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With many going well over 30 days it seems - could folks have set their closing for 31 days from submission? Then disney misses out on ROFR? Of course, I know the mouse always wins - but always trying to think of the "what could be"s...
With many going well over 30 days it seems - could folks have set their closing for 31 days from submission? Then disney misses out on ROFR? Of course, I know the mouse always wins - but always trying to think of the "what could be"s...
I've wondered this myself. I felt it was too obvious a strategy that no one would use it, so I must have been missing something.
With many going well over 30 days it seems - could folks have set their closing for 31 days from submission? Then disney misses out on ROFR? Of course, I know the mouse always wins - but always trying to think of the "what could be"s...
My contract can't close until 10/29/2019 and out of the 160 pts only 138 are available for 2020; i selected this contract bc i figured it would turn them off that there are no current points and missing future points. YET i'm still waiting day 35...
I love this post and your resilience! You went from "maybe" to another accepted offer in record time. Here's hoping the greedy mouse lets this one go . . .
Thank you for the kind wishes. We already purchased five resales with no issue before 2017, so having a few points on other contracts helps. The way I look at this, if we get a few points at discounted price it's great, otherwise we keep the money and have other options - the world is bigger than WDW. Still, would never buy a timeshare direct - from an investment standpoint it is insane to sink cash in an asset that is worth 60% of paid price from Day 1. Perhaps "insane" is not the right word, should say "magic".
Thank you for the kind wishes. We already purchased five resales with no issue before 2017, so having a few points on other contracts helps. The way I look at this, if we get a few points at discounted price it's great, otherwise we keep the money and have other options - the world is bigger than WDW. Still, would never buy a timeshare direct - from an investment standpoint it is insane to sink cash in an asset that is worth 60% of paid price from Day 1. Perhaps "insane" is not the right word, should say "magic".
How do you use that many points? That seems awesome to have so many.
OK, going back to business - which these days seems to be negotiating good deals for the greedy Mouse:

Dracula---$125-$66910-500-BLT-Feb-0/18, 500/19, 500/20- sent 2/21
Not for nothing, and honestly wish you luck, but I don't see this having much of a chance. I can see why the seller would agree to such a low price because of the size of the contract, but that's not an issue for Disney; they can split it up however they like. But hey, if you can sneak one 5-hole and get BLT at such a good price, why not?

Edit to add;Disney aught to do you a solid and let you have this one since you already gave them an opportunity to snag an even better deal on the last one. Sadly I doubt that's how it works.
OK, going back to business - which these days seems to be negotiating good deals for the greedy Mouse:

Dracula---$125-$66910-500-BLT-Feb-0/18, 500/19, 500/20- sent 2/21

Good luck! I saw that contract pop up and thought it was a pretty good deal. I've kicked the idea around of buying a huge contract like that and renting out half the points every year to cover the annual dues. I'm not in the position to commit that kind of money to doing it though, at least not right now, but I've thought about it.
Espov---$138-$23290-160-BLT-Feb-0/18, 0/19, 138/20, 160/21- sent 1/17, taken 2/21
Espov---$138-$23290-160-BLT-Feb-0/18, 0/19, 138/20, 160/21- sent 1/17, taken 2/21

I’m sorry. There are a lot of good BLT contracts right now if you want to try again. This one seems to be in line with all the “market value” contracts. It still stinks when they take them.
My contract can't close until 10/29/2019 and out of the 160 pts only 138 are available for 2020; i selected this contract bc i figured it would turn them off that there are no current points and missing future points. YET i'm still waiting day 35...

Not to be a negative Nelly but it seems like they are going for stripped contracts more often than loaded. Which is a further data point that is completely confusing and makes for no pattern with these silly buy backs.
Not to be a negative Nelly but it seems like they are going for stripped contracts more often than loaded. Which is a further data point that is completely confusing and makes for no pattern with these silly buy backs.

Just got the email, it was taken. Not sure I will try again, i felt a little pressured to get it in before new restrictions. Now there is no real sense of urgency anymore.
Just got the email, it was taken. Not sure I will try again, i felt a little pressured to get it in before new restrictions. Now there is no real sense of urgency anymore.

I'm sorry. I was afraid this was likely to happen. Also with how they hiked BLT direct that same week.
OK, going back to business - which these days seems to be negotiating good deals for the greedy Mouse:

Dracula---$125-$66910-500-BLT-Feb-0/18, 500/19, 500/20- sent 2/21

I was watching that contract too, mainly out of curiosity since it's large number of points. That's a great price and I hope you get past ROFR.
I was watching that contract too, mainly out of curiosity since it's large number of points. That's a great price and I hope you get past ROFR.

Ha we are sending one for the same amount per point. Ours is 175 points and was listed at $129 so we offered $125 sending the deposit today.
Wishing you all the best perhaps they will get the message if we refuse to inflate the BLT price in resale.
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