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I passed ROFR on April 6th for my 30 point OKW December use year contract and received the closing documents from DVC Title & Escrow on April 8th. I requested to do a manual signing. When I received the closing documents by e-mail, there was a problem with the spelling of my town, so I contracted them to correct the spelling. I was told to just correct it but could not find a way to do that on my downloaded documents.
They said I could just write the correct spelling on the printed forms. But I was not comfortable with the, so I requested corrected documents be sent to me which I received on April 12th. Due to a broken printer and the need to buy a new one, I didn't send my certified bank check and closing documents back until April 15th. They were received by DVC Title & Escrow on April 17th.
I waited until April 23rd to contact DVC Title about when I could expect a closing date. Their reply was: "the sellers failed their ID verification during the remote online notary session" and that they had e-mailed the sellers the closing documents on April 18th. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I am curious if rjim87 (who has the twin contract to mine) has run into the same situation :confused3
I passed ROFR on April 6th for my 30 point OKW December use year contract and received the closing documents from DVC Title & Escrow on April 8th. I requested to do a manual signing. When I received the closing documents by e-mail, there was a problem with the spelling of my town, so I contracted them to correct the spelling. I was told to just correct it but could not find a way to do that on my downloaded documents.
They said I could just write the correct spelling on the printed forms. But I was not comfortable with the, so I requested corrected documents be sent to me which I received on April 12th. Due to a broken printer and the need to buy a new one, I didn't send my certified bank check and closing documents back until April 15th. They were received by DVC Title & Escrow on April 17th.
I waited until April 23rd to contact DVC Title about when I could expect a closing date. Their reply was: "the sellers failed their ID verification during the remote online notary session" and that they had e-mailed the sellers the closing documents on April 18th. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I am curious if rjim87 (who has the twin contract to mine) has run into the same situation :confused3
The ID verification can be a pain if you aren’t technology savvy….
I passed ROFR on April 6th for my 30 point OKW December use year contract and received the closing documents from DVC Title & Escrow on April 8th. I requested to do a manual signing. When I received the closing documents by e-mail, there was a problem with the spelling of my town, so I contracted them to correct the spelling. I was told to just correct it but could not find a way to do that on my downloaded documents.
They said I could just write the correct spelling on the printed forms. But I was not comfortable with the, so I requested corrected documents be sent to me which I received on April 12th. Due to a broken printer and the need to buy a new one, I didn't send my certified bank check and closing documents back until April 15th. They were received by DVC Title & Escrow on April 17th.
I waited until April 23rd to contact DVC Title about when I could expect a closing date. Their reply was: "the sellers failed their ID verification during the remote online notary session" and that they had e-mailed the sellers the closing documents on April 18th. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I am curious if rjim87 (who has the twin contract to mine) has run into the same situation :confused3
@mlittig No problems with spelling errors on the closing docs, but yeah, I was told the same thing by DVC Title... that the sellers failed their ID verification during online notary on the 18th and that it could be another week before the sellers return their signed/notarized closing docs. It was especially heartbreaking since we reached out to DVC title the day before and at that time, they said everything was on track to close on the 19th🙁
Yes, actually it was a closing email, so everything is signed and done.
So maybe another week is realistic?
More than that. The Deed has to be recorded and the Disney will set up your membership if you don’t have one. If memory serves me correctly my deed was recorded on 4/1 and I got my points on 4/16.
... That's what allows an apples to apples comparison of all these different sales.
Keep in mind no matter how carefully we try to track sales - there is actually a "value" difference besides price per point, who pays closing costs (and extra charges or liabilities like exist with contracts or possibly higher escrow fees at, how many points are banked, borrowed etc. - and who paid for those or what their resale value might be.

Even the Use Year AT THAT MOMENT IN TIME changes the value too... if there a ton of contracts that day in the same UY (or none); or for example, we just passed the use year and now Direct is no longer including some points for that one (so Direct values are down and loaded contracts Resale value is up?) ... there are a lot of variables.

Frankly, someone saying, we need this purchased and closed so we can book the dang vacation has a $ value too ;)
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They borrowed 206 points for a reservation in February- late March of 2025 (which falls into the 2025 use year for February) based on the timing of this.
Which will delay closing until after the stay is completed. If you make an offer, be sure to take that into consideration.
Which will delay closing until after the stay is completed. If you make an offer, be sure to take that into consideration.
I am a fan of 2 to 3 months delayed closings to get a better deal, but I would never agree to one that is more than six months out— if the DVC market gets much stronger, seller can back out to find a buyer who will pay much more, and if it gets weaker, you can’t back out without forfeiting your deposit. Given how volatile things have been, I wouldn’t take the risk of a contract that won’t close for nearly a year.
Yes they borrowed from 2026. You are allowed to borrow up to two years ahead of current UY.
As a general concept, isn't this incorrect?? You can only borrow one year ahead.....but.... for someone who has a Feb UY, they could make a reservation today for March 2025 which is in their 2025 UY and that's why they could borrow 2026 UY points. Not because they can borrow two years ahead.
As a general concept, isn't this incorrect?? You can only borrow one year ahead.....but.... for someone who has a Feb UY, they could make a reservation today for March 2025 which is in their 2025 UY and that's why they could borrow 2026 UY points. Not because they can borrow two years ahead.
Seems weird to make a reservation that far in advance and immediately put it up for sale. Also in seeing that listing, I don't see any delayed closing or "can close after XX/XX/2025" language on it, but then again this particular broker isn't the best at spelling out all these important details. Most likely they used points for the Disney collection (ABD, cruise, etc) which allows members to use points from the next 2 to 3 UY.
Seems weird to make a reservation that far in advance and immediately put it up for sale. Also in seeing that listing, I don't see any delayed closing or "can close after XX/XX/2025" language on it, but then again this particular broker isn't the best at spelling out all these important details. Most likely they used points for the Disney collection (ABD, cruise, etc) which allows members to use points from the next 2 to 3 UY.
Couldn’t they also have transferred those points into a different membership contract? 🤔
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