Resort changers~Our Neverending Story*link to new thread pg231

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Pas~ GF RPC sounds heavenly. :cloud9: But...I do not see this sticking...maybe the GF GV portion becomes POP? Or POR...hmmm...BC...I don't know, but I don't think you're done...;)

Dani~ keep hanging in there!!! You're doing the best you can to be there for both of your kiddos despite the current difficult situation. I will say an extra prayer for Danimal to quickly get better!!! :hug:

Kook~ glad you had a great stay, loved reading your BWI review and seeing the pics!!!

I plan on doing a monster review after my July trip! I need to learn how to upload pics before then! :lmao:

Question for my RC AP holders ~ we got our vouchers today!!! :yay: I know that we are going to have to bring those over to the TTC to activate, but I was just wondering...are your names put on the AP's??? Like, how do they know they are yours once they are activated?? I was just thinking if someone had lost theirs, could anyone pick them up and use them??? Just curious as to how that works. :confused3
Oh Dani, I haven't been on for a few days and just read about your little man. I am so sorry he has been so sick. Don't ever doubt yourself as a Mother. I love that you can do FaceTime with him. Hopefully he has turned the corner and will be home tomorrow! You know if there was anything I could do to help I would! In the meantime, pixie dust pixiedust: and :hug:

Magic, I love the egg hunt explanation. So cool!!!:cool1:

Pas, you know how I feel about your change :lovestruc

Busy day for me tomorrow so my next post will be from WDW! :lovestruc
Pas~ GF RPC sounds heavenly. :cloud9: But...I do not see this sticking...maybe the GF GV portion becomes POP? Or POR...hmmm...BC...I don't know, but I don't think you're done...;)
Yay for AP voucher!!! Haven't gotten mine yet so I don't know what they look like :confused3 Instead of changing...I'll atempt to work on our new thread :rotfl:

Pas, you know how I feel about your change :lovestruc

Busy day for me tomorrow so my next post will be from WDW! :lovestruc

Oh Sarah!!!! TOMORROW :dance3: Safe travels my friend!!!! So excited for you. HRH is happy...she explained how we should stay in the castle building so her daddy can listen to the piano and she can get snacks too, she said Sugarloaf is great but she should try something new...(translated: She wants to stay in the Main building :) ) Gotta love this girl:hug: . She had a panic attack this morning :guilty: (she has to read in front of the class today and got all worked up) Our solution, I rub some GF body butter onto her arms and the smell helps her relax....May needs to get here....still didnt tell DH about RPC though....Can't wait to read your posts :yay:

my dear sis :hug: Sorry you are going through all this It is SO hard to watch your baby sick, and to be torn between one athome and one in the hospital Said lots of prayers that Danimal can hold liquids down today...and the doc can send him home so his momma can spoil him rotten:hug:
Oh Sarah!!!! TOMORROW :dance3: Safe travels my friend!!!! So excited for you. HRH is happy...she explained how we should stay in the castle building so her daddy can listen to the piano and she can get snacks too, she said Sugarloaf is great but she should try something new...(translated: She wants to stay in the Main building :) ) Gotta love this girl:hug: . She had a panic attack this morning :guilty: (she has to read in front of the class today and got all worked up) Our solution, I rub some GF body butter onto her arms and the smell helps her relax....May needs to get here....still didnt tell DH about RPC though....Can't wait to read your posts :yay:

my dear sis :hug: Sorry you are going through all this It is SO hard to watch your baby sick, and to be torn between one athome and one in the hospital Said lots of prayers that Danimal can hold liquids down today...and the doc can send him home so his momma can spoil him rotten:hug:

Sarah, how wonderful you will soon be immersed in the magic and enchantment of WDW and the GF. Safe travels! Enjoy!!!

Pas, I missed your latest change!!!:woohoo: I like the way HRH thinks! ::yes:: :love:

(((Dani))) I am so praying your precious Danimal will be much better today and ready to go home and as pas wrote, be spoiled rotten by his mama.

Good Morning, RC family.:hug: Hope you are all doing well...the DIS was pretty crazy this name on posts I never saved subscriptions:eek: ...hoping all is well now.:thumbsup2

Hope to catch up later and see what you've all been up many cha cha changes will I find?? Trust you all have been good RCer's and not let Pas carry the burden! :rotfl:

Love ya all! :grouphug:
Pas, I missed your latest change!!!:woohoo: I like the way HRH thinks! ::yes:: :love:

Good Morning, RC family.:hug: Hope you are all doing well...the DIS was pretty crazy this name on posts I never saved subscriptions:eek: ...hoping all is well now.:thumbsup2

Hope to catch up later and see what you've all been up many cha cha changes will I find?? Trust you all have been good RCer's and not let Pas burden! :rotfl:

Love ya all! :grouphug:

Love you too Christine!!! Sorry the Dis is acting up :headache: Yes I agree with HRH wholeheartedly :lovestruc And time for more cha-cha-changes...(and NOT from me) :hug:
Good Morning

I am perplexed, I know I posted yesterday evening but I do not see it now :confused3

Any way....

Dani I hope Danimal is better today and can come home soon. I hope you were ble to get somemuchneeded rest last night too:hug:

Pas I think staying at GF for the entire trip is your best change yet :thumbsup2

I am in a quandary over booking a cheapo trip for F&W, I brought it up to DH yesterday when I sw FD was being offered at AOA and he said go ahead and book it. :confused3 This morning he still says book it... I just don't know what to do? :confused:
Love you too Christine!!! Sorry the Dis is acting up :headache: Yes I agree with HRH wholeheartedly :lovestruc And time for more cha-cha-changes...(and NOT from me) :hug:

What I meant to was not to let pas CARRY the burden of cha cha changes!!

The DIS is nuts this morning!!!
Good Morning

I am perplexed, I know I posted yesterday evening but I do not see it now :confused3

Any way....

Dani I hope Danimal is better today and can come home soon. I hope you were ble to get somemuchneeded rest last night too:hug:
Pas I think staying at GF for the entire trip is your best change yet

I am in a quandary over booking a cheapo trip for F&W, I brought it up to DH yesterday when I sw FD was being offered at AOA and he said go ahead and book it. :confused3 This morning he still says book it... I just don't know what to do? :confused:

The DIS was down for maintenance this morning and it seems it is still pretty messed up. There are missing posts, posts with the wrong 2 recent pm's are missing...deleted the email notification before reading either one so no idea what they said. :( Hopefully it will all get straightened out soon!

Sheila, I will be there Dec 9 for 5 ngts...come down then and enjoy the decorations!! ::yes::
The DIS was down for maintenance this morning and it seems it is still pretty messed up. There are missing posts, posts with the wrong 2 recent pm's are missing...deleted the email notification before reading either one so no idea what they said. :( Hopefully it will all get straightened out soon!

Sheila, I will be there Dec 9 for 5 ngts...come down then and enjoy the decorations!! ::yes::

A Christmas trip does sound nice...hmmm have to go back to the drawing board. Where are you staying, WL?
Free Dining does come up at AOA now...thus my imaginary dilemma
Ohhhhhh boy, I can see how FD at AoA REALLY ups the Waffle-Quotient! :eek: :eek:

We (minnie&nana) had a lot of fun working on the thread! The technie aspect is not really that hard at all ... and I'd much rather be on the DIS than doing actual work, KWIM??
You are such a modest hostess with the mostess... ;)

I ended up calling again and the CM I talked to yesterday afternoon (that is when the FD showed up for AoA) had a problem with my phone number and didn't complete the reservation change. Dont know why he didn't mention it?? The CM I talked to today did complete it for me.
I'm so glad you got it figured out while your preferred resort was still available. That's a good sign for a great vacation. :cutie:

I did manage a change on vacation. While on the beach at WL I called and changed our summer trip to all WL/CL (13 nights). Of course, DD still wants to split with CR so we'll see where this ends up...
WL 13 nights is lovely... but, I must say DH & I & Mom did just sing the virtues of CR all over again. That's a tough choice, so enjoy the Mickey Waffling... :upsidedow :) :upsidedow :)

I was contemplating going from YC-Standard View CL to Lagoon View CL. I was ready to pull the trigger today, and of course, it wasn't available all of a sudden. HOWEVER... Garden View CL was, which is what I actually wanted, so that was a little change to feed my changing addiction. DH said no more changing. I wanted WL/CL instead of POR, but it's not available. I guess POR is meant to be.... For now.
It is so nice when your choice is available at just the right time. :cloud9: It is meant to be. :) And my own POR love hopes you stick with it. Sure it is a Mod but it is a really good one I happily keep in my repertoire. I love my Deluxes first and foremost, but I STILL breathe a big sigh of stress-relieved when I pull up to the POR gate.

Danimal is still not able to keep anything down and will be spending another night. He did alright without me and we were able to FaceTime together last night and this morning. He's currently feeling better because hes starting with his mouth again lol
Such happy news. You and your babies will all be together again soon. :dance3:

Question for my RC AP holders ~ we got our vouchers today!!!I know that we are going to have to bring those over to the TTC to activate, but I was just wondering...are your names put on the AP's??? Like, how do they know they are yours once they are activated?? I was just thinking if someone had lost theirs, could anyone pick them up and use them??? Just curious as to how that works.
We just renewed at the DtD Guest Services, and you can also swap vouchers at any Theme Park Guest Services. We prefer MK because it is always empty for some reason. And Epcot Gateway is sweet too. Yes, each AP you get will have your name on the back. They are still thin ticket card stock like a park hopper or any other ticket. In our experience when entering the parks, CMs will hold on to that ticket until they are certain you are YOU, and the green light flashes on the turnstyle... and that's a GOOD thing. :thumbsup2

Busy day for me tomorrow so my next post will be from WDW!
I am so excited for you! :banana: :banana: :banana: Make the most of every minute. The weather here is FABULOUS and forecast more of the same for the week!!! Have a wonderful time. :dumbo:

Hope to catch up later and see what you've all been up many cha cha changes will I find?? Trust you all have been good RCer's and not let Pas burden! Love ya all! :grouphug:
I see some wonderful cha-cha-cha-changes in your future too! :teleport: So happy for you. Enjoy all the planning, my friend. :hug: PS -- so far for December I have POP booked one weekend and POR the following weekend... :rolleyes1

Good Morning. I am in a quandary over booking a cheapo trip for F&W, I brought it up to DH yesterday when I sw FD was being offered at AOA and he said go ahead and book it. This morning he still says book it... I just don't know what to do?
Two “book-its” sounds like as much of a resounding YES as I can think from what you've said about your DH. ;) You heard the man, now go BOOK IT. :rotfl: :goodvibes

Trip update......The Pas family will no longer be at the Poly...Pas is weak.....split stay...GF GV & GF RPC
Hi pas130, I can't say this change is a total surprise... :rolleyes1... BUT IT'S A LOLLAPALOOZA OF A GOOD ONE. Enjoy pas family. :dance3:
A Christmas trip does sound nice...hmmm have to go back to the drawing board. Where are you staying, WL?

No idea where we are staying, but most likely not a deluxe.:sad2: Just not in my tiny budget...and I have Christmas shopping, then the RC Girls trip just a month after.:goodvibes Gotta spread the money thin.:rolleyes1

Ohhhhhh boy, I can see how FD at AoA REALLY ups the Waffle-Quotient! :eek: :eek:

You are such a modest hostess with the mostess... ;)

I love my Deluxes first and foremost, but I STILL breathe a big sigh of stress-relieved when I pull up to the POR gate.

I see some wonderful cha-cha-cha-changes in your future too! :teleport: So happy for you. Enjoy all the planning, my friend. :hug: PS -- so far for December I have POP booked one weekend and POR the following weekend... :rolleyes1

Well, the color is not working for me (hope the DIS gets things back to norma soon! :thumbsup2 )

LOVE the hostest with the mostest - Pas is that indeed!! ::yes::

You know it just about makes my day reading how much you love POR :lovestruc ...of course, I know you do...but it is in the running for December and I haven't stayed there since 2006 - rooms were still fresh from that refurb. Although not a huge POR fan, I just LOVE a new room and since WL is not in the budget POR might be a good choice...although it is not on the top of Rosie's choices and I want her to look forward to the resort even more than I will. ::yes:: It will be hard for me not being at a deluxe.... but will be on vacation!!! which weekends might we find you enjoying the holidays Disney style? And which resorts will have the honor of being your hosts those weekends? :goodvibes
Pas I think staying at GF for the entire trip is your best change yet :thumbsup2

I am in a quandary over booking a cheapo trip for F&W, I brought it up to DH yesterday when I sw FD was being offered at AOA and he said go ahead and book it. :confused3 This morning he still says book it... I just don't know what to do? :confused:
BOOK IT SHEILA!!!!! :cool1: It's "DH ARE AWESOME WEEK" :rotfl: Do it! Before he wafles.......and I cancelled our Myrtle Beach stop..added on 3 days at the Poly for DH :goodvibes he sad he'd rather drive straight home anyway :laughing: We have been watching Rive Monsters a lot, so now he only wants Pools no beach...guess the Poly beach will have to do :cloud9:

What I meant to was not to let pas CARRY the burden of cha cha changes!!

The DIS is nuts this morning!!!
I knew what ya meant :hug:

Hi pas130, I can't say this change is a total surprise... :rolleyes1... BUT IT'S A LOLLAPALOOZA OF A GOOD ONE. Enjoy pas family. :dance3:

:dance3: Just signed up for an OT shift to pay for DHs bday gift of a Poly stay....he is to good to me :lovestruc
BOOK IT SHEILA!!!!! :cool1: It's "DH ARE AWESOME WEEK" :rotfl: Do it! Before he wafles.......and I cancelled our Myrtle Beach stop..added on 3 days at the Poly for DH :goodvibes he sad he'd rather drive straight home anyway :laughing: We have been watching Rive Monsters a lot, so now he only wants Pools no beach...guess the Poly beach will have to do :cloud9:

I knew what ya meant :hug:

:dance3: Just signed up for an OT shift to pay for DHs bday gift of a Poly stay....he is to good to me :lovestruc

River Monsters!!!! We love that show!!!! :rotfl2:

And back to the Poly you go.....popcorn::
BOOK IT SHEILA!!!!! :cool1: It's "DH ARE AWESOME WEEK" :rotfl: Do it! Before he wafles.......and I cancelled our Myrtle Beach stop..added on 3 days at the Poly for DH :goodvibes he sad he'd rather drive straight home anyway :laughing: We have been watching Rive Monsters a lot, so now he only wants Pools no beach...guess the Poly beach will have to do :cloud9:

I knew what ya meant :hug:

:dance3: Just signed up for an OT shift to pay for DHs bday gift of a Poly stay....he is to good to me :lovestruc

I posted last night.....but's gone somewhere?? :confused: Ah well, it's good to see you are back at the POLY, PAS, even if only for a few days for DH :cloud9: what a sweet surprise. Great compromise :goodvibes

Sheila: Book It!!! :cool1: anytime you get DH's blessing is a GREAT time to book! I think a F&W trip might be great for you two....mmmmm tasting those goodies around the world, sharing time just the 2 of you....doesn't get much better than that :lovestruc Maybe if you are down during Sept 28-Oct 4, I'll get a chance to give my RCer buddy a real-life hug! :hug: that would be wonderful! I am determined to meet you lovely gals one day!....and YES, that RCer girls trip to DL will still happen -- not sure when, but we will get it together when the time is good for all of us! :grouphug:

Dani, hope your sweet boy is on the mend and home recovering from his hospital bout.....being sick is no fun, I hope he's doing better!

MM: NO Changes girlfriend!! :goodvibes I'm keeping with the POLY , and hope you are too....we need a couple of good recent, honest reviews! I hope I can come back and say I :lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc 'ed it!!! :cloud9:
I posted last night.....but's gone somewhere?? :confused: Ah well, it's good to see you are back at the POLY, PAS, even if only for a few days for DH :cloud9: what a sweet surprise. Great compromise :goodvibes

Sheila: Book It!!! :cool1: anytime you get DH's blessing is a GREAT time to book! I think a F&W trip might be great for you two....mmmmm tasting those goodies around the world, sharing time just the 2 of you....doesn't get much better than that :lovestruc Maybe if you are down during Sept 28-Oct 4, I'll get a chance to give my RCer buddy a real-life hug! :hug: that would be wonderful! I am determined to meet you lovely gals one day!....and YES, that RCer girls trip to DL will still happen -- not sure when, but we will get it together when the time is good for all of us! :grouphug:

Dani, hope your sweet boy is on the mend and home recovering from his hospital bout.....being sick is no fun, I hope he's doing better!

MM: NO Changes girlfriend!! :goodvibes I'm keeping with the POLY , and hope you are too....we need a couple of good recent, honest reviews! I hope I can come back and say I :lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc 'ed it!!! :cloud9:

I'm not changing Marie!!! DH told me that I've made my bed (at the Poly) and now I'm gonna lie in it!!! :rotfl:
DIS is driving me nuts this morning!! Cannot access my 2 new pm's - I know I have 2, but only old ones show up. I was too delete happy when the emails came this morning so at least could have read the message and replied with a new pm. :sad2:

Anyone else having DIS problems?:confused3
DIS is driving me nuts this morning!! Cannot access my 2 new pm's - I know I have 2, but only old ones show up. I was too delete happy when the emails came this morning so at least could have read the message and replied with a new pm. :sad2:

Anyone else having DIS problems?:confused3

It's a mess for sure!!!! There are some threads that you click on but there is no content... :confused3
They started Danimal on solids today. He took two bites and is holding it down so far. If he doesn't throw up again he will be released tonight!
DIS is driving me nuts this morning!! Cannot access my 2 new pm's - I know I have 2, but only old ones show up. I was too delete happy when the emails came this morning so at least could have read the message and replied with a new pm. :sad2:

Anyone else having DIS problems?:confused3
Yes, the DIS is very screwy!!!!

River Monsters!!!! We love that show!!!! :rotfl2:

And back to the Poly you go.....popcorn::
:rotfl: It is the least I can do...not a bad sacrifice is it???:goodvibes

I posted last night.....but's gone somewhere?? :confused: Ah well, it's good to see you are back at the POLY, PAS, even if only for a few days for DH :cloud9: what a sweet surprise. Great compromise :goodvibes

He didn't even complain about GF, not once, that's why we need to stop at Poly.....and I am working on a Sept 28th weekend for HRH, we'll see if I have any $$$ after this trip :laughing:

danimal is still in the hospital, keep the prayers going, I think they are working.....:grouphug:
Yay for AP voucher!!! Haven't gotten mine yet so I don't know what they look like :confused3 Instead of changing...I'll atempt to work on our new thread :rotfl:

And just how long can we expect the no changing to last?

Oh Sarah!!!! TOMORROW :dance3: Safe travels my friend!!!! So excited for you. HRH is happy...she explained how we should stay in the castle building so her daddy can listen to the piano and she can get snacks too, she said Sugarloaf is great but she should try something new...(translated: She wants to stay in the Main building :) ) Gotta love this girl:hug: . She had a panic attack this morning :guilty: (she has to read in front of the class today and got all worked up) Our solution, I rub some GF body butter onto her arms and the smell helps her relax....May needs to get here....still didnt tell DH about RPC though....Can't wait to read your posts :yay:

Yes Sarah have a magical trip ... you deserve it. Sorry about HRH meltdown but I do know how certain smells can calm you down. There is one lotion that seems to do that for me and when I have it on I just keep smelling my arm! Others must think I'm crazy!

my dear sis :hug: Sorry you are going through all this It is SO hard to watch your baby sick, and to be torn between one athome and one in the hospital Said lots of prayers that Danimal can hold liquids down today...and the doc can send him home so his momma can spoil him rotten:hug:

Mamas love to spoil there babies. Side note my baby boy is 33 today! My oh my where did those years go?

Good Morning

I am perplexed, I know I posted yesterday evening but I do not see it now :confused3

Any way....

Dani I hope Danimal is better today and can come home soon. I hope you were ble to get somemuchneeded rest last night too:hug:

Pas I think staying at GF for the entire trip is your best change yet :thumbsup2

I am in a quandary over booking a cheapo trip for F&W, I brought it up to DH yesterday when I sw FD was being offered at AOA and he said go ahead and book it. :confused3 This morning he still says book it... I just don't know what to do? :confused:


A Christmas trip does sound nice...hmmm have to go back to the drawing board. Where are you staying, WL?

A Christmas trip to WL .... oh be still my heart!

BOOK IT SHEILA!!!!! :cool1: It's "DH ARE AWESOME WEEK" :rotfl: Do it! Before he wafles.......and I cancelled our Myrtle Beach stop..added on 3 days at the Poly for DH :goodvibes he sad he'd rather drive straight home anyway :laughing: We have been watching Rive Monsters a lot, so now he only wants Pools no beach...guess the Poly beach will have to do :cloud9:

YAY! Now you are back to the "perfect" split for you! And even added on days .... now that's my idea of a good change!!!

I knew what ya meant :hug:

:dance3: Just signed up for an OT shift to pay for DHs bday gift of a Poly stay....he is to good to me :lovestruc

Good morning RCers!!! For once being on west coast time was a good thing ... I slept right thru all the craziness of the DIS maintenance!!! :cool1:
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