
Apr 19, 2006
Ugh - Here are my choices. (6 nights, 5 days of tickets, 2 adults, 2 kids)

1. Quick Service DP at an All Star Resort. - $1400
2. Regular Dining plan at Coronado Resort - $1800 or so + $150 of tips or so.
3. Regular Dining Plan at All Star - $1500 + $150 of tips = $1650.

We are not thrilled with the quick service at Magic Kingdom, but we love the QS at CSR. Tons of choices and tons of food.

We don't particularly care about the resort at all. Just the food. The rooms are just for sleeping, and we are not using the pool. :-)

What choice would you choose and why?

I think you can get the regular DP at Coronado, the quick service is only at the value resorts, any resort above Value is the regular plan, if you can choose that I would go with Coronado.
We have the free QS DP for Dec. I gave it some thought and my ADRs fell this week because my booking window opened; so, I decided to go with the basic DP plus and I paid the difference for the upgrade for us.

I don't mind one CS meal a day, but I just don't want two per day for the whole trip. We like eating in the parks and some parks just have terrible choices for CS. I have tried a lot of CS in my time and it just doesn't cut it comparing it to table service.

I think you can actually get better value for table service on the plan. The $10 difference more per person is well worth it. I have a tendency to max out my value with the better restaurants and the more expensive entrees. You can only go so far with CS to max it out.

I think it's nicer to do table service, too. You can sit back and have someone wait on you. Now, in return you do need to leave a gratuity which makes the basic DP plus plan more expensive overall. I think it feels more like a vacation doing table service.

Finally, I feel I can have a conversation over dinner at table service. I just can't get that same feeling doing CS. It's a very different environment. I think it's more romantic to do table service, too.

If you want to be a free spirit then I think CS DP can be more appealing. You don't have to lock in to a set time to eat. There has been a few occasions when we had to back track for a TS meal and that does waste a little time, but it's not too often that this happens to us.

This is a very individual decision. It somewhat depends on what you are use to back home. If you go out a lot to table service restaurants back home then I think you would like the better DP more.

I like the value resorts better than the moderate resorts for the price difference. Like you said, you use the room to sleep. You can go over to CSR and eat at their places. We go to resorts to have our meals; it's part of the fun. Without a car this is a little harder to do but still doable.

I think you will have fun no matter what your choice; it's really just a matter of preference for resort and eats. Any place, any DP is better than nothing at all.
I think you can get the regular DP at Coronado, the quick service is only at the value resorts, any resort above Value is the regular plan, if you can choose that I would go with Coronado.
That's only if you're getting free dining, which I'm not sure the OP is doing. If you've got a room discount and are paying for dining plan, you can get any plan you want at any resort you've booked.
It looks like it's an extra $50 a day for the upgrade. You can easily make up the difference with a table service over counter service and that doesn't include the fun if you get a character meal. If I didn't like the CS at MK I'd chose to eat elsewhere or go to a plan that included TS.

You didn't say when you were going. If you are seriously thinking about the DP with TS make see if you can make your ADR's, some restaurants fill up very quickly.
Thanks for the responses.

A couple of answers -

Yes, I believe I can get the QSDP if I am using a room code.

I think all prices include the free dining plan.

I am going in December.

Do you have any TS meals planned or do you want to do many TS meals? If yes, scratch option 1.

Since you won't use the pool and don't care about the room being anything more than a place to sleep, why pay the extra for a moderate? Scratch option 2.

Go with option 3 if you want TS meals and option 1 if you don't.
As the PP stated, it would depend if you wanted to do at least 1 TS meal a day. You would be surprised of some of the good choices of CS. Plus, the QSDP comes with two snacks and a refillable mug. I probably would not do the DxDp again for quite a while. My children are younger 1 1/2 and 6 1/2 and I just don't know what kind of day they are having and didn't want to stress about getting ressies. When we get the QSDP, we are still going to pay for two character meals OOP. Look at some of the menus and see where you would eat and how much you would spend. You can then compare that to the price of the DDP. Good luck.
I believe that they changed alot of the QS menu options at CSR. All of the elaborate offereings seem to be eliminated from what I've heard on recent trip reports.

Look into the updated menus. You may find that being over there for the QS wouldn't have helped you now anyway.

I think you made the right choice for what is good for you and your family.


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