Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

@Bianca and Bernard you said--
It's a delicate balancing act, with multiple medications. DH is starting a med to help him with some depression, and it interacts negatively with one of his immunosupprescents; and another med to help with insomnia, that interacts with that same immunosupprescent...faint risks, but they are still there.
At least the Cardio and neph are speaking for your DH! I don't know what the situation is, but if he has kidney issues, he needs to avoid starfruit! It has a neurotoxin that passes through the kidneys, if the are healthy; but if there are kidney issues, it builds up, causing hiccups, mental confusion, then seizures and death.

I don't think either of us have ever actually had starfruit,,but thanks for the heads up on that one!

I agree with the fact that the Cardiologist and nephrologist (and the heart clinic and copd clinic) are all in touch regularly. Hubby has heart failure, an implanted ICD, and copd (too many years of smoking, but that was before I came into the picture). So many meds, so many changes all the time..there has to be something not interacting right with something else. I hope your husband does well on the medication for depression!
GeekzRus, that sounds like a wonderful celebration to come. Much prayer for your son and, of course, you as well:flower3:

:hug:Snowysmom. Does your new place have any space to hang a bird feeder? My friend Sue often shares that she enjoys watching a hummingbird come to her feeder each day. Another idea, is do any of your neighborhood parks have ponds with ducks or other birds? Maybe you and your grandkids could feed them. Truly, always, wishing dear you, peace!

:grouphug:❤️to you B&B. May it bring you some comfort in time to know your sister is in the Savior's Arms and at peace. I am truly so sorry for your loss. I am an only child so never did have a sibling experience which was a blessing due to some circumstances of my childhood but that's not to say I didn't often wish I had a brother or a sister. You just please take care of yourself! All of us are here and sincerely care so much. Prayers for your DS for a new job! Feel free to PM me anytime.

Thank you, Judique, for your donation 🌸. Continued prayers of health and healing to you, that's for sure! I'm glad you will have some grandkid time to look forward to. Let me know if they'd like some stickers. I'd be happy to send you some for them :)

I never heard of Starfruit, Lynn! Sounds like it should literally be a star shaped fruit? :hug: always to you! My beloved grandma sure has trouble with many of her so-called needed medications in later life. I was grateful that her small-town (this was when we were neighbors in a small-town) doctor did take time to meet with me (I was grandma's caregiver and person responsible for all things related to her medications such as filling her weekly pill box) about her pills. Looking back, I wish I had told him enough with more of them! I am so blessed as is dad, to not need any meds. It is so important to truly know you have a partnership with your doctor (or the doctor of a relative as was the case with grandma) and feel comfortable questioning and also letting them immediately know when something is not working or has awful side effects. Much prayer and always care, too!

Hugs and Extra love to all of you
I guess you can say I am slowly trying to dig myself out of the black abyss. It has been a very long 3 years with constant aggressive cancer treatment for the youngling. About 4 months ago things started to take a change for the better which just feels like I am always wondering will it get worse again. He took his first WDW trip about 2 months ago and it def was some magic he needed. Dr's state if he remain to stay stable he can have a break from treatment for a bit or at least until a good clinical trial comes out that can get rid of stubborn tumors that are not dangerous at the moment due to help from his clinical trial but still malignant but can't be removed surgically. So about 4 more months until we can so no more treatment. We have been to 4 different States for his treatments up to this point. Have about a week until re-staging bone marrow biopsies, MIBG scans, CT Scan, MRI Scan. So yes my scanxiety is kicking in and doing my best to try and not fall back into the black abyss while I am slowly learning to come back to the land that is more than just medical health professionals
Welcome and sounds like you have your hands full. 3 years of cancer treatment is a daunting journey and you must be an awesome, strong and loving parent.

Hopefully there are to be many happy and anxiety free days ahead.

OH...if anyone has any JIF peanut butter in the cupboard, you need to go check! There's a recall; both jars of mine are in the recall (one opened, one not). I can't remember if DH got sick when he ate some last time (he puts it on his waffles), but I tossed them, and sent a message, asking for a refund.
Returned mine yesterday to Costco. One full jar and 1 half jar. I didn't get sick.

And, I like to put it on waffles! The thick chocolate ones from Eggo.
Miss a few days and it is impossible to catch up.
I'm working backwards.
The nice kid next door came over and asked if I was sure I didn't mind him taking the rhubarb. I said we have never touched it in the 20 years we have been here, so I am glad you like it and can use it. He cleaned up the mess he made cutting it all and said he would bring me some strawberry rhubarb pie. I said thanks but no thanks,,why do you think we have never touched it, neither of us like it,,lol
Wish I were your neighbor! I'd also like to make a strawberry rhubarb pie but haven't seen any decent rhubarb in the stores or any this year for that matter.

My mother used to make a super sweet preserve out of it and we'd eat it with toast at breakfast. I'd cut it up for her and stir it as it stewed for quite a while.
I hope you get to enjoy a 🥧 sometime soon, Judique and God-willing one day perhaps you and Lynn can share one :) The only pie I ever absolutely loved was Golden Corral's Chocolate Chess pie. I think these days it would be too heavy and too much for me. Someday perhaps I'll try a taste of it again. Prayers you are able to truly sleep well tonight, my friend.
I guess you can say I am slowly trying to dig myself out of the black abyss. It has been a very long 3 years with constant aggressive cancer treatment for the youngling. About 4 months ago things started to take a change for the better which just feels like I am always wondering will it get worse again. He took his first WDW trip about 2 months ago and it def was some magic he needed. Dr's state if he remain to stay stable he can have a break from treatment for a bit or at least until a good clinical trial comes out that can get rid of stubborn tumors that are not dangerous at the moment due to help from his clinical trial but still malignant but can't be removed surgically. So about 4 more months until we can so no more treatment. We have been to 4 different States for his treatments up to this point. Have about a week until re-staging bone marrow biopsies, MIBG scans, CT Scan, MRI Scan. So yes my scanxiety is kicking in and doing my best to try and not fall back into the black abyss while I am slowly learning to come back to the land that is more than just medical health professionals
I‘m glad things are looking up for you. There is a thread here just for cancer journeys, where other people there going through similar difficulties, if you think it might be helpful. (Myself and another Dis member started it 17 yrs ago now!)

BC is Boston College. And I have a physical therapy appt at 3 PM.
Ah! That’s what I was thinking, but I didn’t know your nephew was there! Great school!
@Pea-n-Me , I forget. Is Grady a foster or yours now?
He is ours now!
Pea-n-me I hope the doggies are doing well. How is Grady doing with the change?
He has some anxiety, understandably. So we’re working to establish some normalcy. Just set up the new crate to have on hand if needed. But he is really sweet and lovable, and blending in nicely to the household. It’s nice to have a Shepherd again!

B&B, so sorry about your loss. :hug: Must be a mixed bag that your DS is coming home. 🙏🏻 Glad he’s got some job prospects lined up. And sorry you’re losing your storage room! 😝

Lynn, the rhubarb story made me laugh! :lmao: If your husband was in my hospital, he would be one of my patients.

Enjoy the rest of the evening, everyone. 🐥
Last edited:

Well - you've all been VERY busy! I spent a good bit of time playing catch-up. @Snowysmom - we have this amazing wild bird store - every kind of bird feeder and food imaginable. You could get the suction cup feeders that go on the outside of patio doors - it feels like they're right inside with you! I'm sure it will take a bit (and I don't know what birds you have down there), but they'll find you soon enough. I'm like you - my home IS my heart, but you have a new story to write now 💗 - and soon new memories will come.

I had friends come to stay for the weekend - three days with my son, myself, and another family of three, house filled with laughter, far too much good food, and the first warm weather we've had all year. As soon as they pulled away, the quiet was almost too much to bear - I had to reach out and call my aunt to fill the void.

It was a lovely end to an exceedingly difficult week - I had to be on the stand for eight hours and have a lawyer play mind games and try to discredit me to make their "expert witness" appear more... expert. It was soul-destroying - who would choose a profession where your role is to disrespect and mislead someone to "win"? I have such a supportive and incredible group of people that I work with - the contrast was shocking. It was like being forced to play poker with the Antichrist for my soul, but my hand was full of Uno cards. Hmmm, I'm not sure what dark and weird bit of grey matter that metaphor sprung from, but I've decided not to delete it 🤣.

Starting to get excited about my WDW trip - I think I can make ADRs on June 11th, so I'd best start making some plans. We've never been to the Hoop-dee-do review, and there is always a request for a brunch buffet - but with the Food and Wine festival on, I'm looking forward to just snacking my way around the world!

@lynxstch - strawberry rhubarb pie is my grandmother incarnate. Even just thinking about the tangy shock of rhubarb brings her to life and I can almost hear her now in the kitchen! I should plant some rhubarb... being reminded of her on a more regular basis would be good for the soul.

I hope you all have an amazing week. @GeekzRus - my heart goes out to you. It's hard to dare to hope that the worst is behind you, but hold onto the hope and live in the moments in between. They're the ones that count.
I thought This is Us was a very good finale. So many really good lines. For example, “I wish I spent more time enjoying it instead of worrying when it would end.”

Tomorrow Survivor.

@frog3101, we are all helping you in spirit.

@Bianca and Bernard , sorry for your loss. At least your sister is at peace now.

@GeekzRus , Welcome to the thread. Sorry you are having a rough time. How old is your son?

Good night.
@Pea-n-Me I would love the link to the thread. Still working on seeing the best way of navigating though this site. As I didn't see an app for that.

@Bianca and Bernard I am truly sorry for the loss you have had to endure. I know words can't begin to express what you and your family are going through. My prayers are with you

@Breezy_Carol The Youngling is 3. He's my grandson who I have had custody of since he was first diagnosed. But everyone calls him Warrior Walt The Jedi 🥰
@Pea-n-Me I would love the link to the thread. Still working on seeing the best way of navigating though this site. As I didn't see an app for that.

@Breezy_Carol The Youngling is 3. He's my grandson who I have had custody of since he was first diagnosed. But everyone calls him Warrior Walt The Jedi 🥰
Sure! Here is the thread. The title says breast cancer survivors, but anyone dealing with cancer is welcome.

Poor little guy. Besides having lived through cancer myself, I worked at a major pediatric hospital for several years. Adults are hard enough. Dealing with sick children is even more heartbreaking. 😢 Hugs to both of you.
Happy Wednesday! :cutie:

I went to see Downton Abbey yesterday after work. If you watched the series, you'll like this movie, it was really good. I loved the opening scenes. I also watched This Is Us last night. I haven't watched it in a few years but I wanted to see how it ended. I thought it was very nicely written. The very last scene is what got me, I kept thinking about my mom and dad.:sad1:

GeekzRus - welcome to the thread.

Lynxstch - love rhubarb pie!!!! My mom used to make that when I was growing up.

Snowysmom - hope you're able to hang a bird feeder on your balcony. It's funny how we get attached to birds. When I had to move from my house, I had a big bird house out back (we called it the bird condo) and I was so worried about that. It was a Mother's Day present one year but I didn't want to take it because the birds wouldn't have a place when they came back in the spring.

Bianca and Bernard - so sorry for the loss of your sister.

To all my fellow Survivor friends, fingers crossed for tonight. I think we all want the same person to win!:cheer2:

Have a great day! :thumbsup2
Good morning all. Going to be a bearable 72 degree day. @Bianca and Bernard --I just now got time to read through all the posts from yesterday. So very sorry about your Sister..may she RIP.

I have NOT seen This is Us yet, so no spoilers please!

Off to the market, cvs, bloodwork, etc. , gotta take trash out and get moving

Back later on

Have a great morning

Good morning.

Not to get political, but something has to change. So sad for Texas.

We are having DH's sister and their 4 local cousins as well as our two kids and their families for a Memorial Day - Meet Marty Party on Sunday. Today starts the getting ready. Housecleaning is on today's list. Except for DH's sister, I don't think they have met Carter or Tessa either. Carter is a family name so one cousin really is interested.

The Youngling is 3. He's my grandson who I have had custody of since he was first diagnosed.
Bless you for taking him in. And prayers for healing.
Not to get political, but something has to change. So sad for Texas.
Seriously - as someone who has always lived in a home w/ guns I don't understand why we aren't doing more heavy duty background/pre purchase type checks at a minimum to start. I think it's also a mental health issue that many are unwilling/unable to address. Obviously if someone intends on doing harm, they'll do it no matter the weapon, which is so scary. I can not fathom the pain those families are going thru.

So I think the weather is going to put a hinderance on our main chore of barn painting this weekend. We'll be able to get some of it done, just not all of it. Oh well - we will just work on it thru the next week. Every year about this time we get a 3-4 week influx of biting flies, and they arrived. So I spend the month putting fly spray on the dogs and we are walking around with dryer sheets tucked into our hats! We look funny but it helps a fair bit.

I threw my hat in the ring for a new foster this AM. The foster has some medical issues that while I have not had experience in, I feel confident in dealing with. But if someone closer and/or with better experience steps up the foster will go to them. I'm okay with that, if it's for the dogs benefit then it ought to go to the best suited foster home. I've been feeling lately that another foster would be coming into our lives at some point this summer, even if it's not this one.

Speaking of fosters to forever homes - how is Grady doing?

I've got some running around to do this afternoon. Figured I'd wait till after lunch, stop by the house and let the mutts out a bit on my way. Husband had to drive down to southern VA to pick up two side by sides he ordered, we use them on one of our large & spread out jobsites. I figure he'll be gone till about dinner time or so. I should try to have a hearty meal on tap for him - a meat & potatoes type meal. I'll have to work on that.

Time to get back to work -
Good morning everyone! I haven't gone back and read the posts since I last spoke. I'm sure I've missed a lot.

Watched the series finale of This Is Us last night. I have enjoyed that series and liked the way it ended. Gives me a lot to think about. And now the season finale of Survivor is on tonight I believe. I have that to look forward to.

We've had some really nice weather the last couple of days. Rain overnight, the serious storms did not happen like predicted thank goodness. That being said, the seriousness of the senseless shootings in Uvalde yesterday totally overwhelmed any talk of storms. It is so horrible.

I went to see the new Downton Abby movie Sunday afternoon with friends, there were eight of us. Maybe I have already mentioned that.

My lilies are beginning to bloom. And DH has begun working on putting in a sprinkler system in my flower beds at the front of the house. I've wanted one for such a long time. And since we lost our bushes in the freeze last year, now is a good time to do it before we replant.
Hello to all from a rainy/drizzly day in my neck of the woods. I think it's supposed to hang on for at least the rest of today and some of tomorrow.

WELCOME to the thread @GeekzRus. I can only imagine how hard this journey has been for you. Hopefully good news will continue to come your way.

@Breezy_Carol sounds like you will have a full but fun weekend. Hope the weather is nice for your get together.

@easyas123 good luck with the foster!

@Bianca and Bernard condolences on the loss of your sister

@Canadisney Fly I'm not sure I could ever be on a stand that long and not have some sort of small melt down. One of my biggest fears right now is having to go to court over the kids and I'm not sure I'd be able to hold myself together for that. I have no idea what you do or why you were on the stand for that long, but kudos to you for keeping it together. It must be taxing to say the least.

@Snowysmom I hope you are moving forward, even if it is just one tiny step at a time. As we have all said and as I know now more than ever, there is no set timeline for this stuff. You are doing great.

I'm getting ready to run some errands and go see the "professional" as I call her. I have said it before, I am beyond blessed with the great support system I have, but I really do think seeing someone who isn't a friend or family member is also very beneficial. Then I need to stop and get a few craft items for my daughter so she can finish up an end of school year gift for one of her teachers.

My sisters are coming over tomorrow to help me sort papers and make a game plan for the next week or so. If all goes well (please pray it does) I will be able to start moving items into the house next week. I am planning on taking the kids over and letting them explore and choose where they want their spaces to be (bedrooms or open basement that is finished but no real rooms) and let them hopefully start getting used to the place.

I won't say much about what happened in Texas yesterday, except that as a mother my heart aches and is so heavy. I don't have an answer but man this stuff is hard to swallow. Why can't we do better?

Take care all and have a good Wednesday.
Good morning, almost afternoon. Been another busy couple of days.

@Bianca and Bernard - You may be right about forgetting to take ourselves. I am almost ready to book a mini vacation to Disney for me. I do enjoy that alone time to just do as I want, not answering to anyone. and taking 1000's of pictures even if it means sitting for a half hour waiting for what I want. Sorry to hear about your sister. Even when it's expected it is still a loss that you can't quite prepare for.

@Judique is Voltaren a prescription? I do not like to take pain meds of any kind but I have been in so much pain with my knee that I need to do something. Rolling over in bed causes so much pain that it will jolt me out of a dead sleep.

@GeekzRus Welcome to our little family here. Prayers for your family.

@Snowysmom Change is always hard and sadness over the change is expected. Look for something positive everyday and take one day at a time. It's how I have been trying to live lately. Not always easy but the more I do it the more I am hoping to change from a negative to a positive person.

Anyone else I missed I am sorry.

My grandson Mikey is autistic so slightly quirky. Since he has hit his teens, he just turned 16, he has become "weird". I know bad Grandmom for saying that but I tell him that all the time. He won't take his shirt off at the pool, not necessarily a bad thing since he burns. BUT he hides things from us. Thankfully after a shower the other day his sister noticed something was off with his feet. My daughter of course calls me, the least medical person in the family after her, and asks me about it with a picture sent. Of course she is working a lot again so I had to get him to the foot doctor. Even he was thrown by the toenails. Waiting on lab results to prescribe the right meds. We don't know if it's fungal, viral, bacterial or just some oddity. The boy knew there was something off so he refused to let anyone see his feet. I told him he needs to let us know these things or he can start having issues like his grandfather. That did scare him slightly.

Jim saw the cardiologist and he is now on a diuretic and off the one medication. I will be seeing him myself as I knew my BP has been creeping up over the last few years. It was borderline HIGH yesterday so I have to monitor it for the next month. Jim was actually glad I put my health first for once. There is a history of BP issues and cardiac disease in my family, both my parents have issues, so I figured we were there why not mention it. We saw the foot doctor today. The toe and leg are both healing. Still can't get fitted for the shoes but we are getting closer.

My youngest related a funny story about my grandson Benny. They went fishing with her brother the other day. Ben was worried about Ticks but kept calling them "Twix". He kept asking her what would happen if the Twix got him. She finally had enough and told him nothing because Twix is a COOKIE. He just said "Oh! Can we go home soon?" Life is never dull with those boys.

Hope you all have a good afternoon. I have food shopping and a picture safari with my granddaughter so a fun afternoon. Glad the weather is pleasant today.


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