Question for computer savvy people, because I am clueless


<font color=red>Like OMG the TF is SOO psyched to
Jun 21, 2002
We dumped AOL, and went with Comcast cable for internet.If you have a cable modem, you know we are paying DOUBLE from what we paid for AOL, but the speed and not having to deal woith AOL bs makes paying the money worth it.

Well, we are having a problem with losing the server. It is random. It can happen if we leave the PC for hours and come back, click on a link, and it will come up with that lovely what page with all the wording that say nah0nah you can't get in. Or it even sometimes happen while I am online. I will type a long post, and click submit, and the white page is there saying it cannot find the server. VEry very frustrating. This happens on a daily basis. I have to restart the computer at least 4 times a day.

Here is my question, is this a comcast problem, or is it inside my computer? The modem is fine, all the lights are on, ect. My computer works perfectly fine offline.

Should I call comcast?
Give them a call. Even if the problem is on your side they should be able to help you work through it. Good luck!
I was having that problem at first. It was my firewall. I even called Comcast because I thought the problem was my modem. We did some on-line troubleshooting and my modem was fine. My firewall was blocking my access to just about everything.


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