Poppy Ran Me Over With His Scooter - A PHM Trip Report UPDATE!! 7/23 Pg. 21

So sorry about your home!

My MIL used to work at World of Disney. For years. There were free WDW tickets for us and shopping discounts and all sorts of CM freebie goodies. To this day I swear to you that I have not in my heart of hearts forgiven that woman for having the sheer and utter gall to actually retire!

Apparently, the birth of my daughter (her first grandchild) was celebrated at the World of Disney with a pink and white sheet cake she brought in to enjoy with the other CM's. I always think about that every time I walk through that store.
So sorry to hear about all your water troubles. Thank goodness everyone was safe!

Your drinking crown is adorable. It made me laugh. Normally that's a good thing but I'm reading it at work. :ssst:
Glad you're back, I'm so sorry about your house and all of that damage, hope you can get everything back to normal soon! :goodvibes

Lol, I love that picture of your Pop holding that table too, and I don't know why. It's just a guy sitting at a table, but it's so cute!

Yum I love WPE, I feel like I haven't been there in forever. Stupid Earl of Sandwich always getting in the way!

WoD is always fun, but that place is so overwhelming! Brandon and I lose each other every single time in that store, so I don't know how you kept track of 11 of you! :rotfl:
Who knew your mom was a criminal who steals MagicBands? She seems so nice ... it's always the nice ones who go around stealing MBs.

Scooter Rage should definitely be a thing ... people are not so nice to those on scooters (of course, the people on the scooters are not always so nice either ... but that's a different story entirely).

That chocolate mousse definitely doesn't look like any mousse I'm used to ...but the creme brulee does look very bruleed.

I didn't know they sell socks at Mouse Gear (although, really, there isn't much that they don't sell at Mouse Gears).

Going around in circles shouting "WWWHHHEEEEEEE" ... I can't imagine what the people around you were thinking. "Is this guy crazy or just a lot of fun?"

I know, who knew that this entire time I was living with a stone cold criminal. At least now I now. LOL.

It's not even remotely close to mousse now! A bit disappointing.

They sell pretty much everything at Mouse Gear, which I love.

I'm sure people thought he was crazy, and I mean that's okay. He is crazy.

Catching back up! Love Papadon's attitude about life! Your journey has been amazing! You are a real inspiration.

I haven't eaten at LC since they switched over to 2 credits. I miss the cheese soup and the pretzel sticks

Jill in CO

Thanks so much!

Yeah, we rarely eat at LC, just because it's not my favorite. Not that I think it's bad or anything, I just really think it's an overrated overhyped restaurant at WDW.

I never would have guessed that was the problem with her band. :upsidedow Did she need to show an ID to prove that her band wasn't stolen?

I know right?! She did have to show her ID, but they wouldn't even allow her to do it at the gate, she had to go to Guest Relations to get it sorted out. I think that's the part that frustrated her the most.
Your mom the criminal :jawdrop: wow! ;)

Aww man, I can just imagine circles and Wheeee!!!

I know, right?!

It fits completely in with his personality, so it's not surprising he did that.

Ugh those magic bands! Such a pain. Anytime all 3 of us make it through the entrance with no issues we look like this :dancer:

Your lunch looks delicious even if that is the strangest chocolate mousse ever!

The pics of your dad are great. He is so adorable!

This was the first real issue we've had with MB's, but still, what an issue to have!

It indeed was strange chocolate mousse. Not particularly moussey. Hahaha.

We usually don't have any issues with our magic bands, but the worry wart I am, theres always that moment when you're going through the entrance that you hold your breath and cross your fingers until you get that green circle lol

Your dad is great, I'm glad he's embracing the scooter lol

We've never had issues either, but we always carry our tickets around with us just in case. In this instance, Mom having the pass didn't even matter apparently.

He definitely embraced the scooter the whole time. I was glad he did.
That's so frustrating that your Mom had to go to guest relations. That happened last May with Jim and I but it was my fault. I apparently didn't hook his ticket up correctly with his MB. We ended up waiting in line in the rain for 45 minutes to get it straightened out.

I've had both good and bad experiences at Le Cellier but I do love that pretzel bread!

Pop on a scooter is just hilarious!

It was frustrating, but thankfully the line wasn't that long and it took only a few minutes. Gotta look at the bright side, right? That stinks it took so long to get everything straightened out!

I'm right there with you girl! I have some serious road rage issues :laughing: I don't think I could handle being in a scooter at WDW!

Your food pictures at Le Cellier looked great! They made me hungry. I'm telling you, every time I see food pictures, I immediately tell myself I NEED an ADR there for my next trip. Disney restaurants will end me.

OK, this is amazing. I'm glad pop seemed to make the most of having to use a scooter! :rotfl:

I have road rage all of the time, it's really quite bad. Hahaha. I've recently started trying to just be calm when I drive, because I sometimes act a bit crazy. :tongue:

I feel the same way when I see food pictures from Disney! I convince myself that I need to eat there the next time I visit.

We had fun with the scooter the entire week. The kids absolutely loved it.

Looks like a great Epcot day! That pretzel bread looks so good...I love pretzel bread...would be good with the cheese soup I think...the rest of the food looked really good too...although I find it funny because being from Canada...I just don't see any of that stuff as being distinctly Canadian...but then...not sure what really "is" Canadian food lol other than maybe...maple syrup lol. Too bad about your mom's MB issues...glad it got sorted quickly!

I love pretzel bread too. Now, this is sacrilege to many, but I'm not a huge fan of the cheddar cheese soup at Le Cellier. I think it's a bit overrated, but that's just me.

I'm going to say maple syrup and poutine are truly Canadian. :rotfl:
While I know that it was frustrating for Momma to run into trouble getting into the park, it does make me feel good knowing that Disney does keep an eye on people using stolen bands.

Papadon makes me laugh so hard! I love his spirit!

It is nice to know that they do take stolen bands so seriously! Given she was treated like a criminal. Hahaha!

I did have to show my ID. It was really sad the way I got treated at the gate by both Cast Members. The cast member at Guest relations was really nice and took care of me right away. she apologized for the mix-up. She had no idea what happened.

They definitely didn't have to treat you that way, they could have just explained that they couldn't resolve it there and you needed to go to Guest Relations. Done.

I am so glad I don't look like a criminal. This way I can get away with more. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Wait....you DON'T look like a criminal?

So true that Disney is really good to keep an eye on things. Only frustration for me was that they should have been a little more polite.

You and I must have similar driving skills. My husband says I have an alter ego, "Traffic Jenn", when I'm driving home in rush hour, bumper to bumper traffic. I gotta be defensive if I want to make it home! :scared1:

So glad your momma didn't have to go to Mickey Jail for allegedly having a stolen MB. I bet they don't have Premium Mickey Bars there! :eek:

I definitely have an alter ego too. When Jeni (my SIL) and I drive together, she laughs at me and tells me that I'm her kind of person, because I see the stupid in people on the road. Haha.

They definitely did not have premium Mickey bars there!

Mom the criminal! :rotfl2: but I'm glad the situation was sorted out pretty quickly.

Lunch looks/sounds amazing. That mousse looks very fancy! I would love to go to Le Cellier one day but the price point is what's holding me back.

I so wish you had video of Pop circling in his scooter. The photos are pretty hysterical though so I will accept that :)

I know, such a thief she is!

If the price point of Le Cellier is holding you back, I don't recommend going to the restaurant then. It's definitely expensive and there is more restaurant options you could spend your money on. :) Just my opinion though. I'm glad we went back, as we hadn't been in years, but we won't be back for quite some times.

Believe me I wish I took video too. I just wasn't thinking!

Wow, I was not expecting that as the reason for the Blue Mickey of Death. Stolen??? I don't get that at all.

And to think, Epcot actually has wide walkways, so one would think it would be the one park that would be easist to maneuver a scooter.

We had someone with a scooter on my last trip, and it did crack me up that... ZOOM!!! Gone.

YAY!!!!!!! I fully approve of lunch in Canadia!!! :woohoo:

Yeah, I bet Katt was sad. :confused3

I would never make fun of Popadon.

OK wow. There are seriously two Katt's??!! She is the first Katt I've ever met in my life, and yet there are seriouly two there??? Good to know. Of course it would be funny to go in asking to see Katt and having some stranger show up.

This is why we love Popadon. He just takes what could be a potenitally annoying situation and not only accepts it, but embraces it. WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

I know, stolen! It was crazy.

Nope, doesn't matter the size of the walkways. Maneuvering the scooter was never easy no matter how wide. People just get in the way and don't pay any mind.

Go Canadia!

Oh, Katt was soooooo sad. :rolleyes1

Oh, it's totally fine for anyone to make fun of Popadon. I approve it.

He definitely embraced the situation with the scooter, which was good. I'm glad that he did.
That's crazy about your Mom's band! Although I'm glad Disney had protections in place for those kinds of things, that's no excuse for rudeness by the gate CMs.

I'm right there with you on being an enraged driver. Those that have never ridden with me have no idea how "colorful" I can become. :laughing: I think driving a scooter just adds an extra level of "danger" to avoiding others that pay absolutely no attention to what's going on around them. :scared: Especially since if you did run into someone, they'd blame you instead of looking at themselves and realizing that they need to be more aware of their surroundings!

Your meal at Le Cellier looks tasty, but I'm disappointed by the Chocolate Mousse. I was planning on ordering it this year, but maybe not...

When I saw your first picture of someone in a scooter driving in circles yelling "Weeee!" I thought it was great that someone could have so fun doing something random.

When I looked at the second picture, I realized it was your dad. :lmao: Your dad is awesome!

Yeah, I agree on all counts. It's nice that we're protected from our bands being reported stolen, but they could have certainly been nicer.

I get crazy looks from people who don't drive with me often when my crazy enraged driving personality comes out. They don't expect it from me at all.

Yeah, the mousse was disappointing so I would go with something else. Unless they have the normal kids chocolate mousse.

We're all about having fun doing random things in our family. Hahaha!

Did they give you a fastpass to use on any ride at any time that day for your trouble? When we had to go to Guest Relatoons because DH's Annual Pass and the kids tickets seemed to be missing they gave us an extra fastpass because we had to wait in line. It was nice but next time I'll ask for three and see if I get them. ;)

They didn't give us anything for the hassle, just sent Mom on her way to meet back up with us.

Girl, yes! I'm even brainstorming "Disneybound" costume ideas - one of them was Chip and Dale as Rescue Rangers but I don't think my husband would want to wear a bomber jacket in 80+ degree weather (and neither do I).

Can't wait to see you! I hope I can last! LOL

Rescue Rangers!!!!!! Gadget would be fun! But I agree, a bomber jacket in Florida that time of year would be crazy!
A thief, a scooter racer, and scooter rage? How do they let you all into the parks ; ) I can only imagine the shenanigans if there had been alcohol and real ice cream in the mix.

I know, they shouldn't! We're just a band of misfits up in here.

That stinks about Mom's Magic Band getting a blue Mickey and the CM's being mean to her. :(

How would they know it was stolen? And why did they think it was stolen?

I'm glad you got one attraction in before lunch. The last time we went to LeCellier was in 2011 when we took Andy. We've not been back since and probably won't (after Yachtsman it really is no brainer). I didn't like that we couldn't substitute (I loved the cream cheese mashed potatoes and chocolate whiskey cake and I couldn't get either at our meal) and I thought the steak had shrunk big time).

I'm glad your mom enjoyed her fish..it looks really good.

I LOVE your selfie--you look beautiful.
I am just sitting here...well, I'm actually :lmao::lmao:because I can just see Popadon driving in a circle.

The CM at Guest Relations said that only they or the guest can report them stolen. We said that we didn't report it stolen, so it had to come from inside their system somehow.

I agree completely about Le Cellier. We likely won't be going again in the near future.

Awww thanks!

I know, you can totally see him driving in a circle, can't you? Crazy dude.

:scared1: Stolen?!?!?!?!? How odd that that happened. I got the blue Mickey the first time I tried to enter the park with a new band and ticket and when the band went blue I just whipped out the card and scanned the card. But seeing stolen .....

I hate that the CMs "turned" on her when they thought it was stolen, innocent until proven guilty people!!!!!! :rotfl2:

Pop doing doughnuts in the scotter..:rotfl:

I know, totally bizarre! We still have no idea how it happened, but oh well. It's going to be an unsolved mystery forever (cue Robert Stack voice).

Hahahaha, give the man any kind of vehicle and he'll do all kinds of crazy things.
So a magic band can be listed as stolen? Who knew? What a PITA for your mom. Glad she was able to get it straightened out quickly.

Lunch looks so yummy. I agree - 2 TS is too many, but with TIW its doable. The last filet I had there was a little salty, but still yummy. Or maybe that was the risotto. I still crave those creamed cheese mashed potatoes.

I can definitely see you dad doing circles and saying "wheeeeeeeeee...." Not surprised as all.

Cute outfit and great makeup!

Indeed a magic band can be listed as stolen and you can be treated like a criminal.

It is too many, but yes TIW makes it a bit more tolerable.

A stolen MagcBand?! That's different... Your poor mom. All these CM being rude to her because they thought they were dealing with a criminal!

The steaks at LE Cellier are legendary, but I just can't bring myself to spend the credits eating there. Maybe one day.

Oh man, Popadon on the scooter is hilarious. I am not surprised at all that he was doing loops. Any fun loving person would reach that point eventually. Too tempting not to.

It was so bizarre!

Truthfully, I think that the steak at the Yachtsman and Jiko are better. My opinion though.

Right?! Under normal circumstances he's not in a scooter, so he figured why not take advantage of the situation.

Sorry no fastpass. I was the first one at Guest relations so didn't have to wait at all.


You're makeup looks fabulous as always, you inspire me on so many levels!:)

Awww, thank you so much!

That pretzel bread though :love:! I've never been to Le Cellier, but I think I have to go just for that!!

Yeah, the pretzel bread is pretty stinking good.
The Canada pavilion is so pretty!
All the food looks good; we haven't eaten there in years, I think there are better steak options at WDW.
It's kinda annoying that there are still magic band issues after all this time. I mean, you know it wasn't stolen so the issue HAS to be theirs!

It really is, and I don't explore it very often. I need to make sure I do it more.

I agree there is better steak in WDW.

The way I look at it you're dealing with computers and technology. They're always going to have issues I think. Over time they'll just lessen.

I've only read the first installment but it looks like this trip is going to be so fun! We always go to Disney with lots of family members and I love it because we all get along so well. Seeing Disney through the eyes of someone who has never been is well Magical. I hope this trip is everything you hoped it would be. Oh and congrats on the 1/2 marathon. What a great accomplishment. OK, going back to read the rest.

We all get along really well too, so it's fun to be able to go in large groups. I enjoy going with people that haven't been before, it gives me so much more appreciation for it.

Thanks so much! The 1/2 was definitely an experience.

What a pain for your mom with her magic band. Glad she was able to get it all sorted out.
Great meal at Le Cellier! :)

I'm very glad too. It was resolved quickly.

A little late, but joining in!

Welcome! :welcome:
I have fallen waaayyy behind. I am at your parents arrival in Disney and your visit to EPCOT.

Really nice pictures around AKL with your new toy!

Very cool tribute to EPCOT with your makeup. As someone who doesn't wear any makeup, anytime, I truly envy your dedication and artistry (and your brush collection).

I'm glad to hear your experiences with others reactions to Pop's scooter have been positive so far. But I'm sorry to hear about your mom's problem getting in. Hope it gets resolved quicker than other visits you have had to Guest Services!


No worries, you know how long I've been away from the DIS recently.

I love my new camera! I look forward to taking better pictures with it over time.

Thanks so much! I just love playing with makeup. I've never looked at it as a hassle like some people, it relaxes me, so I enjoy taking the time every day to put it on.

We had positive experiences basically the entire trip, which was definitely a plus.

Sorry to hear you were traveling with a criminal element. Does that make you an accomplice?

I'm glad the confusions was resolved without too much trouble and you were able to get on your way to Soarin'. A great start!

Your lunch at Le Cellier looked great!!! My family hasn't been since it changed to a signature.

Glad to you got to say hello to Katt! And that she isn't actually leaving.

And finally- Pop doing donuts in the parking lot is just too funny!!!


Meh, you'd think I'd be used to traveling with a criminal, seeing as though the criminal is my Mom.

We hadn't been since it changed to signature either.

Haha, yeah glad she's not leaving! I just didn't want to argue so I was like "okay then!"

Oh the scooter :moped:made me laugh out loud! I am the same way behind the wheel, I turn a little cray cray! Lunch looks amazing but I agree, not worth 2 TS !

Hahahaha, glad I could give you a chuckle! Yup, I'm absolutely irritated and angry when I drive. I need to work on that.

No ma'am not at all worth 2 TS credits!

:scared1: Wow, that's a surprise! No wonder you guys can afford to go to Disney so much. :lmao: (Kidding, of course - and that's rotten that the CMs were rude to her. My first ever time using a Magic Band to enter a park was ruined by an unhelpful and unfriendly CM, so I get it).

Haha, same with strollers. Man, there are people that dive over babies without a second thought. :confused3

Haha, he found a new ride at Epcot! :rotfl2: Mini Test Track perhaps?

Yeah, we have an inside operation that helps to fund our Disney trips. LOL.

People as a whole just don't pay attention and I apply that to people walking, pushing strollers, and driving scooters. Everyone just needs to pay attention!
Shame on your mom, stealing her own magic band and getting the blue Mickey. But seriously, the CMs could have been a little nicer to her.

I understand where you're coming from on the scooter thing. When I was in the wheelchair Marie had to make tons of sudden stops because people just walk all haphazardly like they don't have to pay attention to anything.

I still need to try Le Cellier. I hear great things about it but the price is really what is holding us back, it does seem very expensive.

Okay the two Katts makes sense as to the waiter's comment.

Artsy pictures are where it's at ;)

I know, she's shameful!

People just don't pay attention which is frustrating! Just open your eyes. I just try really hard to be aware of my surroundings at all times. Shame on me for expecting the same of others. Haha.

If the price is holding you back, don't do it. There are other places that are more worth the money to me. We hadn't been in quite a few years which is why we went this time, but we won't be going back again for quite some time.

I totally understand all of your feelings about people judging the need for a scooter. My mom cannot do the parks without one. She suffered a massive heart attack in 2012 with a trip planned for the following March. Disney is her absolute favorite place to go and she couldn't have done it without her scooter. People are just rude. They pay absolutely no attention to people on the scooters. She often complains of feeling invisible when she is riding it. She suffered a second massive heart attack on the Magical Express Bus on the way to the airport at the end of our last trip in October. The scooter was a lifesaver on this trip as well.

I so love your trip reports and instagram posts! Congrats on the marathons. You are so inspiring. I am so glad that Popadon is doing better! It looks like he really enjoyed his trip.

Yes! People can be rude and very judgmental and it worried me at first because I'm super protective of my Pop. In a way that it's okay for me to give him grief, but it is absolutely not okay for anyone else to. Unless they're family or close friends of course.

Wow, I can't believe that happened I'm so sorry to hear that! How scary.

Following along... I love your writing style, your awesome family and your makeup! (I went back and read your Jan 2014 TR, and I'm following this one and the other you have running currently) :flower1: Decided I should come out of lurkdom... :wave:

Looking forward to more! :surfweb:


Thanks so much! I'm glad you decided to come out of lurkdom.
That lunch looks so yummy, I need to try Le Cellier. That's too funny your mom forgot to pack socks for your dad, I did the same thing to my husband on our trip. Reading your trip reports makes me think you guys would be fun to be around, I mean talk about making a scooter fun.

It was very good.

Haha, my Mom is normally the best with not forgetting things, so I'm still surprised that one got by her.

I think we are fun to be around. We think that life is short and there's no reason to not have a good time.

Le Cellier looks SO good. I just can't bring myself to use the two dining credits on it and it makes me so sad! Used to be, and I bet I'm COMPLETELY alone in this one, my favorite restaurant. Before the two credit mess. At least they're not changing it to an Outback...not that I believed THAT April Fool's joke or anything...:rolleyes1

Your dad seems like he is ROCKIN' that scooter! I'm cracking up at those pictures of him driving around in circles!

Forgetting socks... been there done that:rotfl2:! Just an excuse to buy Mickey ones!

It's not worth 2 TS credits to me. That's just personal opinion though. Hahaha, I'm so glad you didn't believe that April Fools joke! It cracks me up every April 1st the things people on the Disney pages believe.

That's what my Mom always says, just a reason to buy something in Disney!

So I figured since we are FB friends now I should stop being a creeper and actually comment on your TR ;)

Poppa Don cracks me up! I mean clearly, doing doughnuts in his scooter is better than any ride WDW has to offer :rotfl: You guys all seriously seem like you would be a blast to be in Disneyworld with! Those Le Cellier pics look super yummy! That's actually one of the only TS places in Epcot that I haven't tried - may have to one of these days :scratchin

I can't wait to read more about you running the PHM! I have lost a bunch of weight and although I am still not at my goal weight I want to start a running program. My dream is to run the PHM someday! So you're my inspiration ma'm :cheer2:

Looking forward to the next installment!

Oh absolutely, the scooter was the best ride of the trip! We just like to have fun all the time. We think that being serious is overrated.

I am by no means anywhere near my weight goal, so don't let that stop you from starting a running program. I used it to aid me in losing weight throughout my journey.

Your poor mom! She does look shifty! :sad2:

We love Le Cellier but since they made it two credits, we've not been back. Like you, we enjoy the food but don't feel the credit/cost is worth it!

Hehe, she is one shifty thing that one.

Agree completely on that one.

Woah! How I missed this I have no idea, but watching now and will be back to catch up!

No worries!
I LOVED reading about your story. It is truly inspiring and you look absolutely phenomenal! :goodvibes

Please stop. Super jelly! I could eat buckets of the buttered popcorn jelly beans!

It must be a brother thing because my brother is the same way:confused3

Now that I have DS, I will never be able to see an exit row ever again. Well, until he's an adult!

Perfect! And love your nails by the way.

Thanks so much! I've had setbacks along the way and I'm still no where near the end, but I've definitely come a long way.

You eat the buttered popcorn ones! Girl, I know what you get you as a gift now when we see each other again but I just have to say.....ew. LOL.

You'll just have to look forward to the time he turns 15 years old.

Thanks! I love the Jamberry's!

Loving the silver and black! I just can't ever seem to get the little bit of color in the corner right how you do. Did you watch tutorials on how to do it? Every time I try to get the dark shadow in the outer corner and blend up, it seems to take over half the eye lid if that makes sense.

Not gonna lie, I was too :blush: until I read something on the DIS years ago about unseen disabilities, and I seriously had never thought about it before. I even had to educate DH on that many years ago at Disneyland and he never once considered about the non-physical disabilities before.

That was very kind of them for sure.

LOVE THIS!:rotfl2:

Wow! Never heard of this happening before. And crazy that the CM's were totally treating her as if she really did steal it!

Dude, those things can take off!

Yep, agreed. We haven't been back since they changed the credits here. As good as the food looks, we probably won't be returning for a while.


I did not watch tutorials for that particular technique, I've been doing it a long time. The trick is to build up very slowly and to use the right kind of brush. You don't want it to be too big.

I admit, I was one of those people too with scooters and judgment before. But now being in this situation with my Pop, I know much better.

The scooter was so fast! Crazy how fast you could go if you ramped that thing up to full speed.

So I got super behind on the DIS but I FINALLY got caught up on everything, including both of your TRs! From now on I'll be a good commenter, I swear! :goodvibes

Girl, I haven't been the best either!

Whoa, your mom a criminal? She sure looks innocent. Sorry she had to deal with that. What a pain.

Your food at LeCellier looks wonderful. I just can't bring myself to use 2 credits to eat there, though. My husband would love it. Maybe someday.

Papadon is so funny. I am cracking up here looking at those pictures!

I know, she totally does look innocent.

Haha, my Pop definitely is a funny guy. He just likes to have fun.

Finally I found your TR! I have really been looking forward to this one. This one has all the cast of characters, a whole week of Disney, and two RunDisney events! Off to a great start! It is so nice to see Popadon with his big smiles and looking well. Such a blessing he was able to make this trip. You all deserved some R&R as a family.

Maybe you could buy your mom a MB for Mother's Day so she would quit stealing other people's. :)

I'm glad you're here! Yes, there's a huge cast of characters along for this one.

We were glad he was well for this too. He definitely didn't want to miss this trip.
Funny it seems after every time I go on a trip and come back to the DIS, yours is the first update I see and respond to. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

It's been a rough start to the year for you and your family. I am ordering that the rest of the year be awesome!

I'm glad everyone finally arrived (a couple hours later than expected :faint:) and that you got rooms close together (and of course the littles ended up by you).

Love WPE...have to get back there soon.

Love the hat pictures.
I'm so sorry that you and your family had to deal with that mess. I am sure it had to be SO disruptive. I am sure it will be wonderful when you can put it all behind you once and for all.

Loved the update. Cracked up at the atomic orange comment on the mac and cheese because, really , who doesn't LOVE that mac and cheese out of the box??????

So cool that the family is all together finally. Adorable pics of the kids with their Star Wars themed head attire. And that was a great photobomb on the part of then wait staff at WP. Classic picture.

But perhaps my favorite picture is of you and your drinking crown. Perfection. I really want, no NEED one of them for my next trip. :thumbsup2::yes::


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