? re: giftcertificates.com


I believe in something, I just don't know what it
Feb 1, 2000
I was going to get a g.c. for ESPN through giftcertificates.com but then I noticed that the locations listed don't include the one on the Boardwalk. What gives? Does anyone know FOR SURE that I would be able to use it there if I get it? I even did a zip code location search and nothing came up for the one at Disney. <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

....even now
I finally get to answer someone elses question! I called ESPN on the boardwalk about a gift certificate I have to see if I could use it there, The manager told me that they were owned by Disney and not part of the chain. You can NOT use gift certificates there. Sorry... I was dissapointed too!
BOY am I GLAD I asked!!!! I would have thought otherwise!
Thank you so much for this information. You sure saved me from one big headache!

....even now


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