Purchased resale then direct still showing DVC ND


Feb 28, 2023
Long story short we have been resale owners and now also own direct (150 points) so we qualify for DVC blue card. I deleted my pass and then reloaded the pass from MDE to my Apple wallet and it still shows DVC ND.

Do I need to call tech support to have them work this issue or is there a certain amount of time I need to wait. We signed our contract this week, points are in the account and new contract is showing on my dashboard, I’ve already booked a trip using the direct points.

My wife is traveling to WDW in 2 weeks and I was hoping to get her DVC card setup so she could use the various lounges and get DVC discounts while she is there.

Thanks for any insight
Has your contract closed? The points will be available immediately, but it takes some time to close, maybe 10 days.

Perhaps the DVC Y will show up then.
Someone recently had the same question. It took a few days for the DVC-Y to appear but I can’t remember whether it was a week or actually after the 10-day rescission period expired.
We were resale and then purchased direct last June. We didn’t fully execute and close until well into July for various reasons but I had my blue card within two days of signing the initial paperwork. At least for me it was not at all tied to closing or paying. I would contact your guide who will almost certainly send you to member support.
We were resale and then purchased direct last June. We didn’t fully execute and close until well into July for various reasons but I had my blue card within two days of signing the initial paperwork. At least for me it was not at all tied to closing or paying. I would contact your guide who will almost certainly send you to member support.

I decided to pull up my pass in my Apple Wallet this morning after reading this and it’s now showing DVC Y.

It looks like it does happen pretty quickly
I decided to pull up my pass in my Apple Wallet this morning after reading this and it’s now showing DVC Y.

It looks like it does happen pretty quickly
Yeah ours changed to Y at about the same time the points were added. Then after a couple of days, it switched back to ND, Oops. I figured it was a glitch and sure enough a day or 2 later it switched back and been Y ever since.

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