Purchasing direct newbie question


Earning My Ears
Nov 23, 2015
Hey everyone,

I am thinking about purchasing DVC and wondering if its possible to buy direct into BWV, BCV or any others besides CCV and Riviera? I think they told me only CCV and Riveria were the only ones available at the time but sometimes the others become available? We really like BWV and can buy resale but really want to have the member benefits. Should I just buy into CCV and then add BWV? Is it even possible to buy direct into the other resorts anymore?
It is possible to buy direct from Disney and get an older resort. The resorts are sold out, but Disney can get additional inventory from several sources: they can repossess from people who don’t pay their mortgage payment or annual Maintenance Fees. They also have a Right of First Refusal if someone want to sell their points on the resale market. So even if they do not have points available today, if you are persistent, they could probably get them for you within a month or two. The prices are pretty high - higher than Riviera or Copper Creek in many cases.

See this link for pricing. https://dvcnews.com/index.php/dvc-p...Pjsm7Lsta19Lou7FhLib3vNKgaZK5cgYNm3yd0zi1S57k
We use the term "sold out" but in reality there are contracts available direct for all resorts. DVD wants their sales people to push the new projects and not the older resorts unless it means losing a sale.

:earsboy: Bill

Yeah, if you feel like paying an extra 5,000 - 6000 dollars per 100 points direct over resale, they'll sell them to you. You have to be persistent, and it might take a month or two for the points to show up, but you can do it.

The member benefits are nice, but not worth it at the current price delta. I bought in almost 2 years ago when I only had to buy 25 points direct, and I'm glad I did. No way I would be paying the difference these days though.

There's a very nice 150 point August UY BWV contract for sale right now will full 2019 points coming (plus a few extra) at 130 a point. You really want to pay Disney 190 dollars a point (9,000 dollars more), so you can save a few hundred on an annual pass and maybe get into a moonlight magic event? It's your money, but the math doesn't add up for me. I think I paid less than 1000 dollars more to get the "perks", but 9,000? forget it.

Besides, member benefits are subject to change, and have been scaled back in the past, and will probably be scaled back in the future.
Hey everyone,

I am thinking about purchasing DVC and wondering if its possible to buy direct into BWV, BCV or any others besides CCV and Riviera? I think they told me only CCV and Riveria were the only ones available at the time but sometimes the others become available? We really like BWV and can buy resale but really want to have the member benefits. Should I just buy into CCV and then add BWV? Is it even possible to buy direct into the other resorts anymore?
So to put everything together, it is possible to buy any resort direct if you're willing to pay the price. But if the member benefits mean that much to you it might make sense to buy direct at one of the resorts where the difference between direct and resale is less, and then buy BWV resale if that's where you want to own.
Hey everyone,

I am thinking about purchasing DVC and wondering if its possible to buy direct into BWV, BCV or any others besides CCV and Riviera? I think they told me only CCV and Riveria were the only ones available at the time but sometimes the others become available? We really like BWV and can buy resale but really want to have the member benefits. Should I just buy into CCV and then add BWV? Is it even possible to buy direct into the other resorts anymore?

So to put everything together, it is possible to buy any resort direct if you're willing to pay the price. But if the member benefits mean that much to you it might make sense to buy direct at one of the resorts where the difference between direct and resale is less, and then buy BWV resale if that's where you want to own.

Just remember, at 11 months CCV points can only book CCV and BWV points can only book BWV. You can't combine them until 7 months out, so if BWV is really where you want to stay, be sure to buy enough points to book there at 11 months.
It's almost possible to buy any resort direct. I still don't think Beach Club is taking waitlists for contracts for new members. There might be a couple others, too. The guides will push back a bit but ultimately will learn you aren't interested in any of the new offerings and waitlist you on other resorts. Especially if you simply ask to be waitlisted for BWV or whatever you want.

The other's are correct though, financially it doesn't make much sense to buy the other resorts direct. And you can always add 75 direct points to get direct perks, if they are that important to you. Ultimately, the only thing you lose out on by not buying all your points direct is inability to book at new resorts, starting with Riviera.

All of that being said, even if you bought all of your points direct at the inflated price, you would still save money vs. cash rack rates (a lot of money) or even renting. You just could be saving a lot more money. Finally, if you have a large family and you need annual passes, direct membership can save you money long term, potentially.

There are plenty of people who are buying a ton of BWV points, for example, direct from Disney knowing full well about the resale market. Some don't want to deal with the resale process, don't like the idea of having a set of points with different rules or just have enough money that the difference in price is negligible to them. At end of day, look at the numbers, the pros and cons and make the decision that is best for you.

But I will echo, definitely buy where you want to stay (worst case scenario). The last thing you want to do is invest a lot of money into a program and have it degrade your WDW experience. It should make it better. :)

The waitlist for BWV is 1-2 weeks, generally speaking. It is a bit shorter now because they have more flexibility with use years. Once the points are in, you can take the entire waitlist amount or a portion of it. Points are in your account same day. All or some of contract can be paid with credit card. Minimum 10% down for financing, 20% for best rate (currently 9.99%).
I walked into the sales center last month at Boardwalk, said "I want 75 points at Boardwalk," the guide picked up the phone, called someone, and then told me "We have two 75 point contracts, March or December." In less than an hour we had our points. So it can be done!
Thank you all for the information! I see the deed for BWV ends in 22 years.. Do these eventually get extended? If it does do owners have to pay a fee or something?
Yeah, if you feel like paying an extra 5,000 - 6000 dollars per 100 points direct over resale, they'll sell them to you. You have to be persistent, and it might take a month or two for the points to show up, but you can do it.

The member benefits are nice, but not worth it at the current price delta. I bought in almost 2 years ago when I only had to buy 25 points direct, and I'm glad I did. No way I would be paying the difference these days though.

There's a very nice 150 point August UY BWV contract for sale right now will full 2019 points coming (plus a few extra) at 130 a point. You really want to pay Disney 190 dollars a point (9,000 dollars more), so you can save a few hundred on an annual pass and maybe get into a moonlight magic event? It's your money, but the math doesn't add up for me. I think I paid less than 1000 dollars more to get the "perks", but 9,000? forget it.

Besides, member benefits are subject to change, and have been scaled back in the past, and will probably be scaled back in the future.

What site do you see this at?
I know when I was going through this process about 2 months ago, they had AKL, OKW (extended) and SSR that day. The only 2 resorts that weren't available at all for even a waitlist were BCV and VGF. The rest of the resorts I could get on a waitlist for if I wanted to. We ultimately went with CCV because we love the resort and theming, and were concerned with the size of it, that we'd never be able to switch into there at 7 months out compared with some of the other resorts that were available to us to buy that day.
Thank you all for the information! I see the deed for BWV ends in 22 years.. Do these eventually get extended? If it does do owners have to pay a fee or something?

The only resort that DVC ever tried an extension on was OKW. It was a big failure, but that was most likely because it was done way too soon.

In any case, nobody is really sure what will happen when deeds start expiring.

I saw that you wanted to buy direct for member benefits, but there are no member benefits that are worth the extra cost and any of them can be taken away at any time. DVC is best viewed as a vehicle for prepaid lodging for WDW vacations and nothing more.
We were able to get AKV points direct a couple months ago. We already had resale points there and the points were in our account by the end of the day. It was incredibly quick.
Thank you all for the information! I see the deed for BWV ends in 22 years.. Do these eventually get extended? If it does do owners have to pay a fee or something?

No. I will bet big money that BWV will never be extended. I was part of the OKW extension and there was a lot more wrong than the timing.

In 2042, it will be like turning in a car when the lease is over. You won't own BWV and you won't owe BWV dues any more. Your DVC ownership/membership will end.

But until 2042, you would have access to booking BWV at 11 months out. That's worth it for some people and not for others.

Most likely, they will refurb the resort in 2042 and resell new contracts with new/higher point charts.
BCV waitlist availability comes and goes - last I read they weren’t taking new names. The VGF waitlist sometimes closes - last I read it was open. And the VGC waitlist is frozen solid - I’ve been trying to get on it for a while.

Aside from those resorts you should be able to buy direct fairly quickly.
When I first met my guide last year I was told that BCV definitely wasn't taking anyone on to the wait list. I said that I only wanted there so I'd probably buy resale then, and was put on the wait list! It took a few weeks.
When I inquired about BCV in March, my guide said something about needing manager approval to open the waitlist and add me. I don’t think it’s too hard to be added.
Wonder why the only 2 they are selling is CCV and RIV. What about Aulani? It’s not sold out yet and probably won’t for another 5 years.
Wonder why the only 2 they are selling is CCV and RIV. What about Aulani? It’s not sold out yet and probably won’t for another 5 years.

Unless someone mentions an interest in owning in Hawaii I don't think they bring it up too often.
Unless someone mentions an interest in owning in Hawaii I don't think they bring it up too often.
They have a perfect opportunity to sell it now if they price it lower then RIV like around 150-160 pp. Unknowing buyers will jump on the cheaper price because DVC will tell them they can easily book studios at WDW with Aulani points at 7 months. An uniformed buyer would jump all over this. The AUL points would be selling like hot cakes.

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