Question about Early check-in at HRH


Proud to be an American
Aug 1, 2000
Our flight lands very early on a Friday morning. We were told we would be able to stow our bags and check in (around 9:00 a.m.). Will we be able to get our room keys and go to the park and use the FOTL feature? Or do we have to wait until the official check-in time to use this feature?

Thanks in advance for your help. :)


<font size=4 color=purple>DIXIE LANDINGS-1999</font>
<font size=4 color=purple>WILDERNESS LODGE-2001</font>
We have not gone yet, ( april 8) but when I made my reservation with Loews, I asked the same question, only told her that we would be there around 8 am.....she said that we could drop off the bags at the hotel andthey would give us all i.d. cards to use for fotl....then we could check in anytime after regular check-in. I also asked about the next day cause we are only staying one night. Again, she said that we could check out but still use the fotl cards the rest of that day. can anyone who has been there tell me, do you get to keep the i.d. cards for fotl? Or do you have to turn them in when you leave?
Thanks in advance

Bump :)


<font size=4 color=purple>DIXIE LANDINGS-1999</font>
<font size=4 color=purple>WILDERNESS LODGE-2001</font>

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