Rental Rates/Concerns

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In light of the newest revelation (CC charges to rooms), if I was ever in the position to rent my points I would much rather transfer them all to an owner for $7 or $8 than screw around with calling MS about possible reservations for 87 different people who might end up charging to the room and leaving me with a outstanding bill to pay.
I am currently renting points, and have had two people contact me about taking all 430 pts @ $8 to $9 per point. both told me that this would save me the trouble of having to deal with nickels and dimes. I rented all my points out with no trouble, and, frankly, I don't mind dealing with 8 or 10 different renters at all. :) What I object to are the renters who are renting a small amount of points, and work with 3 or 4 of us to get different ressie dates before deciding which one they want for their vacation--that seems kind of "tacky" :rolleyes1
I am not a DVC member but not because I don't want to be. Circumstances just don't allow it at the time. But from a renters pov the risk goes both ways. Yes the discount is considerable and it may be the only way a larger family can afford to comfortabally stay at Disney. But to slap down that much money with not much insurance it's a little scary. Honestly I would rather pay $10 to $11 a point with a little more insurance that everything goes smoothly. I also think that it's sad for the honest renters to get a bad name because Disney messed up on someones credit card.
I don't think renters are getting a bad name. I think that a lot of owners are recognizing a risk that has always been there (and was reported here a few years ago, so isn't a surprise to some old timers). In the case that is being talked about, it was a guest, not a renter, and the guest did everything they could to make sure the bill was paid. As an owner, if you do the same, leave assuming that the charge will hit your card eventually (as most people will), and six months later I discover a hold on my account - you've switched ISPs and your email address isn't good, and/or moved, I'm stuck. You've been most trustworthy, I've just been caught by red tape.
The cost per point calculation of under $6 for SSR is a bit off. That figure only applies to SSR and would be more for all of the other resorts. It also doesn't factor in the cost of such a large up-front cost and possible interest being paid for the points. When you consider all of the other things, $10+ per point is very reasonable.

One other thing to consider is the new 2006 rates and the associated increases. Those could also impact the going rate for renting points and maybe shift up to $11-12 per point.
I am not a DVC member, although I'm hoping to convince DH in the future! In the meantime, I hang out over here to soak up some of the DVC magic through osmosis. Thanks for indulging me...

I just recently arranged to rent points for the first time ever. I am a fanatic micro-planner and wanted someone who had home resort advantage to make a ressie for me at 11 months. Even though that 11 month mark doesn't come until November! (Told you I was obssessive!) I never even considered trying to make a lowball offer. I think that would be really stupid on my part if I did. I wanted an owner with rental experience, who was well established on the boards, who adores Disney as much as I do, and who seemed to be committed seeing my reservation through. I was thrilled to find this person at $11pp. Considering that rack rate for a studio at BCV is $345 for 2006 (according to allearsnet), I'm getting a bargain at $132/night!

There are some people out there who will try to get the world for near nothing. But there are many more of us who recognize the value of DVC resorts and are willing to pay a fair price to stay there. I have often rented beach villas from strangers, so I don't have a problem renting DVC from someone I've never met. In fact, I often feel I know a DISer much better!

I'm looking forward to my first DVC stay! Thanks for letting me hang out with ya'll!

The cost per point calculation of under $6 for SSR is a bit off. That figure only applies to SSR and would be more for all of the other resorts. It also doesn't factor in the cost of such a large up-front cost and possible interest being paid for the points. When you consider all of the other things, $10+ per point is very reasonable.

I would have to agree, each resort would be a different rental rate and i was also going to add, dont forget the interest that some dvc members are paying on their loans.

also charging $11 + could also have the cost of your time renting the points, making phone calls to MS, emailing the renter, making phone calls to the renter, filling out contracts, etc.

I think what everyone is saying, if the dvc member doesnt want to put much time into renting their points and just wants them rented, then they will rent their points cheap.

On the other hand if the dvc member does not mind putting the time in renting the points they will rent their points at a realistic rate.

In other words i guess we will rent our points out, depends how much of value the points are to us. :wave2:
wdwstar said:
was the going rate for a long time. And $ 10 was a great rate unless your points were expiring points or consider reservation points. As a DVC owner, I am concern , am i the only DVC member that is concerned?
with the cost of buying into DVC and paying yearly dues, i dont understand how these renters keep posting threads about renting points at $8 a point.
There was even a post about how can we charge more then $8 a point during hurricane season.
Renting points even at $10 a point is still a good discount compare to WDW rates, especially for a 1 or 2 bedroom. I understand if you have a AP you can snag a good rate, but most of those rates are for a standard room.

It just seems like the shoe is on the other foot, renters are quoting what the rate should be instead DVC members setting the rate.

Ok with that said, i am ready to be flamed :teeth:

No Flaming from me.

If someone can rent for DVC for $8 per point, more power to them. Personally I love a great deal myself.

I never bought DVC as an "investment". I bought it for my family to use.

In a couple of years I will be beyond the "break even" point anyway.

We rented our points to my sis-in-law for $5 per point as we really couldn't use them at the time (wifey is currently knocked up with our first).

As long as the seller / renter is happy for what they are getting, that is all that matters IMHO.
bamagirl@hrt said:
I'm looking forward to my first DVC stay! Thanks for letting me hang out with ya'll!


Well, thanks for coming and "hangin'"

Here's hoping DH falls in LOVE with BCV, and a purchase is in your NEAR future!!! I just can't get enough of that place!!!!


KANSAS said:
are you in the top 10 with 2108 posts over your career??

Are you kidding??!! I'm still a "newbie" in the world of "dis-veterans"!!! ;)


pauld2 said:
As long as the DVC points are worth so little for exchange into Disney cruises and the Concierge Collection, DVC points must be able to be rented out for market value in order to keep vacation options open on a fair financial basis. For those who want to limit the possibility of renting out points, you would need to press just as hard to improve the currency of DVC points for exchange.

My sentiments exactly!
One of the deciding factors of buying DVC, is knowing that if I need to rent my points out, I can!
Also, I would hardly consider $10.00 or $11.00/pt a profit! I am still paying on my ownership w/interest. So renting points out for dues would be ridiculous!
I agree that it is unfortunate that there are people that tie up prime weeks and rent them on ebay for more money. I see the same people over and over again. They are taking away from a member that wanted to use it.
I think they are building up some bad karma! :rotfl2:
DVC_dad said:
This is my first post. DVC is great for me.

Your FIRST POST resurrected a thread that has been dead for 6 months!?? :confused:

How very odd.
Happy New Year to you Rich! :cool2:

I still chuckle over the advantages of BWV over OKW

* Navigating the hallways of BWV is an educational experience
* You can get a beer out of the fridge without leaving your balcony


LOL Rich


Richyams said:
I also like the fact that I have started many of the longest threads on this board....some without even posting, remember that one?

Don't kill my thread!!!!

Somewhere, Rich is smiling.......
This is the second Richyams thread I found to be resurrected this week. They brought a smile to my face remembering Rich's unique take on all things OKW. :flower:
Every time I go (or think about going) on the HM, I think of Rich and smile. 'Good old Fred...' :goodvibes
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