

Earning My Ears
Apr 7, 2001
Hi there, I just have a few questions about priceline. #1 How does it work? I have heard that there are bonus $$ How do you get them? (for Marriott)We are going to Disneyland May 6-10. I have heard that people get these rooms for $35.00 per night!!!! That is my type of budget!!!!!! Any help is appriciated. Thank you all for you help.
Yep, check out the site above. The site and the people that run it are very well versed in PL bidding. What I like about the site is the fact that I can see where to start my bidding if I don't want to bug Sheryl for help. (I'm so undecided about trips it bugs me. LOL) She has helped me get a flight from Ft.Wayne, In, to Phoenix for $544 for 3 people! She/ the site has also helped me get 3* hotel rooms for $25 a night when the going rate was $60 - $120. ($34 with tax and PL fees ) You can not pick what hotels you want, only the star level and area of where you want to stay. If it is a must to stay in a certain location, you would be better off booking online at the best price you can find. You could do that for the days you plan to be at DL and then use PL to stay in the vacinity on the other days. (make sence?)Now all I need is a rental car. That's been a no go so far, but I still have 5 weeks to go. Good luck to you! :)


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