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Totally not judging here, genuinely curious. I know you folks don't know me so you might otherwise take this question the wrong way, hence the disclaimer ;)

I see contracts being bought - here, elsewhere, and just by watching broker pages - that have no points coming for sometimes 18 months or even longer. What is the thought process behind that transaction? For us, it was important to find a contract as loaded up with points as possible so as to begin using the membership we are going to be paying for as soon as the cash leaves our hot little hands. I'm not looking at any contracts that will not have points coming by June of next year, preferably April or sooner. So I'm genuinely interested to know why you would buy something today that you couldn't use for so long. Why not wait?

Thanks for indulging the noob ;)

For us on both of our resale BLT buys was the fact that having no points for the current use year also meant we paid no MF and got a great deal since it was a stripped contract. Depending on what time of year you want to go, many people book right at the 11 month window and having a few extra months before that allows time to find a good contract, wait for paperwork from the sellers to the broker, waiting on the mouse for ROFR, and finally closing and the points to actually appear in your dvc account. Hope that helps.
disfoodie---$100-$21138-200-AKV-Feb-0/17, 72/18, 200/19, 200/20- sent 5/14, passed 5/31

So I tend to be a lurker on this board, but the few times I have asked questions everyone has been so helpful. Thank you for that! This was our first time making it to ROFR (first time seller pulled out) and with all the offers being taken at AKV I was for sure Disney would take it. Still shocked it went through. Now in the home stretch of being a first time DVC owner!!!
disfoodie---$100-$21138-200-AKV-Feb-0/17, 72/18, 200/19, 200/20- sent 5/14, passed 5/31

So I tend to be a lurker on this board, but the few times I have asked questions everyone has been so helpful. Thank you for that! This was our first time making it to ROFR (first time seller pulled out) and with all the offers being taken at AKV I was for sure Disney would take it. Still shocked it went through. Now in the home stretch of being a first time DVC owner!!!

disfoodie---$100-$21138-200-AKV-Feb-0/17, 72/18, 200/19, 200/20- sent 5/14, passed 5/31

So I tend to be a lurker on this board, but the few times I have asked questions everyone has been so helpful. Thank you for that! This was our first time making it to ROFR (first time seller pulled out) and with all the offers being taken at AKV I was for sure Disney would take it. Still shocked it went through. Now in the home stretch of being a first time DVC owner!!!

Nice. I'm jealous........I had an Oct use year for less points stripped @ $101 per point and they took it. Oh well.
Hammer22---$137.5-$22375-160-BCV-Mar-0/17, 0/18, 160/19, 160/20- sent 6/1

Can I request a collective crossing of fingers? Its my first crack at this...

It's always exciting to have a new BCV'er join the club. Good luck!
disfoodie---$100-$21138-200-AKV-Feb-0/17, 72/18, 200/19, 200/20- sent 5/14, passed 5/31

So I tend to be a lurker on this board, but the few times I have asked questions everyone has been so helpful. Thank you for that! This was our first time making it to ROFR (first time seller pulled out) and with all the offers being taken at AKV I was for sure Disney would take it. Still shocked it went through. Now in the home stretch of being a first time DVC owner!!!
Great deal. Congratulations
disfoodie---$100-$21138-200-AKV-Feb-0/17, 72/18, 200/19, 200/20- sent 5/14, passed 5/31

So I tend to be a lurker on this board, but the few times I have asked questions everyone has been so helpful. Thank you for that! This was our first time making it to ROFR (first time seller pulled out) and with all the offers being taken at AKV I was for sure Disney would take it. Still shocked it went through. Now in the home stretch of being a first time DVC owner!!!

Congratulations! Great deal!
I am waiting on ROFR and the wait is killingggg me... we submitted 5/15 for SSR 120
Mine was submitted on 5/11 and have been fine until now...I am officially stressing that this one will get taken (third strike) and I don’t see a lot out there that will work for us if I have to go for a fourth try. First one was taken on day 21, second on day 28. It would be easier if I had some idea what was passing with OKW but I haven’t seen anything lately.
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