Rainy days and Mondays?


Tink's biggest fan
Feb 26, 2007
It is a rainy day here in Atlanta...not complaining, just saying :lmao: It got me thinking about what we do at WDW when it rains and I wanted to see what everyone else does when those ubiquitous FL rain showers blow in....:headache:

So here we go....what do you do when either they forecast rain or you get caught in the rain in a park? :confused3

Can't wait to see what everyone does....and it will help me enjoy my rainy Monday all the more!

TIA :surfweb:
We go on with our vacation even if it rains. The exception being if it's a very cold rain as in February, or hurricane force rain. In those cases we'll have DVDs we've brought along to watch, popcorn to pop, a whole resort to explore.

Of course as techaholics we've always got the computers/ipods with us, but I honestly discourage too much of the internet other than to check communications and watch accounts while on vacation.

DisneyQuest is a great rainy day get away too, but it's been years since we've been in as the cost has skyrocketed... I'd rather take my $60 and put it toward something with meaning and not a giant video arcade.
Two words: RAIN PONCHOS!!!!!
We always pack our ponchos and carry on with whatever we are doing, (provided it is safe). It seems like the crowds disapate with the rain, which is nice! In the summer, we always welcome the rain, because it cools us off.
Two words: RAIN PONCHOS!!!!!
We always pack our ponchos and carry on with whatever we are doing, (provided it is safe). It seems like the crowds disapate with the rain, which is nice! In the summer, we always welcome the rain, because it cools us off.

That is what we do too!! Love my rain ponchos and as long as there is no lightning we are hanging in there and loving the shorter lines!

Keep 'em coming...
We go on with our day with or without rain! Or if it is cold, we get dvd's and bond with a "home cooked" mean in our villa! Either way my kids have fond memories of just hanging with the family. This is one of the reasons we love DVC!
Depends on the situation; we have and done:
Go back to room and have a chill, if we are not planning a commando day (this is usually what we do).
Carry ponchos to the parks, if we are going to be staying in it all day, usually happens when family are along on the trip.
Plan to do something different like going on a resorts tour, Gaylord Palms, go shopping (indoors), or stay in our room; if we are there more than a couple days, not doing parks every day, and we can adjust the schedule.
It doesn't matter if it's Downtown Disney, MouseGear, the Emporium or the local mall. We carry small umbrellas with us that are perfect to get me from place to place.
Carry on as planned unless there is lightning. Then we try to stay inside.
Ah, it has been raining on and off all day here (San Diego) today, too. I woke to the strong scent of electrical storms but gladly those rolled right by. It has been a glorious day with cooler temps (yeah!) and dramatic lighting changes. Yesterday was extremely windy but today has been perfectly wonderful even with the periodic gloom and showers. I've been outdoors most of the day and would do the same at Disneyland if I were there in similar weather. This type of weather wouldn't keep me out of the parks ... although it might nudge me towards the shops in the wetter moments.

As for WDW, we do the same as others reponding in this thread: carry rain ponchos/umbrellas (both stored in our Owner's Locker); press on if the weather is mostly clear of lightning or simply stay in the condo otherwise. I love catching up on movies borrowed from Community Hall!
Ah, it has been raining on and off all day here (San Diego) today, too. I woke to the strong scent of electrical storms but gladly those rolled right by. It has been a glorious day with cooler temps (yeah!) and dramatic lighting changes. Yesterday was extremely windy but today has been perfectly wonderful even with the periodic gloom and showers. I've been outdoors most of the day and would do the same at Disneyland if I were there in similar weather. This type of weather wouldn't keep me out of the parks ... although it might nudge me towards the shops in the wetter moments.

As for WDW, we do the same as others reponding in this thread: carry rain ponchos/umbrellas (both stored in our Owner's Locker); press on if the weather is mostly clear of lightning or simply stay in the condo otherwise. I love catching up on movies borrowed from Community Hall!

We are under tornado warnings here and have been off and on for the last few hours....I would not go into the parks in this kind of weather...but would so love to be there right now!!;)
Raining here in Upstate NY as well...ugh:sad2:

As others have said, unless it is a dangerous situation (lightening or major storms going through), we continue on in the park and enjoy the smaller crowds and lines!!! If it is on a day when we were not doing a park, we find stuff to do around the resort - it's all good.
It poured and I mean poured on two of the days of our last vacation. One of the days was my son's 6th birthday. We had planned to hit MK for EMH, but it was pouring. The rain let up a little, so we headed over to HS for his first ride on rock and roll. We headed over to Chef Mickeys for his birthday meal. It was still pouring, so we did a monorail tour and explored GF and poly. We headed back to SSR and spent a couple of hours messing around in the community hall. Walked back to THV and had dinner and relaxed. It was actually a fun day all things considered. On a different trip, we left HS when it was pouring and headed over to AKV to explore. We had a ton of fun and actually decided to buuy into DVC after that trip.:goodvibes
We are under tornado warnings here and have been off and on for the last few hours....I would not go into the parks in this kind of weather...but would so love to be there right now!!;)
Be safe!

FWIW, the thought of "being safe" caused me to turn around at one point earlier today. I was out horseback riding on familiar trails but alone and riding only with rope halter and single lead rope (not looped as reins just the single rope held on one side of his neck). We hit a 3-way fork in the trail ... slight left to ride the ridge, straight to descend into a lovely canyon with thick brush and low hanging limbs or a hard right to head back to the barn. Just then thick drops started falling from the sky and the wind shifted. Evaluating the situation, I chose the hard right back to the barn fighting my earlier desire to ride out longer and farther. As it turned out, there was no downpour, the rain held after a brief shower. Oh, well ... we chose "safe" and it was the right thing to do. ("We?" oh, sure, the horse went right along with the decision. He rarely misses an opportunity to head back to the barn ...)

Ooops, sorry to ramble. I've really been enjoying the weather today. I'm feeling soooooo relaxed. What a perfect Holiday Monday. Hope yours is also in spite of the stormy weather.
When it is warm, we are often at the Community Hall. We've seen thunderstorms going on outside BLT several times.

Last December, we had a cold rainy day. We went and saw a movie in DTD. Now that there is the dine-in theatre, we are looking forward to seeing a movie on our next trip.
Rainy days are the perfect time to enjoy Splash Mountain or Kali River Rapids! You can get only so wet :lmao:

When I took our oldest DD to MNSSHP, it poured. We bought ponchos right away, put them on, then she made me skip through every puddle in sight. We were quite the sight, me being a rather large "biker" kind of guy. I was surprised at how few people joined in, preferring to huddle in the stores and mumble about the lousy weather :confused3

It was one of the highlights of our trip and she still talks about it two years later :goodvibes

Rainy days really are a great time to take advantage of short lines and just have fun in the puddles.
Take a nap:banana:

A few yrs ago DD and I did 3 parks on one rainy day (DH at dental convention) we road Kahli River Rapids 7 times in a row....some of them not even getting off the ride....loved the lady with her umbrella that thought it would keep her dry :banana:

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