Post family Disney-theme night ideas HERE!

This week we did the AristoCats which was hard to decide what we were going to do because there isn't many food choices in the movie.

For dinner we had Monte Cristos with an Arugula salad dressed with red onions and a quick vinaigrette.

Then dessert we had a Creme dela Creme de la Edgar which was the Grand Marnier Slushie from Epcot without the orange food coloring to keep it cream colored (which after a few works like a sleeping pill:goodvibes) and French macarons kittens...each was the color of the kitten with the inside being the color of their collar.

The pink came out red and the red came out pink but because of the flavors I just left it. The white had a sweetened raspberry filling, the orange were vanilla also with a marshmallow filling and the chocolate had an almond marshmallow filling.

Next week Alice in Wonderland (my favorite), I can not believe our trip is getting so close :yay:
JJ in Wonderland - can you share that slushy recipe? Sounds (and looks) delicious!!
JJ in Wonderland - can you share that slushy recipe? Sounds (and looks) delicious!!

Sure it was delicious :)

1 part grand mariner
1 part vodka (the stand uses grey goose, I had kettle one orange flavor on hand and it worked well)
1 part simple sugar (equal parts water and sugar heated until the sugar melts)
2 parts sweet and sour mix

Blend with ice and enjoy!

In Epcot it's orange because they use food coloring but I left it out.
JJ, you make me nervous to post our theme night on Alice in Wonderland (tomorrow). You do such a great job!
JJ, you make me nervous to post our theme night on Alice in Wonderland (tomorrow). You do such a great job!

Aw thank you, I can't wait to se you pictures to get some ideas! I loved your safari for Lion King, your children looked like they had such a great time!
LOVE your Harry Potter night! Where did you get the "floating" candlesticks? Did you make the sorting hat?
LOVE your Harry Potter night! Where did you get the "floating" candlesticks? Did you make the sorting hat?

Thanks Dawn! The sorting hat I ordered from Amazon. The candlesticks I had are battery LEDs so I tied fishing line on the flame part and hung them from our light. :goodvibes
I cant beilve I just found this hehe. We did A few movie nights last trip and now were starting for this trip :) We are starting with Lion King tommorow night ♥ Im so glad I found this board. You guys all do such great things. I look forward to sharing our pics as we do them as well :) :cool1:
Last night we did Alice in Wonderland. I was excited because the kids hadn't seen that one yet, and we are having breakfast with Alice and the Mad Hatter on our trip in 17 days!:cool1:

No arts & crafts. I tried to get DD to make some signs that said "this way", "that way", etc., but she was more interested in playing with her My Little Ponies. :lmao:

I dressed up the table with my Easter/spring decorations that are still on display in my china cabinet: white rabbits and a pretty pitcher. I also taped playing cards on the window.

A picture of the entire table:

Cheshire Cat smiles (Cheese Curls):

Queen of Hearts' watermelon chunks:

Tea sandwiches. The butterflies are pb&j. The flowers are cucumber and cream cheese. The rabbits are chicken salad. DS proclaimed this a very good dinner! :rotfl2:

Merry Unbirthday cake. Not Weight Watchers friendly.

Rabbit food:

DD and I played croquet. The boys were not interested in the movie and retreated upstairs. :rolleyes2

On Thursday we will do The Incredibles! DS has been asking for this one, so he was excited to pull it out of the bag.
truemom - for Oliver and Company we did linked sausages that Dodger steals and for the craft we did a New York sky scape. We've done almost all the Pixar and Disney feature films this year (6 left to go) plus a couple of Universal movies too. With a new baby I didn't have time to put them all up here but you can see them in my pre-trip report here if you need some ideas. It's been fun doing them :goodvibes
We're doing a big family trip of 11 too! If you have any questions I'd be happy to help if I can, let me know!


Sorry about the unpretty photo. It may have been the most unattractive food pic I did. Because we did so many movies I just did one food and one craft for each one.

Daisy - great Indiana party!!! Sucha good mom! :goodvibes

Dawn - great job on the Lion King and Alice in Wonderland!

Janine - I am in awe! The Indian food was an inspired idea! And the dessert looks fabulous!
The Monte Cristos, Creme dela Creme de la Edgar and French macaroons are awesome too! Do you have a recipe for the macaroons?
Alysa: Thanks, the macaron recipe was martha stewarts recipe from her website. The fillings I heated jam and added a little powder sugar, and the marshmallow one I just heated marshmallows and added a drop of almond extract and food coloring. It was my first attempt in making them and they were actually not as hard to make as you hear they are!

Dawn: I love your Alice in Wonderland night! The white rabbits were such a great idea and I love the "bread and (peanut)butterflies" sandwiches. I may steal your watermelon idea of the queen of hearts to go with her tarts :).
We started our countdown to Disney a couple of weeks ago and have had 4 movie nights so far. The boys LOVE them (and I confess that it's possible that I love them more than they do!)

Our first movie night was Lilo and Stitch (which none of us had ever seen). But we're doing breakfast at O'hana this year and I wanted to make sure they were appropriately excited about it :)

We raided Dollar Tree for luau decorations, so it was pretty easy!

Our menu was pork skewers (okay, it was really steak... not much of a pork eater), sticky rice, Hawaiian rolls (of course). For dessert, we had tropical fruit and an ill-conceived attempt at molten lava cake.

Ryan LOVED drinking out of the coconut cups :)

We were really surprised at how much we loved the movie too!
Our second movie night was A Bug's Life.

Our meal was picnic-themed. The menu was grape caterpillars, (pretzel) walking sticks, ladybug strawberries, spider webs, a poo poo platter (burgers), and of course, bug juice to drink.

We made antennae before the meal, so we could eat in true bug-style.

We had a Country Bears movie night this weekend. In an effort to save for our cruise next year, I promised DH I would scale back on the amount of $$$ I spend on movie nights. I did good with this one! I was able to decorate with "found" items.

The invitation was a bit of a printer fail. It was supposed to be red and white gingham with a "real" picture of the movie cover...this is what our printer gave us: :sad2:


We used our camping dishes and jelly jars:

The food was FANTASTIC! I used the Whispering Canyon cornbread recipe from to add a little magic to the menu. pixiedust:

DH slow cooked the ribs on the smoker:

Some pictures of the kids enjoying dinner:

DH was supposed to play the guitar for our sing along activity, but he injured a tendon in his arm last week working in the yard. We ended up all sitting on the living room floor together, singing "campfire" songs with no accompaniment. It was still fun. :thumbsup2 We sang; Working on a Railroad, O Suzanna, Do Your Ears Hang Low, and Home on the Range. The kids got a kick out of how silly these songs are. (I had printed up ALL the words to them.) No pictures, since it was just us sitting in the floor singing. :goodvibes

For dessert we enjoyed this bowl of goodness:

And our next movie night:

This is the most inspiring thread!!
I want to play too :goodvibes :goodvibes

We are going to DL in November. I'm thinking of doing a theme night once a week from this Saturday. The only thing is, my DD is a teenager, so I don't want it to be too 'kiddie'. Any suggestions for theming for older kids?

I threw the idea out tonight and DD and DH were reluctantly keen..They tolerate my obsession with Disney ;) My DD asked if we could start with The Princess and The Frog theme, her favourite Disney movie. Who am I to say no :rolleyes1...I can't wait to do this! I will post pics of course, but I'd love to hear everyones suggestions for older kid theming too...TIA :thumbsup2
This is the most inspiring thread!!
I want to play too :goodvibes :goodvibes

We are going to DL in November. I'm thinking of doing a theme night once a week from this Saturday. The only thing is, my DD is a teenager, so I don't want it to be too 'kiddie'. Any suggestions for theming for older kids?

I threw the idea out tonight and DD and DH were reluctantly keen..They tolerate my obsession with Disney ;) My DD asked if we could start with The Princess and The Frog theme, her favourite Disney movie. Who am I to say no :rolleyes1...I can't wait to do this! I will post pics of course, but I'd love to hear everyones suggestions for older kid theming too...TIA :thumbsup2

My oldest is 14, and let me tell you, she loves them all! I wouldn't worry about trying to gear it towards a specific age. You may want to taylor the activites, but not the movies. Disney movies are classics, no matter the age. BTW, Princess and the Frog is my DD 14's favorite Disney movie too! :thumbsup2


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