room key and name at hrh


Earning My Ears
Aug 9, 2000
do the room keys have children's name on them or just the person who booked the room? (or no name at all?)it looks like i will be farming one of my kids on to grandma's ressie, adding another older child to my room do i need to go thru the hassel of informing the hotel or can i leave the ressie as i have them now?
Hi Artie,
Yes, each room card has the person's name on it. My children each had their own card which they needed to keep with them for every ride. Ride attendents checked for our cards every single time. They did not actually look at our names, but we each needed the card with us to use express lane.
They ask you what name you want on each card and print out your cards for you when you check into the hotel.
The first time I stayed at the PBH, they gave me room keys with each person's name ... since then it's always been all the keys had my name on them and they didn't put the different names (three stays since).

They only check the dates on the key, if that (which they do seem to check more carefully now than previously).
HRH asked us how many room keys we wanted, we had 2 adults and 2 kids in party. We took three but ds never took his on the rides. Attendants did ask us adults for ours though.



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