Poppy Ran Me Over With His Scooter - A PHM Trip Report UPDATE!! 7/23 Pg. 21

So sorry you had to deal with the flooding, Dani!! A similar thing happened to us a year and a half ago, and we haven't put new carpet in because we're not sure if it'll happen again. So tough to deal with. I hope Popadon is doing well and I'm excited you're heading back to the World soon to get your mind off things!

WPE! So much love. I would've taken care of that mac and cheese...

The lower level is actually our main living area, so not carpeting wasn't an option, but I tell you it's tempting. He's doing very well, thanks. He's been working hard on the lower level and I think it's been good for him. Makes him feel a bit more useful.

UGH and double UGH on the storm/flood damage! Doing any kind of remodeling work is a pain but to have all the damage piled on top of the remodel has to be a royal pain!

Yay for everyone arriving safe and sound and for good room assignments. Wolfgang Puck Express is one of our very favorite counter service restaurants!

I know! It's really been a pain in the butt. However, it will be over soon, so I just keep looking forward to that.

WPE is one of our favorites too! There was one trip I ate there four times. I just kept finding myself back there. Not like I was sad about that or anything. Haha!

I've fallen miserably behind, but I'm all caught up now!

I'm so sorry about the sump pump backing up. We lose power rather frequently where we live, so we can't live without a battery back up sump pump.

LeCellier pretzel bread! Yummmm.....

I love your drinking crown. I think everyone should wear a crown while drinking.

Your Pop is rather adorable in his scooter! Was he able to ride rides like Soarin'?

WPE is one of my favorite restaurants. Everything I've tried there is good. The problem is my husband is not a big fan of Downtown Disney. He would much rather be in a park. I think he just equates Downtown Disney with spending money.

We've never had problems with our sump pump before, so this was a new thing for us.

Thanks! I agree, everyone should wear a crown while drinking. Makes things that much more fun.

He was able to go on anything except for roller coasters really. That was what we decided he couldn't go on for rides on this particular trip. Since he was still only a few weeks into the healing process, we were more concerned about the jostling of rides. He missed out on some of his favorites, which bummed him out, but it's only temporary. We're going to Disneyland in August and he is super excited about the rides there, so he'll more than make up for it.
I am WAY more behind than you! Working on 2 TR's that were from trips more than a year ago. Sad!!! I am so sorry about the sump pump issues...I do not miss that about the midwest at all.

Love the drinking crown!

Awww, no worries at all! I just hate feeling like I'm behind and not able to catch up.

Yeah, I really hate the midwest. I ask myself why I'm still here......

I was supposed to wear that crown on our evening after the race! I mean, seriously would have come in handy that night.

Oh, I'm so sorry about your flood damage. :( That is the absolute worst. I don't blame you for not being around the DIS. Who has time when you have that mess to deal with. I hope 2015 improves for you.

Glad your family finally all arrived and you got rooms relatively close to each other. That pic at WPE of the photo bomb by the CMs is so great. I'm laughing just looking at it. I'm sure they could tell you were a fun family, and bonus for the free creme brulee!

It definitely has been a bit of a mess. More than you would think it would be in theory.

It was nice to be on the same floor and a little ways down the hall. Made it easier to coordinate things in the morning.

Hello Danielle, just caught up! Sorry I haven't been very active (school, ya know?), but I have a whole summer to make up for that now! YAY!

I'm sorry to hear about what happened with the flooding at your house. That does not sound fun. And I'm sorry your year hasn't been that great either. It will turn around though. It always does. Especially since you always have Disney right around the corner. :thumbsup2

Loving this report so far! That Zack gif in the first chapter was everything. Best thing about that season. Him and Frankie were the real OTP. :love: Oh and the Moulin Rouge one was on-point too hehe

Anyways, it's so inspiring to read about your journey with running. The ambition and determination you have is amazing. I wish I had that, I'd probably still be running competitively if I did (and you're so right, taking off six minutes is IMPRESSIVE). It honestly makes me want to get back into it so I could go run (no walking) some of the RunDisney events. I can't wait to hear how it went for you for this one. I heard it was cold, but that's about it so I'm anxious to hear how well you did. :teeth:

Haha, that photobomb at WPE is awesome! Cast Members are the actual best. And mmm, everything sounds so good. WPE is next on my list for DTD restaurants to conquer. ::yes::

Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum

I totally hear you on school man! I hope that it's all going well for you. It definitely hasn't been a fun start to the year, so I'm hopeful that it all turns around during the second half.

Zack! I'm so looking forward to Big Brother. It's my summer show! Haha, Moulin Rouge! I love that movie. That entire Like a Virgin sequence kills me.

Thanks so much. I've been slacking a little bit the last few weeks, but my training is starting up again because I have my next half in January.

It was only cold on the 5k, the half was fine, but dude. It was cold. I'll definitely get into that when we get to that point in the trip.

All caught up- So sorry about the flooding. I have been watching FB for your SWW escapades and it looks like you had fun.

We had such a good time! We're already planning another SWW trip next year.
Hi guys! So it looks like I'm going to be possibly running 3 TR's at the same time, which I don't like doing. 2 is normally my max, but this year has been crap so far. I have to write one for the SWW trip I took and the 24 hour day because it was so much fun and a disaster at the same time in some ways I have to share! But I don't know if I should keep up with my November TR. Thoughts?

"I'm Looking At You Eileen!!!"

Thursday February 19, 2015

Aaaaaahhhh Expo day. A highlight of any major race. For all non-runners out there, I will give a brief explanation.

When you run a race, whatever distance, normally there is packet pickup. This is a designated place and time that you are to go so you can pick up your bib and race packet. Race packets as a whole have a bit of swag in them, ranging from the stupid like coupons and such, up to some useful items like cold packs and various running items that you can use. When you run larger races, normally there is an expo associated with the race. The expo will feature merchandise from various vendors that have been approved to show at the expo that you can buy. With Disney, the expo does two things. You have to go to pick up all of your packets for the races, and then on top of that it has the RunDisney merchandise available that's exclusive to that race, in addition to also have the vendors displaying their merchandise and selling as well. This was my first big expo to experience, so I didn't know what to expect. I just knew it would be busy. We had nothing planned on this day until a FP at Epcot at 3:30pm and then dinner at Akershus at 5:05pm. I figured that
would give us the time we needed at the expo to get everything done. There were many of us running races so we had lots of things to pick up.

Plus shopping. I mean, let's not forget shopping.

I did do my Disney inspired makeup for the day, which was based on Rapunzel.

We had told everyone to meet us in our room at 9:15am. Everyone was there at 9:25am. All things considered with 12 people, including a 5 month old, I don't think that was too shabby! We all hopped in our cars and started to head to the expo. You know that in all my time at Disney, this would be my first visit to the Wide World of Sports? Yup. First time right here.

Revoke my Disney fan card now I suppose.

We arrived at about 9:40 and the parking lot was already filling up. We had to park in overflow on the grass. Since this was the first day of the expo, it would make sense. Anyone who was running the Frozen 5k would need to be there on this day to pick up their items. We had runners in the Frozen 5k, the kids races, and the Half, so it was today or no day. I had told everyone before we went that this was the only day at the Expo, so to make sure to get everything they wanted from the expo.

It was also very cold this day, with a high of 50 degrees. That's cold for Florida y'all!

As we were walking in, we figured we would have pictures taken with the appropriate races that we were going to be running. Look at Veronica being all like "this is Florida, I'm wearing capris!"

Joaquin and Bananas (Brigid) were running the Kids mile that Saturday.

And in typical Joaquin fashion.......

Gavin, Madison, and a whole lotta glare.

Jeni and I decided that we would do poses to describe how we really felt about running 13.1 miles a few days from then.

I didn't take tons of pictures in the expo, because there were a lot of people there. There were separate areas for all of the pictures. You were assigned a number on your waiver and then you had to go find the line with that number as they had your packet. Shirts that belonged to the race were picked up in another area. Jason and I were in one line for the 5k, while Mom, Veronica, Gavin, Bananas, and Pop were all in different ones. We spread the other adults with the kids and Jason and I waited in line together.

To give you an idea of the layout.

So of course, Jason and I end up in the slowest line possible. Like, our volunteer was like molasses. Her name was Eileen. I'm looking at you Eileen! Everyone else had their packets and everything while Jason and I were still 30 people deep in our line.

In total, Jason and I waited over 30 minutes for our packets. Every other line was moving super fast and this one was just asinine. Every person that works there is a volunteer, so I'm not trying to be negative about it. But seriously, it doesn't take major skill to hand out packets at a race. They're in order, you find it, sign, packet given, done. To add insult to injury, when we got up there, she couldn't even find the page for us to sign and we had to find it in the book. Everything was repeated "okay you're number 48202, now let's find number 48202, 48202, 48202..." Yes, I'm 48202, I'll find the page, let me sign, give me the stupid bib!

At least I got this given to me when I finally picked up my packet.

We were finally out of there. I had been texting with Caitlin a little bit prior, because I knew they were there to pick up their packets as well. We had to move downstairs to pick up the packets for the half and then get the wristbands for the breakfast. Randy found a seat in the upper level with Pop to sit with the baby and relax. We just didn't know how long everything was going to take. However, not before Caitlin, Dale, and Dawn found us and gave us all hugs. I think they were really happy to see Pop up and looking pretty well. We chatted briefly and introduced everyone. No worries, we'd be seeing each other later in the trip.

I'm also happy to report that Caitlin and I will be running the Donald half together in January! Now, I use the term together loosely, because it just means we'll start together. She can run circles around me, but I am so so so so excited for this trip, you have no idea. We'll have a Disney family vacation!

Anyway! We had to pick up the breakfasts, but apparently Ve forgot to print the waivers for it so they wouldn't allow her to pick them up. Okay then. So she moved outside to the area with the printers, asked the CM's there and they had no idea what she was talking about. She said they looked at her like she had lost her mind. So we headed over there together and they had extra waivers there for her to sign anyway that they could have printed.

Volunteers. Stinking volunteers.

I'm happy to report that our pickup for the half packets took minutes. In comparison with what we'd been through at that point, it was easy breezy.

The natives were starting to lose their minds.

The kiddos really hung in there I have to say. They had some pretty cool stuff so we wandered around for a little while. They had the Cinderella shoe on display.

That's my boy. <3

Joaquin is always reluctant to take pictures with me. It's like pulling teeth. You can see the disdain on his face.

How did the three of us feel about running a half? Notice the littles hands in the back trying to pull bunny ears? Haha, too short!

Now it was time to actually shop! We had been at the expo for like 2 hours at that point. Absolute insanity! And then I did something even more insane. I got in line for a Dooney.

This line.

Someone was losing their cool a little I think.

Here is one complaint that I have about the Expo / Dooney situation. This is open to anyone. You can walk in and buy what you want. Doesn't matter if you're running. So what you have is people in line for the Dooneys that aren't even running a race. I find this to be unacceptable. I'm sorry, I'm actually running this race, and the fact that you're not even checking for people to prove their running the race to buy the Dooney is really frustrating to me. I get it if you have overstock after the fact, then put them at the Coop at DTD and sell them there. But during the Expo, I think it should be reserved for racers only.

Just my opinion.

The line for the Dooney took over 40 minutes, and once we got in to buy it, the line to check out was another 20 minutes. So what did we do while we waited?

Took pictures.

At that point, the pictures at the expo stopped. It was almost 1pm at that point. We had bought things, grabbed packets, waited in super long lines, but man. It was tiring! And I'm looking at the clock thinking "dinner is at 5pm, and we haven't eaten lunch!" At 1:30pm we were all done with what we needed to do, we decided to head up and eat at the quick service there at the Wide World of Sports. Clearly what we ate was nothing special, because I didn't even take a picture of it. And the whole time, Troy, the 5 month old? Taking it like a true champ.

The kids hung in there really well. They really were good the whole time. I have now learned my lesson from the Expo. For the race next year, all I have planned is Expo, dinner. That's it. No park, no nothing. All I'm doing is picking up my stuff and going. I've also learned not to run multiple races, but you'll find out why when I get to actually updating about the half.

But one plus to the Expo? Swag. Lots and lots of swag.

Up next: The 6 year old takes the Beverly bullet for everyone.

I LOVE your Rapunzel look.

Don't feel bad you've never been to the World of Sports (or whatever they call it this day). Unless you are there to watch a baseball game (as we were in 2000) or to pick up race materials, there really isn't a big reason to go.

Wow...that's insane the line you waited in while everyone was basically in and out.

An hour for a Dooney? And I agree. If you aren't there for the race, you shouldn't be there!

Oh dear...1:30 and no food and you had dinner at 5? I'm glad you got a little something.

Can't wait to hear where you are going for dinner.
I am still so mad that I missed meeting you by one day!! I love the before and after picture. Hopefully I will live there by next February and see all the fun!
I remember those makeup pics! Nice!

OK - I'm speed reading only because I have so much to do before work today, but I was surprised to see you were back on the DIS. I figured you defected.

you really look amazing in your pre race pics! Training obviously agreed with you!

Nice loot! You were brave to get the "I did it" shirt. I just couldn't bring myself to do that. But I did really enjoy the expo because they had some great stuff and the sunglasses I got there are SOOOOOOOOO awesome. I absolutely love them for running and biking.

The kiddos are all too cute in their pics!
It's another check mark on the Disney fan card... No need to revoke it!

Looks like a really busy day but so far a lot of fun! I love that you are always doing up your makeup for Disney characters!

I hope you do that trip report for SWW and the 24 hour day!
Those race expos are massive....fun if you are into them but...yeah can be time consuming. I DO want to hear about the 24H day for sure!!
3 simultaneous trip reports?! :worship: All hail the Dis Queen!
I love the makeup. Your creativity is amazing.
We are always so happy to see your family but we were especially happy to see your dad in Feb! :hug: And we are really looking forward to January!
Love all the goodies you bought!
I've done three TRs at once and yes, it's a bit of a pain! Right now I'm down to just one and it feels a little weird. :rotfl:I am really looking forward to your Star Wars trip report because I'm almost certain Jim and I are going to go next year.

With my bad ankle, there is no way I will be able to run a marathon at Disney but I sure do love reading about them.

Jim and I actually visited WWoS on our Honeymoon in 1998. There really was nothing to see there and we lasted all of 10 minutes. The only thing to see was the store. I guess if there isn't an event, there isn't much to see. So in other words, I don't think you missed much by not going before!
I love your reports so I'm voting to write one for all the trips but I know what a PITA writing a report is. :)

Holy cow those lines are crazy! I agree with you, runners should have exclusive access to the Dooneys. Nice swag!

Jill in CO
All caught up! I agree with you- runners should have exclusive access to the Dooneys. Makes no sense that they don't do that! :confused3 I just choked on my water when I read "This isn't sweat; It's liquid awesome!" I need to start running just so I can wear that. :laughing:
But I don't know if I should keep up with my November TR. Thoughts?
If you were to ask us to choose which TR to cut short, then the Nov TR would be it. :)

We had told everyone to meet us in our room at 9:15am. Everyone was there at 9:25am. All things considered with 12 people, including a 5 month old, I don't think that was too shabby! We all hopped in our cars and started to head to the expo. You know that in all my time at Disney, this would be my first visit to the Wide World of Sports? Yup. First time right here.
I've been there for the Disney marathon expo and it wasn't too bad. I guess the fact that you were at the expo on the first day, and it was also the first day for the volunteers, probably added to the chaos. In hindsight, do you wish you had left the kids and a non-running adult back at the resort? They were definitely troopers, though.

But one plus to the Expo? Swag. Lots and lots of swag.
Your swag is great. I think the Princess Half Marathon has the best swag. I'm tempted to run the 5K next February just so I can "qualify" to wear the cool stuff. (I won't wear a race shirt if I didn't run a race. It feels wrong.)

I agree with your about the Dooney stuff - race participants should get first shot at it.
I can't even imagine having TWO let alone three TRs going at one time - you are a TR master!! Go girl:cool1:

BUT I think if you're definitely wanting to get rid of one - it sounds like you really want to go (and I really want to hear about...slightly selfish logic:laughing:) the SWW and 24 hours route. I say do it and that would be nixing the November TR...am I right or very confused (very possible)...?

I'm loving hearing your race experience! I totally agree that only running participants should have access to the merch - it just feels like 'what's the point of having it there during the races, then?"
Well I definitely want to hear about your recent trip! And of course would love to hear the rest of the November trip but completely understand if you can't. 3 TRs sounds like a lot of work!

Excited to hear you will running again in January!

Love all the stuff you bought, but it does sound like a long day!
I've heard the expos can be crazy and your report confirms that. Seems like the kids did awesome though ... mine would be bouncing off the wall after like 2 hours. And, at least for the boy, I mean that literally - just to try and entertain himself.

All the swag you got is cool! Like the one (not sure if a shirt or bag or sticker or what) that says "This isn't sweat, it's liquid awesome!"

BTW - kinda agree with you about the line for Dooney and not cool that non runners are able to just get on line. They should at least have some time set aside for just runner to give you some advantage.
But I don't know if I should keep up with my November TR. Thoughts?

Whatever works best for your Danielle. No matter what... If you write it, I will come.

You know that in all my time at Disney, this would be my first visit to the Wide World of Sports?

I've never been either. The closest I've been is passing the entrance when heading to POP. I'm keeping my Disney fan card though, thank you very much.


Is it wrong that this reminds me of Universal?

I'm also happy to report that Caitlin and I will be running the Donald half together in January!

I actually knew this via FB and that info is securely tucked away.

OK, here's what I really like about the swag. The "I did it" t-shirt BEFORE actually running the race. Positivity for the WIN!!!
I LOVE your Rapunzel look.

Don't feel bad you've never been to the World of Sports (or whatever they call it this day). Unless you are there to watch a baseball game (as we were in 2000) or to pick up race materials, there really isn't a big reason to go.

Wow...that's insane the line you waited in while everyone was basically in and out.

An hour for a Dooney? And I agree. If you aren't there for the race, you shouldn't be there!

Oh dear...1:30 and no food and you had dinner at 5? I'm glad you got a little something.

Can't wait to hear where you are going for dinner.

Thanks! I really liked creating that look actually.

Yeah, I don't foresee going to the Wide World of Sports unless you have a race or an event to watch.

It was insanity! I'm surprised I kept my cool for so long to be honest. LOL.

I am still so mad that I missed meeting you by one day!! I love the before and after picture. Hopefully I will live there by next February and see all the fun!

I seem to miss people by one day all the time!

I remember those makeup pics! Nice!

OK - I'm speed reading only because I have so much to do before work today, but I was surprised to see you were back on the DIS. I figured you defected.

you really look amazing in your pre race pics! Training obviously agreed with you!

Nice loot! You were brave to get the "I did it" shirt. I just couldn't bring myself to do that. But I did really enjoy the expo because they had some great stuff and the sunglasses I got there are SOOOOOOOOO awesome. I absolutely love them for running and biking.

The kiddos are all too cute in their pics!

If I defected, where would I go? :rotfl2: No, no defecting here, just trying to get everything together. Hopefully it normalizes a little bit now for me.

Yeah, I need to get back in gear so that I look like I did in my pre-race pics. This first half of the year has not done me any favors.

I know! I totally did buy the I Did It shirt ahead of time. I had faith that I was going to make it, even if I had to crawl over the finish line.
These Expo horror stories just keep on coming. Yikes! And I totally thought of that Miranda Priestly quote when I read you guys were waiting for so long. :lmao: OMG, but that swag is awesome! The Dooney especially is perf. :goodvibes Hope the rest of this day got a bit better for y'all and I'm really curious to hear how this "Beverly bullet" situation went down. ;)

Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum


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