get at bag check, and wonder how long they will be with six foot spacing. Hopefully the temp check will be at the same place since it is being done at the parks, so you don’t have to go through a long line twice. I guess it would be too difficult to separate day guests from resort guests. It will be interesting to see how long the temperature check lines are at DS when the Disney owned businesses reopen. It could get dangerous if the lines are looping back and forth too close to moving vehicles.

I don’t have a problem with the temp checks, but I do have some concerns about the implementation. Crowd control has not always been one of Disney’s strong points, but for this, it needs to be.

They could do it while your bags are being checked. I just had it done at a doctor’s office. It takes seconds.
Disney could tie mask wearing violations to tickets and magic bands. The first time a customer gets a warning. The second time they get another warning. The third time their ticket and magic band will flag them and not work at the gate when they try to enter the park again.

You could probably do it all remotely and notify the customer via the app. A CM sees them on the camera without a mask and a notification pops up on the app. No CM interaction. It’s all done with cameras. It’s like red light cameras.

The interaction would be when they aren’t let into the park. But you can have security at the gates to help with this.
You have waaay more faith in Disney IT than I do. It messes up way too much to have serious consequences like that. I get random pics of ppl I don’t know all the time so it’s not unlikely they could mix up mask violations too.
I don’t have a problem with the temp checks, but I do have some concerns about the implementation. Crowd control has not always been one of Disney’s strong points, but for this, it needs to be.
Remember at first at least, they are going to be at reduced capacity. It won’t be like a normal park day so while it will take longer, there won’t be the kind of crowds you normally see. Being outside in the heat won’t really cause your body temperature to rise.
I wouldn’t expect you’re going to have that many people who actually have a temp. If you watched the process at CityWalk, it only took a brief moment to check temps.
If they have you on camera in an area where you’re supposed to wear a mask, then it’s hard to get it wrong. I have pics of me on the mine train tied to my magic band. They already have the technology to deploy this in the parks. This is far easier than asking CMs to ask people to wear masks.
I also have gotten pics of random families on mine train & other rides too. It messes up all the time.
Oooh...what will become of daily room checks?

Personally, I would not have any issues with ANY meet and greets outside. I am not worried of the virus being spread with short (and potentially still somewhat distance) close contact with a character outside. Especially with kids (who are VERY minimally affected by the virus). I think the jury is still out on how easily this thing spreads via the air .. especially outside.

Waiting in a queue in an indoor space is another thing (confined space, air conditioning blowing and recirculating the air). But meeting Buzz in Tomorrowland, Merida in her alcove, the Toy Story Gang in TSL or any characters on the Town Square should be good. Have sanitizing stations before and after you meet the character. Treat it like a petting zoo. :).
Granted outdoor M&Gs are pretty rough during the summer, but that would keep the lines down, thus less crowded and more distant.
You know it's not a petting zoo, right? That the people in the costumes are, in fact, real people? And they could die because you don't care about getting close to them for your vacation? I really appreciate the work CMs do and I love a good picture of goofing off with Stitch and my kids but my adoration of their work just can't compare to their life. I'm sorry - that's a messed up logic (I have a response to the "very minimally affected" thing but I'm trying to stay OT to Disney related issues).
Oooh...what will become of daily room checks?

My guess? The concept will be abandoned. It was all just theater anyway, and at the moment it's pretty risky for a CM to enter peoples' hotel rooms. And I'd certainly never let a CM in my room if they were wearing a mask! You would have no way to positively ID an intruder if it turned out they were just pretending to be a CM to get into your room.
That's not really how internal temperatures work though so you shouldn't be worried. Our bodies are designed to regulate our internal temperatures regardless of the external temp and unless something is wrong with your body, your internal temp shouldn't vary more than 1 degree or so. For example, we still swim in pools that are set to temperatures lower than 90 degrees, but if our internal body temperature fell below 96 degrees we would be considered to have mild hypothermia and a degree or two more would mean we were in a life-threatening situation. Even on a blistering hot and humid Florida summer day, you would have a lot more to worry about healthwise if your temperature rose above 100.4 degrees on the walk from the car to the gates than not being allowed into the park.

If you have a temperature above 100.4 degrees, regardless of whether its due to COVID, that is a sign your body is not well and its probably best not to put it through a day at a Disney park anyways. Some might see it as an unfair or arbitrary or even paternalistic policy, but health professionals have suggested that cutoff because 100.4 degrees is an internal temperature that has concerning health implications no matter what the cause.
I believe OP was concerned about the external temperature measuring device (temp scanner) not measuring correctly in high ambient temperatures, where your skin may be "hot" but not your actual temperature. Reverse situation for me during a cold spell here about a week and a half ago. My measured temp at home prior to leaving for work was 97.6-normal for me. After the 5 minute walk in 38* temperature to my work place entrance, my temp (measured with a laser scanner about 6" away from my temple)was 95.4. Had to wait about 20 minutes for my temp to read in the acceptable band before I could enter the work place. This was done inside at the access building. I imagine there could be issues doing this outside when it's very hot out. Though >100.4 would most likely indicate something is going on
My guess? The concept will be abandoned. It was all just theater anyway, and at the moment it's pretty risky for a CM to enter peoples' hotel rooms. And I'd certainly never let a CM in my room if they were wearing a mask! You would have no way to positively ID an intruder if it turned out they were just pretending to be a CM to get into your room.

Put cameras or motion sensors in the room. What could possibly go wrong.
We have a trip for August and I'm so unsure about what to do. I feel comfortable with the precautions they are proposing but the suspense is painful. I don't want to get my hopes up.
IMHO in August you won't have any changes , you might still see some still wearing masks but other than that it will be normal by then
You know it's not a petting zoo, right? That the people in the costumes are, in fact, real people? And they could die because you don't care about getting close to them for your vacation? I really appreciate the work CMs do and I love a good picture of goofing off with Stitch and my kids but my adoration of their work just can't compare to their life. I'm sorry - that's a messed up logic (I have a response to the "very minimally affected" thing but I'm trying to stay OT to Disney related issues).
unless the people in the costumes are actually nursing homes residents or over 65, I don’t think they have too much to worry about , plus they are in costumes. Let’s not get too crazy ;)
You know it's not a petting zoo, right? That the people in the costumes are, in fact, real people? And they could die because you don't care about getting close to them for your vacation? I really appreciate the work CMs do and I love a good picture of goofing off with Stitch and my kids but my adoration of their work just can't compare to their life. I'm sorry - that's a messed up logic (I have a response to the "very minimally affected" thing but I'm trying to stay OT to Disney related issues).
Oh good gravy .. of course I know that. We ALL know that. And I wasn't comparing castmembers in character to animals in a petting zoo. Of course the safety of the cast members should be considered, but I was just postulating that I think that M&Gs could be done outside more safely (for both guests and castmembers alike) than inside with sanitation stations at the entrance and exit of said M&G. You took my comments a bit out of context.
Oh good gravy .. of course I know that. We ALL know that. And I wasn't comparing castmembers in character to animals in a petting zoo. Of course the safety of the cast members should be considered, but I was just postulating that I think that M&Gs could be done outside more safely (for both guests and castmembers alike) than inside with sanitation stations at the entrance and exit of said M&G. You took my comments a bit out of context.
Off topic, I am a social worker & am amazed at how many ppl suddenly are advocates for the safety & health of their fellow man/woman. I don’t recall all this concern & advocacy for others when I was working with the abused, the mentally ill, the homeless, etc. Now all of a sudden everyone is a hero b/c they wear a mask. I suspect all of this new found concern has more to do with the fact that ppl are now more concerned about how it will affect them or their loved ones.
Oh good gravy .. of course I know that. We ALL know that. And I wasn't comparing castmembers in character to animals in a petting zoo. Of course the safety of the cast members should be considered, but I was just postulating that I think that M&Gs could be done outside more safely (for both guests and castmembers alike) than inside with sanitation stations at the entrance and exit of said M&G. You took my comments a bit out of context.

I apologize if it felt like I took your words out of context. When I read them, it felt full of entitlement - but I recognize I could be wrong.

Off topic, I am a social worker & am amazed at how many ppl suddenly are advocates for the safety & health of their fellow man/woman. I don’t recall all this concern & advocacy for others when I was working with the abused, the mentally ill, the homeless, etc. Now all of a sudden everyone is a hero b/c they wear a mask. I suspect all of this new found concern has more to do with the fact that ppl are now more concerned about how it will affect them or their loved ones.

It's funny; as a very left-leaning minister - I'm delighted to see more people speak up/out about safety and health, caring for the whole of society and not just themselves, and finding ways to make the world more accessible for everyone. I would assume most of my colleagues in the social work world would also want to have people on board - but to each their own.
This just popped into my head... how about Phinnes Gus Ezra giant heads floor mats. Each large enough for a family of say 6 to stand on, all scattered at a safe distance... Instead of stepping into the dead center of the room, it could Pick your favorite ghost and maybe they’ll pick you....

Off topic, I am a social worker & am amazed at how many ppl suddenly are advocates for the safety & health of their fellow man/woman. I don’t recall all this concern & advocacy for others when I was working with the abused, the mentally ill, the homeless, etc. Now all of a sudden everyone is a hero b/c they wear a mask. I suspect all of this new found concern has more to do with the fact that ppl are now more concerned about how it will affect them or their loved ones.
Truthfully no one I know is claiming or pretending to be a hero for wearing a mask. I am in a hot spot, masks became required here last week(edited: actually closer to 2 weeks ago - time is a challenge these days!) but the majority were wearing them before that and miraculously no one I know in real life talks about wearing one anywhere near as much as they are talked about here. The conversations I have about masks in real life only consist of “Do you have your mask?” or “Time to get a new mask.” That’s it. The end. No drama, no angst, no endless conversation.

And if you’ve personally encountered so little concern for your fellow man before now then maybe you need to expand your circle of friends and acquaintances because amongst most everyone I associate with, doing something simple like wearing a mask because it *might* help someone else from getting sick is just a given and not something to be debated or agonized over. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I apologize if it felt like I took your words out of context. When I read them, it felt full of entitlement - but I recognize I could be wrong.

It's funny; as a very left-leaning minister - I'm delighted to see more people speak up/out about safety and health, caring for the whole of society and not just themselves, and finding ways to make the world more accessible for everyone. I would assume most of my colleagues in the social work world would also want to have people on board - but to each their own.
Let’s just say masks are the new thoughts & prayers b/c it makes ppl feel like they’re doing something when they’re really not doing much. I don’t mean actually wearing the mask in accordance with guidelines & laws but the constant preaching about them to others.
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