Radisson Maingate


Earning My Ears
Jun 5, 2000
:smooth: Does anyone have any information on this hotel?
Company moved the annual meeting to Anaheim this year. We will be there the 2nd week of Feb. How far is this hotel from DL? What is the weather like at this time? Thanks for all the help in advance.
The Radisson is about two blocks (long blocks) from the parks. You can walk or take a shuttle.

Hard to tell with the weather; this January has been COLD in Southern California. It's 34 degrees this morning. We'll be lucky to reach 60 today.

Typical weather (if there is such a thing!) in Febuary is highs in the 60s and lows in the 40s at night. We do get the occasional heat wave in February where it could be in the 80s. I'd check the forecast right before you leave and pack accordingly.

Enjoy! :)


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