Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good morning. Rained again overnight, but it's almost 60 already. Sun is shining and it looks like it's going to be a nice day.
Got all of my errands done yesterday, then Summer took home the tv Lily was buying from me, the wheelchair, and the portable greenhouse. All things I'm not going to use and they can. A few more things gone out of the yard sale pile.
Watched Survivor last night, there are so many annoying people on there this season.

Off to strip the bed, and hang the sheets on the line and wash the kitchen floor.

Have a great day

Good Morning.🌻

Gloomy day, supposed to rain again today 🌧️. My dogs are not happy and neither am I (rain+yard=mud).😖

Watched Survivor last night, there are so many annoying people on there this season.
Lol, who's on your list? I keep going back and forth with the people. Last night a couple of the people I liked the week before just bothered me. I don't understand why the purple team kept blaming Jess for the puzzle falling apart. She wasn't the only one dropping pieces.🤔

Anyway, back to regular life. Since I worked from home yesterday I was able to meal prep some meals for the rest of the week. My sister gave me a recipe for oatmeal that I made and ate this morning. It was pretty good. Made some salmon and broccoli for dinner last night. 🥦

My sisters are doing good after their surgeries. My one sister had the knee replacement in January and she was allowed to start driving again over the weekend🚗. And my other sister had foot surgery 3 weeks ago and with a little wiggling, she can finally get a shoe on and walk with a cane (only for short periods)👟. I told them that their issues are because they're so old. I'm the youngest so I always make a point to mention that in case they forgot, and yes, I'm a smarta$$.😏

Got a delivery from Amazon yesterday and when I opened it up, I remembered it was all for Mia. Just some little things that will help her. They give her those squeezable pouches of yogurt or apple sauce so I found a box and a spout that will prevent her from squeezing it all over herself. I also got her some things for her Easter basket. She likes the penguins when she goes to the zoo so of course I had to get her a stuffed baby penguin and a baby penguin book.🐧

I'm headed over to pick up my Employee Appreciation gift here at work. They're giving everyone a picinic blanket. They're also having a fancy coffee truck next week. I looked at what they offer and noticed that they have tea so I signed up to get a free cup.☕

Have a great day! :wave:

If you were interested in the oatmeal recipe:
1/3 cup of oats
1 mashed banana
1 egg
handful of blueberries
some cinnamon
handful of craisins (optional)
mix together and bake at 350 for 30 minutes
1 serving
Lol, who's on your list? I keep going back and forth with the people. Last night a couple of the people I liked the week before just bothered me. I don't understand why the purple team kept blaming Jess for the puzzle falling apart. She wasn't the only one dropping pieces.🤔

I was changing from week to week too, but some are just annoying me more now. The ones I don't care for at all are Q, Venus, Bhanu, Kenzie, and Charlie, just for his annoying Swifty love. I'm on the fence with Liz, I like her one minute and the next I don't. I didn't care for Jelinsky from the start, so I'm glad he's gone. I don't get why they blamed Jess for all of it either. That was a hard puzzle challenge. Everyone was responsible for their losing the challenge.
I was changing from week to week too, but some are just annoying me more now. The ones I don't care for at all are Q, Venus, Bhanu, Kenzie, and Charlie, just for his annoying Swifty love. I'm on the fence with Liz, I like her one minute and the next I don't. I didn't care for Jelinsky from the start, so I'm glad he's gone. I don't get why they blamed Jess for all of it either. That was a hard puzzle challenge. Everyone was responsible for their losing the challenge.
So you just don't care for the entire purple team 😅! That's funny because those were some of the people I was getting tired of already. Q really got to me last night and I liked him last week. And the actor guy from the yellow team. I hope his team realizes that he's running things on that team.
Good midafternoon thread save. Dad is going to be driving by Dr. B's, the podiatrist 4 blocks away, office within the hour. I will share what he learns parking-wise later. This will determine whether I am able to go to this doctor or whether I need to go see the same doctor, Dr. S, who dad will be seeing next Thursday. Dad is completely covered to see Dr. S. I, of course, am paying out of pocket sadly for either. We are hoping I will be able to see Dr. B because his fee would be almost $300 cheaper than Dr. S! Still a TON of money for us. Also, a HUGE difference.

Dad's friend, J, on a chair mystery note, did drive by the medical supply store. J took pictures of the out of business notice on the window posted by an attorney along with a neighboring medical supply (still in business) advertisement for anyone needing equipment to contact them. They wasted no time! J thinks eventually we will here from Horton and Converse. I would be very surprised if we do simply because it sounds like they are truly out of business! Unless they owe money or something. We shall see. Dad and I sure tried to contact the company.

:grouphug:to all always.
Dr. B's office is perfect! Such grace upon grace from God. Dad said the office is indeed exactly where we thought it was just 4 blocks away from us. They have their own good sized parking lot. Dad also had a wonderful idea thanks to God giving it to him. Dad suggested I ask T whether it would be possible for her and her 2 friends that would accompany her to assist me, to carry me down and up the stairs using a collapsible wheelchair that we would either borrow from our neighbor or church. I know pre pandemic we had 2 wheelchairs at church available for any who needed one. This would sure solve the stair issue for me! I also recognize it may make it harder on the three of them which is the last thing I would want. It was worth asking and we shall see what T replies. I did let her know I am tall 5'8" but very thin. That won't be a surprise for them.

Tomorrow, God willing I will be able to make my appointment with Dr. B. Oh our Sprouts friend T, said she will be able to stay with me next Thursday morning while dad sees Dr. S, the podiatrist he is going to. That worked out too. How blessed we are beyond. Updates further to come God willing tomorrow.

XO to all and Sweet Dreams.
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@flyingdumbo127 So happy to hear your update. You indeed are blessed to have such kind friends. The parking situation sounds perfect. I hope you get an appt soon so you can move on with this issue.

I am not a fan of reality shows like Survivor. I know alot of people enjoy them. It is nice to have a show that you can watch each week and enjoy.

Good morning. It is 33 here with temps heading to 50. The rain finally stopped yesterday afternoon. It was heavy Wed night and early Thurs morning. At least my ride into the office was OK with only light rain. More rain is coming over the weekend. I did get water into the one window that always has had it and it went down the wall to the floor as usual. It seems to be a bit less but maybe I was later in looking at it. I emailed the punch list with a picture and told her that this needs to be addressed. It has been going on since before I moved in. I told her the foreman said the same company that put in the sump pump fixes window well and other basement water issues. I told her that I know she said they will be grading outside but I want someone from the basement company to come inside and see how to take care of the current issue. She replied that she has sent this to the builder for clarification. I am done with being nicey nice. I am sure I will be put on the troublemaker list if I am not there already but I know my duplex neighbor is on the list too. It is so not me to be like this but I have to be to get anywhere with this builder.

Off to work. Have a good day.
Hi, all, sorry for being absent the last couple of days. - Just busy with regular life. I've been popping on some, but not always getting far enough down my "watched threads" page.

I watched the twins Wednesday, and it was so good to see them! (They were getting along way better than last time, too. 😃)

Yesterday was rainy again, but it's sunny out today!!!

Finally got my Easter decorations out last night. House looks a little more festive now.
Me too! Normally I don't put them up until after St. Patrick's Day, but they're just too close together this year, so I have a shamrock wreath on the door, and mostly Easter stuff inside.

For now, we have but don't really have a recliner chair!
Wow! Wouldn't it be great if you got to keep it?

I expect you'll hear from the new company if they take over the inventory rather than just the space. But who knows.

Pi day is March 14, that’s 3/14. As a math geek, I’m jumping the gun!
❤️🥧 I'm a fellow math geek, and we celebrate Pi Day here as well!

I am not a fan of reality shows like Survivor.
Me neither.
Happy Friday!:tigger:

I work tomorrow but I'm off on Sunday so I at least have 1 day to do something.

Raining again today and predicted for tomorrow also.🌧️

Caught up on a couple of youtube vlogs that I follow last night. Nothing else on TV so I ended up watching Zootopia. It was cute.

Normally I don't put them up until after St. Patrick's Day, but they're just too close together this year, so I have a shamrock wreath on the door, and mostly Easter stuff inside.
Easter is early this year. I'm not Irish so I don't put out St. Patrick's decorations.🍀

Have a great day!:wave:
Good morning:grouphug:

I am also not a fan of Survivor type reality shows. I sure do agree it can be both fun and comforting to enjoy a regular weekly show.

Snowysmom, no words only extra, extra love and dry prayers of PEACE.

PollyannaMom, love always to you too. Thank you also and Snowysmom for your kind words. It will definitely be interesting to see whether we do ever hear from anyone connected to the chair.

Please take care everyone! 💕🐥
Good morning. Another sunny one.
Had issues with the cable again last night. When I turned the tv on, I had to press the TIVO button to get a picture, that never happened before. She tried resetting it over the phone but it wouldn't work. She set up a service call for today, but I just cancelled it. I unplugged the tv and the tivo from the wall and let them sit for 15 minutes, and when I plugged them back in, it all worked right. But the Pod is blinking a green light which means it's not working right. She's mailing me out another one. I'm so tired of technology problems over the last 2 weeks. It's been something every single day.

The grass is growing and turning green. Have to get the mowers ready soon for next month. Calling for rain all day tomorrow, it's our Saturday weather every weekend lately.

Off to get some more spring cleaning done. Have a nice day1709908111750.png
Lynn:hug:, prayers for cooperative technology bigtime for you, my friend. I'm sorry you have experienced so many hassles of late that way.

Bobbi:hug:hooray for God's blooming flowers! Such a hopeful sight to see.

Editing to add in the miracle God just worked for me. Dad is at the laundromat. He should be home within 20 minutes. I was sitting as always at the kitchen table. The walker was a few feet away by dad's dresser. Dad has been sitting at the kitchen table for meals in my computer chair. This chair moves very easily. It was right next to me at the table.

Bathroom time and sometimes when you need to use it, you need to use it lol. Sheer Grace and Protection of God alone I was able to slide myself like a transfer onto the computer chair and then hold my booted foot up as I rolled to the walker. Walker was thankfully right by a small low bookcase that I was able to use for leverage on one side. Managed to get up and I onto the walker. Went on my way safely to the bathroom. I'm now sitting in the brown recliner chair that is in the back room where I sleep near our bathroom. God Guided me extra through this! What Mercy and additional healing hope, too! I won't be trying this again btw. Beyond grateful for the experience today. I will sure never take, I pray, normal and easy mobility God willing one day sooner than later for granted again that is for sure.
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@PollyannaMom, I think the Phillies will be on TV today, and I will get to watch them! Glad you got to watch your team, the Twins.
Oh, that's twins with a small "t" here! - I used to watch my friends' two kids a couple days a week when they were small, then taught kindergarten for them during the pandemic. They're in "big school" now, but I still occasionally pick them up when their parents' schedules collide. I love being an honorary auntie!
And you are a fabulous Aunt, PollyannaMom! I sincerely thank you always for the loving and kind difference you make to the twins and of course, to all of us, too!:hug:

I have tried to call the podiatrist's office several times today to make an appointment ideally for next Wednesday afternoon. No answer just a machine! Google indicates the office is open from 9-5 Monday-Friday. It looks like I will need to call on Monday. I was really hoping to make my appointment today. I also have yet to hear back today from T. Keeping in prayer that she and her friends will still be able to take me to the doctor and also whether carrying down and then back up the stairs in a wheelchair would be possible for them to do. I sure pray so.

My 📱apparently is acting up. I just noticed a voicemail message. Dad had called telling me he is on his way home from Sprouts. My phone is on. It never rang! The same thing just happened when I tried calling my cell from our landline. I sure pray the phone isn't already going! I have tried, by the way, calling the podiatrist on our landline ☎️too. Same result no answer other than their machine. Very strange. Monday it is. I will update then for sure in some way.

Prayers all of dear you are enjoying the afternoon! Were any of you a fan of the 80's TV Show Family Ties? I sure was. I remember enjoying it so much on Wednesday evenings I believe on NBC, Channel 4. Grandma would watch too, and we would enjoy together popcorn::She made the best popcorn probably because like all she created it was done with love. I still recall young me just knowing in my heart even at so young that the two actors Michael J Fox and Tracy Pollan had something genuine between them. As all of you know, they have been married for years. I went to day camp briefly with Andrew on the show--Brian Bonsall. I'm mentioning Family Ties today because God had placed it theme song in my heart a few days ago. i liked a lot of 80's and early 90's theme and movie songs. Anyway, I thought Family Tie's introductory song was so touching and cleverly done. Family Ties Theme Song an early version of it. God brought US together as His family 4 years ago now as friends in His precious Name. How blessed I am He did. All of you will always be in my heart and by His Grace may we always be a family growing in faith, friendship, and care together. Love and thanks to you all always!


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