Refillable Cups/Mugs


Earning My Ears
Feb 13, 2001
I've read about refillable cups that can be purchased from Disney on-site hotels. I'm staying at the Dolphin in July. I hear that this "perk" is not applicable at the Swan/Dolphin. Am I missing out on much? What is the sale price for these cups? Considering the heat in July, I'm sure the price of cold drinks will add up quickly. What do you think? Thanks.
If you drink a lot of soda-pop, colored punch drink and/or coffee, and if you will be staying for a fairly long stay at one resort, then the refillable mugs are a pretty good idea. I don't fit that. Out of all my stays at 7 different onsite resorts, I've only bought one (Contemporary) and I probably wouldn't bother again unless I really wanted the mug for a souvenir anyway.

I only used it a couple of times and only because once I had it, I figured I'd make use of it. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> Some people use them a lot, especially if they get a mug filled on the way to the parks and carry through the day, refilling as they return to the resort. I don't carry excess stuff around. We all prefer ice water (w/lemon?) which is free anyhow. We used to bring powdered drink mix for the kids and they now prefer water too. Going over to the fill-up locations was never convenient when I was tired. Cans of favorite beverages are easy to keep cool & handy in your room. I guess it depends on your style.

You'll be staying at a very nice resort. Don't sweat the small stuff. The pool is great, the location is prime, Crescent Lake is lovely. Enjoy! :D
During our New Year's trip to WDW we met several people in line at the Boardwalk bakery who were staying at the Swan or Dolphin. They were all waiting in line to fill their Boardwalk mugs with hot chocolate or coffee (those of us there know why!). During our last 2 trips we purchased a total of 8 mugs from the bakery, and only 3 of them say "Boardwalk". All 4 of our kids had to have the Happy New Year mug, and youngest daughter wanted a mug during our early Dec. trip that I later saw at the MK. All 8 were purchased at the Boardwalk and refilled for $.91. I am not sure if this would be breaking any rules, but we sure saw lots of people getting refills at the bakery that were staying at other resorts.


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